Blacks hate us


Aug 15, 2017
In light of what happened in Charlottesville, I feel compelled to open the eyes of those who can't see blacks for what they really are. Having been in prison with them, I feel I know them better than most white people would. You see, there is a difference between a black man and a ******. Sadly, the majority of them are *******. I don't say that to be racist. It is simply the truth. They know that they are *******. Thats why they call each other *******. If you have not been locked up with them, then you really don't know. Everything out of there mouths in prison is "look at that stupid ******, where did that ****** go, I know that ****** from the street". You see, out here they put up a front because they are a severe minority but when you put them in a cage they are the majority so they are free to show their true colors. I am not a neo nazi, white supremicist, white nationalist, or racist. I know many people who's skin is black that I would consider my friend. I am simply someone who feels as though the whole truth is not being told. It certainly never will be in the media. There are just as many ******* who hate white people as there are white racist who hate blacks. Sadly, I would say that 80 % of people who's skin is black hate white people. They hate everything about us and they blame US, white people of today, for slavery when we had nothing to do with slavery. They refuse to acknowledge the fact that it was a white man (Abraham Lincoln) who freed them from slavery and if they were even the slightest bit educated, they would know that the white man was a slave to the egyptians long before blacks ever even knew what slavery was but I don't go around hating egyptians. Now that many of you have been told the truth, I hope there will be an outrage at all the black racist as well.

