Blacks have been voting for Dems for over a hundred years!

Political leaders(according to historical fact) from both party's have worked hard at different times in our history to further equality. if the back lash has been strong enough they back off to keep there job or support there party. and fairness takes a back seat to winning.
No word games, you tried to deride me for pointing out a fact. Blacks have a very short memory on who was responsible for Jim Crow laws, and who pushed the VRA across the finish line in spite of commiecrat opposition. Hell racist Woodrow Wilson got massive black support for his time, it was only about 7% but that was big back then. BTW that was the 1912 election, more than 100 years ago.

President Woodrow Wilson: Pro-Segregationist Democrat--African-Americans & the Presidency

Do you really not see the irony in criticizing the black vote for partisan purposes during a time when their rights were being restricted? A time when they were being lynched, and blocked from fair education, job opportunities, and even use of public facilities? Are you that tone deaf? I wasn’t trying to deride you, but when you ignore my point to pick on details like you are and then call me ignorant for that, then you are setting a hostile tone to the conversation.

Hey, your the one that got all holier than thou over political rhetoric. Politicians embellish, get over it.

I’m far from holly. And I don’t see a problem with criticizing tone deaf statements like this. They do zero good for our country and the sick divide that’s happening.

Of course making a big deal over political rhetoric brings everyone closer together, right? I bet most people didn't even see the speech, I didn't.

I don’t think I’m making a big deal about it. Why do you? I mean I’m not calling him a racist or calling for impeachment or staging a protest. I’m pointing out a careless statement that he made and opening up a discussion about it. Do you think that’s inappropriate of me? Do you think we should all just ignore the powerful when we feel like they are being inappropriate or inflammatory or doing something we feel is damaging to our country?

Let's just say you would look a bit less hypocritical if your ire were a bit more balanced. I can't recall any OPs from you concerning Schumer or Palosi and some of their off the rails divisive comments.

Why don’t we live in the now . The reason blacks (and all minorities actually) go with the Dems is because the gop harbors racists . It’s a bit of a deal breaker.

Even the gop talking point of “blacks have been bought off by the Dems “ and “blacks on the dem plantation “ IS RACIST! You imply they are all on welfare!

You can’t even pause your racism in a feeble effort to Court blacks and minorities!

The Dems are no saints , but they are 10x better than the alternative.
Why don’t we live in the now . The reason blacks (and all minorities actually) go with the Dems is because the gop harbors racists . It’s a bit of a deal breaker.

Even the gop talking point of “blacks have been bought off by the Dems “ and “blacks on the dem plantation “ IS RACIST! You imply they are all on welfare!

You can’t even pause your racism in a feeble effort to Court blacks and minorities!

The Dems are no saints , but they are 10x better than the alternative.
well please explain today the advantage of being black in poor school districts that are all democratic and continuing to vote for the same people that keep one in squaller?
President Trump is technically correct, but tone deaf in spirit, and it was an off-the-cuff comment so some hyperbole is to be expected. Blacks got the vote in 1870 but what votes of their that weren't suppressed were kind of all over the place. By World War II they were about 50-50 like the rest of the country, but after Truman called for more civil rights action, including bans on voter suppression and lynching, a lot of blacks started drifting toward the Democratic party. Even more changed over after the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which also had the benefit of guaranteeing that the individual states couldn't shut them up as easily.

So technically, blacks have been voting D for 70 years or so.
The thread is a quote from the mouth of Trump to be interpreted and discussed. You can call that a lie if you want but you just sound like a fool
yes it was and factual. so, your point was that he lied and was stupid cause he didn't know when blacks started voting. Tell me I'm wrong. And that is pure bullshit.
if it's perspective that blacks have been voting since 1870 so trump was correct, i agree.
if it's perspective that blacks really didn't enjoy that right in the manner intended until AT LEAST 1965, that perspective would still be correct.
well, that is purely subjective and not in the OP. not at all.
that's why you ask follow up questions.

or get bent to hell and start screaming and end up with no resolution.

