Zone1 Blacks should not resent other persecuted yet successful minorities but instead emulate their choices and actions that led to their success

You don't know anything about moving out of poverty. You posted a bunch of racially biased garbage thst has been debunked by all credible sociologists. You posted some crap from a right wing website and because it validates your bias, you want to make claims.

"The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household."

Do not lecture me on what it takes to succeed. I have run organizations, all you have ever done is run your mouth. Notice the fact I posted, this kills your lie. And blacks get educated so stop repeating that anti black hate bs because it is not based on fact. It is based on beliefs that are severely twisted.

"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."
- Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research

Kokoyachuck found that blacks and Hispanics with college degrees were paid less than whites and Asians with comparable education. His study showed that blacks and Hispanics who graduated in S.T.E.M majors earned less than whites and Asians with degrees in those same majors.

"Even when Blacks and Hispanics go the extra mile and earn professional degrees, their incomes still don’t break six figures. Whites and Asians, however, double their incomes by earning professional degrees, allowing them to make well over $100,000 a year."

So again I have shown you that your opinion is nothing more but a load of anti black hatred bull manure. Every year whites have more children out of wedlock than blacks have total births. Having children out of wedlock is not the problem.

Continuing white racism is. And that statement is not debatable between me and a white person whose every post is anti black hate. I know what the problem is because I live directly affected by it. You don't. Your opinion is based on old tired racial hate and the stereotypes that go with it.

Besides, every post you have made has been off the topic you presented as the OP. Seems that you get to break rules.
1) NO…..all blacks do not get educated. Look around.

2) You say how you’ve run an organization, and I’ve done nothing but run my mouth. How would YOU know what I’ve done? I also have not only run an organization, but started it from the ground up.

3) My posts are not anti-black hate, so cut the crap. To you, anyone who doesn’t blame racism for any failure within the black community is anti-black.

4) And you live directly affected by anti-black hate? The odds are greater than even that if you went to college in the late 70s or beyond, you were favored for admissions. POSSIBLY you scored as well as whites and would have gotten in regardless, but the stats show likely not.
You don't know anything about moving out of poverty. You posted a bunch of racially biased garbage thst has been debunked by all credible sociologists. You posted some crap from a right wing website and because it validates your bias, you want to make claims.

"The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household."

Do not lecture me on what it takes to succeed. I have run organizations, all you have ever done is run your mouth. Notice the fact I posted, this kills your lie. And blacks get educated so stop repeating that anti black hate bs because it is not based on fact. It is based on beliefs that are severely twisted.

"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."
- Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research

Kokoyachuck found that blacks and Hispanics with college degrees were paid less than whites and Asians with comparable education. His study showed that blacks and Hispanics who graduated in S.T.E.M majors earned less than whites and Asians with degrees in those same majors.

"Even when Blacks and Hispanics go the extra mile and earn professional degrees, their incomes still don’t break six figures. Whites and Asians, however, double their incomes by earning professional degrees, allowing them to make well over $100,000 a year."

So again I have shown you that your opinion is nothing more but a load of anti black hatred bull manure. Every year whites have more children out of wedlock than blacks have total births. Having children out of wedlock is not the problem.

Continuing white racism is. And that statement is not debatable between me and a white person whose every post is anti black hate. I know what the problem is because I live directly affected by it. You don't. Your opinion is based on old tired racial hate and the stereotypes that go with it.

Besides, every post you have made has been off the topic you presented as the OP. Seems that you get to break rules.
And P.S. Has it occurred to you that blacks who earn professional degrees earn less, ON AVERAGE, than whites who earn the same degrees because the admission standards to those programs were higher for whites?

We knew which blacks got into the program as a result of the lowered standards, and which ones didn’t. The blacks who were lesser qualified struggled to keep up with their more academically capable peers (whites, Asians, and the blacks who would have been admitted under the higher standards). They required a lot of tutoring to keep pace.

So would it be surprising that blacks, who on average, have lesser requirements than whites to get into a program, and then struggled to keep up, would have that show up years later in the workplace? It’s logical.
Molly, the damage that has gone unfixed does not fix itself because you live in a fantasy whereby you pretend that everything is in the past while you exhibit the same attitude of that past.

