Blacks collective behavior + reality


Feb 17, 2012
Science Daily: Whites have lowest instance of MAOA-L Gene, which is linked to aggression, violence, crime, and sexual abuse.American black males are twice as likely than American white males to have MAOA-L which has been linked to crime, violence and aggression in scores of studies going back over fifteen years. Black males are also 13.5 times more likely to have a rare version of the gene associated with “extreme violence and extreme aggression.” Latinos and American Indians are also nearly twice as likely as whites to have the more common version of the gene. However they are only about one fourth as likely to have the extreme version compared to blacks.

New scientific techniques have brought to light exactly how the so-called “warrior gene” named MAOA-L works. New studies using MRI show how brain activity in those who have the MAOA-L gene differs from those without it.

Studies have linked the gene to increased levels of sexual violence, alcoholism, crime, and even higher levels of credit card debt. However, very little is said about it outside of scientific journals. The reason is obvious. Many articles published on the gene even state that it has serious implications concerning race and ethnicity.

Whites, usually referred to in euphemisms like “westerners,” are said to be less likely to have the gene than other groups. One third of whites have MAOA-L, while groups usually only identified as “others” have instances of two thirds or higher. It has also been suggested in scientific journals that whites may be less affected by the gene than “others.”

In fact, researchers have even censored their own findings on race and MAOA-L! Others have faced hostility from the University community for mentioning which races have the highest rates. Source.

What’s more, even less is said about some of the even rarer extreme forms of the gene. Most people with MAOA-L have the “3 allele repeat version.” There is a rarer “2 allele repeat version” that is usually described as “associated with extreme aggression and extreme violence.” Several studies have concluded that 1% or less of all white males in the United States possess the dangerous 2 allele repeat version. Meanwhile a study of “non-white Americans” showed that the extra dangerous version occurred in 6% of non-white American men. One lone study from 2006 tested tested blacks alone and found that 13.5% have the extra dangerous version of the gene. Source.

MAOA-L, which causes low activity of the metabolizing enzyme monoamine oxidase A, is spoken of in euphemisms when it comes to ethnicity. However, already it has been used in court cases in the US, Britain, and Italy. In Italy lawyers claimed an Algerian immigrant should get a lighter sentence for stabbing a Columbian immigrant to death, because his DNA contains the MAOA-L gene. The judge agreed and reduced the defendants sentence. Source.

Already, we have leftist college professors making declarations like “if African Americans have higher rates of MAOA-L, than that should be a factor in sentencing!” The hypocrisy of these leftists is deafening. On one hand they will say that the “races are all equal,” then demand special treatment for blacks for a “genetic deficiency” in the same breath.
Science Daily: Whites have lowest instance of MAOA-L Gene, which is linked to aggression, violence, crime, and sexual abuse.American black males are twice as likely than American white males to have MAOA-L which has been linked to crime, violence and aggression in scores of studies going back over fifteen years. Black males are also 13.5 times more likely to have a rare version of the gene associated with “extreme violence and extreme aggression.” Latinos and American Indians are also nearly twice as likely as whites to have the more common version of the gene. However they are only about one fourth as likely to have the extreme version compared to blacks.

New scientific techniques have brought to light exactly how the so-called “warrior gene” named MAOA-L works. New studies using MRI show how brain activity in those who have the MAOA-L gene differs from those without it.

Studies have linked the gene to increased levels of sexual violence, alcoholism, crime, and even higher levels of credit card debt. However, very little is said about it outside of scientific journals. The reason is obvious. Many articles published on the gene even state that it has serious implications concerning race and ethnicity.

Whites, usually referred to in euphemisms like “westerners,” are said to be less likely to have the gene than other groups. One third of whites have MAOA-L, while groups usually only identified as “others” have instances of two thirds or higher. It has also been suggested in scientific journals that whites may be less affected by the gene than “others.”

In fact, researchers have even censored their own findings on race and MAOA-L! Others have faced hostility from the University community for mentioning which races have the highest rates. Source.

