Blacks who do not believe in integration or Interracial marriage

It just looks so goddamn wrong to see a white male or female with a black male or female... like some kind of freak of nature.

only to a nazi nutcase like you. the rest of us don't give it much thought.

perhaps it's time for you to acknowledge *your* malfunction.
only to a nazi nutcase like you. the rest of us don't give it much thought.

Even if "us" means the reform Jewish community of New York, you sure as hell do give it a lot of thought. In fact, Jews are so concerned about their own declining demographics that rabbis of that persuasion came out AGAINST marriage to gentiles, along with conservatives and Orthodox. And if you can point to some famous black-Jewish couples, let's see 'em!
As an instinctive matter, it isn't -- the vast majority of people don't want to engage in miscegenation, and, figures bear that out. They don't. They are happier emotionally, physically and everything else with someone of their own racial or ethnic group. It's probably also got some kind of evolutionary function.

It just looks so goddamn wrong to see a white male or female with a black male or female... like some kind of freak of nature. It's fetish porn for a reason: it's weird. Sure, it's possible, but so is copulation with animals, wearing plaid with stripes or serving a good Bordeaux in a Dixie cup.

And, it's often forced... the white is usually trying to shock the family or prove how liberal he or she is. This happens a lot. That's not true love.

The Asian/white pairing is less jarring to the senses, but anyone who's ever laid eyes on Sean Lennon has visual proof that banging that Asian chick might be fun, just don't go that extra step.

As for this question about "the purity of my blood," I don't know what to tell ya. I am white American. What do you hope to accomplish by asking that question? To demonstrate that if nobody can be categorized with precision, no category is valid? It's a fool's errand. People just don't seem to be all that confused about the general question of what race a person is, despite the presence of racially or ethnically mixed people in the world. When Barack Obama litigated racial districting questions as a lawyer in Chicago, no judge ever stopped him and said, "but does race really exist"? Nah. Nope. Only when whites start to assert themselves as a race do they start nitpicking at that.

I totally disagree and the pedigree of humanity, even your own, seems to say otherwise. The Original humans were dark skinned. environmental variation have happened since then but races have ALWAYS mixed. I think that you lose credibility when you use words like "most" without providing a source that conveys such. If "figures bear this out" then post them.

If interracial unions are not "happy" it's due to the society that creates a stigma, not the natural behaviour of humanity. Do you think Tiger Woods grew up unhappy? Lenny Kravitz? The list goes on. Would a Mulato kid from the deep south circa 1956 be teased? sure, LOOK AT THE ENVIRONMENT.

I don't think it looks so goddamn wrong at all. YOU may think so and so be it. But, until you start skinning some sources all you have in your quiver is your opinon. Black men are not animals. They are human just like you are. If a white woman finds love with a brother then so be it. don't be jealous or threatened; go find yourself a beautiful black woman and move beyond what is only skin deep.

disgruntled kids trying to shock parents happen all over the place. sure, THEY may not be examples of love. But, THEY are not mutually exclusive to those who HAVE found love in another race anymore than some farcial las vegas wekkend wedding does not diminish the unions of everyone else that gets married.

so, whats wrong with sean lennon? The same thing that was wrong with Branden Lee? Tiger Woods? John Lennon was in love with that bitch enough to kill the beatles. Are you telling me that their interracial union was NOT based on mutual love and that sean is less viable as a person than julian?

Yea, you are "white" insomuch that you are not as dark as those you want to demonize... BUT, you are no more pure than anyone else in this husbandry of genetics from origin to today. Im white too, but i know that I have native american and black ancestors. If getting it on with a black woman makes you sick then so be it: don't go fucking black chicks. But, at least support your claims with evidence when tossing around words like "most" because, historically, your argument falls on its face.
Even if "us" means the reform Jewish community of New York, you sure as hell do give it a lot of thought. In fact, Jews are so concerned about their own declining demographics that rabbis of that persuasion came out AGAINST marriage to gentiles, along with conservatives and Orthodox. And if you can point to some famous black-Jewish couples, let's see 'em!

Roxie Roker + Seymour "Sy" Kravitz = Lenny Kravitz
Genetics are strange and wonderful things.
Yes, we are genetically different. Yes, we all have strengths and weaknesses, and they vary. Yes, generally beings thrive when they are gathered with those who are like themselves.
Does that mean genetic purity is something to be fanatic about? No way.

Hybrids are always strongest. Dogs, horses, cats, humans, whatever. Any line does better with outside blood.

We've almost reached the point where the only difference between people will be between the ones who do believe in Jesus..and those who don't.
I agree with you William Joyce.The races look better separate and unique.Mixed raced people look strange, and seem to have confused racial indentities.And they never bond
with the Black or the White race. The tend to want to play both sides of the fence.
I would not want to go through life confused,never accepting my race,weather Black or White.You have to accept one race or the other.I don't believe in this "Were all the Same crap", We are not all the same.Those race mixer posters don't know what the heck
they are talking about.We don't need a smorgasboard race of people in the World!, confused, and looking strange.
yea, but you are a fucking idiot though. Remember what I said about chumming it up with people who enjoy ****** jokes?
52nd street you need to get with William Joyce and decide between you where all those not black enough and not white enough people go when you divide American in to containment areas.
I agree with you William Joyce.The races look better separate and unique.Mixed raced people look strange, and seem to have confused racial indentities.And they never bond
with the Black or the White race. The tend to want to play both sides of the fence.
I would not want to go through life confused,never accepting my race,weather Black or White.You have to accept one race or the other.I don't believe in this "Were all the Same crap", We are not all the same.Those race mixer posters don't know what the heck
they are talking about.We don't need a smorgasboard race of people in the World!, confused, and looking strange.

