Blacks Are The Most Racist Group In America

90+% of blacks voted their skin color - are you that slow?
What values does Obama have that the majority of blacks share that no other white candidate has?

Same sex marriage?

How many blacks voted for Hillary over Obama? 2 percent?

Face the facts. Blacks overwhelming support Obama becasue he's black.

Until you idiots stop denying the obvious, racism will always be an issue.

Alas you side step with some river dancing. So much hypocrisy its comical.

By the way I said people whether white or black, vote for a candidate based on a plethora of reasons and I believe I mentioned culture as one of those reasons. I find it funny that you overlook the whites who were outspoken prior to Obama's first term election where many whites were recorded in saying and I quote: "I don't want a black president"

Oh wait here is a video of the common intelligence of the average Obama opposition:

[ame=]Drunk woman hates Obama - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Black Hole - Commissioner John Wiley Price - YouTube[/ame]

notice the applause in the background, twice !

Oh I see how this is being done here now, I got confused at first... One thing to note in the video in which he submitted with the drunk women, was that they tried to set her up to refer to Barack Obama as the N word in that video, but she didn't bite...Good for her !
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You call blacks racist for voting for the guy you don't like.You hypocrites accuse blacks of being racist and blaming racism, when your crying "racist" at everything involving Obama or blacks.Tell me how that makes sense.

Obama wins and you blame racism without any real facts or proof, so you just whine "blacks voted for him therefore they are racist". The only thing you've made clear is that you don't like Obama or blacks, but nobody cares. Get over it.:eusa_boohoo:
Probelm is that many blacks actually stated this claim in which was their reason, and so when the whites react to it, then they get responses like this one.. Oh and please use the quote function, it would help..
You call blacks racist for voting for the guy you don't like.You hypocrites accuse blacks of being racist and blaming racism, when your crying "racist" at everything involving Obama or blacks.Tell me how that makes sense.

Obama wins and you blame racism without any real facts or proof, so you just whine "blacks voted for him therefore they are racist". The only thing you've made clear is that you don't like Obama or blacks, but nobody cares. Get over it.:eusa_boohoo:
Probelm is that many blacks actually stated this claim in which was their reason, and so when the whites react to it, then they get responses like this one.. Oh and please use the quote function, it would help..

For those blacks who did, yes they are truly stupid. I don't know were anyone sees logic in blaming the whole race. I meet whites who voted for Obama because they thought "it would be a historical moment" because he was black/half-black/I don't really know what he is or they were democrat(same with some blacks).
Liberals throw down the race card when it is totally unfounded - at the drop of a hat. When 97% of people vote their skin color as dynamic as politics are - that is racism through, and through. That is why there is no dialog on this thread. Only a few dumb asses with futile comments, and those who agree.
You call blacks racist for voting for the guy you don't like.You hypocrites accuse blacks of being racist and blaming racism, when your crying "racist" at everything involving Obama or blacks.Tell me how that makes sense.

Obama wins and you blame racism without any real facts or proof, so you just whine "blacks voted for him therefore they are racist". The only thing you've made clear is that you don't like Obama or blacks, but nobody cares. Get over it.:eusa_boohoo:
Probelm is that many blacks actually stated this claim in which was their reason, and so when the whites react to it, then they get responses like this one.. Oh and please use the quote function, it would help..

For those blacks who did, yes they are truly stupid. I don't know were anyone sees logic in blaming the whole race. I meet whites who voted for Obama because they thought "it would be a historical moment" because he was black/half-black/I don't really know what he is or they were democrat(same with some blacks).
Problem is, is that for the blacks that try to be conservative in their thinking, well they are attacked as uncle tom's or they are attempted to be destroyed by the Sharpton, Rev. Jackson machine and etc. but we are all supposed to think that this sort of thing is ok I guess ? Just let that sort of stuff slide right ?
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Liberals throw down the race card when it is totally unfounded - at the drop of a hat. When 97% of people vote their skin color as dynamic as politics are - that is racism through, and through. That is why there is no dialog on this thread. Only a few dumb asses with futile comments, and those who agree.

I am confused. Are u saying 97% of blacks voted Obama or 97% of blacks are Democrat?

Is voting Democrat considered voting their skin color?
Probelm is that many blacks actually stated this claim in which was their reason, and so when the whites react to it, then they get responses like this one.. Oh and please use the quote function, it would help..

For those blacks who did, yes they are truly stupid. I don't know were anyone sees logic in blaming the whole race. I meet whites who voted for Obama because they thought "it would be a historical moment" because he was black/half-black/I don't really know what he is or they were democrat(same with some blacks).
Problem is, is that for the blacks that try to be conservative in their thinking, well they are attacked as uncle tom's or they are attempted to be destroyed by the Sharpton, Rev. Jackson machine and etc. but we are all supposed to think that this sort of thing is ok I guess ? Just let that sort of stuff slide right ?
I applaud the few blacks that are smart enough to realize that the " I'm a victim mentallity"
has kept them down as a race, and you are correct that the reprisal is brutal from those racist assholes you have indicated, but right is right.
Liberals throw down the race card when it is totally unfounded - at the drop of a hat. When 97% of people vote their skin color as dynamic as politics are - that is racism through, and through. That is why there is no dialog on this thread. Only a few dumb asses with futile comments, and those who agree.

