Blacks Now Paying $4.00 Gas & No Outrage From NAACP,Sharpton,Jackson & Maxinne ?

Mar 16, 2012
:poke: Now why haven't we heard any complaints from black communities and thier leaders over the near $4.00 gas that millions of black americans have to pay,?{along with higher food prices}.
The NAACP is more concerned about allowing voter fraud {aka, letting blacks vote with no ID} than the record high gas prices that is causing financial hardship for their own people.
Of course, if Bush was President with this $4.00 gas, wouldn't you be hearing the never ending complaints on all news networks? Lets Impeach Bush for these high gas prices !!!
But being it's the $4.00 Obama Gas Prices, NOT A PEEP from any of them. Where Is Al Sharpton?Maxine Waters?Jesse Jackson and Congresswoman Jackson? Oh,,,yah,,,I'ts not Obama's Fault accoring to them, right?:lalala:
and according to Maxinne Waters, Republicans are demons cause they want to create jobs and build the keystone pipeline to help bring gas prices closer to $2.00 a gallon? Did Congresswoman Waters even graduate middle-school?
Is it your position that the Keystone Pipeline would lead to lower gas prices?

How is that sort of magic accomplished?
:poke: Now why haven't we heard any complaints from black communities and thier leaders over the near $4.00 gas that millions of black americans have to pay,?{along with higher food prices}.
The NAACP is more concerned about allowing voter fraud {aka, letting blacks vote with no ID} than the record high gas prices that is causing financial hardship for their own people.
Of course, if Bush was President with this $4.00 gas, wouldn't you be hearing the never ending complaints on all news networks? Lets Impeach Bush for these high gas prices !!!
But being it's the $4.00 Obama Gas Prices, NOT A PEEP from any of them. Where Is Al Sharpton?Maxine Waters?Jesse Jackson and Congresswoman Jackson? Oh,,,yah,,,I'ts not Obama's Fault accoring to them, right?:lalala:
Most...will continue to vote for Obama because THEY...look like him.No other reason.

Is what it is.
Welcome. My fiancee has six ferrets. Great post.

I used to keep ferrets. They're pretty neat critters. I would not have them with small children unless both were supervised, just warning from experience.
They get on well with cats.
and according to Maxinne Waters, Republicans are demons cause they want to create jobs and build the keystone pipeline to help bring gas prices closer to $2.00 a gallon? Did Congresswoman Waters even graduate middle-school?

Republicans need to go straight to hell and I'll help them get there... maxine mcwaternut. :D
so liberals actually think that by producing our own crude oil would drive gas to $5.00 a gallon?
Liberals: Individuals who hate the rich, hate the freedom of free capitol system, too lazy to work, just want to stay unemployed,collect welfare, bar hop, do drugs, go to the beach often,,,hey, that explains 55% of those who live in California.
so liberals actually think that by producing our own crude oil would drive gas to $5.00 a gallon?

We already do produce crude and we sell it on the world mkt. President Obama has signed more than 400 new permits, more than any other pres and in spite of the pubs fight against him producing more American oil.

And, no, keystone does not belong to us. It belongs to Canada and it will also be sold on the world market.

Finally, African Americans do not pay more gas.

And you're a racist idiot.
well #1the kpl will be coming thru towns and cities under ground now would you want anything welded by union workers coming under your house or the building where you work.There will be more spills,your yard would be a different color.I'm glad Pres.Obama vetoed that bill. I'm not paying no more then $3.00 a gallon for gasoline.
:poke: Now why haven't we heard any complaints from black communities and thier leaders over the near $4.00 gas that millions of black americans have to pay,?{along with higher food prices}.
The NAACP is more concerned about allowing voter fraud {aka, letting blacks vote with no ID} than the record high gas prices that is causing financial hardship for their own people.
Of course, if Bush was President with this $4.00 gas, wouldn't you be hearing the never ending complaints on all news networks? Lets Impeach Bush for these high gas prices !!!
But being it's the $4.00 Obama Gas Prices, NOT A PEEP from any of them. Where Is Al Sharpton?Maxine Waters?Jesse Jackson and Congresswoman Jackson? Oh,,,yah,,,I'ts not Obama's Fault accoring to them, right?:lalala:

Yes just as Republicans weren't half as vocal when gas was over $4.00 a gallon in the summer of '08.

Politics is tricky like that.
you must live in that broke azzed state californication,I cansee why your gasoline is so high.
We ride the bus or subway. We don't own cars. Besides Obama gives us a kickback anytime we pay over $3.40 a gallon.

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