Blacks have been voting for Dems for over a hundred years!

well, that is purely subjective and not in the OP. not at all.
that's why you ask follow up questions.

or get bent to hell and start screaming and end up with no resolution.

your call.
Ok here are some questions. What do you think trump meant by the statement and do you think it takes our discourse or a policy agenda in a positive direction? Do you think it has any negative effects?
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

I do also think that it's gotten to the point that no matter what he says, certain people will take it out of context and find a reason to hate him for whatever he says. You could see that in the State of the Union address when he noted that black unemployment was at a record low and democrats sat their all frowny-faced about it. If Trump does reach out to try to unite on something, it requires someone there willing to take his hand. There's none of that right now, and it's both sides' fault.
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

he isn't PC. that bugs the left. the left like to be coddled. they never tell it like it is, always sugar coat it. It ain't him.
He also says a lot of shit that's objectively false or objectively stupid. You can just chalk it all up to "he's not PC."
yep, and to his supporters we don't care. only anti-trumpers and dems care. then get upset cause we accept him as him. too funny.
that's why you ask follow up questions.

or get bent to hell and start screaming and end up with no resolution.

your call.
Ok here are some questions. What do you think trump meant by the statement and do you think it takes our discourse or a policy agenda in a positive direction? Do you think it has any negative effects?
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

I do also think that it's gotten to the point that no matter what he says, certain people will take it out of context and find a reason to hate him for whatever he says. You could see that in the State of the Union address when he noted that black unemployment was at a record low and democrats sat their all frowny-faced about it. If Trump does reach out to try to unite on something, it requires someone there willing to take his hand. There's none of that right now, and it's both sides' fault.
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

he isn't PC. that bugs the left. the left like to be coddled. they never tell it like it is, always sugar coat it. It ain't him.
He also says a lot of shit that's objectively false or objectively stupid. You can just chalk it all up to "he's not PC."
yep, and to his supporters we don't care. only anti-trumpers and dems care. then get upset cause we accept him as him. too funny.
I meant to type "can't" and not "can." That might change you perspective on my comment there. I've since edited it.
Ok here are some questions. What do you think trump meant by the statement and do you think it takes our discourse or a policy agenda in a positive direction? Do you think it has any negative effects?
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

I do also think that it's gotten to the point that no matter what he says, certain people will take it out of context and find a reason to hate him for whatever he says. You could see that in the State of the Union address when he noted that black unemployment was at a record low and democrats sat their all frowny-faced about it. If Trump does reach out to try to unite on something, it requires someone there willing to take his hand. There's none of that right now, and it's both sides' fault.
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

he isn't PC. that bugs the left. the left like to be coddled. they never tell it like it is, always sugar coat it. It ain't him.
He also says a lot of shit that's objectively false or objectively stupid. You can just chalk it all up to "he's not PC."
yep, and to his supporters we don't care. only anti-trumpers and dems care. then get upset cause we accept him as him. too funny.
I meant to type "can't" and not "can." That might change you perspective on my comment there. I've since edited it.
doesn't change the quote in my post. I'm good with my answer to that statement.
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

I do also think that it's gotten to the point that no matter what he says, certain people will take it out of context and find a reason to hate him for whatever he says. You could see that in the State of the Union address when he noted that black unemployment was at a record low and democrats sat their all frowny-faced about it. If Trump does reach out to try to unite on something, it requires someone there willing to take his hand. There's none of that right now, and it's both sides' fault.
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

he isn't PC. that bugs the left. the left like to be coddled. they never tell it like it is, always sugar coat it. It ain't him.
He also says a lot of shit that's objectively false or objectively stupid. You can just chalk it all up to "he's not PC."
yep, and to his supporters we don't care. only anti-trumpers and dems care. then get upset cause we accept him as him. too funny.
I meant to type "can't" and not "can." That might change you perspective on my comment there. I've since edited it.
doesn't change the quote in my post. I'm good with my answer to that statement.
Cool. I can actually look at Trump for what he is. A lot of people can't, on both sides for that matter.
maybe cause:

