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Blacks Commit Mass Murder In Florida

Kathianne said:
Guess we'll agree to disagree on this topic. I fail to see my 'hate based agenda' though. I don't hate either Big D or William, mostly have gotten along with both.

Not you Kathianne... "bullypulpit".
Big D said:
Blacks: 12% of the U.S population.

Blacks: Commit 60% of ALL murders in the U.S.

Most serial killers are white males...when profiling a serial killer it is normally assumed the killer is a young white male.
Most ritual killings are commited by whites - such as satanic sacrifices....if there was a ritual killing involved - it is normally assumed the killer or killers are white (male and female).
Isn't that odd?
When there is a known serial killer - it is almost always - almost always - a white male...
Wonder why??
Pale Rider said:
Not you Kathianne... "bullypulpit".

Got it now! D'oh!

Hey, I'm careful in bad areas! No sense being stupid. Just the blacks around here, well no different than the white kids. Congregations of them put off the older folk, whatever their color.
Pale Rider said:
So you're telling me I'm WRONG to be CAUTIOUS?

I'll tell you this, when the MAJORITY of blacks I encounter don't look as though they're gang bangers, gangsta's, thug's, pushers, or just plan look at me as though they'd rather cut me as look at me, I'll change my mind. Until then, I don't trust most blacks. Please notice I said "MOST".

You go ahead and think whatever you want about how SAFE you are around blacks, and I'll go on thinking what I want. We'll see who's a victim first.

Blacks have a problem with laziness, crime, violence, dropping out of school, teenage pregnancy, children born out of wedlock, drugs and obesity. And by all indications, it's NOT getting better. It's getting WORSE! So in my opinion, people who choose to ignore that aren't doing themselves or anyone else any favors.

And bully, your caustic, vile, insults to Big D and W.J. are far more ignorant and baseless than anything either of them say. At least they come by their feelings and thoughts from facts. You on the other hand are just spewing your hate based on your agenda. Well stick it. You're not the solution, you're a problem.

Your reactions are based upon your experiences, my reactions are based upon mine. I've never had cause to fear anyone of another race, even when I've been in the minority and in areas hostile to caucasians, both stateside and abroad.

As for my insults to Big D and Sweet William...They deserve far worse than I can ever mete out.
winston churchi said:
Most serial killers are white males...when profiling a serial killer it is normally assumed the killer is a young white male.
Isn't that odd?
When there is a known serial killer - it is almost always - almost always - a white male...
Wonder why??
While the Multi-Agency Homicide Task Force that investigated the south Louisiana serial killings focused much of its 10-month search on finding a white man, the suspect who now sits in an East Baton Parish jail is black.

One professor who has consulted with police departments nationwide on serial crimes said black serial killers are more common than many think.

“It’s a myth that serial killers are all white. There are actually several black serial killers, but historically, we have not paid much attention,” Hickey said. “If a poor, black male was preying on black prostitutes, it wouldn’t make the news.”

“We don’t think of black males as being psychopathic,” he said. “We’re in denial because we get so caught up in profiles we develop, we don’t think outside the box.”

A recent study he conducted of 400 serial killers showed 22 percent to be of African-American descent.
winston churchi said:
Most ritual killings are commited by whites - such as satanic sacrifices....if there was a ritual killing involved - it is normally assumed the killer or killers are white (male and female).
There are so many links about African ritual killing because Africans are famous for it.

Here is a recent article:

An international human rights group, says it is presenting a dossier to the ICC in The Hague on Tuesday containing compelling witness statements.

Minority Rights Group International say they have gathered evidence of mass killings, cannibalism and rape.

The ICC say their most urgent task is to pursue DR Congo's war criminals.

More than 600,000 pygmies are believed to live in the DR Congo's huge forests, where they survive by hunting wild animals and gathering fruits.

However, many Congolese regard them as "subhuman" with some believing their flesh can confer magical powers.
Kathianne said:
We are all a product of where we live or have lived, our cumulative experiences.
I'll agree with Kathianne here. I do admit that hereditary genetics and whatnot have an affect on who we are, how we act, etc. However, I'd say the larger impact is where we live, who we've known, how we were brought up, etc. Let me illustrate something.

