Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

There have been people who believed what you believe that colleges and university and the military are forced to lower the bar because black people are so dumb.

"A Harvard University dean testified that the school has different SAT score standards for prospective students based on factors such as race and sex"

If whites are just so helpful then why do whites make sure predominantly Black school districts are under-funded?

Give me a fucking break. In city after city under Democrat control, more money is spent annually per student than the cost of tuition at many local colleges. But despite being flooded with taxpayer money flowing into public schools (that DEMOCRATS control) students hopelessly wallow in swamps of incompetence and educational idiocy. New Jersey’s Camden Central School District spends a whopping $25,000 annually PER STUDENT, yet it's the scholastic equivalent of George Floyd's criminal record; 90% of the district’s public schools rank in the bottom 5% statewide.

Despite all that black people still thrive.

Then why the fuck are blacks still bitching about being oppressed?

They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white and non black people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

If whites were obsessed with ensuring that whites prospered to the exclusion of other races, Asian American's wouldn't be outperforming them in most categories.

How do you explain the recent scandal were affluent white and non black individuals, including television actors, corporate executives and bankers bribed and frauded their way to get admission for their children

I don't, because it doesn't involve enough white people to be remotely relevant.

we succeed in spite of racism.

In other words, racism isn't an impediment to black success, which is exactly what I've been saying.

We don't (need a system to help us)

Good, then blacks don't need Affirmative Action and black-only scholarships.

Everyone from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett needed a substantial amount of money to start up their companies.

If black people spent more time studying how a guy like Bill Gates made his money and less time bitching, whining, moaning, and blaming everybody else for their problems, they might have fewer problems.

Rosewood in the early part of the last century

Here was a thriving black community living independent of whites, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Not to mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of ... [SNIP]

The Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.

Yeah, 100 FUCKING YEARS AGO ... when people were still delivering milk with horse-drawn wagons. That's one of the problems with blacks, most of them obsess over shit that happened decades and centuries ago, before they were born.

Yes the black people on North Sentinnel Island are the most successful and smartest black people on the planet because they have never been dominated by white supremacy.

Neither have cockroaches, but you know how I know you're full of shit? Because there's no way in hell you'd choose to live among the Sentinelese people if given the opportunity.

And that's why they (North Sentinnel Islanders) are most successful and smartest blk ppl on the planet in that they would force white people to wipe them out because they would rather die than be oppressed.

The Sentinelese wouldn't hesitate to kill ANYONE that approached the island, white or otherwise, but the fact is, it's illegal to make contact with them.

I don't think about wiping white people off map.

You people are too busy wiping each other off the map to give your full attention to decimating whites.

Most drug users are white.

More blacks abuse drugs per capita than whites.
James Price

Your talking points sound good on stormfront. They sound good on Vdare or any of them white supremacist websites where guys like you spend hours trying to masquerade their internal chaos into a form of rationality. They sound good when your around your white family and friends. The sound good when no-one is there to check them.
Your talking points sound good nowhere.
James Price
"A Harvard University dean testified that the school has different SAT score standards for prospective students based on factors such as race and sex"

Harvard’s gatekeeper reveals SAT cutoff scores based on race

A Harvard University dean testified that the school has different SAT score standards for prospective students based on factors such as race and sex — but insisted that the practice isn’t discrimin…

Show me an official statement from Harvard where they state they are going to lower their admission scores for black people only.

I'll wait

Never mind black people. Even for most whites you have more chance of banging a nun than getting into Harvard.

Harvard is nearly impossible to get in.

The Ivies are the Ivies because of “reputation” and “public perception,” and so parents and student want to get into Harvard for bragging rights mainly.

Reputation is everything and Harvard has it and there is no amount of tax money that is going to undo that fact, because the people who write the laws and levy the taxes are all within the very group (Rich white people) that benefits the most from the current system. In fact, they ARE the system.

Jared Kushner son-in-law of Donald Trump, husband of Ivanka Trump, and son of Charles Kushner was accepted into Harvard shortly after his father pledged $2.5 million to the school.


James Price
Give me a fucking break. In city after city under Democrat control, more money is spent annually per student than the cost of tuition at many local colleges. But despite being flooded with taxpayer money flowing into public schools (that DEMOCRATS control) students hopelessly wallow in swamps of incompetence and educational idiocy. New Jersey’s Camden Central School District spends a whopping $25,000 annually PER STUDENT, yet it's the scholastic equivalent of George Floyd's criminal record; 90% of the district’s public schools rank in the bottom 5% statewide.

What about the unfair advantage white people get who have mothers, fathers, etc who have influence in the work place; managers, CEO’s etc who buy a covenant position in their company for their child who barely graduated H.S. ?

When I was in uni all I ever heard from white people was “my kids couldn’t get in”. They hate competing, so they rig the game in their favor. Cheating, nepotism, bribes, favoratism: WHITE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Now you know how George W. Bush got into and graduated from Yale.


So even when black people stomp over whites and non blacks educationally. Whites question it because they know they have set up a system for black ppl to fail.

James Price
Then why the fuck are blacks still bitching about being oppressed?

Because white people need to believe in themselves instead of believing that they can only compete with black people unless they have system set up for them which gives them a head start

James Price
If whites were obsessed with ensuring that whites prospered to the exclusion of other races, Asian American's wouldn't be outperforming them in most categories.

Asians are ALLOWED and ASSISTED by the white supremacist to prosper OVER Black people and Asians KNOW THIS, that's why they don't fight racism to the same extent that blk ppl do bcoz they don't want to be treated like blk ppl are so they accept the few more crumbs whites throw at them.

And thats how white people keep them in line "Hey !! You don't want to be treated like the we treat the negroes ? Do you ? You've seen history. OK. So behave and we'll allow you to have few businesses and we can fk you're women when we went"

When it comes to blacks and Asians, to compare a people whose identity and nation and culture have been intact for over a 1000 yrs and is still intact with a people who were enslaved for 500 years and in the process were robbed of their identity, culture, nation, land, religion, and ability to govern their own lives under their own national banner, flag, and land is just plain stupid.

Especially when those same (black) people are still under attack by white supremacists who seem to devote the majority of their time and energies to making sure black people stay inferior via inferior living environments, education, healthcare, food quality, water quality, unemployment, endless promotion of destructive programming and stereotyping via the white mainstream media (TV and films and music they control), deliberate drug infestations,and police terror tactics, and excessive and unjust incarcerations,

But if you believe Asians are outperforming whites then you'd agree that
  • Asians should be the norm against which everyone else is judged. We should all want to be like Asians and copy them.
  • Asians should design the IQ tests by which the world is measured.
  • Asian governments should overthrow the governments of non-Asian countries for their own good. Asians know best.
  • We should get all of our ideas about other races and the world in general from Asian media.
  • World history and world news should be mainly Asian history and Asian news.
  • Hollywood films, which are seen worldwide, should have mostly Asian heroes. They should be Asian even in cases where the original character was non-Asian, because that is what sells.
  • For the same reason, they should make feel-good Asian Saviour films where a nice Asian person saves helpless White people. It is not racist, it is just business.
  • Fashion models should be mainly Asian.
  • Asian Americans should hold most of the top positions in US society: business, banking, government, media, education. Whites who do not like it can go back to Europe.
  • The Asian quota at top US universities should end, though maybe some non-Asians can be admitted for the sake of “diversity”
  • Non-Asian people should be looked down on, feared, laughed at, stereotyped, if not hated, shot, locked up
  • If Asians should kill or wipe out Whites, it is not a big deal: Whites kill each other all the time. Look at Hitler and Stalin and all those creepy White American serial killers.
But no White person seriously makes this sort of argument

Why ? It follows from the fact you think Asians are out-performing whites..