your call.
Ok here are some questions. What do you think trump meant by the statement and do you think it takes our discourse or a policy agenda in a positive direction? Do you think it has any negative effects?
They started to vote democrat in the it's 80 almost 90 years not yes technically he's wrong...but the spirit of what he is conveying is correct....
yes it was and factual. so, your point was that he lied and was stupid cause he didn't know when blacks started voting. Tell me I'm wrong. And that is pure bullshit.
if it's perspective that blacks have been voting since 1870 so trump was correct, i agree.
if it's perspective that blacks really didn't enjoy that right in the manner intended until AT LEAST 1965, that perspective would still be correct.
well, that is purely subjective and not in the OP. not at all.
that's why you ask follow up questions.

or get bent to hell and start screaming and end up with no resolution.

your call.
Ok here are some questions. What do you think trump meant by the statement and do you think it takes our discourse or a policy agenda in a positive direction? Do you think it has any negative effects?
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

I do also think that it's gotten to the point that no matter what he says, certain people will take it out of context and find a reason to hate him for whatever he says. You could see that in the State of the Union address when he noted that black unemployment was at a record low and democrats sat their all frowny-faced about it. If Trump does reach out to try to unite on something, it requires someone there willing to take his hand. There's none of that right now, and it's both sides' fault.
I agree with everything you’ve said, but it also takes an effort to genuinely reach out. The reason you saw nobody clapping at his low unemployment comment was because he is perceived by many as taking credit for something that he isn’t necessarily responsible for. Black unemployment has been decreasing for years and has just now reached the record low. That’s a great thing but when a guy like Trump jumps in trying to take credit for it all it is understandable why It can rub people the wrong way.

Trump does have it tough and his bullish personality rubs many the wrong way and they as a result become extra skeptical, harsh and critical of his words and actions. It’s not a pretty sight on either side
yes it was and factual. so, your point was that he lied and was stupid cause he didn't know when blacks started voting. Tell me I'm wrong. And that is pure bullshit.
if it's perspective that blacks have been voting since 1870 so trump was correct, i agree.
if it's perspective that blacks really didn't enjoy that right in the manner intended until AT LEAST 1965, that perspective would still be correct.
well, that is purely subjective and not in the OP. not at all.
that's why you ask follow up questions.

or get bent to hell and start screaming and end up with no resolution.

your call.
Ok here are some questions. What do you think trump meant by the statement and do you think it takes our discourse or a policy agenda in a positive direction? Do you think it has any negative effects?
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

I do also think that it's gotten to the point that no matter what he says, certain people will take it out of context and find a reason to hate him for whatever he says. You could see that in the State of the Union address when he noted that black unemployment was at a record low and democrats sat their all frowny-faced about it. If Trump does reach out to try to unite on something, it requires someone there willing to take his hand. There's none of that right now, and it's both sides' fault.
Most of what he says isn't a positive direction. He's a fighter, not a uniter.

he isn't PC. that bugs the left. the left like to be coddled. they never tell it like it is, always sugar coat it. It ain't him.
no, he lied. he stated 1965. Well there was a civil war in this country. and well, that won them the right to vote. maybe not full vote, but still a right to vote. that is all the president said. So his premise is a lie.
and if you ask why he said that, you find out why and have a better understanding where he's coming from. this is an example of digging in the shades of gray.

FUCK YOU YOU LIED - well that's binary YES / NO and i just don't see the world like that.
I understand why he said it. He is making a point that Dems are bad for blacks and Trump is good for blacks and blacks have been idiotically voting for Dems for over a hundred years and they need to wise up and vote republican now. Am I wrong?
nope. that would do it. 100+ years makes a stronger case than 48.

kinda like when obama was saying how many guns were bought illegally and he used the highest number he could find on the internet. was it true? no. but it sure fit his agenda.
Yes and Obama should be called out for using false numbers. The difference in these scenarios are the racial undertones of critiquing blacks for how they voted during a time that they were being restricted from voting by the very party that Trump is claiming they were voting for even though the majority of blacks couldn’t vote and were fighting for basic human rights. It opens up a can of worms and I’m curious if it is intentional on Trumps part as he seems to thrive on controversy or if he is just oblivious to the “can” that statements like that open. Thoughts?
sorry - i don't quantify it with "but my case is different"

politicians use whatever numbers they can verify from at least their POV to push their agenda. trump isn't like starting a new trend here. getting selectively mad seems convenient to me and part of the problem.
I just said Obama or anybody should get called out for using false information so I wasn’t being selectively mad. And I also explained why this situation is more inflammatory that the Obama example you gave. That’s fine if you disagree, just stating my opinion
if it's perspective that blacks have been voting since 1870 so trump was correct, i agree.
if it's perspective that blacks really didn't enjoy that right in the manner intended until AT LEAST 1965, that perspective would still be correct.
well, that is purely subjective and not in the OP. not at all.
that's why you ask follow up questions.