Did you all hear Trump say this at his last rally? Another brilliant tag line from our dear leader :)


came off as snark and inventing reasons to call trump clueless when in fact, he was correct from his point of view.
I still think he was being clueless about what he was speaking to and I’ve explained why. You obviously disagree, that’s fine.
who wrote the speech?
That doesn’t matter. He was delivering it, buck stops with him... and my issue isn’t with the facts it’s with the message
Yeah, but the message is filtered through a leftwing media, so to get through he said some crazy stuff (McCain, Mexicans, others) but a lot of it was true and said so that you couldn't ignore it.
Republicans have a much harder time and are usually just ignored...that's why we love Trump, he wont let himself be ignored and he attacks political correctness, which is the worst thing our country faces(way worse they NK or Iran)
I think PC can and has gone way to far, but I don’t think driving a culture of in your face insults is the answer. Especially when it is propt up by hyperbole and misinformation
I agree to some extent, the thing is people have to know that people will not like you for any reason and no mater what you do.
The problem with PC, is it puts a shroud of terror over anyone wanting to speak.
and if we don't speak, we cant communicate ideas and have a dialog.....this is why it is so dangerous
because we become divided and suspicious of each other.
so the blunt talk is so that people get used to dealing with it and just go on.
People need to know that life is tough, and failure sucks, but it is also good.
People say Trump failed at several businesses, he did, but he made it through, all successful people fail, do you lean and improve or do you cry and stop trying?
So you have to deal with those insults, if you've ever seen the youtube series Cobra Kai, it does some of that. If you haven't you should watch it, its really good.
well, that is purely subjective and not in the OP. not at all.
that's why you ask follow up questions.

or get bent to hell and start screaming and end up with no resolution.

your call.
Ok here are some questions. What do you think trump meant by the statement and do you think it takes our discourse or a policy agenda in a positive direction? Do you think it has any negative effects?
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

I do also think that it's gotten to the point that no matter what he says, certain people will take it out of context and find a reason to hate him for whatever he says. You could see that in the State of the Union address when he noted that black unemployment was at a record low and democrats sat their all frowny-faced about it. If Trump does reach out to try to unite on something, it requires someone there willing to take his hand. There's none of that right now, and it's both sides' fault.
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

he isn't PC. that bugs the left. the left like to be coddled. they never tell it like it is, always sugar coat it. It ain't him.
He also says a lot of shit that's objectively false or objectively stupid. You can't just chalk it all up to "he's not PC."
no, see you won't accept the man for who he is. you have an object person in mind and he doesn't fit the mold so you just refuse to let him be him. He exaggerates. so fking what? how does it hurt someone if he thinks he has a bigger crowd? I mean are you all really that shallow to argue that two years? Wow. He plays the left by being objectively stupid. it raises up truths they really don't want exposed. It's hilarious to watch the reaction he gets when he does his shit. truly!!! And he ain't PC. you don't get him, I do.
still waiting for a response on this......the switch and southern strategies are complete bullshit theories with zero basis in reality.

Oh, you poor bastard. Parroting a lie fed to you by your masters.

Allow me to educate you once again: Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts":
"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist for Nixon laying out the GOP plan going forward.

The Southern Strategy was real, dipshit.

You're welcome.
Again you ignore everything. It did NOT happen......that's the doesn't exist.....if that were the case
republicans would have owned the south from the late 1960s, they didn' took 40 years most of the time...the racists didn't switch!!!!!!!
still waiting for a response on this......the switch and southern strategies are complete bullshit theories with zero basis in reality.

Oh, you poor bastard. Parroting a lie fed to you by your masters.

Allow me to educate you once again: Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts":
"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist for Nixon laying out the GOP plan going forward.

The Southern Strategy was real, dipshit.

You're welcome.
Again you ignore everything. It did NOT happen......that's the doesn't exist.....if that were the case
republicans would have owned the south from the late 1960s, they didn' took 40 years most of the time...the racists didn't switch!!!!!!!
It did happen. How are you this incredibly ignorant about the facts in front of your face and recent American history?

This is simply astounding.

The Southern Strategy was one of attrition, dipshit. Your ignorance is built on a false premise.

