Blacks are loud and unpleasant


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
It's true, that's not a lie.

While other races can sometimes be loud and unpleasant, with black people it comes out of nowhere. Just today I was interrupted by a young black some 20 feet away who somehow couldn't keep his conversation to himself.

Of course, not a single black is conscious of this. They all think they are "black, beautiful, and important" and if you want peace and quiet, you are racist.
Blacks are loud and unpleasant

Republicans are much worse. Believe me.
I know a girl from another country who moved here, started riding on public transportation. Within weeks she was saying "Some people never have a ticket when the conductor comes around, but always a loud story. Usually black". I don't doubt it.

Note: She also quit watching FOX shortly after because of the guy she named "Oh-really" who thinks he knows everything. She is an equal opportunity hater.
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Anyone speaking on a cell phone in public is loud and unpleasant. It's an equal opportunity employer.
It's true, that's not a lie.

While other races can sometimes be loud and unpleasant, with black people it comes out of nowhere. Just today I was interrupted by a young black some 20 feet away who somehow couldn't keep his conversation to himself.

Of course, not a single black is conscious of this. They all think they are "black, beautiful, and important" and if you want peace and quiet, you are racist.

Movie theater
It's true, that's not a lie.

While other races can sometimes be loud and unpleasant, with black people it comes out of nowhere. Just today I was interrupted by a young black some 20 feet away who somehow couldn't keep his conversation to himself.

Of course, not a single black is conscious of this. They all think they are "black, beautiful, and important" and if you want peace and quiet, you are racist.
While this criticism certainly does not apply to all Black people I must agree that many of them are socially obnoxious -- which is why I haven't been to a movie theater in at least thirty years. And it is not uncommon to find groups of Blacks in conversation -- all talking at the same time.

If these observations mean I am a "racist," then that's what I am.
It's true, that's not a lie.

While other races can sometimes be loud and unpleasant, with black people it comes out of nowhere. Just today I was interrupted by a young black some 20 feet away who somehow couldn't keep his conversation to himself.

Of course, not a single black is conscious of this. They all think they are "black, beautiful, and important" and if you want peace and quiet, you are racist.
You don't get out of your mom's basement much, do ya..........
The OP proves this forum has become little more than a place for racist idiots to make asses of themselves.
LOL kinda funny but white trash in America must look down on others, it makes their own loss feel better I guess. They've been here a long time.

'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg

An interesting piece on rich white trash here: Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ
Barry alluded to this fact in one of his ghost written books that no one bought.
Something along the lines of if you speak softly and act non aggressive white people will accept you.
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LOL kinda funny but white trash in America must look down on others, it makes their own loss feel better I guess. They've been here a long time.

'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg

An interesting piece on rich white trash here: Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ
The OP proves this forum has become little more than a place for racist idiots to make asses of themselves.
Am I racist for saying black women are more likely to fight in a hospital?

I've been helping security with combative people for 10+ years. Things rarely end peacefully when it involves a black woman.

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