Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

Black Detroiters have been a part of Detroit’s greatest moments but have also had to bear the brunt of its worst. Too often those low-points stemmed from racist federal and local policies that disproportionately impacted the city’s Black residents. From segregation and redlining, to police brutality and the destruction of Black and immigrant neighborhoods, systemic racism has been a part of the city’s story since its founding.

What are you babbling about ? I'm not interested in your amateur history of silicon valley
For fucks sake, learn how to actually quote the people you're responding to. Point is your comment about Microsoft is factually untrue. Truth is, you're not interested in history at all, unless it involves whites oppressing blacks, and that, in and of itself, is just more black bullshit.

Never said that. I'm saying. Asians experience positive racism. Whites seem them as good non-white people. Blacks experience negative racism because we protest and have tried to improve our lot. We are seen as bad minorities.
You referenced white supremacy, and real white supremacy doesn't accomodate any other race except whites, so the idea that white supremacists would give Asians a pass is simply bullshit. You obviously don't understand what white SUPREMACY actually means.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.
Yeah, because blacks as a group are too fucking incompetent to function productively within the system. That's why.

What do you with a race of stupid blk ppl ? The doing part. Not the assessment part
Exhibit A. This comment makes absolutely no fucking sense.

You're saying I'm stupid and i have a low IQ ? Ok. shit I'll take that - I guess am then. Now what ?
You obviously don't understand what "average IQ" means, and there's no point trying to explain it to you.

Let's get to the doing part. But they never do that. They come with this IQ and that's supposed to get black ppl all upset and every runs around trying to disprove them.
No news here. It's obvious most black people, like yourself, don't give a shit about IQ.

Let's talk about what should be done ?
Be done about what? The lower IQ of the average black?

It matters not. There is no difference between a white supremacist 25 years ago and one today.
First, you asked what the difference was between a white supremacist 100 years ago, now you're saying there's no difference between a white supremacist today and 25 years ago. Fact is, white supremacy actually was an impediment to black success 100 years ago. It's not today. The biggest thing holding blacks back today is their own lack of abilities and initiative. Instead, they blame everybody else and racism for problems they create. They've got a million excuses as to why they can't succeed, and it never involves taking responsibility for the shit they do.

Just because a man does good. That doesn't mean he is good. Even the devil does good.

White supremacist can do good. That doesn't mean they are good.
A perfect example that demonstrates you have no concept of what white supremacy actually means. None. Zero. Zilch.

There is no such thing as aid

No such thing as aid? You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The amount of money that's been transferred into the African govt.'s bank accounts, up to this point, is unfathomable, but blacks always have a way of sidestepping reality when it involves them acting irresponsibly.

So the African countries are held hostage through debt. The debt payback is done by getting more resources at low prices. Meanwhile local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks.
If Africa would actually USE the funds to do something productive for their fucking country, they likely wouldn't BE in debt. But that logic makes no sense to the average black, because making excuses is in their DNA.

White supremacist don’t want Africans in charge of their own destiny.
More excuses; whites oppressing blacks. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

White supremacists are always trying to commit biological warfare on black ppl.

Same story. Whites trying to oppress blacks. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Nevermind, that EVERY OTHER RACE is succeeding compared to blacks.

Well the questions needs to be if, according to you. white people are just so big and bad and have all these armoured vehicles and well armed soldiers then why haven't they gone there ?

For the same reason white people protect endangered species. You wouldn't understand that though, because blacks tend to have violent tendencies. Violence is often used in lieu of intellectual diplomacy.

Please most of white history in regards to black people has been a slaughter house.

In fact never mind black people, the way white people have treated each other is enough to know what they are about.
Give me a fucking break. Blacks are wiping each other off the planet at breakneck speeds, so don't play that high ground shit with me.

They kill on sight and would rather die than be oppressed.
They kill on sight because they're uncivilized savages that live like animals.

Scientists who came on the Sentinels land and left them trinkets and a pig. But guess what ? The Sentinels killed the pig and buried it THAT'S how much they were willing to show that they didn't want anything to do with the visitors
No, they killed and buried the pig rather than ate it because they're simple-minded idiots.

Someone come from the future and tell them to keep everyone TF out. Something had to have happened for them to be so committed to isolation
You'd get a similar reaction from wild animals in the jungle. And for all of the Sentinelese's isolation and lack of interference, they're still living like fucking animals, which just goes to show, Africans would still be living in a relative shithole regardless of how much contact they had with the outside world.

Secondly you need to be carefully with all this wiping out talk
All what wiping out talk? I said whites could've wiped the Sentinelese off the face of the Earth IF THEY WANTED to, which they don't, so what the fuck are you talking about?

You're women are not having kids or leaving it too late and struggling to have kids and this is going on all over the western world.

Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.
Many generations down the road, the overlap between the races (due to interbreeding) of both genders will become
so prevalent that the terms black, white, Latino, Asian, etc. will all become irrelevant.

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women.
Black wishful thinking. With enough interbreeding, you just get a watered down, flavorless racial soup that's neither black, white, Asian, etc.

The root of racism is fear, fear of white genetic annihilation. White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.
Today, the root of white racism is black mental illness. It keeps perpetuating the fantasy. Truth be told, blacks are some of the most racist creatures on the Earth.

This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor. Their attempt to portray themselves as superior beings.
That's exactly how blacks portray themselves (ie. as victims) even though they're typically the aggressors. Yet for reasons that defy logic, they have this fantasy that they're superior to whites.

The white man’s obsession with creating more weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color.
Black paranoia and fantasy.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities.
Which blacks use to mow down their own people in vast numbers.

Racism is a behavioural system for the survival of White people. So the expectation white people will change this behaviour is highly unlikely.
Today, racism is an industry that benefits black people immensely, and they'll never give it up because it affords them too many benefits. They don't need to bother trying anymore. Why should they, when it's a lot easier to get your way by blaming everything on racism. If you utter the words racist and racism, you can loot and burn cities, and even get away with murder(eg. 2020 riots).

White supremacist had the tech edge in nam but lost. No one is scared.
If it weren't for white people overthrowing Nazi's (who were true white supremacists) there likely wouldn't be any black motherfuckers in this country.

In fact ehite men are more scared of black men but try and find one black men who is scared of whute dudes
Another black fantasy. I can find about as many videos of white men kicking the shit out of black men on YouTube as vice versa. Search for "black white fight".

No one has the courage blk ppl have.
It has nothing to do with courage. Blacks are simply more prone to violence, which is why there's so much of it in black communities.

And what makes us so amazing is that we're the minority population here but we still go hard body.
It's not amazing at all. It's shameful that a group that comprises 13% of the population commits six times the number of homicides of whites per capita.

We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.
But we dust ourselves off and challenge the beast everyday
Blacks go up against LAW ENFORCEMENT because they're always breaking the fucking law. But they never learn. The recidivism rate among blacks is atrocious. In my opinion, they're fucking hopeless. We need to give blacks their own portion of the United States where they can pillage and destroy shit to their heart's content, and let the rest of civilized society go about their business.

In my opinion, blacks, as a group, are thoroughly useless and destructive. The average black person is to America what a broken leg is to the human body. We drag it around because we have to. The difference is, a broken leg will heal. A parasite would be the more appropriate analogy.

Whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it.
Some people are amazed at the survivability of the cockroach, too.

Show me an official statement from Harvard were they state they are lowering the admission scores for black people
The admissions scores for blacks at Harvard ARE lower, and I specifically referenced the dean's court testimony, which was made under oath.
Debating with you is a bit like fighting zombies, no matter how many you smack down they still keep coming.

So this is going to turn into a last man talking contest which just goes round in circles were the same arguments are repeated.

Who are you trying to convince of white superiority ? Because it certainly isn’t me.

That would be a complete and utter exercise in futility.

You're like an amateur gunslinger.

All you do is point n shoot aimlessly n hope 4 the best.

But whenever you come try n shoot that shit at me. I go for my AK-47 bcoz in full on blast, the person with most powerful weapon leaves a smoke bullet ridden avatar on the ground.

And at that point I know the game is over so might as well have some fun. Go on I'll raise your self esteem and give you the last word.
Black Detroiters have been a part of Detroit’s greatest moments but have also had to bear the brunt of its worst. Too often those low-points stemmed from racist federal and local policies that disproportionately impacted the city’s Black residents. From segregation and redlining, to police brutality and the destruction of Black and immigrant neighborhoods, systemic racism has been a part of the city’s story since its founding.

Same tired story. Blacks never take responsibility for anything.
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PRESIDENT Barack Obama

View attachment 513302

A black man who dared to think he could president? Then win 2 terms? That's a first ballot ticket to the whitey hate you hall of fame.
Sounds like a lot of whining to me. Instead of marking Obama's election to president as a milestone in black achievement you choose to complain that some idiot white people are going to be mad. Somehow, I get the feeling that you don't WANT Obama to be celebrated as a milestone in black American achievement, because that would give you one less justification for your continued wallowing in resentment.
PRESIDENT Barack Obama

View attachment 513302

A black man who dared to think he could president? Then win 2 terms? That's a first ballot ticket to the whitey hate you hall of fame.
Sounds like a lot of whining to me. Instead of marking Obama's election to president as a milestone in black achievement you choose to complain that some idiot white people are going to be mad. Somehow, I get the feeling that you don't WANT Obama to be celebrated as a milestone in black American achievement, because that would give you one less justification for your continued wallowing in resentment.
IM2 is exactly the kind of Black American Booker T Washington was talking about when he said there are Black people who don't want the patient to get well because they will lose their job....race hustling.
White Supremacist groups openly parade through cities like Philadelphia. And STILL not an anti-Black hate crime bill in sight. And not a word from Mr "I'll always have your back".

