Zone1 Blacks do have some responsibility for our position

Charles is ignorant. He knows basketball very well and he is a good person but he's not the one to listen to when it comes to the cause of problems blacks face.
Al Sharpton is IM2's hero so naturally he would think Charles Barkley ignorant.
I don't care if you know Barkley, he's wrong. And you act ss if Bill Cosby is credible. Those like you will accept any negative said by another black no matter how assinine.
No, perhaps it is YOU that is wrong. Unlike you, Barkley doesn’t take sides just because he is black. Just because you are black does not mean everything you say is truth.
Charles is ignorant. He knows basketball very well and he is a good person but he's not the one to listen to when it comes to the cause of problems blacks face.
Nearly all of the problems blacks face are problems they cause for themselves. They cause problems for us too. That is why whites, even liberal whites, try to avoid living in black neighborhoods and sending their children to black majority public schools.
Its the old “Acting White” criticism of overachieving blacks
This may be changing the subject a little but I want to address republicans who say they gave blacks civil rights and racism hasnt existed since the 60s. White America hasn’t been racist to blacks in decades. In fact they even deny the federal Kerner report that blamed whites and cops for the Detoit riot. White republicans refuse to admit theyve been racist.

But trump gets a Mexican judge and right away, they believe the Mexican judge is going to do what they said their judges weren’t doing when we knew they were.

So projection? Cognitive dissonance? Hypocrisy?
Blacks do have some responsibility for our position. It is because some blacks want to play into what is called respectability politics. Respectability politics, "is a political strategy wherein members of a marginalized community will consciously abandon or punish controversial aspects of their cultural-political identity as a method of assimilating, achieving social mobility, and gaining the respect of the majority culture".

Charles Barkley and the Plague of ‘Unintelligent’ Blacks​

A history of respectability politics, from the postbellum period to today

Charles Barkley recently explained why “we as black people are never going to be successful.” His reasoning is painful:

Barkley, Sowell, McWhorter, Shelby Steele, Walter Williams, Ben Carson, Carol Swain, Candace Owens and others carry on this grand black tradition of respectability politics and this, along with continuing white racism are at the root of the problems in black communities. Respectability politics allows those outside the black community to dismiss the overall damage created by white racism.
Aren't you glad that you have stupid White Liberals on your side?

They are the ones on the plantation. Anybody black saying negative things about other blacks that white racists approve of or use to try dismissing blacks who bring the truth are plantation house blacks.
this thread proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you refuse to see the truth ..
this thread proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you refuse to see the truth ..
Lol! When you turn black come tell me that. Until that time you're nothing but a dumb white boy who would get destroyed on stage in a debate if you expressed the stupidity you do here.
Lol! When you turn black come tell me that. Until that time you're nothing but a dumb white boy who would get destroyed on stage in a debate if you expressed the stupidity you do here.
sigh ... you are a sad case ..
Charles is ignorant. He knows basketball very well and he is a good person but he's not the one to listen to when it comes to the cause of problems blacks face.
You only say that because his views don’t align with your own.

If he agrees with you, you’d be saying he’s brilliant and insightful
You only say that because his views don’t align with your own.

If he agrees with you, you’d be saying he’s brilliant and insightful
I say so because what he says in factually untrue. Look, Barkley got a full ride college scholarship and still doesn't have a degree. If Barkley had never played in the NBA you'd be talking about him being a dumb black athlete who didn't take education seriously. So nobody wants to hear whites telling blacks how great he is because you use his ignorance as justification for anti black views.
I say so because what he says in factually untrue. Look, Barkley got a full ride college scholarship and still doesn't have a degree. If Barkley had never played in the NBA you'd be talking about him being a dumb black athlete who didn't take education seriously. So nobody wants to hear whites telling blacks how great he is because you use his ignorance as justification for anti black views.

Why work on a degree when you can make millions playing basketball?

Charles made the correct choice. Your career as a professional athlete is short, thus you maximize your time playing.
Nearly all of the problems blacks face are problems they cause for themselves. They cause problems for us too. That is why whites, even liberal whites, try to avoid living in black neighborhoods and sending their children to black majority public schools.
even black libs move into non black hoods.
Blacks have complete responsibility for their position in our society. Whites do not force them to do poorly in school, to commit all those crimes, and to have all those illegitimate children that we are expected to support on welfare.

There are blacks who behave and perform as well as most whites. They deserve our support because when they were growing up they were ostracized, and sometimes beaten up for acting white. Unfortunately, they are out numbered by black criminals, black welfare recipients, and black academic failures.

Anti racists, virtue signalers, and social justice warriors suppress the discussion of the black problem in America in order to avoid a debate they know they will lose.
Outstanding white writers have exposed flaws in white society. I am thinking of Euripides, Voltaire, and Sinclair Lewis, although there are many others. Where are the black writers who expose flaws in black society?
Lol! When you turn black come tell me that. Until that time you're nothing but a dumb white boy who would get destroyed on stage in a debate if you expressed the stupidity you do here.
How about when you turn white you look back at all the stupid lies you have told about whites and realize how racist you really are.

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