or get bent to hell and start screaming and end up with no resolution.

your call.
Ok here are some questions. What do you think trump meant by the statement and do you think it takes our discourse or a policy agenda in a positive direction? Do you think it has any negative effects?

dunno. did trump write it or does he have a speech writer?

i think he meant that blacks have been able to vote for 100+ years and traditionally have voted democrat and got nothing in return. if i wanna get "clever" i can say he's right cause they voted dem up until 1965 and it took how long again??? 95 years? the ones who could vote sure didn't help their cause.

if you like trump, it's a positive effect.
if you hate trump, anything he says is negative
if you're neutral you didn't watch the speech and apathy has consumed you at this point.

if you want allowances for your point of view you kinda gotta give people their allowances as well. you seem to be looking for a binary answer where they simply don't exist.
Im not a historian but I have a hard time thinking that blacks didn’t support Lincoln, the republican that freed them from slavery. And in the following years you think they just jumped on the democrats wagon, despite it was southern democrats that were instituting Jim Crow laws? I really don’t think Trump is versed on this history either, I’d bet it was just an off the cuff comment telling blacks they shouldn’t vote for Dems, but if you want to dive into the history of the black vote, I’d be interested to learn more. I did a little research earlier today and it takes some digging
See I majored in history, that's why I love these conversations
They did vote republican, until the democrats gave them free stuff in the 1930s.
That free stuff was full of regulations and strings which caused their communities to get worse (it really accelerated in the late 1960s and early 1970s).....which is why there are so many fatherless black's really bad
And that's why we consider it a government plantation
plantation: free food, free housing, free medical care, no schooling, no family structure (done by the white overlords, horrible stuff), violence (whippings, killings) and you need to harvest crops of cotton and such
government: food stamps, public housing, terrible almost no existent schooling,Medicaid, little family structure (encouraged by the govt, horrible stuff., violence (killings, gang beatings) and you need to harvest crops of votes for democrats

That's the point, it's the same situation just in a different form.
Do you really not see the irony in criticizing the black vote for partisan purposes during a time when their rights were being restricted? A time when they were being lynched, and blocked from fair education, job opportunities, and even use of public facilities? Are you that tone deaf? I wasn’t trying to deride you, but when you ignore my point to pick on details like you are and then call me ignorant for that, then you are setting a hostile tone to the conversation.

Hey, your the one that got all holier than thou over political rhetoric. Politicians embellish, get over it.

I’m far from holly. And I don’t see a problem with criticizing tone deaf statements like this. They do zero good for our country and the sick divide that’s happening.

Of course making a big deal over political rhetoric brings everyone closer together, right? I bet most people didn't even see the speech, I didn't.

I don’t think I’m making a big deal about it. Why do you? I mean I’m not calling him a racist or calling for impeachment or staging a protest. I’m pointing out a careless statement that he made and opening up a discussion about it. Do you think that’s inappropriate of me? Do you think we should all just ignore the powerful when we feel like they are being inappropriate or inflammatory or doing something we feel is damaging to our country?
maybe cause:

Did you all hear Trump say this at his last rally? Another brilliant tag line from our dear leader :)


came off as snark and inventing reasons to call trump clueless when in fact, he was correct from his point of view.
I still think he was being clueless about what he was speaking to and I’ve explained why. You obviously disagree, that’s fine.
I agree with everything you’ve said, but it also takes an effort to genuinely reach out. The reason you saw nobody clapping at his low unemployment comment was because he is perceived by many as taking credit for something that he isn’t necessarily responsible for


can't find any president ever who's NOT done that. well maybe harrison.
Hey, your the one that got all holier than thou over political rhetoric. Politicians embellish, get over it.

I’m far from holly. And I don’t see a problem with criticizing tone deaf statements like this. They do zero good for our country and the sick divide that’s happening.

Of course making a big deal over political rhetoric brings everyone closer together, right? I bet most people didn't even see the speech, I didn't.

