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Blacks Commit Mass Murder In Florida

malcolm learned, when he visited Mecca and saw blonde hair blue eyed people and Africans and asians in unity, that directly quoting from him "not all white people are evil" and he says that Islam is the only religion that allows this unity.. again this might not be my views...

another thing, malcolm never said that violence is not the answer, he also emphasizes, i don't know if you have ever read that book, that tyranny must be met with tyranny and aw man, i can't find the exact page, so i can't quote it directly, but he says that if gandhi and someone else, i think he said jesus, says that people who are tyrannized must just give in and turn the other cheek, that is a criminal philsophy...
ld_avid said:
a couple of days ago, i read el-hazz malik el-shabazz's autobiography, better known to all as Malcolm X..

and i was just wondering about the thousands of black people who were lynched back in those days by the KKK and now are forgotten...

Just like Malcolm, our nation's history is certainly not forgotten by many. Some may chose to ignore it, however.

That book was one of the most interesting books that I've read in the past 10-15 years. I especially enjoyed the foreword/prologue by Ossy Davis, who eulogized Malcolm at his funeral. Here is an excerpt, in response to the question why he eulogized Malcolm:

"...Every one of the many letters I got from my own people lauded Malcolm as a man, and commended me for having spoken at his funeral.

At the same time-and this is important most of them took special pains to disagree with much or all of what Malcolm said and what he stood for. That is, with one singing exception, they all, every last, black, glory-hugging one of them, knew that Malcolm--whatever else he was or was not--Malcolm was a man!

White folks do not need anybody to remind them that they are men. We do! This was his one incontrovertible benefit to his people.

Protocol and common sense require that Negroes stand back and let the white man speak up for us, defend us, and lead us from behind the scene in our fight. This is the essence of Negro politics. But Malcolm said to hell with that! Get up off your knees and fight your own battles. That's the way to win back your self-respect. That's the way to make the white man respect you. And if he won't let you live like a man, he certainly can't keep you from dying like one!

Malcolm, as you can see, was refreshing excitement; he scared hell out of the rest of us, bred as we are to caution, to hypocrisy in the presence of white folks, to the smile that never fades. Malcolm knew that every white man in America profits directly or indirectly from his position vis-à vis Negroes, profits from racism even though he does not practice it or believe in it.

He also knew that every Negro who did not challenge on the spot every instance of racism, overt or covert, committed against him and his -people, who chose instead to swallow his spit and go on smiling, was an Uncle Tom and a traitor, without balls or guts, or any other commonly accepted aspects of manhood!

Now, we knew all these things as well as Malcolm did, but we also knew what happened to people who stick their necks out and say them. And if all the lies we tell ourselves by way of extenuation were put into print, it would constitute one of the great chapters in the history of man's justifiable cowardice in the face of other men.

But Malcolm kept snatching our lies away. He kept shouting the painful truth we whites and blacks did not want to hear from all the housetops. And he wouldn't stop for love nor money.

You can imagine what a howling, shocking nuisance this man was to both Negroes and whites. Once Malcolm fastened on you, you could not escape. He was one of the most fascinating and charming men I have ever met, and never hesitated to take his attractiveness and beat you to death with it. Yet his irritation, though painful to us, was most salutary. He would make you angry as hell, but he would also make you proud. It was impossible to remain defensive and apologetic about being a Negro in his presence. He wouldn't let you. And you always left his presence with the sneaky suspicion that maybe, after all, you were a man!

But in explaining Malcolm, let me take care not to explain him away. He had been a criminal, an addict, a pimp, and a prisoner; a racist, and a hater, he had really believed the white am was a devil. But all this had changed. Two days before his death, in commenting to Gordon Parks about his past life he said: "That was a mad scene.. The sickness and madness of those days! I'm glad to be free of them."

And Malcolm was free. No one who knew him before and after his trip to Mecca could doubt that he had completely abandoned racism, separatism, and hatred. But he had not abandoned his shock-effect statements, his bristling agitation for immediate freedom in this country not only for blacks, but for everybody....

And if, to protect my relations with the many good white folks who make it possible for me to earn a fairly good living in the entertainment industry, I was too chicken, too cautious, to admit that fact when he was alive, I thought at least that now, when all the white folks are safe from him at last, I could be honest with myself enough to lift my hat for one final salute to that brave, black, ironic gallantry, which was his style and hallmark; that shocking zing of fire-and-be-damned-to-you, so absolutely absent is every other Negro man I know, which brought him, too soon, to his death."
ld_avid said:
does the KKK still exist in the US??

Yes the KKK still exists but they are pretty much a bunch of unorganized redneck outfits with little influence if any. Now there are much more dangerous groups such as AMREN, VDARE, National Alliance, Stormfront, Church Of The Creator, Aryan Nations etc. etc. who threaten the American way of life through their use of the internet and their falsely gathered, selectively biased and soundbitten statistics and rhetoric, are preying upon the young, impressionable and disillusioned in our society in order to further an agenda that doesn't have hope 1 of seeing the light of day.
OCA said:
Yes the KKK still exists but they are pretty much a bunch of unorganized redneck outfits with little influence if any. Now there are much more dangerous groups such as AMREN, VDARE, National Alliance, Stormfront, Church Of The Creator, Aryan Nations etc. etc. who threaten the American way of life through their use of the internet and their falsely gathered, selectively biased and soundbitten statistics and rhetoric, are preying upon the young, impressionable and disillusioned in our society in order to further an agenda that doesn't have hope 1 of seeing the light of day.