James Price
In other words, racism isn't an impediment to black success, which is exactly what I've been saying.

No black people achieve in spite of racism. That's the thing. That's what makes black people special. You can still win 100m even if your opponent has a 5 metre start, But that start should not be there.

There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1995.

He grew up in USA-Maryland. He had plenty of Black friends. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse.

So what did he do ?

He changed himself from black to white

This is him.


He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his skin brown. He shaved the hair off but dressed, acted and talked the same.

After one week as a black man he was done.

He was going to do it for about 4 months visiting different parts of the country.

This is 1995 not 1955. This is in everyone's lifetime.

By his 2nd day as a black man he was in tears.

As a white man when he looked and smiled at White people. They smiled back. But as a Black man ? Whites look away, lock their doors, assume he's dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him. Restaurants would tell him they were full even when they weren't. He met a homeless white man who didn't have a biscuit and even he looked down on blacks.

Oprah did a show about it

And you know what's funny ?

What he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that.

This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics (Stop whining) tactics because white people you can't handle racism for a minute.

Black people are special and whites KNOW IT. That's why you need a whole system of advantage to go against us

James Price
If black people spent more time studying how a guy like Bill Gates made his money and less time bitching, whining, moaning, and blaming everybody else for their problems, they might have fewer problems.

Bill Gates wasn't some business marvel.

He took the idea for windows from Xerox and another guy who did the coding and took to IBM
He was able to get a contact from IBM for Windows. He didn't get a job with IBM but he went on to be bigger than IBM. That's how white wealth is built.

None of that would have mattered if Gates was young black man in the 1970's. He wouldn't have been taken seriously Xerox. He would not have got a contract from IBM. If he was black he would not have went to harvard and bear mind Gates dropped out of Uni. So even white people fk up they still have system to bk them up

Now sure Gates worked hard but his hard work was met with an opportunity structure that would not have been there had he been blk.

Elon Musk is the definition of white privilege he cashed out on paypal so now all he has to do is say "Hey, I got an idea !!" and rich ppl all over the world show up simply to sponsor his idea. It doesn't matter how crazy his idea is people would pump him so much money that it almost eliminates failure

If solid black business had that kinda access to wealth ? There'd be an economic revolution in years.

James Price
Yeah, 100 FUCKING YEARS AGO ... when people were still delivering milk with horse-drawn wagons. That's one of the problems with blacks, most of them obsess over shit that happened decades and centuries ago, before they were born.

And what's the difference between a white supremacist 100 years ago and white supremacist today ?



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Paul Essien
Standards were lowered at Harvard Law School so Barack Obama could be appointed the first Black President of Harvard Law.
James Price
Neither have cockroaches, but you know how I know you're full of shit? Because there's no way in hell you'd choose to live among the Sentinelese people if given the opportunity.

I don't choose to live on North Sentinnel because I'm not north Sentinelese and two because you can't. It's a restricted place.

That's YOUR white mentality because YOU would not live there YOU assume that's it's no good

Who are you ?

Because YOU say they are savage and backward. That's means they're savage.

Once again

Who are you ?

Can you start a fire without matches ? Can you look at the sun and use it as a guidance map ? Can you purify water ? Can skin a wild animal and the fur as clothing ? Do you know how preserve food without a fridge ?

No. Well there are many ppl living in rural parts of the world who can do this with their eyes closed but would more than likely not fair well on an IQ test. But they're dumb. Right ?

Strip away the technology and tools and what can you really do ?

By taking away humans weapons, you’re removing almost every advantage humans have.

Let's say you were in rural Kenya.

How long do you think it would be before I came upon your pink and naked body laying in a fen of fern, gasping and shivering, eyes bulging in horror, whilst some poisonous amphibian set atop your chest awaiting your inevitable demise?

I respect them as being the only continuously autonomous race of black people on the planet. Because they would rather die than be stomped on.

There are many places I would not want to live. I would not want live in Buckingham Palace, the White House, the Taj Mahal.

I don't believe in going to other people's countries and screwing them over. That's your white supremacist mentality.

Take a country in Africa like Senegal

Fishing is the main industry in Senegal but what happens ? Chinese and Europe come with their huge fishing trawlers scoop all the fish and they destroy the Senegalese economy and leave them without a biscuit.


This is just one country in Africa but stuff like goes on all over Africa. And then guys like you sit bk and wonder why some people in African countries want to leave.

And that the why the black people on North Sentinel are the smartest and most successful black people on the planet. They don't allow ANYONE in. And you can talk about whites wiping them out. What ? Because they got technology. The white man had the technological edge in Vietnam and lost and got fked up

But you let whites or any non black people have unrestricted access in places inhabited black ppl ? You give them an inch they take a mile
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James Price
Neither have cockroaches, but you know how I know you're full of shit? Because there's no way in hell you'd choose to live among the Sentinelese people if given the opportunity.

I don't choose to live on North Sentinnel because I'm not north Sentinelese and two because you can't. It's a restricted place.

That's YOUR white mentality because YOU would not live there YOU assume that's it's no good

Who are you ?

Because YOU say they are savage and backward. That's means they're savage.

Once again

Who are you ?

Can you start a fire without matches ? Can you look at the sun and use it as a guidance map ? Can you purify water ? Can skin a wild animal and the fur as clothing ? Do you know how preserve food without a fridge ?

No. Well there are many ppl living in rural parts of the world who can do this with their eyes closed but would more than likely not fair well on an IQ test. But they're dumb. Right ?

Strip away the technology and tools and what can you really do ?

By taking away humans weapons, you’re removing almost every advantage humans have.

Let's say you were in rural Kenya.

How long do you think it would be before I came upon your pink and naked body laying in a fen of fern, gasping and shivering, eyes bulging in horror, whilst some poisonous amphibian set atop your chest awaiting your inevitable demise?

I respect them as being the only continuously autonomous race of black people on the planet. Because they would rather die than be stomped on.

There are many places I would not want to live. I would not want live in Buckingham Palace, the White House, the Taj Mahal.

I don't believe in going to other people's countries and screwing them over. That's your white supremacist mentality.

Take a country in Africa like Senegal

Fishing is the main industry in Senegal but what happens ? Chinese and Europe come with their huge fishing trawlers scoop all the fish and they destroy the Senegalese economy and leave them without a biscuit.