What’s more, even less is said about some of the even rarer extreme forms of the gene. Most people with MAOA-L have the “3 allele repeat version.” There is a rarer “2 allele repeat version” that is usually described as “associated with extreme aggression and extreme violence.” Several studies have concluded that 1% or less of all white males in the United States possess the dangerous 2 allele repeat version. Meanwhile a study of “non-white Americans” showed that the extra dangerous version occurred in 6% of non-white American men. One lone study from 2006 tested tested blacks alone and found that 13.5% have the extra dangerous version of the gene. Source.

MAOA-L, which causes low activity of the metabolizing enzyme monoamine oxidase A, is spoken of in euphemisms when it comes to ethnicity. However, already it has been used in court cases in the US, Britain, and Italy. In Italy lawyers claimed an Algerian immigrant should get a lighter sentence for stabbing a Columbian immigrant to death, because his DNA contains the MAOA-L gene. The judge agreed and reduced the defendants sentence. Source.

Already, we have leftist college professors making declarations like “if African Americans have higher rates of MAOA-L, than that should be a factor in sentencing!” The hypocrisy of these leftists is deafening. On one hand they will say that the “races are all equal,” then demand special treatment for blacks for a “genetic deficiency” in the same breath.

There are number of identified genetic statistical differences contributing to blacks being more violent and less intelligent than whites. To complement the genetic findings, we have the whole world demonstrating that blacks have never improved any country or city with their increasing influence, but just the opposite.
Science Daily: Whites have lowest instance of MAOA-L Gene, which is linked to aggression, violence, crime, and sexual abuse.American black males are twice as likely than American white males to have MAOA-L which has been linked to crime, violence and aggression in scores of studies going back over fifteen years. Black males are also 13.5 times more likely to have a rare version of the gene associated with “extreme violence and extreme aggression.” Latinos and American Indians are also nearly twice as likely as whites to have the more common version of the gene. However they are only about one fourth as likely to have the extreme version compared to blacks.

New scientific techniques have brought to light exactly how the so-called “warrior gene” named MAOA-L works. New studies using MRI show how brain activity in those who have the MAOA-L gene differs from those without it.

Studies have linked the gene to increased levels of sexual violence, alcoholism, crime, and even higher levels of credit card debt. However, very little is said about it outside of scientific journals. The reason is obvious. Many articles published on the gene even state that it has serious implications concerning race and ethnicity.

Whites, usually referred to in euphemisms like “westerners,” are said to be less likely to have the gene than other groups. One third of whites have MAOA-L, while groups usually only identified as “others” have instances of two thirds or higher. It has also been suggested in scientific journals that whites may be less affected by the gene than “others.”

In fact, researchers have even censored their own findings on race and MAOA-L! Others have faced hostility from the University community for mentioning which races have the highest rates. Source.

What’s more, even less is said about some of the even rarer extreme forms of the gene. Most people with MAOA-L have the “3 allele repeat version.” There is a rarer “2 allele repeat version” that is usually described as “associated with extreme aggression and extreme violence.” Several studies have concluded that 1% or less of all white males in the United States possess the dangerous 2 allele repeat version. Meanwhile a study of “non-white Americans” showed that the extra dangerous version occurred in 6% of non-white American men. One lone study from 2006 tested tested blacks alone and found that 13.5% have the extra dangerous version of the gene. Source.

MAOA-L, which causes low activity of the metabolizing enzyme monoamine oxidase A, is spoken of in euphemisms when it comes to ethnicity. However, already it has been used in court cases in the US, Britain, and Italy. In Italy lawyers claimed an Algerian immigrant should get a lighter sentence for stabbing a Columbian immigrant to death, because his DNA contains the MAOA-L gene. The judge agreed and reduced the defendants sentence. Source.

Already, we have leftist college professors making declarations like “if African Americans have higher rates of MAOA-L, than that should be a factor in sentencing!” The hypocrisy of these leftists is deafening. On one hand they will say that the “races are all equal,” then demand special treatment for blacks for a “genetic deficiency” in the same breath.
warrior gene is a bad name for this problem ..the facts are the white race bosts the greatest warriors in history !!! when it comes to acts of explosive acts of random violence the crime gene would be a more descriptive name for this genetic defect ...
Funny ? How one minority (1)

happens to be the majority in all 10 of americas highest crime and most dangerous cities ? ( all 10 ) ? Coincidence ? ((fact ))

makes up ( 49% ) of ( every murder ) annually and nationaly ? (( fact ))

only minority that has a 70% illegitimacy rate ? (( fact ))

americas prison system is filled to 50% with one 12% minority ?