White Supremacist groups openly parade through cities like Philadelphia. And STILL not an anti-Black hate crime bill in sight. And not a word from Mr "I'll always have your back".
Hate crime legislation is fucking stupid. Your value doesn't go up just because you're black.
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James Price
Hate crime legislation is fucking stupid. Your value doesn't go up just because you're black.

White supremacy and white people in general operates on common law that means you are always supposed to side with white people against black people no matter what

And a video that's gone viral this week shows that.

White people get on code. Here we a video of another white karen attacking a black woman then immediately goes into victim mode

I gottta give you white people round of applause


And then the police comes along and act like Barney Fife "Well I don't know, my hands are tied, can't do nothing" if that was black woman ? They would have came in there like Rambo
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White supremacy and white people in general operates on common law that means you are always supposed to side with white people against black people no matter what
Horseshit. Blacks were ALLOWED to completely torch and loot cities across the nation en masse last year to the tune of $2,000,000,000+ over the death of a black career criminal, and the white officer at the center of the controversy was sentenced to 22 years. On the flip side, a white teenager named Tony Timpa died on the ground while being restrained and knelt on by officers for 13 minutes in 2016, and the officers involved in the incident didn't serve a single day in jail. In fact, four of the officers present on the scene remain on active duty with the Dallas Police Department, and the fifth retired.

James Price
over the death of a black career criminal, and the white officer at the center of the controversy was sentenced to 22 years.

All they had to do is arrest the other cops and charge all of them with first degree murder of Floyd. It’s that simple but white supremacy hates taking L’s so they rather let the country burn than charge those cops.

Further proof that you can’t put a price tag on white supremacy. They will destroy the world before they give it up. For them there is no purpose to life without white supremacy and privilege.

Burn it all down as far as I'm concerned. They're all insured. Plus black people don't own any of it so it's not our businesses to ransack in the first place.

Also most of the looting was done by whites.


James Price
Horseshit. Blacks were ALLOWED to completely torch and loot cities across the nation en masse last year to the tune of $2,000,000,000+

I find that funny you as a white person has the nerve to talk about black people being allowed to riot when at the start of the year white supremacists attacked the seat of government, and openly threatened to kill lawmakers (4 ppl actually die)

O and by the way this one of your soooooo oppressed white people who attended the riots.

$20,550 on the low end, $39,950 on the high end, is what Jenna Ryan paid to charter a private jet to fly from Dallas to DC to participate in a murderous, terrorist, insurrection on the US Capitol.


Life must be so hard for her

But she went to the capitol buildings to joing other white people who did this




And guess what ?

No tear gas.
No water canons.
No flash bangs.
No snipers.
No dogs.
No tanks.
No drones.
No militarised police.


No one beating white society over the head for looting.
No one blaming white parents.
No one blaming white groups like Green day for affecting white people.


The USA spends almost a trillion dollars annually on defense but a bunch of white supremacists are able to take over the US capitol building by simply kicking open the front door?

Really ?

This insurrection could never have happened the way it did without the higher ups in the Capitol police letting it happen.

So don't talk to me about "allowed"

Where as we get this


They had guns and bombs. So make no mistake. They went to the Capitol on Jan. 6 to assassinate Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others.

But when white people storm government buildings they're met with selfies and a smiling police force even if they're threatening to overthrow the system

But only white folk carry that mentality of entitlement that leads u to say, "let's just set off the revolution now...surely everything will be fine..."

Black folks know even peaceful protest is met with violence (100s of videos over the summer show it), let alone this shit

Matter of fact if a group of Black people had been ADVERTISING a pending coup for a month, the Capitol steps would have been covered w/Capitol cops, DC police, National Guard, DHS, BOP, etc...

None of the Black folk would have been shot bc none would have been able to get near the fkin building.

Law enforcement would have responded en masse.

Listen to one of your own say it best

James Price
On the flip side, a white teenager named Tony Timpa died on the ground while being restrained and knelt on by officers for 13 minutes in 2016, and the officers involved in the incident didn't serve a single day in jail. In fact, four of the officers present on the scene remain on active duty with the Dallas Police Department, and the fifth retired

Well then whites need to be just as vocal as Blacks are in pointing out the unarmed Whites that are killed by the police.

