Blacks have been voting for Dems for over a hundred years!

Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

I do also think that it's gotten to the point that no matter what he says, certain people will take it out of context and find a reason to hate him for whatever he says. You could see that in the State of the Union address when he noted that black unemployment was at a record low and democrats sat their all frowny-faced about it. If Trump does reach out to try to unite on something, it requires someone there willing to take his hand. There's none of that right now, and it's both sides' fault.
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

he isn't PC. that bugs the left. the left like to be coddled. they never tell it like it is, always sugar coat it. It ain't him.
He also says a lot of shit that's objectively false or objectively stupid. You can't just chalk it all up to "he's not PC."
no, see you won't accept the man for who he is. you have an object person in mind and he doesn't fit the mold so you just refuse to let him be him. He exaggerates. so fking what? how does it hurt someone if he thinks he has a bigger crowd? I mean are you all really that shallow to argue that two years? Wow. He plays the left by being objectively stupid. it raises up truths they really don't want exposed. It's hilarious to watch the reaction he gets when he does his shit. truly!!! And he ain't PC. you don't get him, I do.
I think i get him better than you do.

Long story short, he's the sledgehammer that the republicans needed to get a lot of their messages across that no one else in their party could. Romney and McCain just took the attacks from the left and didn't fight back while Trump was the exact opposite. He was unapologetic in his approach and a real celebrity in a society that idolizes celebrities now. He represents a lot of conservative principles and Trump is the vehicle by which those policies get put into motion. And because he's an effective tool for that job, his supporters will make excuses for why he's not the right tool for some of the jobs of the president and defend him irrationally because of it. He's only got into trouble because of the things he says really, not so much the things he does (which is just political disagreements). He's brash, insecure and shoots from the hip without thinking and that leads him to say a lot of stupid, false and dividing type things. As president, one of the most important things to do is be a unifying force. I'm not saying Obama was that either but Trump isn't a unifier at all, and that's ultimately damaging.

I agree with plenty of Trump's policy within the big government prism, though i'd prefer someone who'd fight for genuinely smaller government. Where i can really appreciate Trump is that his mere presence and the way he conducts himself has completely exposed the bias in the media and has outed much of the democratic party as pseudo socialists. He's forced anyone with some objectivity to realize just how biased their news sources are and have been for quite some time, which forces people to think about what they really believe in. I know cause i'm one of them. I never would've have gone on a deeper political/cultural exploration were it not for seeing some of the unmitigated craziness going on around the country due in part to Trump driving out the crazies on both sides. Him winning the presidency could easily turn out to be one of the best things to happen to a slowly fracturing nation whereby people take a much more active role in educating themselves and questioning a lot more about what they thought they knew.

Or maybe that's just the optimist in me.
That was a very thoughtful and astute analysis of the situation. Well done. I was with you until the last part. The only way I see this as being good for the country is if Trumps presidency is followed by a backlash that is geared towards transparency, unification, and fair discourse. I worry that the dirty and dishonest bully tactics that he is taking will be mimicked and used as methods for others to achieve victory. This can lead to a very dangerous state in our union. We’ve already seen it in our campaigns on both sides. Dirty campaigning is effective... if you want to win you have to go low. So long as people use these tactics as a means to an end we are in trouble.
Think long-term here. I'm sure you've often heard the term "things will get worse before they get better." That's what i see happening right now. Trump is the most outwardly divisive president ever. Because of that, he's forced people to basically show their stripes. The CNN's and NY Times of the world have revealed just how hard left they really are. The Fox News' and Breitbarts of the world have revealed just how hard right they really are.

Now, where you could be right is that there's just too many people who are too stupid or too unwilling to see that fact. If that's the case, then yes, we're fucked. Like i said, the optimist in me would like to think people would go "there's gotta be something else" which starts the process of actually practicing some critical thinking about what's going on. If that happens, then eventually if enough people are doing that, they'll demand some candidates that aren't wingers and that won't use vile and divisive rhetoric. And hopefully they'll also demand some candidates who actually believe in liberty, not just shoving their agenda down people's throat via government force.
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

he isn't PC. that bugs the left. the left like to be coddled. they never tell it like it is, always sugar coat it. It ain't him.
He also says a lot of shit that's objectively false or objectively stupid. You can't just chalk it all up to "he's not PC."
no, see you won't accept the man for who he is. you have an object person in mind and he doesn't fit the mold so you just refuse to let him be him. He exaggerates. so fking what? how does it hurt someone if he thinks he has a bigger crowd? I mean are you all really that shallow to argue that two years? Wow. He plays the left by being objectively stupid. it raises up truths they really don't want exposed. It's hilarious to watch the reaction he gets when he does his shit. truly!!! And he ain't PC. you don't get him, I do.
I think i get him better than you do.