This is just one country in Africa but stuff like goes on all over Africa. And then guys like you sit bk and wonder why some people in African countries want to leave.

And that the why the black people on North Sentinel are the smartest and most successful black people on the planet. They don't allow ANYONE in. And you can talk about whites wiping them out. What ? Because they got technology. The white man had the technological edge in Vietnam and lost and got fked up

But you let whites or any non black people have unrestricted access in places inhabited black ppl ? You give them an inch they take a mile
Why don't you go to north Minneapolis and live with the Somalis.
Show me an official statement from Harvard where they state they are going to lower their admission scores for black people only.
William Fitzsimmons, Harvard's Dean of Admissions, stated it on the stand in court; Harvard mails recruitment letters to black and Hispanic high schoolers who score at least 1100 on the combined math and verbal SAT, but require whites to score at least 1310 and Asian men to score 1380(Asian women have to score 1350).

"Under questioning from SFFA lawyer John Hughes, Fitzsimmons detailed some of the recruitment efforts that begin the selection process. Harvard mails recruitment letters to black and Hispanic high schoolers with middle-range SAT scores, Fitzsimmons acknowledged, yet only sends such letters to Asian Americans if they have scored more than 200 points higher."

"According to charts Hughes displayed, Harvard sends such recruiting letters to black, Hispanic, and Native American students with top grades who hit at least 1100 on the combined math and verbal SAT score (the top score is 1600). To receive such letters under similar circumstances, Asian American men must have a combined score of 1380, and Asian American women, a combined score of 1350."

"Similarly, Fitzsimmons said that white students in states where Harvard attendance is sparse, such as Montana and Nevada, would receive a recruitment letter if they scored at least 1310 in the combined SAT math and verbal tests. But Asian Americans living in such states would still not receive such recruiting letters unless they had a combined score of 1380 (the Harvard benchmark to recruit Asian American men) or 1350 (for Asian American women)."

What about the unfair advantage white people get who have mothers, fathers, etc who have influence in the work place; managers, CEO’s etc who buy a covenant position in their company for their child who barely graduated H.S.?
Show me the stats that indicate this is a statistically significant issue and we'll talk.

When I was in uni all I ever heard from white people was “my kids couldn’t get in". They hate competing, so they rig the game in their favor. Cheating, nepotism, bribes, favoratism: WHITE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Now you know how George W. Bush got into and graduated from Yale.
Blacks can't compete on a level playing field academically, which is why universities like Harvard lowered the scoring standards for them and money is practically being thrown at them in the form of black-only scholarships.

Because white people need to believe in themselves instead of believing that they can only compete with black people unless they have system set up for them which gives them a head start
The fact is, blacks have to have shit handed to them (eg. scholarships, diversity initiatives, lower academic scoring standards, etc) in order to come close to competing, and even then they can't keep up.

Asians are ALLOWED and ASSISTED by the white supremacist to prosper OVER Black people and Asians KNOW THIS, that's why they don't fight racism to the same extent that blk ppl do bcoz they don't want to be treated like blk ppl are so they accept the few more crumbs whites throw at them.
Bullshit. To be a white SUPREMACIST you have to believe that white people are SUPERIOR to other races, so naturally, if white supremacists were calling the shots, they wouldn't ALLOW Asian superiority.

And thats how white people keep them in line "Hey !! You don't want to be treated like the we treat the negroes ? Do you ? You've seen history. OK. So BEHAVE and we'll allow you to have few businesses and we can fk you're women when we went
You're basically admitting that black people don't behave.

When it comes to blacks and Asians, to compare a people whose identity and nation and culture have been intact for over a 1000 yrs and is still intact with a people who were enslaved for 500 years and in the process were robbed of their identity, culture, nation, land, religion, and ability to govern their own lives under their own national banner, flag, and land is just plain stupid.
We're talking about blacks and Asians born in this country. When blacks were given land and resources in Liberia, they fucked that up. You can't really give blacks much of anything without them fucking it up.

But if you believe Asians are outperforming whites then you'd agree that Asians should be the norm against which everyone else is judged. We should all want to be like Asians and copy them.
We should aspire to learn from and appreciate the qualities that make highly successful people successful, and in a lot of cases, Asians are more successful than other races, including whites. The problem with blacks is that they can't accept that another race may, on average, be more intelligent and successful than they are. That's the difference. Whites are willing to accept that reality, but blacks can't deal with the cold, hard fact that whites are, on average, more intelligent. But when blacks hear that, they interpret it as, "ALL blacks are intellectually inferior to whites" and that's not what "on average" means. The average black can't understand the difference because they're too hypersensitive about race to think about it rationally.

Asians should design the IQ tests by which the world is measured.
The fact that Asians score higher than whites on IQ tests created by whites clearly demonstrates that they're not biased in favor of whites.

Asian governments should overthrow the governments of non-Asian countries for their own good. Asians know best.
If Africa was remotely close to being able to overthrow countries on other continents (rather than struggling as a third-world shithole) they would.

No black people achieve in spite of racism.
You've got it backward. Black people fail in spite of being spoonfed opportunity.

This is 1995 not 1955. This is in everyone's lifetime.
Yes, A QUARTER OF A FUCKING CENTURY AGO. Rachel Dolezal wasn't only a white woman that passed as black for a day, she LIVED as a black woman for YEARS, and she would've gladly kept on living as such if she hadn't been exposed as a fraud.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that.
No, racism is a mindset, and denying someone something purely on the basis of race is a byproduct of that mindset.

Black people are special and whites KNOW IT.
You got that right. Whites DO KNOW how special blacks are, and blacks have the IQ and math skills to prove it.

Bill Gates wasn't some business marvel. He took the idea for windows from Xerox"
First off, Xerox wasn't the only organization experimenting with GUIs at the time. Second, Apple was one of the first to arrive with a usable GUI on Apple Lisa in 1983 and then on the Macintosh in 1984. Xerox actually invested in Apple early on, and subsequently gave Steve Jobs access to their PARC lab. In fact, their investment was quite lucrative once Apple stock took off. Third, Apple actually licensed portions of its GUI to Microsoft, which in turn implemented the licensed portions in Windows 1.0 as well as subsequent versions of Windows.

None of that would have mattered if Gates was young black man in the 1970's. He wouldn't have been taken seriously Xerox. He would not have got a contract from IBM. If he was black he would not have went to harvard and bear mind Gates dropped out of Uni. So even white people fk up they still have system to bk them up
Per usual, blacks tend to reference shit that happened or would've happened decades/centuries ago.

And what's the difference between a white supremacist 100 years ago and white supremacist today?
The difference is, white supremacy isn't an impediment to black success today. The biggest impediment to black success today is blacks themselves.

I don't choose to live on North Sentinnel because I'm not north Sentinelese and two because you can't. It's a restricted place.
Give me a fucking break. Most black Americans wouldn't live on North Sentinel Island either way because they'd 1) be killed by the Sentinelese or 2) die of starvation.