And it didn't take 40 years. Reagan was swept into office just a few years later.
I still think he was being clueless about what he was speaking to and I’ve explained why. You obviously disagree, that’s fine.
who wrote the speech?
That doesn’t matter. He was delivering it, buck stops with him... and my issue isn’t with the facts it’s with the message
Yeah, but the message is filtered through a leftwing media, so to get through he said some crazy stuff (McCain, Mexicans, others) but a lot of it was true and said so that you couldn't ignore it.
Republicans have a much harder time and are usually just ignored...that's why we love Trump, he wont let himself be ignored and he attacks political correctness, which is the worst thing our country faces(way worse they NK or Iran)
I think PC can and has gone way to far, but I don’t think driving a culture of in your face insults is the answer. Especially when it is propt up by hyperbole and misinformation
I agree to some extent, the thing is people have to know that people will not like you for any reason and no mater what you do.
The problem with PC, is it puts a shroud of terror over anyone wanting to speak.
and if we don't speak, we cant communicate ideas and have a dialog.....this is why it is so dangerous
because we become divided and suspicious of each other.
so the blunt talk is so that people get used to dealing with it and just go on.
People need to know that life is tough, and failure sucks, but it is also good.
People say Trump failed at several businesses, he did, but he made it through, all successful people fail, do you lean and improve or do you cry and stop trying?
So you have to deal with those insults, if you've ever seen the youtube series Cobra Kai, it does some of that. If you haven't you should watch it, its really good.
the most successful people learned from their failures. Dems are afraid of failure.
I still think he was being clueless about what he was speaking to and I’ve explained why. You obviously disagree, that’s fine.
who wrote the speech?
That doesn’t matter. He was delivering it, buck stops with him... and my issue isn’t with the facts it’s with the message
Yeah, but the message is filtered through a leftwing media, so to get through he said some crazy stuff (McCain, Mexicans, others) but a lot of it was true and said so that you couldn't ignore it.
Republicans have a much harder time and are usually just ignored...that's why we love Trump, he wont let himself be ignored and he attacks political correctness, which is the worst thing our country faces(way worse they NK or Iran)
I think PC can and has gone way to far, but I don’t think driving a culture of in your face insults is the answer. Especially when it is propt up by hyperbole and misinformation
sometimes you gotta fight the way it comes at you. these days the left hurls insults like hershey flings candy to fat kids at halloween. don't agree with them NAZI!! RACIST!!! and the like. if someone "of color" doesn't toe the line, they go crazy on them and demonize them also.

i don't say it's a good or bad way to react to what the left is doing, no. but as you said above, how you handle things dictates the responses you get.

is calling someone NAZI, RACIST and WHITE SUPREMACIST going to get a rational response from almost anyone?

equal application of standards, man.
I agree, but notice I didn’t call him any of those names in response to his comment. I did call him clueless and explained why. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing game. Just because a bunch of left wing radicals call Trump racist at every other comment that doesn’t mean everything he does that is insensitive or inflammatory is ok or it can’t be called out. There is a reason why there is so much hate and vitriol against Trump and it’s not just because of his party or policy positions. He continually makes these gafs and the unapologetically doubles down instead of clarifying or apologizing when any decent person would do either of those things. True racists and bigots then become emboldened to back up Trump during these type of debates and the whole thing gets conflated and turns into an ugly mess.
Blacks will keep voting Democratic, and the negrophobe whites will keep voting Republican.

Just like Nixon's man said would happen.

And now you can add Islamophobes and homophobes to the GOP roster. The exact same strategy is being used to this very day.

"We interrupt this Fox News broadcast for another Blacks Behaving Badly alert!"
who wrote the speech?
That doesn’t matter. He was delivering it, buck stops with him... and my issue isn’t with the facts it’s with the message
Yeah, but the message is filtered through a leftwing media, so to get through he said some crazy stuff (McCain, Mexicans, others) but a lot of it was true and said so that you couldn't ignore it.
Republicans have a much harder time and are usually just ignored...that's why we love Trump, he wont let himself be ignored and he attacks political correctness, which is the worst thing our country faces(way worse they NK or Iran)
I think PC can and has gone way to far, but I don’t think driving a culture of in your face insults is the answer. Especially when it is propt up by hyperbole and misinformation
sometimes you gotta fight the way it comes at you. these days the left hurls insults like hershey flings candy to fat kids at halloween. don't agree with them NAZI!! RACIST!!! and the like. if someone "of color" doesn't toe the line, they go crazy on them and demonize them also.

i don't say it's a good or bad way to react to what the left is doing, no. but as you said above, how you handle things dictates the responses you get.

is calling someone NAZI, RACIST and WHITE SUPREMACIST going to get a rational response from almost anyone?