I don’t think I’m making a big deal about it. Why do you? I mean I’m not calling him a racist or calling for impeachment or staging a protest. I’m pointing out a careless statement that he made and opening up a discussion about it. Do you think that’s inappropriate of me? Do you think we should all just ignore the powerful when we feel like they are being inappropriate or inflammatory or doing something we feel is damaging to our country?
maybe cause:

Did you all hear Trump say this at his last rally? Another brilliant tag line from our dear leader :)


came off as snark and inventing reasons to call trump clueless when in fact, he was correct from his point of view.
I still think he was being clueless about what he was speaking to and I’ve explained why. You obviously disagree, that’s fine.
who wrote the speech?
Why don’t we live in the now . The reason blacks (and all minorities actually) go with the Dems is because the gop harbors racists . It’s a bit of a deal breaker.

Even the gop talking point of “blacks have been bought off by the Dems “ and “blacks on the dem plantation “ IS RACIST! You imply they are all on welfare!

You can’t even pause your racism in a feeble effort to Court blacks and minorities!

The Dems are no saints , but they are 10x better than the alternative.
Why don’t we live in the now

because this statement is false, it's propaganda by the left to keep blacks in the democrat party

The reason blacks (and all minorities actually) go with the Dems is because the gop harbors racists .

that's bullshit. If you want to see racism, see what you lefties said about Kayne West and Candace Owens....or hell Mia Love...a black Mormon republican who is not fond of Trump, but you guys HATE blacks that are no shows who you really are.
republicans don't like blacks that are democrats, because of policy, we don't dehumanize them and name call them for being in a different guys do that stuff
Do you really not see the irony in criticizing the black vote for partisan purposes during a time when their rights were being restricted? A time when they were being lynched, and blocked from fair education, job opportunities, and even use of public facilities? Are you that tone deaf? I wasn’t trying to deride you, but when you ignore my point to pick on details like you are and then call me ignorant for that, then you are setting a hostile tone to the conversation.

Hey, your the one that got all holier than thou over political rhetoric. Politicians embellish, get over it.

I’m far from holly. And I don’t see a problem with criticizing tone deaf statements like this. They do zero good for our country and the sick divide that’s happening.

Of course making a big deal over political rhetoric brings everyone closer together, right? I bet most people didn't even see the speech, I didn't.

I don’t think I’m making a big deal about it. Why do you? I mean I’m not calling him a racist or calling for impeachment or staging a protest. I’m pointing out a careless statement that he made and opening up a discussion about it. Do you think that’s inappropriate of me? Do you think we should all just ignore the powerful when we feel like they are being inappropriate or inflammatory or doing something we feel is damaging to our country?

Let's just say you would look a bit less hypocritical if your ire were a bit more balanced. I can't recall any OPs from you concerning Schumer or Palosi and some of their off the rails divisive comments.

Pelosi is a joke, I was hoping Ryan would have taken her speaker position last cycle. I hope she is in her last term because she is part of the problem. Schumer plays politics but I don’t see him as being as much of a problem as Pelosi
All this bullshit about LJB and Klan Democrats from over 50 years ago is a giant smokescreen attempting to conceal the fact that it is the GOP today which contains the bulk of the racists.

Everyone knows this.

Who called black "super predators"?

Who called Latinos "needy"?
Funny you bring up the super predators. If your interpret Clinton’s statement to be towards all blacks then you’d have to consider Trumps “rapists and murders” and “animals” statement to be directed towards all Mexicans and immigrants, right? Is that the case?
It wasn't ALL immigrants, watch the video accurately what he says.
yes it was and factual. so, your point was that he lied and was stupid cause he didn't know when blacks started voting. Tell me I'm wrong. And that is pure bullshit.
if it's perspective that blacks have been voting since 1870 so trump was correct, i agree.
if it's perspective that blacks really didn't enjoy that right in the manner intended until AT LEAST 1965, that perspective would still be correct.
well, that is purely subjective and not in the OP. not at all.
that's why you ask follow up questions.

or get bent to hell and start screaming and end up with no resolution.