If all people are really suffering from police brutality, then wouldn’t you think that whites should be complaining about the police, rather than complaining about black people complaining about the police ?

Yes whites are also brutalized by police (in the sense that American policing is heavy-handed all around compared to many other countries) but only black ppl seem to be making an effort to change that.

Black ppl, by proxy, are essentially fighting for everyone’s rights and all we get in return is chastisement from those who would also benefit from change.

It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

But people like you will support police brutality so long as it's mainly aimed at blacks.

Also let's be clear cops go out of their way to not shoot white people.

But when a black man is handcuffed doesn't matter
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I find that funny you as a white person has the nerve to talk about black people being allowed to riot when at the start of the year white supremacists attacked the seat of government, and openly threatened to kill lawmakers (4 ppl actually die)
More horseshit. You're comparing a single event that, in terms of damage, paled in comparison to the HUNDREDS of riots that involved actual burning, looting, rioting, and MURDER across the country and caused BILLIONS of dollars in damages and over 30 deaths. The summer rioters didn't just openly threaten to kill people, they actually followed through.

Burn it all down as far as I'm concerned. They're all insured. Plus black people don't own any of it so it's not our businesses to ransack in the first place.
This is the sort of response that leads people to stereotype black IQ. These fucking idiots destroyed black-owned businesses that weren't insured, and many of them will never recover. These are the same dumbfucks who shot and killed David Dorn, a retired black police captain, for trying to protect a friend's pawn shop from looters in St. Louis. And this is one of the fine, upstanding black citizens who did it:


Also most of the looting was done by whites.
No, it wasn't.

O and by the way this one of your soooooo oppressed white people who attended the riots.
Whites aren't the ones claiming to be oppressed, unlike a certain BLM founder who went on a multi-million dollar real estate buying spree.

They had guns and bombs. So make no mistake. They went to the Capitol on Jan. 6 to assassinate Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others.
This narrative has been fully exposed as false. The supposed guns and bombs were shit like stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats, flagpoles, and it's alleged that someone planted a couple of pipe bombs, but in the grand scheme of things, the events of Jan. 6th are a pretty dull day compared to the summer riots.

Black folks know even peaceful protest is met with violence (100s of videos over the summer show it), let alone this shit
For every video you can reference that shows police arresting summer rioters, I can show you 10 where police let those savages act like complete animals.

Well then whites need to be just as vocal as Blacks are in pointing out the unarmed Whites that are killed by the police.
You lost sight of your own point. You said, "White supremacy and white people in general operates on common law that means you are always supposed to side with white people against black people no matter what". I just posted a blatant example to the contrary and all you can say is, "whites need to be just as vocal as blacks in pointing out the unarmed white people that are killed by police"? The only reason blacks are so vocal about it is is because they're under the delusion that there's an epidemic of unarmed blacks being shot by police. They can't wrap their heads around simple statistics.

If all people are really suffering from police brutality, then wouldn’t you think that whites should be complaining about the police, rather than complaining about black people complaining about the police ?
Your premise is flawed. All people aren't suffering from police brutality(including blacks), but blacks tend to put everything under a microscope and blow shit completely out of proportion, which is why they see racism and police brutality around every nook and cranny.

people like you will support police brutality so long as it's mainly aimed at blacks.
People like you think it's police brutality virtually ANY TIME a cop shoots a black person.

let's be clear cops go out of their way to not shoot white people.
Fact is, whites are statistically less prone, a lot less prone, to violence than blacks, so cops tend to be more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt in a confrontation, but this is also true with regard to Asians and other races that don't have the violent tendencies that blacks do.
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James Ryan
More horseshit. You're comparing a single event that, in terms of damage, paled in comparison to the HUNDREDS of riots that involved actual burning, looting, rioting, and MURDER across the country

Let's run with that argument. Let's say black people advocate a policy of no more riots, burning or looting. OK ?

Well the last time black people tried that and complained at police brutality without riots, burning or looting...........We took a knee.

What could possibly have been more politically correct ? More non violent ? More friendly to white people's tender sensitivities than taken a knee ? .

But did whites say "O since you blks asked so politely. We're gonna have legislation. Yes !! Legislation today !! We are going to have the FBI set up a taskforce to round up all the racists who kill blk ppl. Were gonna have laws to put ppl who call the police on blk ppl just 4 being blk in jail"


Happen. Not. Gonna.

James Ryan
and caused BILLIONS of dollars in damages and over 30 deaths. The summer rioters didn't just openly threaten to kill people, they actually followed through.

You suffer in the area of perception. It’s limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

To use a sports analogy, you're like the ref, who catches the end of the play, then calls the foul based on what he saw. I, on the other hand, saw the play develop, so I know who threw the first punch.