Nobody is making excuses but whites like you.
Yet you still don’t answer the question. I don’t live in a fantasy land. You cannot really believe nothing has changed from the past. Racism does exist, I never denied that, but a lot of what you call racist also happens to whites. YOU are the one making excuses when it happens to black people. One thing is for damn sure, I don’t care what your skin color is, I wouldnt give you shit because of your attitude. I have personally witnessed people blame race for things that had ZERO to do with their skin color. That is not a fantasy.
The key to reducing poverty among blacks is MARRIAGE. But of course, IM2 considers saying that “anti-black filth.”

I wouldn't agree with marriage being the answer to poverty. Education = YES! Motivation is the key factor. How bad does someone want something?

Education does not necessarily mean someone has to have a master's or doctorate degree to earn a decent livable wage. Many would be surprised to hear that learning a trade (electrician, hvac technician, masonry, plumber) will have them earning more money per year than someone that has a degree from a university. Trade skills can be learned through Vo-tech schools and/or on-the-job training.
I wouldn't agree with marriage being the answer to poverty. Education = YES! Motivation is the key factor. How bad does someone want something?

Education does not necessarily mean someone has to have a master's or doctorate degree to earn a decent livable wage. Many would be surprised to hear that learning a trade (electrician, hvac technician, masonry, plumber) will have them earning more money per year than someone that has a degree from a university. Trade skills can be learned through Vo-tech schools and/or on-the-job training.
I should have been more specific about marriage. I meant marriage before you have children, if you do, since doing it in the reverse order greatly interferes with getting an education - be it via the university pay or trade school. If you’re not planning on children, then of course you don’t need to get married at all and just go forward with your education.

Also, re training for a trade, one can get an A.A.from a community college in a terminal program (I.e., one intended to end with career training at the 2-year point rather than the first half of a four-year degree) or a vocational school - and in both cases, Pell Grants will cover the cost in full for low-income people.
Yet you still don’t answer the question. I don’t live in a fantasy land. You cannot really believe nothing has changed from the past. Racism does exist, I never denied that, but a lot of what you call racist also happens to whites. YOU are the one making excuses when it happens to black people. One thing is for damn sure, I don’t care what your skin color is, I wouldnt give you shit because of your attitude. I have personally witnessed people blame race for things that had ZERO to do with their skin color. That is not a fantasy.
You would not be satiisfied with a half built house. So I don't have to be satisfied with continung white racism.
You want to see some high-grade racism? Look at the Jews in Israel.

Better still, look at the self-proclaimed Zionists here on the Homeland. They are racist AF!
Jews are entitled to a land of their own. When Palestinians dominated the area it was another third world dump. Jews transformed it to a first world country. Because of their high IQ averages Jews benefit every country they live in.
Molly, the damage that has gone unfixed does not fix itself because you live in a fantasy whereby you pretend that everything is in the past while you exhibit the same attitude of that past.

Nobody is making excuses but whites like you.
What excuses have I made?
People hate you for being a disgruntled angry racist, not because you are black.
Tell me Molly, why can whites be angry about things that don't happen be we can't be angry about ongoing violations of our human rights?

Because I have plenty of friends. What you don't like doesn't matter to me.
What excuses have I made?
You keep making claims about things being in the past when we see here in this forum that what you claim is in the past exists now. Those claims are excuses.
The persecuted minority the OP refers to is not "successful because of the reasons she states.

Jews were able to take advantage of skin color to get access to things blacks could not. Some Jews changed their names to avoid anti semitism, blacks couldn't avoid racism by changing our names. So Jews got to participate in the programs that created the American middle class that most blacks couldn't. The education many Jews got were from colleges that excluded blacks. Now people can him and haw or hit the disagree button all they want, but when members of the white JEWISH community say the same thing, well...

And nobody is resentful of that. What is resented are Jews whio deny this history then want to lecture blacks on how they should emulate what Jews did as if the way they describe things is how it happened.
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The persecuted minority the OP refers to is not "successful because of the reasons she states.

Jews were able to take advantage of skin color to get access to things blacks could not. Some Jews changed their names to avoid anti semitism, blacks couldn't avoid racism by changing our names. So Jews got to participate in the programs that created the American middle class that most blacks couldn't. The education many Jews got were from colleges that excluded blacks. Now people can him and haw or hit the disagree button all they want, but when members of the white JEWISH community say the same thing, well...