Long story short, he's the sledgehammer that the republicans needed to get a lot of their messages across that no one else in their party could. Romney and McCain just took the attacks from the left and didn't fight back while Trump was the exact opposite. He was unapologetic in his approach and a real celebrity in a society that idolizes celebrities now. He represents a lot of conservative principles and Trump is the vehicle by which those policies get put into motion. And because he's an effective tool for that job, his supporters will make excuses for why he's not the right tool for some of the jobs of the president and defend him irrationally because of it. He's only got into trouble because of the things he says really, not so much the things he does (which is just political disagreements). He's brash, insecure and shoots from the hip without thinking and that leads him to say a lot of stupid, false and dividing type things. As president, one of the most important things to do is be a unifying force. I'm not saying Obama was that either but Trump isn't a unifier at all, and that's ultimately damaging.

I agree with plenty of Trump's policy within the big government prism, though i'd prefer someone who'd fight for genuinely smaller government. Where i can really appreciate Trump is that his mere presence and the way he conducts himself has completely exposed the bias in the media and has outed much of the democratic party as pseudo socialists. He's forced anyone with some objectivity to realize just how biased their news sources are and have been for quite some time, which forces people to think about what they really believe in. I know cause i'm one of them. I never would've have gone on a deeper political/cultural exploration were it not for seeing some of the unmitigated craziness going on around the country due in part to Trump driving out the crazies on both sides. Him winning the presidency could easily turn out to be one of the best things to happen to a slowly fracturing nation whereby people take a much more active role in educating themselves and questioning a lot more about what they thought they knew.

Or maybe that's just the optimist in me.
That was a very thoughtful and astute analysis of the situation. Well done. I was with you until the last part. The only way I see this as being good for the country is if Trumps presidency is followed by a backlash that is geared towards transparency, unification, and fair discourse. I worry that the dirty and dishonest bully tactics that he is taking will be mimicked and used as methods for others to achieve victory. This can lead to a very dangerous state in our union. We’ve already seen it in our campaigns on both sides. Dirty campaigning is effective... if you want to win you have to go low. So long as people use these tactics as a means to an end we are in trouble.
Think long-term here. I'm sure you've often heard the term "things will get worse before they get better." That's what i see happening right now. Trump is the most outwardly divisive president ever. Because of that, he's forced people to basically show their stripes. The CNN's and NY Times of the world have revealed just how hard left they really are. The Fox News' and Breitbarts of the world have revealed just how hard right they really are.

Now, where you could be right is that there's just too many people who are too stupid or too unwilling to see that fact. If that's the case, then yes, we're fucked. Like i said, the optimist in me would like to think people would go "there's gotta be something else" which starts the process of actually practicing some critical thinking about what's going on. If that happens, then eventually if enough people are doing that, they'll demand some candidates that aren't wingers and that won't use vile and divisive rhetoric. And hopefully they'll also demand some candidates who actually believe in liberty, not just shoving their agenda down people's throat via government force.
I’d love to see that happen except all I see now are the tribes growing stronger. The spirit of bipartisan cooperation is starting to damn candidates so only the wingnuts run and get elected.

I have very tempered hopes of a strong independent candidate who is popular, qualified, honest and a uniter will come along and blow up the major parties. Unfortunately the odds are next to nothing.

