"Blacks Are Taught To Hate America"


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Greetings. Keeping it REAL, Factual and Respectful. No Hate.

"Blacks Are Taught To Hate America" by It's Kyou, aka Kyle.

For citizens unfamiliar with the ProBlack community Kyle speaks about, please take one minute to hear social commentator David Carroll explain the core values embraced by ProBlack/BLM practicing citizens:

ProBlack/BLM Community Pathology:

David Carroll is referring to America's large, divisive, emotionally troubled, FEMALE dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Segregation minded, Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE practicing ProBlack community that is constantly beefing 24/7 about Racial Discrimination and Oppression impeding AA citizens from experiencing equality and achieving success...

...while at the same time harassing, bullying, threatening, intimidating and denigrating as C°°ns, Sêll-Outs or Tr@!tors, our independent thinking, successful American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for Life Liberty (Love) and Happiness!

Do you believe America's ProBlack/BLM community is promoting a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE for American citizens of African descent when they are acting HOSTILE toward peaceful, freedom loving Americans whose *ONLY OFFENSE* is living their life in a way that makes them happy?

During a chat with Michael Malice, independent minded, peace loving citizen Bryan Sharpe, aka Hotep Jesus, reveals "it stings, it hurts" when being demeaned as a C°°n:

Apparent emotionally troubled ProBlack Rapper Willie D., THRU NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, a victim of potential life scarring Childhood Trauma (ACEs), composed the music and lyrics to this lovely video...

"C°°n - Willie D (Official Video) Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash, Stephen A Smith"

⚠ Strong NSFW Language

https://www.firststar.org/black-children-have-highest-abuse-rates/ by BlackVoiceNews

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies, as well as possible SOLUTIONS for preventing divisive, family, people, community and Nation harming Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE.


☮♥ EndHate2021
All of that pro Black stuff came out of the 60's Marxist indoctrinators who taught that getting married then having kids, getting good grades, speaking proper English etc., is acting "White" and anything White is bad. Just another Cultural Marxist trick which is taking positive socially binding norms and turning them into pathologies.

I am not sure where this turbo racist stuff came from but I can probably find out.
This actually real racism. But this stuff gets tossed around by some blacks. Nick Cannon alluded to some it.

A co-founder of the Toronto chapter of the Black Lives Matter organization wrote in a since-deleted Facebook post that "white people are a genetic defect of blackness."

"Whiteness is not humxness," Yusra Khogali wrote in 2016. "In fact, white skin is sub-humxn."

She added that white people "are recessive genetic defects. this is factual."

"White ppl need white supremacy as a mechanism to protect their survival as a people because all they can do is produce themselves," she continued. "Black ppl simply through their dominant genes can literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to."

Khogali stated that white people have a "higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors which suppresses melanin production." She also added that "melanin is important for a number of things such as strong bones, intelligence, vision and hearing."

Khogali also tweeted in 2016, "Plz Allah give me the strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today."
Greetings. Keeping it REAL, Factual and Respectful. No Hate.

"Blacks Are Taught To Hate America" by It's Kyou, aka Kyle.

For citizens unfamiliar with the ProBlack community Kyle speaks about, please take one minute to hear social commentator David Carroll explain the core values embraced by ProBlack/BLM practicing citizens:

ProBlack/BLM Community Pathology:

David Carroll is referring to America's large, divisive, emotionally troubled, FEMALE dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Segregation minded, Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE practicing ProBlack community that is constantly beefing 24/7 about Racial Discrimination and Oppression impeding AA citizens from experiencing equality and achieving success...

...while at the same time harassing, bullying, threatening, intimidating and denigrating as C°°ns, Sêll-Outs or Tr@!tors, our independent thinking, successful American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for Life Liberty (Love) and Happiness!

Do you believe America's ProBlack/BLM community is promoting a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE for American citizens of African descent when they are acting HOSTILE toward peaceful, freedom loving Americans whose *ONLY OFFENSE* is living their life in a way that makes them happy?

During a chat with Michael Malice, independent minded, peace loving citizen Bryan Sharpe, aka Hotep Jesus, reveals "it stings, it hurts" when being demeaned as a C°°n:

Apparent emotionally troubled ProBlack Rapper Willie D., THRU NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, a victim of potential life scarring Childhood Trauma (ACEs), composed the music and lyrics to this lovely video...

"C°°n - Willie D (Official Video) Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash, Stephen A Smith"

⚠ Strong NSFW Language

https://www.firststar.org/black-children-have-highest-abuse-rates/ by BlackVoiceNews

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies, as well as possible SOLUTIONS for preventing divisive, family, people, community and Nation harming Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE.

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☮♥ EndHate2021

I could not listen to the videos because my computer audio is out.

But many people (including me) have long known (I am 83) who the worst enemy is of the folks under discussion: Themselves.

The words and actions of some of their "leaders" only antagonize the "Silent Majority."

Some of the more thoughtful members of that group, however, realize how lucky they are to be in the United States, especially now in 2021. Nowhere else are so many opportunities available to them.
They’re the dumbest MF that evolution has ever created
I will never have to ever see them again when I relocate to a 90 percent White , middle class sub
Most 4th grade Asian kids have a vocabulary that exceeds 90 percent of blacks
They’re the dumbest MF that evolution has ever created
I will never have to ever see them again when I relocate to a 90 percent White , middle class sub
Hello, Quasar44. If you have spent a significant amount of time witnessing hate, community violence and human madness prevalent in far too many American communities populated by fellow citizens of African descent....

....I can empathize with your anger and pain.

However, hating citizens with emotional or mental health issues is not going to help improve the Quality of Life for a significant population of citizens who THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, SUFFER our Nation's highest rates of potential life scarring Child Neglect, Child Abuse, Child Abandonment And Child Maltreatment.