Can you start a fire without matches ? Can you look at the sun and use it as a guidance map ? Can you purify water ? Can skin a wild animal and the fur as clothing ? Do you know how preserve food without a fridge?
I could easily learn to do any of that shit if I didn't already know how, whereas you'd likely have about as much luck teaching the Sentinelese how to adapt to modern life in a first-world country as you would teaching a cave man to grasp the theory of relativity.

Strip away the technology and tools and what can you really do?
Humans were intelligent enough to invent the types of tools and technology that gave them an advantage in the first place. It didn't fall out of the fucking sky. The invention of superior tools and weapons is a testament to what CAN be done.

I respect them as being the only continuously autonomous race of black people on the planet. Because they would rather die than be stomped on.
Plenty of wild animals will fight to the death, too, but the only reason the Sentinelese are autonomous is that civilized humans made it illegal to interact with and/or kill them, and that's a good thing, in my opinion. Secondly, those savages would run their ass off in fear for their life if a group of well-armed soldiers in armored vehicles landed on the beach; however, the fact is, white people have no interest in harming or killing them.

Fishing is the main industry in Senegal but what happens ? Chinese and Europe come with their huge fishing trawlers scoop all the fish and they destroy the Senegalese economy and leave them without a biscuit. This is just one country in Africa but stuff like goes on all over Africa. And then guys like you sit bk and wonder why some people in African countries want to leave.
For fucks sake, Africa has been absolutely FLOODED with foreign aid for well over half a century. Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars, endless amounts of food, and swarms of consultants and other experts have been sent to try and help, and what does Africa have to show for it? Not a whole hell of a lot. Most of the money was either pocketed by the African government or squandered.
James Price
First off, Xerox wasn't the only organization experimenting with GUIs at the time. Second, Apple was one of the first to arrive with a usable GUI on Apple Lisa in 1983 and then on the Macintosh in 1984. Xerox actually invested in Apple early on, and subsequently gave Steve Jobs access to their PARC lab. In fact, their investment was quite lucrative once Apple stock took off. Third, Apple actually licensed portions of its GUI to Microsoft, which in turn implemented the licensed portions in Windows 1.0 as well as subsequent versions of Windows.

What are you babbling about ? I'm not interested in your amateur history of silicon valley

James Price
You're basically admitting that black people don't behave.

Never said that. I'm saying. Asians experience positive racism. Whites seem them as good non-white people. Blacks experience negative racism because we protest and have tried to improve our lot. We are seen as bad minorities.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good while they hate blacks for being bad and then tell blacks, ”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses ?”

James Price
You got that right. Whites DO KNOW how special blacks are, and blacks have the IQ and math skills to prove it.

Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't care about that. White people were saying black people were stupid long before the IQ test. All I want to know from all you guys who are always running around trying to prove how stupid black people are.

What do you with a race of stupid blk ppl ? The doing part. Not the assessment part

You're saying I'm stupid and i have a low IQ ? Ok. shit I'll take that - I guess am then. Now what ?

Let's get to the doing part. But they never do that. They come with this IQ and that's supposed to get black ppl all upset and every runs around trying to disprove them.

Fl that.

Let's talk about what should be done ?

James Price

It matters not. There is no difference between a white supremacist 25 years ago and one today.

James Price
For fucks sake, Africa has been absolutely FLOODED with foreign aid for well over half a century. Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars, endless amounts of food, and swarms of consultants and other experts have been sent to try and help, and what does Africa have to show for it? Not a whole hell of a lot. Most of the money was either pocketed by the African government or squandered.

Just because a man does good. That doesn't mean he is good.

Even the devil does good.

White supremacist can do good. That doesn't mean they are good.

That's a mafia trick. They used to kill a wife's husband and then turn up at his funeral with brown envelopes full of money telling his wife "What a great a guy he was and they're so sorry"

White people did this when the dropped the bomb in Hiroshima. Who the first people helping them ? White people.

White supremacist acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion.

Racism is not always an angry thing.

When the white man can to Africa. He didn't just come in and immediately do a Rambo on the natives. He came in as a friend. He came in with smiles. So they lowered their guard and that was their downfall. This what they do today in the guise of aid.

Yeah right. A bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

There is no such thing as aid

What there is, is a system were the World bank gives out credits to African countries.

So the African countries are held hostage through debt. The debt payback is done by getting more resources at low prices. Meanwhile local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks.

The debt relief comes with a price. The African resource producing countries have to sell everything for a special discount price which opens the doors to all sorts of speculations from foreign investors demanding high returns.

Another by-product the west is expecting from their ‘generous gestures’ is to get positive votes at the next UN assembly. Any African who goes against it ? They threaten the local authorities to pull their funds out or threaten them to initiate another government turnover.

White supremacist don’t want Africans in charge of their own destiny.

Look at what happens to Africans who have tried ? Colonel Gaddifi was trying to create a central African bank and an African communication network.

Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So what do you think happened to him ?.

It's more than interesting why scientists so baffled why Africa is not suffering from COVID like the richer, more vaccinated, Western countries.



In fact neathandal Gene's more likely to get COVID.

White supremacists are always trying to commit biological warfare on black ppl.

A white women goes to Africa (Rwanda) and has a meltdown because they "nerve" quarantine her because she tested positive for covid.

James Price
the only reason the Sentinelese are autonomous is that civilized humans made it illegal to interact with and/or kill them, and that's a good thing, in my opinion. Secondly, those savages would run their ass off in fear for their life if a group of well-armed soldiers in armored vehicles landed on the beach; however, the fact is, white people have no interest in harming or killing them.

Well the questions needs to be if, according to you. white people are just so big and bad and have all these armoured vehicles and well armed soldiers then why haven't they gone there ?

Because they have no interest in killing them ?


Please most of white history in regards to black people has been a slaughter house. In fact never mind black people, the way white people have treated each other is enough to know what they are about. So spare me the morality talk.

North Sentinel island is mystery. No one knows what language they speak. They have been cut off for 50 thousand years. It's not a normal place because there is no commercial fishing so this is one of the very few places in the world where fish die of old age and get to live their entire life and the North Sentinel islands received the first sunrise of this millennium

Maybe they're the new Arc ? They may be the only people on earth that are still the way God/Nature intended.

People thought the 2004 tsunami would wipe them out, it was soon revealed that the islanders had moved to higher ground before disaster struck almost as if they knew the giant tidal wave was coming.

Where as in white western countries even with the fancy tech they still can't 100% accurately predict natural disasters and get hit by earthquakes and hurricanes / tropical cyclones all the time.

North Sentinnel Islanders probably hold the cure for cancer. They kill on sight and would rather die than be oppressed.

Scientists who came on the Sentinels land and left them trinkets and a pig. But guess what ? The Sentinels killed the pig and buried it THAT'S how much they were willing to show that they didn't want anything to do with the visitors

If they've been on the island for all these years through different incidents...breathing, eating, birthing basically living, then why the hell would they need help now?