You make a really good point about exposure. I think Trump has definitely pushed the media and the Left more Left than they were before. And the Right is getting more Right. It’s not exactly exposing who they were before but it is definitely showing them at their worst. As I said, the tribes grow stronger. Perhaps it will inspire change. I hope it does
He also says a lot of shit that's objectively false or objectively stupid. You can't just chalk it all up to "he's not PC."
no, see you won't accept the man for who he is. you have an object person in mind and he doesn't fit the mold so you just refuse to let him be him. He exaggerates. so fking what? how does it hurt someone if he thinks he has a bigger crowd? I mean are you all really that shallow to argue that two years? Wow. He plays the left by being objectively stupid. it raises up truths they really don't want exposed. It's hilarious to watch the reaction he gets when he does his shit. truly!!! And he ain't PC. you don't get him, I do.
I think i get him better than you do.

Long story short, he's the sledgehammer that the republicans needed to get a lot of their messages across that no one else in their party could. Romney and McCain just took the attacks from the left and didn't fight back while Trump was the exact opposite. He was unapologetic in his approach and a real celebrity in a society that idolizes celebrities now. He represents a lot of conservative principles and Trump is the vehicle by which those policies get put into motion. And because he's an effective tool for that job, his supporters will make excuses for why he's not the right tool for some of the jobs of the president and defend him irrationally because of it. He's only got into trouble because of the things he says really, not so much the things he does (which is just political disagreements). He's brash, insecure and shoots from the hip without thinking and that leads him to say a lot of stupid, false and dividing type things. As president, one of the most important things to do is be a unifying force. I'm not saying Obama was that either but Trump isn't a unifier at all, and that's ultimately damaging.

I agree with plenty of Trump's policy within the big government prism, though i'd prefer someone who'd fight for genuinely smaller government. Where i can really appreciate Trump is that his mere presence and the way he conducts himself has completely exposed the bias in the media and has outed much of the democratic party as pseudo socialists. He's forced anyone with some objectivity to realize just how biased their news sources are and have been for quite some time, which forces people to think about what they really believe in. I know cause i'm one of them. I never would've have gone on a deeper political/cultural exploration were it not for seeing some of the unmitigated craziness going on around the country due in part to Trump driving out the crazies on both sides. Him winning the presidency could easily turn out to be one of the best things to happen to a slowly fracturing nation whereby people take a much more active role in educating themselves and questioning a lot more about what they thought they knew.

Or maybe that's just the optimist in me.
That was a very thoughtful and astute analysis of the situation. Well done. I was with you until the last part. The only way I see this as being good for the country is if Trumps presidency is followed by a backlash that is geared towards transparency, unification, and fair discourse. I worry that the dirty and dishonest bully tactics that he is taking will be mimicked and used as methods for others to achieve victory. This can lead to a very dangerous state in our union. We’ve already seen it in our campaigns on both sides. Dirty campaigning is effective... if you want to win you have to go low. So long as people use these tactics as a means to an end we are in trouble.
Think long-term here. I'm sure you've often heard the term "things will get worse before they get better." That's what i see happening right now. Trump is the most outwardly divisive president ever. Because of that, he's forced people to basically show their stripes. The CNN's and NY Times of the world have revealed just how hard left they really are. The Fox News' and Breitbarts of the world have revealed just how hard right they really are.

Now, where you could be right is that there's just too many people who are too stupid or too unwilling to see that fact. If that's the case, then yes, we're fucked. Like i said, the optimist in me would like to think people would go "there's gotta be something else" which starts the process of actually practicing some critical thinking about what's going on. If that happens, then eventually if enough people are doing that, they'll demand some candidates that aren't wingers and that won't use vile and divisive rhetoric. And hopefully they'll also demand some candidates who actually believe in liberty, not just shoving their agenda down people's throat via government force.
I’d love to see that happen except all I see now are the tribes growing stronger. The spirit of bipartisan cooperation is starting to damn candidates so only the wingnuts run and get elected.

I have very tempered hopes of a strong independent candidate who is popular, qualified, honest and a uniter will come along and blow up the major parties. Unfortunately the odds are next to nothing.