Early Brain Child Development SCIENTIST, Dr. Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD, spills the beans to Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim Oprah Winfrey, offering SCIENTIFIC medical research explaining why children who grow up witnessing or experiencing violence, chaos, uncertainty, inconsistency or neglect are more vulnerable, having much HIGHER RATES of risk for mental health problems, much higher rates of risk for doing poorly in school or just functioning in the world:

Cali Surgeon General and pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP, explains Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect, Maltreatment and ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:

Dr. Harris offers real SOLUTIONS for preventing Violence & HATE:

https://www.firststar.org/black-children-have-highest-abuse-rates/ by BlackVoiceNews

"We need more people who CARE; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

Quasar44, have you considered helping Medical Doctors and Child Brain Development SCIENTISTS EDUCATE Child Caregivers, as well as the public about the potential life scarring effects of Childhood Trauma, AKA, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

I do not condone family, people, community and Nation harming anti-social behaviors, I try to understand why people engage in them.

☮♥ EndHate2021
I call your attention to the latest faux-authentic fairy tale spun by Senator K. Harris.

"She remembers being wheeled through an Oakland, California, civil rights march in a stroller with no straps with her parents and her uncle. At some point, she fell from the stroller ... and the adults, caught up in the rapture of protest, just kept on marching. By the time they noticed little Kamala was gone and doubled back, she was understandably upset."

"My mother tells the story about how I’m fussing," Harris told the magazine. "And she’s like, ‘Baby, what do you want? What do you need?’ And I just looked at her and I said, ‘Fweedom.’"

So let's think about this. One parent came to the U.S. from India and one from Jamaica. Unless they are (PhD) IDIOTS, they came to the U.S. FOR A BETTER LIFE! Better than it was in the shit-hole where they were born and raised.

And they taught their two year old that her life was somehow lacking in FREEDOM?????

And she brags about it as though this is something wise and/or profound?
They’re the dumbest MF that evolution has ever created
I will never have to ever see them again when I relocate to a 90 percent White , middle class sub
Hello, Quasar44. If you have spent a significant amount of time witnessing hate, community violence and human madness prevalent in far too many American communities populated by fellow citizens of African descent....

....I can empathize with your anger and pain.

However, hating citizens with emotional or mental health issues is not going to help improve the Quality of Life for a significant population of citizens who THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, SUFFER our Nation's highest rates of potential life scarring Child Neglect, Child Abuse, Child Abandonment And Child Maltreatment.

Early Brain Child Development SCIENTIST, Dr. Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD, spills the beans to Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim Oprah Winfrey, offering SCIENTIFIC medical research explaining why children who grow up witnessing or experiencing violence, chaos, uncertainty, inconsistency or neglect are more vulnerable, having much HIGHER RATES of risk for mental health problems, much higher rates of risk for doing poorly in school or just functioning in the world:

Cali Surgeon General and pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP, explains Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect, Maltreatment and ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:

Dr. Harris offers real SOLUTIONS for preventing Violence & HATE:

https://www.firststar.org/black-children-have-highest-abuse-rates/ by BlackVoiceNews

"We need more people who CARE; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

Quasar44, have you considered helping Medical Doctors and Child Brain Development SCIENTISTS EDUCATE Child Caregivers, as well as the public about the potential life scarring effects of Childhood Trauma, AKA, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

I do not condone family, people, community and Nation harming anti-social behaviors, I try to understand why people engage in them.
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☮♥ EndHate2021

Many black women I meet are totally awesome and cool !! It’s the males
I have respect for most black women
They have it tough
Insinuating that Black Movements, Islam Brotherhood, etc. are at fault for anti-American indoctrination then using Christianity to see the way clear of it is rather silly. To say that "racism is a product of slavery, not the other way around" is fine but racism and Apartheid were nurtured by Christianity and motivated by Biblical followers. The main difference between Islamist fundamentalists and the Ku Klux Klan is in the hats they wear.
Insinuating that Black Movements, Islam Brotherhood, etc. are at fault for anti-American indoctrination then using Christianity to see the way clear of it is rather silly. To say that "racism is a product of slavery, not the other way around" is fine but racism and Apartheid were nurtured by Christianity and motivated by Biblical followers. The main difference between Islamist fundamentalists and the Ku Klux Klan is in the hats they wear.
Really ?? Then please explain the thousands of years of black on black slavery
Insinuating that Black Movements, Islam Brotherhood, etc. are at fault for anti-American indoctrination then using Christianity to see the way clear of it is rather silly. To say that "racism is a product of slavery, not the other way around" is fine but racism and Apartheid were nurtured by Christianity and motivated by Biblical followers. The main difference between Islamist fundamentalists and the Ku Klux Klan is in the hats they wear.
Really ?? Then please explain the thousands of years of black on black slavery
My statement (from the first video) is about racism being a product of slavery in the U.S.
Insinuating that Black Movements, Islam Brotherhood, etc. are at fault for anti-American indoctrination then using Christianity to see the way clear of it is rather silly. To say that "racism is a product of slavery, not the other way around" is fine but racism and Apartheid were nurtured by Christianity and motivated by Biblical followers. The main difference between Islamist fundamentalists and the Ku Klux Klan is in the hats they wear.
I have zero sympathy for any blacks
Many do zero for society except engage in criminal acts
Our government rewards blacks for being criminals and totally worthless fuckheads.

Every time they riot, burn buildings, ruin businesses, and steal everything they can carry, our fucked up government rewards the apes with more and more free stuff and more money.

The police should be allowed to get tough and do their fucking job, whatever it takes. Anything, at all.

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