Someone come from the future and tell them to keep everyone TF out. Something had to have happened for them to be so committed to isolation

Every native of every continent should have acted this way when whites first landed on their shores.

Secondly you need to be carefully with all this wiping out talk because it's whites who could be wiped out and it's nothing to do with black people

You're women are not having kids or leaving it too late and struggling to have kids and this is going on all over the western world.


Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women.

The root of racism is fear, fear of white genetic annihilation. White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And uneasy about it.

This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor.
  • Their attempt to portray themselves as superior beings.
  • The white man’s obsession with creating more weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color.
  • The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities.
  • The funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti.
  • White folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people
Racism is a behavioural system for the survival of White people. So the expectation white people will change this behaviour is highly unlikely.

Paul Essien
Secondly, those savages would run their ass off in fear for their life if a group of well-armed soldiers in armored vehicles landed on the beach; however, the fact is, white people have no interest in harming or killing them.

No one is scared of the white supremacits. White supremacist had the tech edge in nam but lost. No one is scared. In fact ehite men are more scared of black men but try and find one black men who is scared of whute dudes

I'll wait.


You need a military to feel brave enough to go against us.

White people talk all this race shit but they could have made if happen if they would have the killer of George Floyd (Derke Cahavin) walk free.

No one has the courage blk ppl have.

And what makes us so amazing is that we're the minority population here but we still go hard body.

We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.
But we dust ourselves off and challenge the beast everyday


Whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If white were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

If whites really wanted the race war they would have let Derek Chauvin walk.

James Price
William Fitzsimmons, Harvard's Dean of Admissions, stated it on the stand in court; Harvard mails recruitment letters to black and Hispanic high schoolers who score at least 1100 on the combined math and verbal SAT, but require whites to score at least 1310 and Asian men to score 1380(Asian women have to score 1350)

Show me an official statement from Harvard were they state they are lowering the admission scores for black people
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James Price
First off, Xerox wasn't the only organization experimenting with GUIs at the time. Second, Apple was one of the first to arrive with a usable GUI on Apple Lisa in 1983 and then on the Macintosh in 1984. Xerox actually invested in Apple early on, and subsequently gave Steve Jobs access to their PARC lab. In fact, their investment was quite lucrative once Apple stock took off. Third, Apple actually licensed portions of its GUI to Microsoft, which in turn implemented the licensed portions in Windows 1.0 as well as subsequent versions of Windows.

What are you babbling about ? I'm not interested in your amateur history of silicon valley

James Price
You're basically admitting that black people don't behave.

Never said that. I'm saying. Asians experience positive racism. Whites seem them as good non-white people. Blacks experience negative racism because we protest and have tried to improve our lot. We are seen as bad minorities.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good while they hate blacks for being bad and then tell blacks, ”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses ?”

James Price
You got that right. Whites DO KNOW how special blacks are, and blacks have the IQ and math skills to prove it.

Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't care about that. White people were saying black people were stupid long before the IQ test. All I want to know from all you guys who are always running around trying to prove how stupid black people are.

What do you with a race of stupid blk ppl ? The doing part. Not the assessment part

You're saying I'm stupid and i have a low IQ ? Ok. shit I'll take that - I guess am then. Now what ?

Let's get to the doing part. But they never do that. They come with this IQ and that's supposed to get black ppl all upset and every runs around trying to disprove them.

Fl that.

Let's talk about what should be done ?

James Price

It matters not. There is no difference between a white supremacist 25 years ago and one today.

James Price
For fucks sake, Africa has been absolutely FLOODED with foreign aid for well over half a century. Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars, endless amounts of food, and swarms of consultants and other experts have been sent to try and help, and what does Africa have to show for it? Not a whole hell of a lot. Most of the money was either pocketed by the African government or squandered.

Just because a man does good. That doesn't mean he is good.

Even the devil does good.

White supremacist can do good. That doesn't mean they are good.

That's a mafia trick. They used to kill a wife's husband and then turn up at his funeral with brown envelopes full of money telling his wife "What a great a guy he was and they're so sorry"

White people did this when the dropped the bomb in Hiroshima. Who the first people helping them ? White people.

White supremacist acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion.

Racism is not always an angry thing.

When the white man can to Africa. He didn't just come in and immediately do a Rambo on the natives. He came in as a friend. He came in with smiles. So they lowered their guard and that was their downfall. This what they do today in the guise of aid.

Yeah right. A bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

There is no such thing as aid

What there is, is a system were the World bank gives out credits to African countries.

So the African countries are held hostage through debt. The debt payback is done by getting more resources at low prices. Meanwhile local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks.

The debt relief comes with a price. The African resource producing countries have to sell everything for a special discount price which opens the doors to all sorts of speculations from foreign investors demanding high returns.

Another by-product the west is expecting from their ‘generous gestures’ is to get positive votes at the next UN assembly. Any African who goes against it ? They threaten the local authorities to pull their funds out or threaten them to initiate another government turnover.

White supremacist don’t want Africans in charge of their own destiny.

Look at what happens to Africans who have tried ? Colonel Gaddifi was trying to create a central African bank and an African communication network.

Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So what do you think happened to him ?.

It's more than interesting why scientists so baffled why Africa is not suffering from COVID like the richer, more vaccinated, Western countries.



In fact neathandal Gene's more likely to get COVID.

White supremacists are always trying to commit biological warfare on black ppl.

A white women goes to Africa (Rwanda) and has a meltdown because they "nerve" quarantine her because she tested positive for covid.

James Price
the only reason the Sentinelese are autonomous is that civilized humans made it illegal to interact with and/or kill them, and that's a good thing, in my opinion. Secondly, those savages would run their ass off in fear for their life if a group of well-armed soldiers in armored vehicles landed on the beach; however, the fact is, white people have no interest in harming or killing them.

Well the questions needs to be if, according to you. white people are just so big and bad and have all these armoured vehicles and well armed soldiers then why haven't they gone there ?

Because they have no interest in killing them ?


Please most of white history in regards to black people has been a slaughter house. In fact never mind black people, the way white people have treated each other is enough to know what they are about. So spare me the morality talk.

North Sentinel island is mystery. No one knows what language they speak. They have been cut off for 50 thousand years. It's not a normal place because there is no commercial fishing so this is one of the very few places in the world where fish die of old age and get to live their entire life and the North Sentinel islands received the first sunrise of this millennium

Maybe they're the new Arc ? They may be the only people on earth that are still the way God/Nature intended.

People thought the 2004 tsunami would wipe them out, it was soon revealed that the islanders had moved to higher ground before disaster struck almost as if they knew the giant tidal wave was coming.

Where as in white western countries even with the fancy tech they still can't 100% accurately predict natural disasters and get hit by earthquakes and hurricanes / tropical cyclones all the time.

North Sentinnel Islanders probably hold the cure for cancer. They kill on sight and would rather die than be oppressed.

Scientists who came on the Sentinels land and left them trinkets and a pig. But guess what ? The Sentinels killed the pig and buried it THAT'S how much they were willing to show that they didn't want anything to do with the visitors

If they've been on the island for all these years through different incidents...breathing, eating, birthing basically living, then why the hell would they need help now?