equal application of standards, man.
I agree, but notice I didn’t call him any of those names in response to his comment. I did call him clueless and explained why. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing game. Just because a bunch of left wing radicals call Trump racist at every other comment that doesn’t mean everything he does that is insensitive or inflammatory is ok or it can’t be called out. There is a reason why there is so much hate and vitriol against Trump and it’s not just because of his party or policy positions. He continually makes these gafs and the unapologetically doubles down instead of clarifying or apologizing when any decent person would do either of those things. True racists and bigots then become emboldened to back up Trump during these type of debates and the whole thing gets conflated and turns into an ugly mess.
not you per se. but the left in general and the entire SJW crap. someone says something "wrong" and they are demonized to the fullest extent.

does this contribute to rational conversations, or is it the equiv of people in here jumping to their own conclusion and being a part of the problem? when you disagree with someone on the left and they instantly call you racist, what do you do in return?
still waiting for a response on this......the switch and southern strategies are complete bullshit theories with zero basis in reality.

Oh, you poor bastard. Parroting a lie fed to you by your masters.

Allow me to educate you once again: Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts":
"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist for Nixon laying out the GOP plan going forward.

The Southern Strategy was real, dipshit.

You're welcome.
Again you ignore everything. It did NOT happen......that's the doesn't exist.....if that were the case
republicans would have owned the south from the late 1960s, they didn' took 40 years most of the time...the racists didn't switch!!!!!!!
It did happen. How are you this incredibly ignorant about the facts in front of your face and recent American history?

This is simply astounding.

The Southern Strategy was one of attrition, dipshit. Your ignorance is built on a false premise.

And it didn't take 40 years. Reagan was swept into office just a few years later.
No it didnt
If they all became republicans, we would have dominated the south, we didnt
your article was from 1970....Carter won the south in 1976....uh
and state legislatures weren't changed until 2000s
house and senate was the 1980/1990s......
It simply did not happen man......
Regan is your answer???


1980 map---So all the red states were racist?

hey lets look at 1984

1984 map....again all that racism..

do you even think before you are nuts....he won almost every state, people liked him, he should be on Mt Rushmore.....again not evidence at all. Oh and those southern states were still voting democrats in senate and house seats......hmmmmmmm
Wrong, we've been over this
there were conservatives in lincolns time. Watch the movie
if you don't like that
then what did Horace Greeley run as and what year? Who did he run against? What party were they?
And of course let me know the last democrat more conservative than the republican for President?
I think most republicans were more Liberal than their democratic counter parts back in Lincoln’s day. Southern democrats were absolutely conservative during Jim Crow. Those roles flip flopped during the mid 1900s
They didn't, that's the point. WH Taft was more conservative than either Roosevelt or Wilson in 1912

As for the south, what really happened was AC.....once it became widely available, republicans moved south for lower taxes and better weather? why republicans? because they had jobs they could transfer to and they had enough money to move.
I moved to TN in 1992 with my parents, better weather, lower taxes....
Did you know that TN house and senate wasn't controlled by republicans until 2009 (they had one term in the late 60s, but it was an outlier)?

List of Speakers of the Tennessee House of Representatives - Wikipedia
List of Speakers of the Louisiana House of Representatives - Wikipedia
Party control of Alabama state government - Ballotpedia

Alabama has become more Republican in the last 30 years. 30 years would be 1988

look at others, most senators and house members and state legislatures didn't go republican until the 1980s, roughly 20 years after the civil rights act,why?
Because people didn't switch, it was population movement and people growing up with different attitudes(aka non racist attitudes).

Sorry guys that switch stuff is total didn't happen.
still waiting for a response on this......the switch and southern strategies are complete bullshit theories with zero basis in reality.
What would your definition of conservative and liberal be and do you think those definitions have accurately labeled both Republicans and Democrats as respective conservatives and liberals throughout the course of history?
When I get home, I'll work on this one....way too much thought needed on this one....good Question though!!
Id be interested to hear your thoughts. My quick thoughts are... actions like Lincoln’s liberating the slaves was a liberal move by a Republican Party. Southern Democrats instituted many Jim Crow laws which allowed states to stripe the rights of Aftrican Americans. They did this for religious and historical cultural reasons making it closer to a conservative action. From there you see where I’m starting and why I say there was a flip flop and Dems became drivers of civil rights for blacks, women, and LBGT and the Right became the party of conservative religious values that fought against many of these kind of changes
still waiting for a response on this......the switch and southern strategies are complete bullshit theories with zero basis in reality.

