Blacks, Especially Black Men, Are Abandoning Biden


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
As if that weren't shocking enough, I heard recently that water is wet!!

Why would the very people that dems treat like yesterday's breakfast want to abandon such a loyal and sterling person?

I don't get it. Maybe some of you can help us out here.

.... Among that slice of the Black electorate, Biden's support fell to 60%; Trump's rose to 28%. In 2020, Biden won 87% of Black voters, including 89% of Black voters under 29 and 78% of those 30 to 44.
As if that weren't shocking enough, I heard recently that water is wet!!

Why would the very people that dems treat like yesterday's breakfast want to abandon such a loyal and sterling person?

I don't get it. Maybe some of you can help us out here.

Good for the Black community. They shouldn't automatically support Republicans either or the race hustlers who are only in it for themselves. None of these groups give two shits about Black people.
I don’t know what they are but it’s well established if they don’t vote for Biden they are not black so FAKE NEWS
I don’t know what they are but it’s well established if they don’t vote for Biden they are not black so FAKE NEWS
“Vice President Biden said to an African American, a Black American host on his show, even if you think about voting for Donald Trump, you’re not black, To have that mindset, you must have the attitude that we, Black Americans, we own you. We can take you for granted. … That to me shows you that Black Americans are an appendage of a party.”
Did you not read the article?

But when it came to voters under the age of 34, the margin shrank. Among that slice of the Black electorate, Biden’s support fell to 60%; Trump’s rose to 28%.

What's the lie?
Sorry, but yes I did. From a rag. A RW rag.
um....the quote was from a former Dem Congressman on NBC, citing polling numbers.

Is he lying?
Polling numbers mean jack. Besides, that rag didn't happen to provide a link to any polling.

"Of young Black voters who've grown disenchanted with Biden, Clyburn said: "I want them to stand in front of me and tell me they will support that [Trump’s record] over Joe Biden’s record."

I agree with that above, but the rest of that article is nothing but a hit piece and all over the place.
C'mon, Ed, your title is a lie. Why is that?
We'll see how the DNCCP National Comvention in August goes.
I predict that Blacks and other groups like Hamas sympathizers will be at the forefront of the riots that will result.
This will make the 1968 DNC riots look like a picnic.
We'll see how the DNCCP National Comvention in August goes.
I predict that Blacks and other groups like Hamas sympathizers will be at the forefront of the riots that will result.
This will make the 1968 DNC riots look like a picnic.
Clyburn's problem is how he screwed his strong Dem district when he worked with the GOP on a redistricting map. The GOP ran with it. Clyburn lost a strong Black voter base.
Most of the black folks I know are Trump supporters. Of course they are the more educated blacks.
Sorry, but yes I did. From a rag. A RW rag.
This trend started when the war in Ukraine started, and only accelerated on Oct. 7th. Young minorities have absolutely NO patience for all this money going overseas, while they are suffering, BIG TIME.

What the hell is in it for them? How does neoliberal policy help them?

You only pay attention to establishment media, that does not reflect reality, it is only meant to be propaganda, and assumes voters have no minds of their own. . . .

Biden’s Quagmire: Israel, Gaza, and Those Really Scary Polls​

The data shows that 66 percent of voters—and 80 percent of Democrats—want the president to call for a cease-fire. The longer he waits, the more voters will stay home next November.

". . . The bottom line is that the White House is badly out of step with the coalition that helped Biden defeat Donald Trump. While Arab Americans played a significant role in Michigan and Pennsylvania—where they constitute up to 5 percent and 2 percent of those states’ voters, respectively—young voters and Black and Latino voters are decisive blocs in many more states. They didn’t turn out to elect a wartime president whose rhetoric echoes that of a hawkish Ronald Reagan and who regularly goes to Congress to ask for tens of billions in armaments to fuel more wars. They voted for a president who would champion human rights and diplomacy, the rule of law, and an end to “forever wars.”

Some Democratic strategists claim that Arab Americans, people of color, and progressive young voters will soon forget their disappointment and vote in 2024 as they did in 2020. This stance is insulting—and fraught with danger. If past Democratic defeats have taught us anything, it’s that we can’t take any group of voters for granted. If Biden loses just 25 percent of the Arab vote in Michigan—or 5 percent of the rest of the progressive coalition—it could spell defeat in 2024."

Ice Cube Tells Black Voters To #DemExit!​

Did you not read the article?

But when it came to voters under the age of 34, the margin shrank. Among that slice of the Black electorate, Biden’s support fell to 60%; Trump’s rose to 28%.

What's the lie?

And you believe that young black WOMEN will vote for Trump???? You're dreaming in technicolor.

Neither will young black men. But every time Trump opens his mouth and insults black prosecutors or black people, he loses more voters.
And you believe that young black WOMEN will vote for Trump???? You're dreaming in technicolor.

Neither will young black men. But every time Trump opens his mouth and insults black prosecutors or black people, he loses more voters.
maybe not...never said they would.

Young black men are leaving Xiden, a former Dem Congressman was just on Meet the Press this past Sunday bitching about how they are leaving the plantation.

Rep. Jim Clyburn helped Biden win young Black voters in 2020. This time, they're not listening.​

People, including african-americans, are becoming woke to the fact the demafacsit and their policies, aren't good for them.
So basically they are treating Biden as if he were their own child.


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