I live in a northwest suburb of Houston. I turn on the local news most nights, and there is almost always the usual story about shooting this, robbing that, burning those houses, etc. It's really sad that it is a daily occurence. The interesting thing to note, however, is that I would say maybe 80% of all those bad stories on the news come from downtown Houston, south Houston, and southeast Houston. It is once in a blue moon that I hear about any major robbery or shooting occuring within my little bubble out here.

Now, each area has its own economic class differentiation, but it is clear to me that my north/northwest Houston bubble generally contains people of higher economic class. Things are nicer here (again, on average). The public schools are much better here.

I have no personal contact with those more southerly places of which I have spoken, so I make my generalizations from what I see and hear. All the crap that happens on that side of town happens from the actions of everyone, though I also admit that the higher percentage are related to minorities. You know what is interesting? All the minorities that I know here in my side of town are very good people. Sure, there are bad berries in the bunch. But I have plenty of black and hispanic friends that are great people, hard workers, intelligent.

What's the difference between people here and there? What's the difference between people in the slums and people in the suburbs? I don't think the racial genetics have too much to do with it (although, not unrelated!).

Shazbot said:
I'll agree with Kathianne here. I do admit that hereditary genetics and whatnot have an affect on who we are, how we act, etc. However, I'd say the larger impact is where we live, who we've known, how we were brought up, etc. Let me illustrate something.
FACT #55: The Republic of Haiti, the only completely Black republic in the Western Hemisphere also happens to be the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. It also has the lowest life expectancy, highest illiteracy, lowest per capita consumption of newsprint, lowest per capita GNP, and the lowest level of political stability.

FACT #73-75: Iceland, the only all-White nation in the world, has the world's highest literacy rate. 100%. It is an island of cooled volcanic magma, located Just south of the Arctic Circle. It has no coal, no fuel, no timber, no mineral wealth or natural resources, and no navigable rivers. 75% of the interior is uninhabitable and only about 1% of the land is arable. It is the youngest nation in Europe and one of the most isolated countries in the world. Nonetheless, Iceland is #2 in the world in life expectancy and has one of the world's highest standards of living, in terms of per capita income. It has tremendous medical facilities and a thriving publishing business. Virtually every family has a telephone. Upon graduation from high school, each Icelandic student has learned five languages.

If I were to replace the blacks and hispanics of downtown Houston with poor Japanese folks, downtown Houston would become the safest city in America.
k said:
I'll try and keep an open mind, William. Show me something that proves that my fears are not based on my past experiences. Show me something that shows that my take on current events are not based on what my parents communicated to me. I feel I'm in a better place than you, though I may be wrong. See, my parents did have prejudices, based on their experiences of being the children of immigrants, growing up in Chicago, during the depression. At the same time, my parents took the extraordinary steps of saying after the coverage of Selma, etc., that the whole story wasn't told. My mom, forced my father and my brother and I to an ecumenical service after the assassination of MLK. The fact that there was such a service in my town, tells how far civil rights had come..

My parents are liberal-left religious types, a somewhat rare breed, but dedicated to "anti-racism" to be sure. They lived in SF in the 60s, that whole thing. I grew up hearing the praises of MLK sung. I was sent to work in soup kitchens in the inner city. In Catholic school, the few black kids were menaces, but I didn't think anything of it. I figured races were all equal, racism was bad, etc. Years later I stumbled upon a book called Why Race Matters by Michael Levin, philosophy professor in NYC. I was aware of "The Bell Curve" but had not read it. Anyway, reading this book blew my mind. Here was a completely serious, incredibly learned, bright academic putting in stark terms the facts of racial difference (IQ levels, etc.) and what the obvious policy consequences are (affirmative action punished whites but will not make black more intelligent, etc.) I was shocked. I couldn't believe what I was reading. He wasn't a loony KKK guy, but he was saying, basically, blacks ARE inferior to whites. As I reviewed my life experiences, I COULD NOT DENY THE TRUTH OF WHAT HE WAS SAYING. So I didn't know what to do, but it was obvious that "Houston, we have a problem" with American society as it's set down. In my life, I had been denied a job on the basis of being white (I sued and won, btw). But even back then, I hadn't put it all together. My next thought was that this was such a radioactive truth that we shouldn't talk about it. But as the years wore on, I saw that not talking about it was doing no good. Whites were (and are) being PUNISHED for their "crimes," and they have done nothing wrong (or nothing to make blacks less intelligent --- slavery was obviously a huge, huge mistake, but not one whites should be perpetually punished for). Blacks are the way they are because... that's the way they are. In other words, if the ugly girl wants a date, and you don't, YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ABOUT WHY --- NORMALLY. But if she then tries to destroy you somehow, or demands at gunpoint an answer, you may say, it's because you're ugly.