You make a really good point about exposure. I think Trump has definitely pushed the media and the Left more Left than they were before. And the Right is getting more Right. It’s not exactly exposing who they were before but it is definitely showing them at their worst. As I said, the tribes grow stronger. Perhaps it will inspire change. I hope it does
You're right, and again, long-term. Tribalism reached it's breaking point numerous times before and we rejected it. There's not a lot of reason to believe we won't do it again once the results of it get truly bad enough for people to go "what the fuck are we doing?"
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

he isn't PC. that bugs the left. the left like to be coddled. they never tell it like it is, always sugar coat it. It ain't him.
He also says a lot of shit that's objectively false or objectively stupid. You can't just chalk it all up to "he's not PC."
no, see you won't accept the man for who he is. you have an object person in mind and he doesn't fit the mold so you just refuse to let him be him. He exaggerates. so fking what? how does it hurt someone if he thinks he has a bigger crowd? I mean are you all really that shallow to argue that two years? Wow. He plays the left by being objectively stupid. it raises up truths they really don't want exposed. It's hilarious to watch the reaction he gets when he does his shit. truly!!! And he ain't PC. you don't get him, I do.
I think i get him better than you do.

Long story short, he's the sledgehammer that the republicans needed to get a lot of their messages across that no one else in their party could. Romney and McCain just took the attacks from the left and didn't fight back while Trump was the exact opposite. He was unapologetic in his approach and a real celebrity in a society that idolizes celebrities now. He represents a lot of conservative principles and Trump is the vehicle by which those policies get put into motion. And because he's an effective tool for that job, his supporters will make excuses for why he's not the right tool for some of the jobs of the president and defend him irrationally because of it. He's only got into trouble because of the things he says really, not so much the things he does (which is just political disagreements). He's brash, insecure and shoots from the hip without thinking and that leads him to say a lot of stupid, false and dividing type things. As president, one of the most important things to do is be a unifying force. I'm not saying Obama was that either but Trump isn't a unifier at all, and that's ultimately damaging.

I agree with plenty of Trump's policy within the big government prism, though i'd prefer someone who'd fight for genuinely smaller government. Where i can really appreciate Trump is that his mere presence and the way he conducts himself has completely exposed the bias in the media and has outed much of the democratic party as pseudo socialists. He's forced anyone with some objectivity to realize just how biased their news sources are and have been for quite some time, which forces people to think about what they really believe in. I know cause i'm one of them. I never would've have gone on a deeper political/cultural exploration were it not for seeing some of the unmitigated craziness going on around the country due in part to Trump driving out the crazies on both sides. Him winning the presidency could easily turn out to be one of the best things to happen to a slowly fracturing nation whereby people take a much more active role in educating themselves and questioning a lot more about what they thought they knew.

Or maybe that's just the optimist in me.
That was a very thoughtful and astute analysis of the situation. Well done. I was with you until the last part. The only way I see this as being good for the country is if Trumps presidency is followed by a backlash that is geared towards transparency, unification, and fair discourse. I worry that the dirty and dishonest bully tactics that he is taking will be mimicked and used as methods for others to achieve victory. This can lead to a very dangerous state in our union. We’ve already seen it in our campaigns on both sides. Dirty campaigning is effective... if you want to win you have to go low. So long as people use these tactics as a means to an end we are in trouble.
Think long-term here. I'm sure you've often heard the term "things will get worse before they get better." That's what i see happening right now. Trump is the most outwardly divisive president ever. Because of that, he's forced people to basically show their stripes. The CNN's and NY Times of the world have revealed just how hard left they really are. The Fox News' and Breitbarts of the world have revealed just how hard right they really are.

Now, where you could be right is that there's just too many people who are too stupid or too unwilling to see that fact. If that's the case, then yes, we're fucked. Like i said, the optimist in me would like to think people would go "there's gotta be something else" which starts the process of actually practicing some critical thinking about what's going on. If that happens, then eventually if enough people are doing that, they'll demand some candidates that aren't wingers and that won't use vile and divisive rhetoric. And hopefully they'll also demand some candidates who actually believe in liberty, not just shoving their agenda down people's throat via government force.
as long as you allow people to get free stuff with no accountability, you'll never achieve anything. Period.
Abraham Lincoln, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation, was a Republican. His pro-slavery opponents were the Dixie Democrats, who included the Ku Klux Klan among other Southern white-only militias.

Obviously not all Republicans in the meantime have been as supportive of black or African-American people, and don't forget it was Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat, who led us to victory over the white supremacist Nazis in World War II.

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