Someone come from the future and tell them to keep everyone TF out. Something had to have happened for them to be so committed to isolation

Every native of every continent should have acted this way when whites first landed on their shores.

Secondly you need to be carefully with all this wiping out talk because it's whites who could be wiped out and it's nothing to do with black people

You're women are not having kids or leaving it too late and struggling to have kids and this is going on all over the western world.

View attachment 509334

Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women.

The root of racism is fear, fear of white genetic annihilation. White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And uneasy about it.

This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor.
  • Their attempt to portray themselves as superior beings.
  • The white man’s obsession with creating more weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color.
  • The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities.
  • The funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti.
  • White folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people
Racism is a behavioural system for the survival of White people. So the expectation white people will change this behaviour is highly unlikely.

Paul Essien
Secondly, those savages would run their ass off in fear for their life if a group of well-armed soldiers in armored vehicles landed on the beach; however, the fact is, white people have no interest in harming or killing them.

No one is scared of the white supremacits. White supremacist had the tech edge in nam but lost. No one is scared. In fact ehite men are more scared of black men but try and find one black men who is scared of whute dudes

I'll wait.


You need a military to feel brave enough to go against us.

White people talk all this race shit but they could have made if happen if they would have the killer of George Floyd (Derke Cahavin) walk free.

No one has the courage blk ppl have.

And what makes us so amazing is that we're the minority population here but we still go hard body.

We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.
But we dust ourselves off and challenge the beast everyday


Whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If white were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

If whites really wanted the race war they would have let Derek Chauvin walk.

James Price
William Fitzsimmons, Harvard's Dean of Admissions, stated it on the stand in court; Harvard mails recruitment letters to black and Hispanic high schoolers who score at least 1100 on the combined math and verbal SAT, but require whites to score at least 1310 and Asian men to score 1380(Asian women have to score 1350)

Show me an official statement from Harvard were they state they are lowering the admission scores for black people

It was testimony on the witness stand UNDER OATH. What do you want a proclamation from god?
Fatherless Black Families in the inner cities is a MAJOR PROBLEM. YES or NO?

Fatherless is a problem in all cities in all countries.

Can you explain to me why Iceland (One of the whitest countries you can find) a place where there no black people has the highest rates for father-lesness ?


If you were truly concerned about illegitimacy, you'd also be just as concerned about white illegitimacy too.
Sure. Iceland like many Scandinavian countries has generous public benefits. Fathers aren't necessary and illegitimacy is taken for granted.
"We have no right to sit silently by while the inevitable seeds are sown for a harvest of disaster to our children, black and white. First, it is the duty of black men to judge the South discriminatingly,"

W.E.B. Dubois

Read More: A Look At The Conflict Between W.E.B. Du Bois And Booker T. Washington

These words were spoken by the great W.E.B. Dubois in response to Booker T. Washington. Throughout American history there has been a subculture in the white community who could not stand Black men/woman who refused to shut up and take it. We see a continuation of that tradition today by that same white subculture. They recite Booker T, and read idiot, weak minded, low self esteemed, ass kissing, grant grovelling, ivory tower blacks like Thoman Sowell, the late Walter Williams or Shelby Steele.

Here's to the blacks who have been throught history, to quote Ice Cube, the wrong blacks to fuck with.

1. The Honorable Nat TurnerView attachment 504256

That's right, HONORABLE. Not one of you racists in this forum would have tolerated the conditions slaves lived in had they been white. Your asses are talking about civil wars and race wars now because you can't get everything given to you. Your ancestors fought a war wth a country that provided them with free land called headrights, and you did so over taxes as the legend goes. So I damn sure know what would have happened had whites been enslaved for 200 odd years as was the case with blacks when Nat Turner decided to fight fire with fire.

2. The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey.-I'll let him do the talking.

What legislation in effect today would you overturn on the basis that it is racist?

WEB Du Bois mislead lots of people. His research was elegant and scholarly but
his conclusions were faulty
Not one of you racists in this forum would have tolerated the conditions slaves lived in had they been white.
Yea, like whites weren’t exploited for their labor for centuries.

View attachment 504296
View attachment 504297
View attachment 504298
True. Today white workers are being exploited for their labor. Look at walmart. Look at Amazon. Isn’t Amazon down south about to unionize?
IM-2 has no concept of history-----of WORLD HUMANS
What are you babbling about ? I'm not interested in your amateur history of silicon valley
For fucks sake, learn how to actually quote the people you're responding to. Point is your comment about Microsoft is factually untrue. Truth is, you're not interested in history at all, unless it involves whites oppressing blacks, and that, in and of itself, is just more black bullshit.

Never said that. I'm saying. Asians experience positive racism. Whites seem them as good non-white people. Blacks experience negative racism because we protest and have tried to improve our lot. We are seen as bad minorities.
You referenced white supremacy, and real white supremacy doesn't accomodate any other race except whites, so the idea that white supremacists would give Asians a pass is simply bullshit. You obviously don't understand what white SUPREMACY actually means.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.
Yeah, because blacks as a group are too fucking incompetent to function productively within the system. That's why.

What do you with a race of stupid blk ppl ? The doing part. Not the assessment part
Exhibit A. This comment makes absolutely no fucking sense.

You're saying I'm stupid and i have a low IQ ? Ok. shit I'll take that - I guess am then. Now what ?
You obviously don't understand what "average IQ" means, and there's no point trying to explain it to you.

Let's get to the doing part. But they never do that. They come with this IQ and that's supposed to get black ppl all upset and every runs around trying to disprove them.
No news here. It's obvious most black people, like yourself, don't give a shit about IQ.

Let's talk about what should be done ?
Be done about what? The lower IQ of the average black?

It matters not. There is no difference between a white supremacist 25 years ago and one today.
First, you asked what the difference was between a white supremacist 100 years ago, now you're saying there's no difference between a white supremacist today and 25 years ago. Fact is, white supremacy actually was an impediment to black success 100 years ago. It's not today. The biggest thing holding blacks back today is their own lack of abilities and initiative. Instead, they blame everybody else and racism for problems they create. They've got a million excuses as to why they can't succeed, and it never involves taking responsibility for the shit they do.

Just because a man does good. That doesn't mean he is good. Even the devil does good.

White supremacist can do good. That doesn't mean they are good.
A perfect example that demonstrates you have no concept of what white supremacy actually means. None. Zero. Zilch.

There is no such thing as aid

No such thing as aid? You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The amount of money that's been transferred into the African govt.'s bank accounts, up to this point, is unfathomable, but blacks always have a way of sidestepping reality when it involves them acting irresponsibly.

So the African countries are held hostage through debt. The debt payback is done by getting more resources at low prices. Meanwhile local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks.
If Africa would actually USE the funds to do something productive for their fucking country, they likely wouldn't BE in debt. But that logic makes no sense to the average black, because making excuses is in their DNA.