Oh, you poor bastard. Parroting a lie fed to you by your masters.

Allow me to educate you once again: Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts":
"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist for Nixon laying out the GOP plan going forward.

The Southern Strategy was real, dipshit.

You're welcome.
Again you ignore everything. It did NOT happen......that's the doesn't exist.....if that were the case
republicans would have owned the south from the late 1960s, they didn' took 40 years most of the time...the racists didn't switch!!!!!!!
It did happen. How are you this incredibly ignorant about the facts in front of your face and recent American history?

This is simply astounding.

The Southern Strategy was one of attrition, dipshit. Your ignorance is built on a false premise.

And it didn't take 40 years. Reagan was swept into office just a few years later.
No it didnt
If they all became republicans, we would have dominated the south, we didnt
your article was from 1970....Carter won the south in 1976....uh
and state legislatures weren't changed until 2000s
house and senate was the 1980/1990s......
It simply did not happen man......
Regan is your answer???


1980 map---So all the red states were racist?

hey lets look at 1984

1984 map....again all that racism..

do you even think before you are nuts....he won almost every state, people liked him, he should be on Mt Rushmore.....again not evidence at all. Oh and those southern states were still voting democrats in senate and house seats......hmmmmmmm
Again, attrition, dipshit.

As conservative Democrats retired, they were replaced by conservative Republicans.

But the South voted Republican in 1980. Just a few years after the Southern Strategy was begun.

And we see that very same strategy being employed to this very day.

"We interrupt this Fox News broadcast to bring you another Blacks Behaving Badly alert!"

"They bring crime, they're rapists!"

"Islam is a religion of hate."

Blah blah blah.

Same shit, different decade.
Blacks will keep voting Democratic, and the negrophobe whites will keep voting Republican.

Just like Nixon's man said would happen.

And now you can add Islamophobes and homophobes to the GOP roster. The exact same strategy is being used to this very day.

"We interrupt this Fox News broadcast for another Blacks Behaving Badly alert!"

you are a tard.....that is the propaganda...not reality.....sorry man
you said the racists switch to become republicans.... NEVER happened......I gave many valid reasons to show it and you cant admit're wrong
I don't give a fuck what the new York times says.....because they are biased......always have been a tool for democrats.

what laws did republicans vote for that were racist????
I still think he was being clueless about what he was speaking to and I’ve explained why. You obviously disagree, that’s fine.
who wrote the speech?
That doesn’t matter. He was delivering it, buck stops with him... and my issue isn’t with the facts it’s with the message
Yeah, but the message is filtered through a leftwing media, so to get through he said some crazy stuff (McCain, Mexicans, others) but a lot of it was true and said so that you couldn't ignore it.
Republicans have a much harder time and are usually just ignored...that's why we love Trump, he wont let himself be ignored and he attacks political correctness, which is the worst thing our country faces(way worse they NK or Iran)
I think PC can and has gone way to far, but I don’t think driving a culture of in your face insults is the answer. Especially when it is propt up by hyperbole and misinformation
I agree to some extent, the thing is people have to know that people will not like you for any reason and no mater what you do.
The problem with PC, is it puts a shroud of terror over anyone wanting to speak.
and if we don't speak, we cant communicate ideas and have a dialog.....this is why it is so dangerous
because we become divided and suspicious of each other.
so the blunt talk is so that people get used to dealing with it and just go on.
People need to know that life is tough, and failure sucks, but it is also good.
People say Trump failed at several businesses, he did, but he made it through, all successful people fail, do you lean and improve or do you cry and stop trying?
So you have to deal with those insults, if you've ever seen the youtube series Cobra Kai, it does some of that. If you haven't you should watch it, its really good.
It’s on my list! You’re the third to recommend it
That doesn’t matter. He was delivering it, buck stops with him... and my issue isn’t with the facts it’s with the message
Yeah, but the message is filtered through a leftwing media, so to get through he said some crazy stuff (McCain, Mexicans, others) but a lot of it was true and said so that you couldn't ignore it.
Republicans have a much harder time and are usually just ignored...that's why we love Trump, he wont let himself be ignored and he attacks political correctness, which is the worst thing our country faces(way worse they NK or Iran)
I think PC can and has gone way to far, but I don’t think driving a culture of in your face insults is the answer. Especially when it is propt up by hyperbole and misinformation
sometimes you gotta fight the way it comes at you. these days the left hurls insults like hershey flings candy to fat kids at halloween. don't agree with them NAZI!! RACIST!!! and the like. if someone "of color" doesn't toe the line, they go crazy on them and demonize them also.