Liberals say poverity ?

Where do the (poorest ) people in america live ?

Appalachia ((fact )) poor: Yes un educated : Yes uncivilized : No

are they filling americas prisons ? Are their communities plagued with drive by shootings ? Gang rapes ? Car jackings ? Home invasions ?

Liberals say slavery ?

Canada ? 2.3% black ! ( fact )

never had slavery ?

Where is the highest and most violent crime in canada ?

Google black crime in canada ! Google black crime in tronto ?

Blacks run 43 countries currently on planet earth ?

Show me one that is self sufficient and not relying on world aid !

Just the facts ! Not poverty ! Not slavery ! (( reality ))
Most Dangerous Cities in America:
1) Detroit-81% black, 10% white
2) St. Louis-51% black, 42% white
3)Flint-53% black, 40% white
4)Oakland-35% black, 23% white
5)Camden-53% black, 7% white
6) Birmingham-73% black, 23% white
7)North Charleston-49% black, 43% white
8) Memphis-61% black, 33% white
9) Richmond, Ca.- 36% black, 21% white
10) Cleveland- 51% black, 38% white

Notice any similarities between violent cities and racial makeup?
Hatefacts aren't allowed here. Except if they pertain to whites.

Funny how evidence from decades ago trumps recent findings when it comes to race. Because everyone knows the effects of slavery are passed down genetically but criminality and intelligence are only affected by the environment. Sarc off
Who left the garbage shoot open and let the stormfront 'scientists' in here? They're stinking up the place.
Who left the garbage shoot open and let the stormfront 'scientists' in here? They're stinking up the place.

Hey we need someone to bag up the trash and sweep up the floors around here.:razz:

you have usually seemed pretty reasonable to me, so I'll ask you what you mean by that comment. do you mean that the OP shouldnt be allowed to talk about things like different racial distributions of alleles, or the racial makeup of failing cities, etc? or that those things dont matter. or that those hatefacts should be sequestered because they only encourage racists. or that only a racist would repeat them?

pretty hard to fix a problem when you cant examine what is going on.
Who left the garbage shoot open and let the stormfront 'scientists' in here? They're stinking up the place.

Hey we need someone to bag up the trash and sweep up the floors around here.:razz:

you have usually seemed pretty reasonable to me, so I'll ask you what you mean by that comment. do you mean that the OP shouldnt be allowed to talk about things like different racial distributions of alleles, or the racial makeup of failing cities, etc? or that those things dont matter. or that those hatefacts should be sequestered because they only encourage racists. or that only a racist would repeat them?

pretty hard to fix a problem when you cant examine what is going on.

I was just making a joke about the guys from the hate sites that come on here and spam the boards and don't post anything worthwhile, like yidnar and Ariux, these men hate Blacks with a passion and just post whatever comes out of their ass, most of it not even true, if you are going to be a racist fine but lets stick to the facts, I also don't appreciate spam posts like the OP.
OK, fair enough. just treat the black racists here with the same distain.
OK, fair enough. just treat the black racists here with the same distain.

I do, you don't see me slapping 52ndstreet around when he posts his bullshit? my mother is white and my father is Black so I am from both sides of the tracks as you say.

I was just making a joke about the guys from the hate sites that come on here and spam the boards and don't post anything worthwhile, like yidnar and Ariux, these men hate Blacks with a passion and just post whatever comes out of their ass, most of it not even true, if you are going to be a racist fine but lets stick to the facts, I also don't appreciate spam posts like the OP.[/QUOTE]


I was just making a joke about the guys from the hate sites that come on here and spam the boards and don't post anything worthwhile, like yidnar and Ariux, these men hate Blacks with a passion and just post whatever comes out of their ass, most of it not even true, if you are going to be a racist fine but lets stick to the facts, I also don't appreciate spam posts like the OP.


All of it.

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