I am confused. Are u saying 97% of blacks voted Obama or 97% of blacks are Democrat?

Is voting Democrat considered voting their skin color?
Ok, so the question could also be, (((WHY))) are 97% blacks democrat ? Is it that they feel democrats represent their skin color best or their race best, and this because they feel that the other side are these slave master racist types, and wouldn't represent their skin color or race best or at all if they could get away with it ? Is this why blacks paint conservative blacks as sell out's and uncle tom's, because they see them trying to hang with the party of racisim in their view ?

I mean wasn't there this huge smear campaign going on (the race card being played by the dems), in order to paint the repubs as a bunch of racist or by the blacks who try to paint the dems as a party in which feels this way about republicans being racist also ?
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Liberals throw down the race card when it is totally unfounded - at the drop of a hat. When 97% of people vote their skin color as dynamic as politics are - that is racism through, and through. That is why there is no dialog on this thread. Only a few dumb asses with futile comments, and those who agree.

I am confused. Are u saying 97% of blacks voted Obama or 97% of blacks are Democrat?

Is voting Democrat considered voting their skin color?
Ok, so the question could also be, (((WHY))) are 97% blacks democrat ? Is it that they feel democrats represent their skin color best or their race best, and this because they feel that the other side is slave master racist, and won't represent their skin color or race best ? Is this why blacks paint conservative blacks as sell out's and uncle tom's, because they see them trying to hang with the party of racisim in their view ?

I mean wasn't there this huge smear campaign going on (the race card being played by the dems), in order to paint the repubs as a bunch of racist or by the blacks who try to paint the dems as a party in which feels this way about republicans being racist also ?
Blacks falsely believe that the dems best support their interest - they don't. Dems do support programs that the blacks want " free stuff " - the things productive people have to pay for. This makes them more, and more dependant on the gov. which is their biggest enemy.
Conservatives support self reliance which makes society stronger - it is better to teach someone to fish than to give them fish, because there maybe a day when you are unable to fish for them, and they will go hungry!
The blacks that don't support this reality ( 97% ) view the ones that do as traders. Their leaders ( Jackson, Sharpton etc. ) vehemently oppose it because if embraced, it would undermine their power as it's foundation is racism!
So the impetus for a black to vote democratic is ignorance, laziness, and tradition - founded on ignorance, laziness, and racism! They voted so overwhelmingly for Obama because he is a black democrat. If he was white, they would still vote for the " free shit" - but not as exuberantly.
First ? = yes
2nd. ? = yes
3rd. ? = no
Blacks falsely believe that the dems best support their interest -

Now you know what every black person in the US 'believes'? I'm no fan of the democrats, to say the least (I'm a real Republican, not a racist idiot looking for justification like you), but YOU are one stupid, racist son of a bitch.
The best thing blacks could do is stop bitching and blaming whites for their problems. Start working hard to advance their own place in this world.

The best thing YOU could do is to try and make something - anything - of YOUR life instead of pretending that repeating the phrase "us whites" makes YOU anything - ANYTHING - at all.
Yeah, blacks will on the whole vote against the party that took up the seggregationists and strom thurmond. Agreed.

Newsflash: Israeli's are hunting down Nazi's as well.

newsflash: Blacks vote for the black guy because he is black and are dems b/c they want to be with their own kind such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson the rabid race baiters.
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97% of blacks voted for Obama! If that was reversed, we would never here the end of it -like slavery. It proves that blacks are indeed the most racist group in America, and therefore the dumbest !

This is mostly conservatives complaining about why they can’t get a serious look from black Americans and break up the demographic firewall that Obama has because of overwhelming support from blacks and Latinos. It would be too psychologically difficult to blame their decades old problem with black and brown voters on an ideology that is anti-affirmative action, anti-choice, anti-the social safety net, pro-voter ID, pro-tax breaks for the wealthy, pro demonizing of welfare and accepting of birtherism.

A party that engages in what many have called the Southern Strategy 2.0, which means trying to attract poor whites through enraging them via coded racist appeals like the “Obama is removing the work requirement from welfare” claim” that was widely debunked but still remained at the heart of a Romney ad.

But instead of looking at the Republican ideology and realizing that it is hostile to blacks, they call blacks racist for their supposedly thoughtless skin-color-based support of Obama. An August poll showed Obama leading Romney among blacks 94% to 0%, but this is hardly an historical outlier.

Al Gore won 90% of the black vote in 2000 and John Kerry won 88% in 2004. Obama won 95% in 2008.Instead, the idea that blacks support Obama just because he’s black is itself racist because it suggests a lack of political sophistication and brain power, as if blacks would vote for anyone who shares their skin color, even though most blacks didn’t support Herman Cain, Allen West, Alan Keyes and don’t respect Clarence Thomas. And the question ignores the nuances of reality. Yes Obama’s PARTIAL blackness is part of why many blacks support him.

Another reason is Obama’s policies: saving Detroit, supporting universal health care, and fighting to protect the social safety net and a woman’s right to choose will win lots of black votes. But if we like a candidate because we like him personally, i.e., feel a kinship with him because of a feeling of shared culture, and because we like his policies.

That appears to be very much like the calculus many voters use in their decision of who to support...........

With the exception of those sheep who voted against their own self interest simply because Obama happens to be black.

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