i don't say it's a good or bad way to react to what the left is doing, no. but as you said above, how you handle things dictates the responses you get.

is calling someone NAZI, RACIST and WHITE SUPREMACIST going to get a rational response from almost anyone?

equal application of standards, man.
I agree, but notice I didn’t call him any of those names in response to his comment. I did call him clueless and explained why. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing game. Just because a bunch of left wing radicals call Trump racist at every other comment that doesn’t mean everything he does that is insensitive or inflammatory is ok or it can’t be called out. There is a reason why there is so much hate and vitriol against Trump and it’s not just because of his party or policy positions. He continually makes these gafs and the unapologetically doubles down instead of clarifying or apologizing when any decent person would do either of those things. True racists and bigots then become emboldened to back up Trump during these type of debates and the whole thing gets conflated and turns into an ugly mess.
not you per se. but the left in general and the entire SJW crap. someone says something "wrong" and they are demonized to the fullest extent.

does this contribute to rational conversations, or is it the equiv of people in here jumping to their own conclusion and being a part of the problem? when you disagree with someone on the left and they instantly call you racist, what do you do in return?
You laugh at them and tell them they don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. Same thing I do as I constantly get attacked in here and labeled a Leftist
Yeah, but the message is filtered through a leftwing media, so to get through he said some crazy stuff (McCain, Mexicans, others) but a lot of it was true and said so that you couldn't ignore it.
Republicans have a much harder time and are usually just ignored...that's why we love Trump, he wont let himself be ignored and he attacks political correctness, which is the worst thing our country faces(way worse they NK or Iran)
I think PC can and has gone way to far, but I don’t think driving a culture of in your face insults is the answer. Especially when it is propt up by hyperbole and misinformation
sometimes you gotta fight the way it comes at you. these days the left hurls insults like hershey flings candy to fat kids at halloween. don't agree with them NAZI!! RACIST!!! and the like. if someone "of color" doesn't toe the line, they go crazy on them and demonize them also.

i don't say it's a good or bad way to react to what the left is doing, no. but as you said above, how you handle things dictates the responses you get.

is calling someone NAZI, RACIST and WHITE SUPREMACIST going to get a rational response from almost anyone?

equal application of standards, man.
I agree, but notice I didn’t call him any of those names in response to his comment. I did call him clueless and explained why. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing game. Just because a bunch of left wing radicals call Trump racist at every other comment that doesn’t mean everything he does that is insensitive or inflammatory is ok or it can’t be called out. There is a reason why there is so much hate and vitriol against Trump and it’s not just because of his party or policy positions. He continually makes these gafs and the unapologetically doubles down instead of clarifying or apologizing when any decent person would do either of those things. True racists and bigots then become emboldened to back up Trump during these type of debates and the whole thing gets conflated and turns into an ugly mess.
not you per se. but the left in general and the entire SJW crap. someone says something "wrong" and they are demonized to the fullest extent.

does this contribute to rational conversations, or is it the equiv of people in here jumping to their own conclusion and being a part of the problem? when you disagree with someone on the left and they instantly call you racist, what do you do in return?
You laugh at them and tell them they don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. Same thing I do as I constantly get attacked in here and labeled a Leftist
what a true waste of time.
Blacks will keep voting Democratic, and the negrophobe whites will keep voting Republican.

Just like Nixon's man said would happen.

And now you can add Islamophobes and homophobes to the GOP roster. The exact same strategy is being used to this very day.

"We interrupt this Fox News broadcast for another Blacks Behaving Badly alert!"

you are a tard.....that is the propaganda...not reality.....sorry man
you said the racists switch to become republicans.... NEVER happened......I gave many valid reasons to show it and you cant admit're wrong
I don't give a fuck what the new York times says.....because they are biased......always have been a tool for democrats.

what laws did republicans vote for that were racist????
I did not say the racists switched. I said they were replaced by attrition.

The Republican Right is overrun with racists today. We see that every single day on this forum.

You are willfully blind.

The Southern Strategy was a raging success. Literally raging.

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