You forgot somebody.......
nycflasher said:
So, blacks are free to pursue their dreams... that's big of you.
But you don't trust them? I love how you make assumptions about people based on their skin color... :sleep:

NYC...how about this comparison:

I live in a 99% white Northern suburb. Very little crime, if any, and the minorities that do live here, are all upstanding citizens that don't cause trouble and try to lead a good life. The most crime you really get here is the occasional DWI arrest. I have (and my grandparents, as the have lived here 25 years) rarely locked the doors on our house, other than maybe going out of town. Your kids can walk to school without worries of being bothered.

Now travel 22 mile South, just on the outskirts of Downtown Minneapolis-North Minneapolis especially. The population of whites is less than 40%. But there is a shooting every night, all the stores and restaurants have bars on their windows. McDonald's serves you your food in a sliding box, from behind bullet-proof glass and refuse to open the drivethru service after dark. There is graffiti everywhere, and locking your door on your car while driving is a common practice. My former job in that same area required the use of bulletproof glass on the first 5 floors, and secured parking, with a guard at every entrance/exit.

I am not saying that minorities are not equal to whites. I am merely posting what I have observed in the last 2 years. Minorities are able to pull themselves out of the situations that they are in, no matter how bad. They just have to be willing to work hard. But liberals can't have that, because without the "poor and oppressed" minorities, they would not be able to get voted into any office. That's why liberals want people on welfare and state aid. It keeps them in their jobs.
Hi Guys! It's me! :cof: I'm sure it's my overactive imagination, just thought this might be a good time to say to all, No Baiting! :dev3: No trying to get a flamefest going. :cool:
I was kinda being sarcastic. My point is, as bad as the KKK was, as bad as Tim McVeigh was, as bad as the Aryan nation is, etc., NONE of them have done as much damage to this country as AQ. They should have been number one on your list of terrorists operating domestically. They might not be of US origins, but there are plenty of American Muslims operating or wanting to operate under their umbrella. Let's not forget them. I am not trying to discount such hate groups as you referenced, but I believe the Muslims have show that TODAY - they are, by their actions, the most notable hate group in America and in the world.
freeandfun1 said:
I was kinda being sarcastic. My point is, as bad as the KKK was, as bad as Tim McVeigh was, as bad as the Aryan nation is, etc., NONE of them have done as much damage to this country as AQ. They should have been number one on your list of terrorists operating domestically. They might not be of US origins, but there are plenty of American Muslims operating or wanting to operate under their umbrella. Let's not forget them. I am not trying to discount such hate groups as you referenced, but I believe the Muslims have show that TODAY - they are, by their actions, the most notable hate group in America and in the world.

Free, I'm with you on both fronts, in the same order. I have no love loss for the 'survivalists that see themselves as freedom fighters', I think they would conspire with a Saddam to achieve their version of what our country should look like, and I wouldn't put it past McVeigh to have been tied up with some.

Still and all, the real concern, are the Islamicists that are calling and hearing the call for jihad. They need to be removed. :blowup:
Kathianne said:
Free, I'm with you on both fronts, in the same order. I have no love loss for the 'survivalists that see themselves as freedom fighters', I think they would conspire with a Saddam to achieve their version of what our country should look like, and I wouldn't put it past McVeigh to have been tied up with some.

Still and all, the real concern, are the Islamicists that are calling and hearing the call for jihad. They need to be removed. :blowup:

I don't want to get this off track, so at this point, I'll end the whole Islamic stuff, let's concentrate on the issue of KKK, Malcolm X, etc.
Kathianne said:
I don't want to get this off track, so at this point, I'll end the whole Islamic stuff, let's concentrate on the issue of KKK, Malcolm X, etc.

Fine. But Mr. X was a Muslim too wasn't he? and the Nation of Islam in America is, to me, a hate group. So in a way, they are all kinda intertwined.
freeandfun1 said:
Fine. But Mr. X was a Muslim too wasn't he? and the Nation of Islam in America is, to me, a hate group. So in a way, they are all kinda intertwined.

Yep, that was the logic that kept me from moving my post or deleting it. Also the tie in to OKC and Iraq/McVeigh. :teeth:
Kathianne said:
Yep, that was the logic that kept me from moving my post or deleting it. Also the tie in to OKC and Iraq/McVeigh. :teeth:

I am guessing that you belong to the same camp as I and you do not believe that McVeigh/Nichols were alone. I am SURE they were helped by Muslims.
:clap1: :thup: I too will quit with this one. I agree, I think Iraqi, but can't be sure which, but yeah, I think they were involved.
freeandfun1 said:
I am guessing that you belong to the same camp as I and you do not believe that McVeigh/Nichols were alone. I am SURE they were helped by Muslims.
Yet another baseball bat beating:

Madison police are looking for three men who beat a 72-year-old man with a baseball bat Monday night.
The men went into the Highlander Motel office at about 6 p.m. beat the man, took cash and ran away laughing, police said.
DKSuddeth said:
just another day closer to anarchy.

You know, I used to put people like you in the "sky is falling" category. Well, I am now saying it, "America, wake up, the sky is falling!".

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