Anyway, I then read Race, Evolution and Behavior by J. Philippe Rushton, a professor in Canada. And other stuff. More forbidden websites. I heard about Jared Taylor's American Renaissance (amren.com), and I jumped for joy. A whole magazine that told the truth about this stuff! I was so excited, I went to the last conference, in 2004. People from all over the country converged. Some weird folks, some very smart --- but all aware that race is real, and that matters. It goes on and on for those who are interested, but it is so scary, most have to leap over taboos to think about it.

All of it put conservatism into perspective. The original conservatives all saw these racial realities, but they have lost the battle for now.

I know it's tough to swallow. The most radical guy I have ever met in defense of white people said this to me once --- "this is rough stuff, I know, but you have to hang in there. Keep your eye on what happens in the world and see if it matches up to what we are saying." Now, I read stories in the paper about blacks lagging in test scores despite the spending of millions, and I think, "there is another explanation for why that is," but it will never make the newspaper because it's too controversial.

Here are some accounts of folks who came to "see the light" on race:


There is also a book out now about us:


I think probably the biggest misunderstanding about me and those like me is that we're fearful, bad or ignorant. I am none of those three (except maybe fearful --- but that is legitimate). I do have a different view of race in America, but I believe it is one borne out by simple observation. I believe it is not immoral, and that separation of some kind or another would do some good for all races --- not just whites.
Do not continually repost duplicates ESPECIALLY after I have removed them.
I think extenuating circumstances might be at work in terms of high crime rates in black communities, Big D. Like the fact that white people kidnapped hundreds of thousands of them and enslaved, tortured, and murdered their ancestors in the United States for hundreds of years. The socio-economic and socio-psychological repercussions of this black spot in America's past have EVERYTHING to do with the current state of black affairs.

That being said, I've offered your racist, vile, hateful posts far more credibility than they deserve . as
nakedemperor said:
I think extenuating circumstances might be at work in terms of high crime rates in black communities, Big D. Like the fact that white people kidnapped hundreds of thousands of them and enslaved, tortured, and murdered their ancestors in the United States for hundreds of years. The socio-economic and socio-psychological repercussions of this black spot in America's past have EVERYTHING to do with the current state of black affairs.

That being said, I've offered your racist, vile, hateful posts far more credibility than they deserve . as
The theory you have would make sence if not for the FACT that right here in America is where blacks have the best standard of living of ANYwhere in the World. In places like Africa, Haiti, or even Compton or any other place in the world where blacks are the majority is also where you will find the lowest standard of living.

if you believe that a couple of hundered years of slavery has changed blacks, just think how thousands and thousands of years of living in the jungle has left blacks unchanged.
hey BigD, i was just wondering if being hit with a baseball bat hurts more than lynching people than hanging them...
ld_avid said:
hey BigD, i was just wondering if being hit with a baseball bat hurts more than lynching people than hanging them...
I think getting hit with a baseball bat like the people that got murdered in the story, would be much worse.
Pale Rider said:
I don't hold any particular dislike for blacks, blacks are free to pursue whatever dream they have in America as far as I'm concerned. But I do have much apprehension about their behavior. I never walk past them or be around them without knowing exactly where they are and what they're up to. To put it clearly, I don't trust them.

So, blacks are free to pursue their dreams... that's big of you.
But you don't trust them? I love how you make assumptions about people based on their skin color... :sleep:
DKSuddeth said:
and that does what for this thread?

a couple of days ago, i read el-hazz malik el-shabazz's autobiography, better known to all as Malcolm X..

and i was just wondering about the thousands of black people who were lynched back in those days by the KKK and now are forgotten...
ld_avid said:
a couple of days ago, i read el-hazz malik el-shabazz's autobiography, better known to all as Malcolm X..

and i was just wondering about the thousands of black people who were lynched back in those days by the KKK and now are forgotten...

I don't believe they were forgotten, thats why civil rights has come as far as it has. Let us not forget though, that Malcolm learned that violence is not the answer either.

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