And nobody is resentful of that. What is resented are Jews whio deny this history then want to lecture blacks on how they should emulate what Jews did as if the way they describe things is how it happened.
The average IQ for an American Negro is 85. The average for a Jew is 115. That is the difference. In addition, Jews usually lack inherent inclinations toward crime and promiscuity, and blacks frequently have those inclinations. For genetic reasons Ashkenazi Jews are at the top of the racial hierarchy; blacks are at the bottom. There are stupid, promiscuous, Jewish criminals, just as they are intelligent, monogamous, and law abiding Negroes. In each case these are exceptional.
The persecuted minority the OP refers to is not "successful because of the reasons she states.

Jews were able to take advantage of skin color to get access to things blacks could not. Some Jews changed their names to avoid anti semitism, blacks couldn't avoid racism by changing our names. So Jews got to participate in the programs that created the American middle class that most blacks couldn't. The education many Jews got were from colleges that excluded blacks. Now people can him and haw or hit the disagree button all they want, but when members of the white JEWISH community say the same thing, well...

And nobody is resentful of that. What is resented are Jews whio deny this history then want to lecture blacks on how they should emulate what Jews did as if the way they describe things is how it happened.
What about Orientals? They cannot pass as white by changing their names. Nevertheless, they tend to be more affluent than white Gentiles. Why have whites and Orientals created the most advanced civilizations, why blacks have always lagged behind?

The civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty were supposed to improve black behavior. Instead, black social pathology has gotten worse. Why is that? Why have Head Start and No Child Left behind failed to close the race gap in performance on mental aptitude tests and academic performance?
Wrong. But you do not want to accept responsibility for what a subculture in the white community continues doing. Your opinion is simple minded and uneducated. This statement explains people like you:

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it. We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences. At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism. Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience. This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue." - Dr. Robin DiAngelo

You have posted volumes of anti black hatred and you want to tell somebody black about responsibility. Please! I have to stop here because cussing is not allowed in zone 1.
are blacks responsible for anything? name one thing?
are blacks responsible for anything? name one thing?
No. We force them to fail in school, to commit all those crimes against us, and to have all those illegitimate children that we are expected to support on welfare.

*sarcasm off*
No. We force them to fail in school, to commit all those crimes against us, and to have all those illegitimate children that we are expected to support on welfare.

*sarcasm off*
whites cause blacks health issues im2 says... yes eating a diet of rich greasy fatty fried foods, fatty meats and alcholol and junk food and little to no exercise is whitey's fault dont ya know!
I’ve noticed a sad phenomenon: Many Blacks (and sometimes their enabling white leftists) have hostility toward Jews and Asians, which can range from attacking them on the street or subway to looking for articles that show the flaws of these two groups.

This of course is a defense mechanism, since they resent, or are even angry at, persecuted minorities that succeed - to above the average - despite bigotry against them. Instead, would it not be more productive for blacks to acknowledge the two key lifestyle choices/values that have led to the success of these two groups?
When blacks hear the term "model minority" they know they are not being referred to.
You would not be satiisfied with a half built house. So I don't have to be satisfied with continung white racism.
Why does white racism persist?

By every objective, measurable criterion blacks tend to be significantly less intelligence than whites. They have an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half the white rate, and a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate. Is it irrational that a race with those durable characteristics arouses durable feelings of contempt and loathing?

I have difficulty understanding why there are so many taboos and sanctions against criticizing blacks.

Those who blame black social pathology on white racism need to explain why black social pathology has gotten worse since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was signed, and the War on Poverty was declared. The better we treat you people the worse you behave.
are blacks responsible for anything? name one thing?
The question you need to ask is what is the overall impact of white racism on people of color. Until you study the psychological, sociological, and physiological effects of racism, you can't understand what I or other people of color are talking about. Instead, you have a simple mind and make simple minded assertions and think that somebody has to answer your uneducated simple minded question.
You keep making claims about things being in the past when we see here in this forum that what you claim is in the past exists now. Those claims are excuses.
You can’t find any excuses I made so you talk in circles

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