And your finger wagging about black people rioting at not wanting to be killed by police is coming from a white person whose race freaks out and gets on the streets at not being able to get a hair cut or play golf



They picked up guns for this.

They thought it was fascism when they could plant seeds in their garden

Only people for whom daily life is pretty easy could believe that the closing of bars, gyms, restaurants and sporting events was a tragedy.

Ya know who doesn’t think that way?

Black people

James Ryan
This is the sort of response that leads people to stereotype black IQ.

The Huntington Beach Riot did not get much attention from the mainstream media even though every summer the city host the U.S. Open of Surfing.

These young white folks were upset because an annual tournament ended. So there were fights on the streets and riots and burglary.



Not to mention. White people rioted in Boulder Colorado a few months bk, but law enforcement & the media is played it off as a rowdy frat party. People were vandalizing cars, property, and assaulting police. And I don’t think one person was arrested.

So when whites light a whole buses on fire ? Destroy people’s cars ? Fight and shoot guns over sport that is acceptable ? But black people rioting because of blatant income inequality ? Lack of opportunity and disregard for black life is not acceptable ? And that means black people are stupid ?

Only a white supremacist can rationalize something like that.

James Price
These fucking idiots destroyed black-owned businesses that weren't insured, and many of them will never recover.

And how does that affect white people ? You don't care about black owned businesses.

James Price
These are the same dumbfucks who shot and killed David Dorn, a retired black police captain, for trying to protect a friend's pawn shop from looters in St. Louis. And this is one of the fine, upstanding black citizens who did it:

And how does that affect white people ? You don't care about if a black cop dies.

James Price
Whites aren't the ones claiming to be oppressed, unlike a certain BLM founder who went on a multi-million dollar real estate buying spree.

And what does that have to do with any thing ? Just because someone has done good, that doesn't mean they are good. White people love doing this. They prop up a black person as the "voice" of black people. Find some dirt on them and then say "Look !! This what your leader is doing !!"

Leader of who ? BLM are not my leader.

James Price
Fact is, whites are statistically less prone, a lot less prone, to violence than blacks, so cops tend to be more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt in a confrontation, but this is also true with regard to Asians and other races that don't have the violent tendencies that blacks do.

It’s funny to hear so many whites speak of Black crime and Black violence when it' s precisely the non-violence of Black people, that allows many of you to be living here to say such things

Black people on average are actually are quite passive because if shoe was on the foot ? Whites would have a murderous rage towards black people. If we were as violent as you claim, we’d be rioting in the streets non-stop, considering all the mistreatment we’ve endured.

Take Louis Farrakhan or Nation of Islam who have they ever harmed? When’s the last time the Nation of Islam burned a cross ? Or harmed or beat or choked or lynched a white person ? Or spit on a white child and called him or her a dirty name ?

I'll wait

Name any black group that has ever harmed a white person in the name of practicing their beliefs ? Yet we are the raging black inferno monsters that strikes fear in the hearts of white people? Maybe, that is the reflection in your own mirrors looking back at them….

If black police were constantly shooting unarmed white teenagers, we would see what real violence looks like. In white face.

The white man proudly presents his psychological disorder (Perseus Syndrome) to us in Greek mythology (named after Perseus, the Greek founder of Mycenae), advertisements, thrillers and horror movies:




Black people are encouraged to imitate the likes of Gandhi (who hated black people) Martin Luther King, Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglass, Winnie Mandela – all of which were great men and women.

But where the hypocrisy comes in – is that people such as Nat Turner, Robert F. Williams, Ho Chi Minh, Toussaint L’Overture are either covered in historically neutral terms (at best) and as terrorists at worst.

Think of white heroes are any of them pacifists in the face of tyranny ? George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Churchill, Eisenhower, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson ?

I'll wait

When black people fight its viewed as savagery. When whites fight, not only is it c considered noble.
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Let's say black people advocate a policy of no more riots, burning or looting. OK?
A major factor in the success of the civil rights movement was the lack of black violence.

You suffer in the area of perception. It’s limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

To use a sports analogy, you're like the ref, who catches the end of the play, then calls the foul based on what he saw. I, on the other hand, saw the play develop, so I know who threw the first punch.
More excuses for typical black behavior. Leave it to a black person to think $2 billion dollars worth of damages and 30 deaths is some sort of optical illusion.

your finger wagging about black people rioting at not wanting to be killed by police is coming from a white person whose race freaks out and gets on the streets at not being able to get a hair cut or play golf
It comes as no surprise that hair cuts and hygiene, in general, are low on the average blacks priority list.

Only people for whom daily life is pretty easy could believe that the closing of bars, gyms, restaurants and sporting events was a tragedy.

Ya know who doesn’t think that way?

Black people
For blacks, it's only a tragedy if they get caught breaking the law or the welfare office is closed.

