Blacks Teach Japan About Racism

I think that group of whining Japan-living blacks surrounding the Japan-living Chinese guy with the Obama shirt is pretty inspirational.

Kind of made me a little weepy, actually.
What I thought was interesting was how blacks had to tell the Japanese that comparing monkeys to blacks was racist.
They're Japanese, not American . . . why would black Americans assume that the Japanese would be familiar with a black/monkey connection? Were the black Americans familiar with the fact that in Japanese culture the monkey is admired?

I'm not sure why the blacks are getting their panties in a wad. "The company's mascot is a monkey, an animal revered in Japan". From a Japanese pov it's a compliment to Obama. Is the commercial airing in the U.S.? If not, those offended need to open their eyes and realize the cultural differences. They ended up pulling the ad because a handful of people were the only ones offended? Please. :rolleyes:
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Political Correctness comes to Japan. It's worse than massive earthquakes and Tsunamis.
LOL! What a bunch of nimrods. We should have a cell phone commercial featuring the Japanese Prime minister as a banana.

yuk yuk yuk

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