Yeah, let's all take the testimony of a self-professed convict as a way to order our lives...
In light of what happened in Charlottesville, I feel compelled to open the eyes of those who can't see blacks for what they really are. Having been in prison with them, I feel I know them better than most white people would. You see, there is a difference between a black man and a ******. Sadly, the majority of them are *******. I don't say that to be racist. It is simply the truth. They know that they are *******. Thats why they call each other *******. If you have not been locked up with them, then you really don't know. Everything out of there mouths in prison is "look at that stupid ******, where did that ****** go, I know that ****** from the street". You see, out here they put up a front because they are a severe minority but when you put them in a cage they are the majority so they are free to show their true colors. I am not a neo nazi, white supremicist, white nationalist, or racist. I know many people who's skin is black that I would consider my friend. I am simply someone who feels as though the whole truth is not being told. It certainly never will be in the media. There are just as many ******* who hate white people as there are white racist who hate blacks. Sadly, I would say that 80 % of people who's skin is black hate white people. They hate everything about us and they blame US, white people of today, for slavery when we had nothing to do with slavery. They refuse to acknowledge the fact that it was a white man (Abraham Lincoln) who freed them from slavery and if they were even the slightest bit educated, they would know that the white man was a slave to the egyptians long before blacks ever even knew what slavery was but I don't go around hating egyptians. Now that many of you have been told the truth, I hope there will be an outrage at all the black racist as well.
Somebody is like you white mf's lOLOLOLOL
In light of what happened in Charlottesville, I feel compelled to open the eyes of those who can't see blacks for what they really are. Having been in prison with them, I feel I know them better than most white people would. You see, there is a difference between a black man and a ******. Sadly, the majority of them are *******. I don't say that to be racist. It is simply the truth. They know that they are *******. Thats why they call each other *******. If you have not been locked up with them, then you really don't know. Everything out of there mouths in prison is "look at that stupid ******, where did that ****** go, I know that ****** from the street". You see, out here they put up a front because they are a severe minority but when you put them in a cage they are the majority so they are free to show their true colors. I am not a neo nazi, white supremicist, white nationalist, or racist. I know many people who's skin is black that I would consider my friend. I am simply someone who feels as though the whole truth is not being told. It certainly never will be in the media. There are just as many ******* who hate white people as there are white racist who hate blacks. Sadly, I would say that 80 % of people who's skin is black hate white people. They hate everything about us and they blame US, white people of today, for slavery when we had nothing to do with slavery. They refuse to acknowledge the fact that it was a white man (Abraham Lincoln) who freed them from slavery and if they were even the slightest bit educated, they would know that the white man was a slave to the egyptians long before blacks ever even knew what slavery was but I don't go around hating egyptians. Now that many of you have been told the truth, I hope there will be an outrage at all the black racist as well.
Maybe they just hate your white stupid shit smelling ass!!
In light of what happened in Charlottesville, I feel compelled to open the eyes of those who can't see blacks for what they really are. Having been in prison with them, I feel I know them better than most white people would. You see, there is a difference between a black man and a ******. Sadly, the majority of them are *******. I don't say that to be racist. It is simply the truth. They know that they are *******. Thats why they call each other *******. If you have not been locked up with them, then you really don't know. Everything out of there mouths in prison is "look at that stupid ******, where did that ****** go, I know that ****** from the street". You see, out here they put up a front because they are a severe minority but when you put them in a cage they are the majority so they are free to show their true colors. I am not a neo nazi, white supremicist, white nationalist, or racist. I know many people who's skin is black that I would consider my friend. I am simply someone who feels as though the whole truth is not being told. It certainly never will be in the media. There are just as many ******* who hate white people as there are white racist who hate blacks. Sadly, I would say that 80 % of people who's skin is black hate white people. They hate everything about us and they blame US, white people of today, for slavery when we had nothing to do with slavery. They refuse to acknowledge the fact that it was a white man (Abraham Lincoln) who freed them from slavery and if they were even the slightest bit educated, they would know that the white man was a slave to the egyptians long before blacks ever even knew what slavery was but I don't go around hating egyptians. Now that many of you have been told the truth, I hope there will be an outrage at all the black racist as well.
A racist Alabamian. . Not exactly a stretch. As common as fireflies inJune.
In light of what happened in Charlottesville, I feel compelled to open the eyes of those who can't see blacks for what they really are. Having been in prison with them, I feel I know them better than most white people would. You see, there is a difference between a black man and a ******. Sadly, the majority of them are *******. I don't say that to be racist. It is simply the truth. They know that they are *******. Thats why they call each other *******. If you have not been locked up with them, then you really don't know. Everything out of there mouths in prison is "look at that stupid ******, where did that ****** go, I know that ****** from the street". You see, out here they put up a front because they are a severe minority but when you put them in a cage they are the majority so they are free to show their true colors. I am not a neo nazi, white supremicist, white nationalist, or racist. I know many people who's skin is black that I would consider my friend. I am simply someone who feels as though the whole truth is not being told. It certainly never will be in the media. There are just as many ******* who hate white people as there are white racist who hate blacks. Sadly, I would say that 80 % of people who's skin is black hate white people. They hate everything about us and they blame US, white people of today, for slavery when we had nothing to do with slavery. They refuse to acknowledge the fact that it was a white man (Abraham Lincoln) who freed them from slavery and if they were even the slightest bit educated, they would know that the white man was a slave to the egyptians long before blacks ever even knew what slavery was but I don't go around hating egyptians. Now that many of you have been told the truth, I hope there will be an outrage at all the black racist as well.
Some of my best friends are black and they're wonderful people. So fuck yourself and Alabama is going to choke again in football just like they did last year, convict.
Does he know of your white supremacist secret?
I'm not a white supremacist but I'm also not an unpatriotic Trump hating weasel either. And my neighbor has been my friend for 20 years and he voted for Trump! His whole family supports Trump and are tired of watching white snowflake libs lie to America.
You must get your chuckles from watching negroes upchuck. You sly racist you!
Obviously you are the one with skin color issues by your post. It also shows a lack of intelligence so deep on your part as to be laughable.
I live in mostly black, middle class, $73k median income PG County, MD, and I'm surrounded by blacks and I hear one call another ni**er every day. They mostly back their cars into parking spaces, speak with a southern dialect and listen to radio stations where the artist is exclusively predicated on visually discernable traces of sub-saharan African lineage. 52 years after the civil rights act.
Explain that.
That's why I cut him off after 6

One day you're going to make the fatal mistake of saying "all lives matter" and it won't matter even if your black friend is stone cold sober. I doubt you have the education to know that MLK Jr. was nothing but a dishonest race hustler, so you're probably safe when it comes to avoiding calling MLK Jr. out for what he really was.

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