The Huntington Beach Riot did not get much attention from the mainstream media even though every summer the city host the U.S. Open of Surfing.

These young white folks were upset because an annual tournament ended. So there were fights on the streets and riots and burglary.

Not to mention. White people rioted in Boulder Colorado a few months bk, but law enforcement & the media is played it off as a rowdy frat party. People were vandalizing cars, property, and assaulting police. And I don’t think one person was arrested.

So lighting a whole bus on fire and destroying people’s cars, fighting and shooting guns over sport is acceptable ? But rioting because of blatant income inequality, lack of opportunity and disregard for black life is not acceptable and that means black people are stupid ?
You're the only one saying people think this shit is okay, and you're compare a few isolated incidents to HUNDREDS of related riots. Give me a fucking break. And you have the gall to act like thousands of black people looting TV's, shoes, bongs, and a whole bunch of other shit were doing it to honor a career criminal propped up as a martyr.

And how does that affect white people ? You don't care about black owned businesses.
Go back and read what you wrote, "BLACK PEOPLE DON'T OWN ANY OF IT, so it's not our businesses to ransack in the first place". Yes, they do, but you don't give a shit, either way. In typical fashion, you make excuses for black violence and destruction. Personally, I care about any legitimate business that contributes to the American economy, black-owned or otherwise. You obviously don't.

And how does that affect white people ? You don't care about if a black cop dies.
Do YOU care if a black cop dies? Do YOU care if black people destroy black-owned businesses? That's the question. Personally, I would help anybody who was truly being victimized, regardless of skin color. You wouldn't.

And what does that have to do with any thing?
Follow the fucking context clues. In your last post, you said, "O and by the way this one of your soooooo oppressed white people who attended the riots" WHITE PEOPLE AREN'T THE ONES CLAIMING TO BE OPPRESSED. BLACK PEOPLE ARE. Instead of using millions of dollars to help the black community, one of BLM's founders spent it on themselves. If you don't understand what that has to do with anything then I'm not going to bother explaining it to you.

Just because someone has done good, that doesn't mean they are good. White people love doing this. They prop up a black person as the "voice" of black people. Find some dirt on them and then say "Look !! This what your leader is doing !!"
So, then you condemn what they did?

It’s funny to hear so many whites speak of Black crime and Black violence when it' s precisely the non-violence of Black people, that allows many of you to be living here to say such things
Bullshit. This discussion wouldn't be possible with most blacks face to face specifically because they have violent tendencies and absolutely no tolerance for racial criticism.

Black people on average are actually are quite passive because if shoe was on the foot ? Whites would have a murderous rage towards black people. If we were as violent as you claim, we’d be rioting in the streets non-stop, considering all the mistreatment we’ve endured.
The only reason the recent riots were tolerated is that police stood down at the behest of city officials. Officials ALLOWED blacks to vent over what they themselves perceived as an injustice, but if blacks tried to riot non-stop, 24/7 for no good reason, they'd get slapped down. So they do stupid shit like randomly assault whites or concoct phony racist hoaxes.

Name any black group that has ever harmed a white person in the name of practicing their beliefs ?
The discussion is about black people in general, not black people that belong to any specific group, so stop trying to shift the fucking goalposts.

If black police were constantly shooting unarmed white teenagers, we would see what real violence looks like. In white face.
CONSTANTLY? There were a total of 22 unarmed black people that were shot by police last year, which is less than half the number of black homicides that were reported in Chicago LAST MONTH ALONE, so give me a fucking break. If you want to talk about "constantly" ... black people are CONSTANTLY killing EACH OTHER. White people my ass. You motherfuckers are your own worst enemy.

Black people are encouraged to imitate the likes of Gandhi (who hated black people) Martin Luther King, Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglass, Winnie Mandela – all of which were great men and women.
If only blacks WOULD imitate the likes of Martin Luther King.

Think of white heroes are any of them pacifists in the face of tyranny ? George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Churchill, Eisenhower, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson?
If black people were truly living under WHITE TYRANNY, whites (especially celebrities) wouldn't get "canceled" for making racist comments, and whites would never have allowed a man that's half-black to be elected president.
Let's say black people advocate a policy of no more riots, burning or looting. OK?
A major factor in the success of the civil rights movement was the lack of black violence.

You suffer in the area of perception. It’s limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

To use a sports analogy, you're like the ref, who catches the end of the play, then calls the foul based on what he saw. I, on the other hand, saw the play develop, so I know who threw the first punch.
More excuses for typical black behavior. Leave it to a black person to think $2 billion dollars worth of damages and 30 deaths is some sort of optical illusion.

your finger wagging about black people rioting at not wanting to be killed by police is coming from a white person whose race freaks out and gets on the streets at not being able to get a hair cut or play golf
It comes as no surprise that hair cuts and hygiene, in general, are low on the average blacks priority list.