White supremacist don’t want Africans in charge of their own destiny.
More excuses; whites oppressing blacks. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

White supremacists are always trying to commit biological warfare on black ppl.

Same story. Whites trying to oppress blacks. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Nevermind, that EVERY OTHER RACE is succeeding compared to blacks.

Well the questions needs to be if, according to you. white people are just so big and bad and have all these armoured vehicles and well armed soldiers then why haven't they gone there ?

For the same reason white people protect endangered species. You wouldn't understand that though, because blacks tend to have violent tendencies. Violence is often used in lieu of intellectual diplomacy.

Please most of white history in regards to black people has been a slaughter house.

In fact never mind black people, the way white people have treated each other is enough to know what they are about.
Give me a fucking break. Blacks are wiping each other off the planet at breakneck speeds, so don't play that high ground shit with me.

They kill on sight and would rather die than be oppressed.
They kill on sight because they're uncivilized savages that live like animals.

Scientists who came on the Sentinels land and left them trinkets and a pig. But guess what ? The Sentinels killed the pig and buried it THAT'S how much they were willing to show that they didn't want anything to do with the visitors
No, they killed and buried the pig rather than ate it because they're simple-minded idiots.

Someone come from the future and tell them to keep everyone TF out. Something had to have happened for them to be so committed to isolation
You'd get a similar reaction from wild animals in the jungle. And for all of the Sentinelese's isolation and lack of interference, they're still living like fucking animals, which just goes to show, Africans would still be living in a relative shithole regardless of how much contact they had with the outside world.

Secondly you need to be carefully with all this wiping out talk
All what wiping out talk? I said whites could've wiped the Sentinelese off the face of the Earth IF THEY WANTED to, which they don't, so what the fuck are you talking about?

You're women are not having kids or leaving it too late and struggling to have kids and this is going on all over the western world.

Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.
Many generations down the road, the overlap between the races (due to interbreeding) of both genders will become
so prevalent that the terms black, white, Latino, Asian, etc. will all become irrelevant.

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women.
Black wishful thinking. With enough interbreeding, you just get a watered down, flavorless racial soup that's neither black, white, Asian, etc.

The root of racism is fear, fear of white genetic annihilation. White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.
Today, the root of white racism is black mental illness. It keeps perpetuating the fantasy. Truth be told, blacks are some of the most racist creatures on the Earth.

This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor. Their attempt to portray themselves as superior beings.
That's exactly how blacks portray themselves (ie. as victims) even though they're typically the aggressors. Yet for reasons that defy logic, they have this fantasy that they're superior to whites.

The white man’s obsession with creating more weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color.
Black paranoia and fantasy.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities.
Which blacks use to mow down their own people in vast numbers.

Racism is a behavioural system for the survival of White people. So the expectation white people will change this behaviour is highly unlikely.
Today, racism is an industry that benefits black people immensely, and they'll never give it up because it affords them too many benefits. They don't need to bother trying anymore. Why should they, when it's a lot easier to get your way by blaming everything on racism. If you utter the words racist and racism, you can loot and burn cities, and even get away with murder(eg. 2020 riots).

White supremacist had the tech edge in nam but lost. No one is scared.
If it weren't for white people overthrowing Nazi's (who were true white supremacists) there likely wouldn't be any black motherfuckers in this country.

In fact ehite men are more scared of black men but try and find one black men who is scared of whute dudes
Another black fantasy. I can find about as many videos of white men kicking the shit out of black men on YouTube as vice versa. Search for "black white fight".

No one has the courage blk ppl have.
It has nothing to do with courage. Blacks are simply more prone to violence, which is why there's so much of it in black communities.

And what makes us so amazing is that we're the minority population here but we still go hard body.
It's not amazing at all. It's shameful that a group that comprises 13% of the population commits six times the number of homicides of whites per capita.

We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.
But we dust ourselves off and challenge the beast everyday
Blacks go up against LAW ENFORCEMENT because they're always breaking the fucking law. But they never learn. The recidivism rate among blacks is atrocious. In my opinion, they're fucking hopeless. We need to give blacks their own portion of the United States where they can pillage and destroy shit to their heart's content, and let the rest of civilized society go about their business.

In my opinion, blacks, as a group, are thoroughly useless and destructive. The average black person is to America what a broken leg is to the human body. We drag it around because we have to. The difference is, a broken leg will heal. A parasite would be the more appropriate analogy.

Whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it.
Some people are amazed at the survivability of the cockroach, too.

Show me an official statement from Harvard were they state they are lowering the admission scores for black people
The admissions scores for blacks at Harvard ARE lower, and I specifically referenced the dean's court testimony, which was made under oath.
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"We have no right to sit silently by while the inevitable seeds are sown for a harvest of disaster to our children, black and white. First, it is the duty of black men to judge the South discriminatingly,"

W.E.B. Dubois

Read More: A Look At The Conflict Between W.E.B. Du Bois And Booker T. Washington

These words were spoken by the great W.E.B. Dubois in response to Booker T. Washington. Throughout American history there has been a subculture in the white community who could not stand Black men/woman who refused to shut up and take it. We see a continuation of that tradition today by that same white subculture. They recite Booker T, and read idiot, weak minded, low self esteemed, ass kissing, grant grovelling, ivory tower blacks like Thoman Sowell, the late Walter Williams or Shelby Steele.

Here's to the blacks who have been throught history, to quote Ice Cube, the wrong blacks to fuck with.

1. The Honorable Nat TurnerView attachment 504256

That's right, HONORABLE. Not one of you racists in this forum would have tolerated the conditions slaves lived in had they been white. Your asses are talking about civil wars and race wars now because you can't get everything given to you. Your ancestors fought a war wth a country that provided them with free land called headrights, and you did so over taxes as the legend goes. So I damn sure know what would have happened had whites been enslaved for 200 odd years as was the case with blacks when Nat Turner decided to fight fire with fire.

2. The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey.-I'll let him do the talking.

I noticed that all your great heros are from the past. Your leaders are mostly just race baiting scrubs now.
What are you babbling about ? I'm not interested in your amateur history of silicon valley
For fucks sake, learn how to actually quote the people you're responding to. Point is your comment about Microsoft is factually untrue. Truth is, you're not interested in history at all, unless it involves whites oppressing blacks, and that, in and of itself, is just more black bullshit.

Never said that. I'm saying. Asians experience positive racism. Whites seem them as good non-white people. Blacks experience negative racism because we protest and have tried to improve our lot. We are seen as bad minorities.
You referenced white supremacy, and real white supremacy doesn't accomodate any other race except whites, so the idea that white supremacists would give Asians a pass is simply bullshit. You obviously don't understand what white SUPREMACY actually means.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.
Yeah, because blacks as a group are too fucking incompetent to function productively within the system. That's why.

What do you with a race of stupid blk ppl ? The doing part. Not the assessment part
Exhibit A. This comment makes absolutely no fucking sense.