your call.
Ok here are some questions. What do you think trump meant by the statement and do you think it takes our discourse or a policy agenda in a positive direction? Do you think it has any negative effects?
They started to vote democrat in the it's 80 almost 90 years not yes technically he's wrong...but the spirit of what he is conveying is correct....
I’ll give you correct if you give me tone deaf... do we have a deal?
That amendment was in 1870 not 1860 and a few years after it passed blacks were striped of their citizenship rights and rights to vote by southern state governments. It wasn’t until the civil rights act of 1965 that banned those discriminatory laws. But who cares about history, right?
Wrong man, blacks voted in the inbetween years, if they could jump through the hoops, and who put up those barriers? hint:NOT conservative republicans
Maybe not republicans but yes conservatives. Efforts to free slaves and progress their rights was a Liberal effort by definition. And the actions by the southern states, and yes southern Democrats, and Jim Crow laws were not a result of the way blacks were voting. Like I said a few posts ago, that is completely tone deaf
Wrong, we've been over this
there were conservatives in lincolns time. Watch the movie
if you don't like that
then what did Horace Greeley run as and what year? Who did he run against? What party were they?
And of course let me know the last democrat more conservative than the republican for President?
I think most republicans were more Liberal than their democratic counter parts back in Lincoln’s day. Southern democrats were absolutely conservative during Jim Crow. Those roles flip flopped during the mid 1900s
They didn't, that's the point. WH Taft was more conservative than either Roosevelt or Wilson in 1912

As for the south, what really happened was AC.....once it became widely available, republicans moved south for lower taxes and better weather? why republicans? because they had jobs they could transfer to and they had enough money to move.
I moved to TN in 1992 with my parents, better weather, lower taxes....
Did you know that TN house and senate wasn't controlled by republicans until 2009 (they had one term in the late 60s, but it was an outlier)?

List of Speakers of the Tennessee House of Representatives - Wikipedia
List of Speakers of the Louisiana House of Representatives - Wikipedia
Party control of Alabama state government - Ballotpedia

Alabama has become more Republican in the last 30 years. 30 years would be 1988

look at others, most senators and house members and state legislatures didn't go republican until the 1980s, roughly 20 years after the civil rights act,why?
Because people didn't switch, it was population movement and people growing up with different attitudes(aka non racist attitudes).

Sorry guys that switch stuff is total didn't happen.
still waiting for a response on this......the switch and southern strategies are complete bullshit theories with zero basis in reality.
well, that is purely subjective and not in the OP. not at all.
that's why you ask follow up questions.

or get bent to hell and start screaming and end up with no resolution.

your call.
Ok here are some questions. What do you think trump meant by the statement and do you think it takes our discourse or a policy agenda in a positive direction? Do you think it has any negative effects?

dunno. did trump write it or does he have a speech writer?

i think he meant that blacks have been able to vote for 100+ years and traditionally have voted democrat and got nothing in return. if i wanna get "clever" i can say he's right cause they voted dem up until 1965 and it took how long again??? 95 years? the ones who could vote sure didn't help their cause.

if you like trump, it's a positive effect.
if you hate trump, anything he says is negative
if you're neutral you didn't watch the speech and apathy has consumed you at this point.

if you want allowances for your point of view you kinda gotta give people their allowances as well. you seem to be looking for a binary answer where they simply don't exist.
Im not a historian but I have a hard time thinking that blacks didn’t support Lincoln, the republican that freed them from slavery. And in the following years you think they just jumped on the democrats wagon, despite it was southern democrats that were instituting Jim Crow laws? I really don’t think Trump is versed on this history either, I’d bet it was just an off the cuff comment telling blacks they shouldn’t vote for Dems, but if you want to dive into the history of the black vote, I’d be interested to learn more. I did a little research earlier today and it takes some digging
See I majored in history, that's why I love these conversations
They did vote republican, until the democrats gave them free stuff in the 1930s.
That free stuff was full of regulations and strings which caused their communities to get worse (it really accelerated in the late 1960s and early 1970s).....which is why there are so many fatherless black's really bad
And that's why we consider it a government plantation
plantation: free food, free housing, free medical care, no schooling, no family structure (done by the white overlords, horrible stuff), violence (whippings, killings) and you need to harvest crops of cotton and such
government: food stamps, public housing, terrible almost no existent schooling,Medicaid, little family structure (encouraged by the govt, horrible stuff., violence (killings, gang beatings) and you need to harvest crops of votes for democrats

That's the point, it's the same situation just in a different form.
I think there are some valid points in there but now you all need to learn how to talk about it in a non-inflammatory non-offensive non-hyperbolic way... a little tact, thoughtfulness and empathy can go a long way

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