Only people for whom daily life is pretty easy could believe that the closing of bars, gyms, restaurants and sporting events was a tragedy.

Ya know who doesn’t think that way?

Black people
For blacks, it's only a tragedy if they get caught breaking the law or the welfare office is closed.

The Huntington Beach Riot did not get much attention from the mainstream media even though every summer the city host the U.S. Open of Surfing.

These young white folks were upset because an annual tournament ended. So there were fights on the streets and riots and burglary.

Not to mention. White people rioted in Boulder Colorado a few months bk, but law enforcement & the media is played it off as a rowdy frat party. People were vandalizing cars, property, and assaulting police. And I don’t think one person was arrested.

So lighting a whole bus on fire and destroying people’s cars, fighting and shooting guns over sport is acceptable ? But rioting because of blatant income inequality, lack of opportunity and disregard for black life is not acceptable and that means black people are stupid ?
You're the only one saying people think this shit is okay, and you're compare a few isolated incidents to HUNDREDS of related riots. Give me a fucking break. And you have the gall to act like thousands of black people looting TV's, shoes, bongs, and a whole bunch of other shit were doing it to honor a career criminal propped up as a martyr.

And how does that affect white people ? You don't care about black owned businesses.
Go back and read what you wrote, "BLACK PEOPLE DON'T OWN ANY OF IT, so it's not our businesses to ransack in the first place". Yes, they do, but you don't give a shit, either way. In typical fashion, you make excuses for black violence and destruction. Personally, I care about any legitimate business that contributes to the American economy, black-owned or otherwise. You obviously don't.

And how does that affect white people ? You don't care about if a black cop dies.
Do YOU care if a black cop dies? Do YOU care if black people destroy black-owned businesses? That's the question. Personally, I would help anybody who was truly being victimized, regardless of skin color. You wouldn't.

And what does that have to do with any thing?
Follow the fucking context clues. In your last post, you said, "O and by the way this one of your soooooo oppressed white people who attended the riots" WHITE PEOPLE AREN'T THE ONES CLAIMING TO BE OPPRESSED. BLACK PEOPLE ARE. Instead of using millions of dollars to help the black community, one of BLM's founders spent it on themselves. If you don't understand what that has to do with anything then I'm not going to bother explaining it to you.

Just because someone has done good, that doesn't mean they are good. White people love doing this. They prop up a black person as the "voice" of black people. Find some dirt on them and then say "Look !! This what your leader is doing !!"
So, then you condemn what they did?

It’s funny to hear so many whites speak of Black crime and Black violence when it' s precisely the non-violence of Black people, that allows many of you to be living here to say such things
Bullshit. This discussion wouldn't be possible with most blacks face to face specifically because they have violent tendencies and absolutely no tolerance for racial criticism.

Black people on average are actually are quite passive because if shoe was on the foot ? Whites would have a murderous rage towards black people. If we were as violent as you claim, we’d be rioting in the streets non-stop, considering all the mistreatment we’ve endured.
The only reason the recent riots were tolerated is that police stood down at the behest of city officials. Officials ALLOWED blacks to vent over what they themselves perceived as an injustice, but if blacks tried to riot non-stop, 24/7 for no good reason, they'd get slapped down. So they do stupid shit like randomly assault whites or concoct phony racist hoaxes.

Name any black group that has ever harmed a white person in the name of practicing their beliefs ?
The discussion is about black people in general, not black people that belong to any specific group, so stop trying to shift the fucking goalposts.

If black police were constantly shooting unarmed white teenagers, we would see what real violence looks like. In white face.
CONSTANTLY? There were a total of 22 unarmed black people that were shot by police last year, which is less than half the number of black homicides that were reported in Chicago LAST MONTH ALONE, so give me a fucking break. If you want to talk about "constantly" ... black people are CONSTANTLY killing EACH OTHER. White people my ass. You motherfuckers are your own worst enemy.

Black people are encouraged to imitate the likes of Gandhi (who hated black people) Martin Luther King, Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglass, Winnie Mandela – all of which were great men and women.
If only blacks WOULD imitate the likes of Martin Luther King.

Think of white heroes are any of them pacifists in the face of tyranny ? George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Churchill, Eisenhower, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson?
If black people were truly living under WHITE TYRANNY, whites (especially celebrities) wouldn't get "canceled" for making racist comments, and whites would never have allowed a man that's half-black to be elected president.
Bullshit. Turn black then come talk. Other than that, you're just another white racist offering ignorant unlearned opinions on what it is like to be black.
Great Post IM2

Three people I'd add to that list is

!. Chaka Zulu


Most people have heard of his name but this brother was a bad man. He invented guerrilla warfare. White people act like they did. That's a lie but that's were all the Rambo sh*t comes from, you know a white man, running around the forest, using nature and setting traps to kill people.