You're saying I'm stupid and i have a low IQ ? Ok. shit I'll take that - I guess am then. Now what ?
You obviously don't understand what "average IQ" means, and there's no point trying to explain it to you.

Let's get to the doing part. But they never do that. They come with this IQ and that's supposed to get black ppl all upset and every runs around trying to disprove them.
No news here. It's obvious most black people, like yourself, don't give a shit about IQ.

Let's talk about what should be done ?
Be done about what? The lower IQ of the average black?

It matters not. There is no difference between a white supremacist 25 years ago and one today.
First, you asked what the difference was between a white supremacist 100 years ago, now you're saying there's no difference between a white supremacist today and 25 years ago. Fact is, white supremacy actually was an impediment to black success 100 years ago. It's not today. The biggest thing holding blacks back today is their own lack of abilities and initiative. Instead, they blame everybody else and racism for problems they create. They've got a million excuses as to why they can't succeed, and it never involves taking responsibility for the shit they do.

Just because a man does good. That doesn't mean he is good. Even the devil does good.

White supremacist can do good. That doesn't mean they are good.
A perfect example that demonstrates you have no concept of what white supremacy actually means. None. Zero. Zilch.

There is no such thing as aid

No such thing as aid? You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The amount of money that's been transferred into the African govt.'s bank accounts, up to this point, is unfathomable, but blacks always have a way of sidestepping reality when it involves them acting irresponsibly.

So the African countries are held hostage through debt. The debt payback is done by getting more resources at low prices. Meanwhile local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks.
If Africa would actually USE the funds to do something productive for their fucking country, they likely wouldn't BE in debt. But that logic makes no sense to the average black, because making excuses is in their DNA.

White supremacist don’t want Africans in charge of their own destiny.
More excuses; whites oppressing blacks. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

White supremacists are always trying to commit biological warfare on black ppl.

Same story. Whites trying to oppress blacks. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Nevermind, that EVERY OTHER RACE is succeeding compared to blacks.

Well the questions needs to be if, according to you. white people are just so big and bad and have all these armoured vehicles and well armed soldiers then why haven't they gone there ?

For the same reason white people protect endangered species. You wouldn't understand that though, because blacks tend to have violent tendencies. Violence is often used in lieu of intellectual diplomacy.

Please most of white history in regards to black people has been a slaughter house.

In fact never mind black people, the way white people have treated each other is enough to know what they are about.
Give me a fucking break. Blacks are wiping each other off the planet at breakneck speeds, so don't play that high ground shit with me.

They kill on sight and would rather die than be oppressed.
They kill on sight because they're uncivilized savages that live like animals.

Scientists who came on the Sentinels land and left them trinkets and a pig. But guess what ? The Sentinels killed the pig and buried it THAT'S how much they were willing to show that they didn't want anything to do with the visitors
No, they killed and buried the pig rather than ate it because they're simple-minded idiots.

Someone come from the future and tell them to keep everyone TF out. Something had to have happened for them to be so committed to isolation
You'd get a similar reaction from wild animals in the jungle. And for all of the Sentinelese's isolation and lack of interference, they're still living like fucking animals, which just goes to show, Africans would still be living in a relative shithole regardless of how much contact they had with the outside world.

Secondly you need to be carefully with all this wiping out talk
All what wiping out talk? I said whites could've wiped the Sentinelese off the face of the Earth IF THEY WANTED to, which they don't, so what the fuck are you talking about?

You're women are not having kids or leaving it too late and struggling to have kids and this is going on all over the western world.

Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.
Many generations down the road, the overlap between the races (due to interbreeding) of both genders will become
so prevalent that the terms black, white, Latino, Asian, etc. will all become irrelevant.

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women.
Black wishful thinking. With enough interbreeding, you just get a watered down, flavorless racial soup that's neither black, white, Asian, etc.

The root of racism is fear, fear of white genetic annihilation. White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.
Today, the root of white racism is black mental illness. It keeps perpetuating the fantasy. Truth be told, blacks are some the most racist creatures on the Earth.

This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor. Their attempt to portray themselves as superior beings.
That's exactly how blacks portray themselves (as victims) even though they're typically the aggressors. Yet for reasons that defy logic, they have this fantasy that they're superior to whites.

The white man’s obsession with creating more weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color.
Black paranoia and fantasy.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities.
Which blacks use to mow down their own people in vast numbers.

Racism is a behavioural system for the survival of White people. So the expectation white people will change this behaviour is highly unlikely.
Today, racism is an industry that benefits black people immensely, and they'll never give it up because it affords them too many benefits. They don't need to bother trying anymore. Why should they, when it's a lot easier to get your way by blaming everything on racism. If you utter the words racist and racism, you can loot and burn cities, and even get away with murder(eg. riots in 2020).

White supremacist had the tech edge in nam but lost. No one is scared.
If it weren't for white people overthrowing Nazi's (who were true white supremacists) there likely wouldn't be any black motherfuckers in this country.

In fact ehite men are more scared of black men but try and find one black men who is scared of whute dudes
Another black fantasy. I can find about as many videos of white men kicking the shit out of black men on YouTube as vice versa. Search for "black white fight".

No one has the courage blk ppl have.
It has nothing to do with courage. Blacks are simply more prone to violence, which is why there's so much of it in black communities.

And what makes us so amazing is that we're the minority population here but we still go hard body.
It's not amazing at all. It's shameful that a group that comprises 13% of the population commits six times the homicides of whites per capita.

We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.
But we dust ourselves off and challenge the beast everyday
Blacks go up against LAW ENFORCEMENT because they're always breaking the fucking law. But they never learn. The recidivism rate among blacks is atrocious. In my opinion, they're fucking hopeless. We need to give blacks their own portion of the United States where they can pillage and destroy shit to their heart's content, and let the rest of civilized society go about their business.

In my opinion, blacks, as a group, are thoroughly useless and destructive. The average black person is to America what a broken leg is to the human body. We drag it around because we don't have a choice. The difference is, a broken leg will heal. A parasite would be the more appropriate analogy.

Whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it.
Some people are amazed at the survivability of the cockroach, too.

Show me an official statement from Harvard were they state they are lowering the admission scores for black people
The admissions scores for blacks at Harvard ARE lower, and I specifically referenced the dean's court testimony, which was made under oath.
Ouch! That was an epic ass whoopin!
Since you don't understand----I agree racism exists. Affirmative action for example is extremely racist and self destructive for the nation------One should always chose the best person for the job, not chose by color. This is also true when picking out a puppy (personality and health which includes intelligence should be the 1st choice.) This racism has grown to where the government is also gearing other programs to give blacks freebies while discriminating against all other races. This helps no one and in fact, harms the nation.

White women are the number one recipient of Affirmative Action.


The question is, is our fear of black men rational or irrational? To me the numbers say our fear is rational.

The numbers show your fear is not rational. Nor does American history. Whites have continuosly been the most violent people here. Specifically white males.

PRESIDENT Barack Obama


A black man who dared to think he could president? Then win 2 terms? That's a first ballot ticket to the whitey hate you hall of fame.

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