Shaka showed that it's not all about Technology. After all the white man had the technological edge in Vietnam but they still got their asses kicked. Why ? Because the Vietnamese used guerrilla warfare tactics. Chaka Zulu had brothers that would come from the ground in Camo that would kill white Europeans in South Africa. The white man waited until Chaka died before he came in and the Dutch took over South Africa. They still study Chaka Zulu's military strategy in Euro Colleges to this day.

2. Jean-Jacques Dessalines of Haiti.


I don't even know where to begin with Jean Jacques Dessaline

Haiti (San Domingo as was known by then) was the most profitable slave colony during the 1700's. Whites were making serious money from sugar.

But the white man (the Brits and French) came over to Haiti to put those uppity negroes in their place because of all the slave revolts.

But once the French and Brits thought that the Haitians could not be enslaved their mission was to exterminate Haitians and start over again with newly enslaved people from Africa.

In order to do this they turned ships into gas chambers. They had mass drowning. They imported thousands of dogs from Cuba that had been trained to eat people. Not to mention all the guns and canons that gives white supremacists confidence

None of this scared the Haitian, This is what the war of 1804 was about.

Dessaline chopped the heads of 100's white men and put them in rows off sticks, sfaffs and masts on the beaches when Euros landed and put them every where and when they saw that they got to running.


As for Nat Turner. He killed every white in sight in his rebellion. When he was caught and was on the gallows about to be hung.


This white man said "I heard that God put you on this mission"
Turner said "Yes the Lord made me do what I'm doing"
White man said "Well your about to die. Doesn't that mean your lord has failed you ?"
Turner said "No. My God did not fail me because even Jesus Christ had to be crucified"


Now how many of these white supremacists who talk tough (Canon Shooter, Godboy, MarathonMike Correll Meathead TheParser theHawk Uncensored2008 harmonica PoliticalChic rightwinger horselightning) on here would go out like that ?

I'll wait

They'd be like


And even when they lowered him (Nat Turner) and hung him.

He was still.

His body wasn't shaken which is what normally happens when oxygen leaves ur body.

He showed no fear.

And after he was dead, whites cuts of his ears, nose, balls, dk and kept them as souvenirs, They kept his skull for centuries and to this day his skull is somewhere and his family are trying to get it returned

3. Malcolm X

Malcolm X is one of the few black people who white people have not been able to destroy in the minds of blacks people.

You say the name "Malcolm X" to any person on this planet and there is respect there, White supremacists always try to destroy black heroes

A black kid reads Marcus Garvey he may try to become Marcus Garvey
A black girl reads Harriet Tubman she may try to become Harriet Tubman

Yes my brother, these are indeed fine examples.
A major factor in the success of the civil rights movement was the lack of black violence.

But white violence continued. Ask MLK.

More excuses for typical black behavior. Leave it to a black person to think $2 billion dollars worth of damages and 30 deaths is some sort of optical illusion.

Shut the fuck up white man. Your race has 400 years worth of violence and riots that have cost millions of lives and trillions of dollars. Your delusional ass doesn't seem to see the 4 fingers pointing back at yiur racist ass as you make these kinds of comments.
The Honorable Mansa Musa


Mansa Musa: The Richest Man in History

When people think of the richest people in history , more often than not they think of industrialists from the modern era, such as the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, or the Carnegies. Perhaps some would also name current billionaires such as Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, or the many wealthy Arab sheiks. However, the richest person in all of history is a Malian ruler named Musa Keita I, tenth Mansa of the Empire of Mali (Mansa is a title like ‘sultan’ or ‘emperor’). He was so rich and extravagant in his spending that he disrupted Egypt’s economy just by passing through!

Born in the 1280s AD, Mansa Musa expanded the Mali Empire by conquering 24 cities and their surrounding areas. By the time he died around 1337 AD, he had amassed a fortune that is almost too large to fathom. Adjusted for inflation, Mansa Musa I would have been worth over $400 billion.

The runner-up- the combined wealth of the Rothschild family- may be better known, however, they are only worth $350 billion. J.D. Rockefeller is worth $340 billion; Andrew Carnegie is worth $310 billion; Muammar Gaddafi is worth $200 billion; Bill Gates is worth $136 billion; and Carlos Slim is worth $68 billion. In other words, none of the men most often associated with vast wealth come close to the net worth of this African King .

The Honorable Tommie Smith & John Carlos


Before Colin Kaepernick was born, these two great black patriot freedom fighters stood in front of the world and protested the Great American Lie.

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