Most mixed race people in the US identify with one so calld "race" because the US is a predominately monoracial identifying nation. The Bass' mother is one half mulatto8but black] and Native American and she identifies as solely black, though acknowledging her obvious Native American ancestry, so not all mixed race people are confused. True, you have some people who do seem confused about how to identify, but so are white Americans who want to identify as Aryans or members of the so called "Aryan race", when in reality they're just white Americans or Eurodescendant Americans, no more no less. Like it or not the world is already a smorgasboard of people of different mixtures and if the one drop rule still really existed over one third of white Americans would be non-white.

And William Joyce, do some reading on the genetic and phenotypic variation of people of African descent, we have the highest phenotypic and genetic variation of anyone in the world, well at least in Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, so black people by default do not all look alike and or similar. You have black Africans with naturally straight hai, some with nappy hair, some with lighter skin, some with very dark skin, some with thin lips and some with full lips, all of this exists in sub-Saharan Africa.
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Most mixed race people in the US identify with one so calld "race" because the US is a predominately monoracial identifying nation. The Bass' mother is one half mulatto8but black] and Native American and she identifies as solely black, though acknowledging her obvious Native American ancestry, so not all mixed race people are confused. True, you have some people who do seem confused about how to identify, but so are white Americans who want to identify as Aryans or members of the so called "Aryan race", when in reality they're just white Americans or Eurodescendant Americans, no more no less. Like it or not the world is already a smorgasboard of people of different mixtures and if the one drop rule still really existed over one third of white Americans would be non-white.

And William Joyce, do some reading on the genetic and phenotypic variation of people of African descent, we have the highest phenotypic and genetic variation of anyone in the world, well at least in Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, so black people by default do not all look alike and or similar. You have black Africans with naturally straight hai, some with nappy hair, some with lighter skin, some with very dark skin, some with thin lips and some with full lips, all of this exists in sub-Saharan Africa.

What tribe of black Africans is that has straight hair? The Bushmen do have very light skin for an unmixed Negroid people, but straight hair, I missed that.
What tribe of black Africans is that has straight hair? The Bushmen do have very light skin for an unmixed Negroid people, but straight hair, I missed that.

You have East Africans like Somalis who have straight hair for example.
yea, but you are a fucking idiot though. Remember what I said about chumming it up with people who enjoy ****** jokes?

And your someone with a School yard mentality, who can not have conversation without the use of some kind of mentally deranged profaine language. Why don't you commit suicide like some of the other metal heads
nut jobs.What was that heavy metal group "mega Death", had a song where
the bugged out whiteboys listened to it and started commiting suicide during the 1980's?,why don't you get that record weirdo.Play it backwards if you have to.
Listen Iam a Black person that is not for Interracial marriage. I have my reasons!.
The Blacks with the Blacks ,you whites with Whites ,get it?.
And your someone with a School yard mentality, who can not have conversation without the use of some kind of mentally deranged profaine language. Why don't you commit suicide like some of the other metal heads
nut jobs.What was that heavy metal group "mega Death", had a song where
the bugged out whiteboys listened to it and started commiting suicide during the 1980's?,why don't you get that record weirdo.Play it backwards if you have to.


i'll go ahead and let the laurels of your own stupid post stand on it's own, dude.

Indeed, we really saw a lot come out of that whole debil worshipping load of shit that you and geraldo fell for hook line and sinker too, didn't we?

and it was Judas Priest you dumb bastard.
Listen Iam a Black person that is not for Interracial marriage. I have my reasons!.
The Blacks with the Blacks ,you whites with Whites ,get it?.

no. I don't. Thats about as fucking ignorant as segregated schools and water fountains. But i'll let your good ole boy neighbors share that punchline with you.

i'll go ahead and let the laurels of your own stupid post stand on it's own, dude.

Indeed, we really saw a lot come out of that whole debil worshipping load of shit that you and geraldo fell for hook line and sinker too, didn't we?

and it was Judas Priest you dumb bastard.

Well get that "Judas Priest" "Suicide Solution" Album, and crank it up on your Ipod or surround sound system will ya?.
suicide solution was OZZY, brainiac. google is your friend.

and, I do all the time. I think I'll go ahead and stick around and haunt your dreams instead.

What tribe of black Africans is that has straight hair? The Bushmen do have very light skin for an unmixed Negroid people, but straight hair, I missed that.


Sorry, couldn't resist.
Listen Iam a Black person that is not for Interracial marriage. I have my reasons!.
The Blacks with the Blacks ,you whites with Whites ,get it?.

Dummies with dummies, smarties with smarties?

You were one of those kids that spent your entire school "career" ripping off the white kids lunch money, and sneakers, weren't you? You sure as hell weren't busy becoming literate.
I think that you lose credibility when you use words like "most" without providing a source that conveys such. If "figures bear this out" then post them.

You know it's never a good idea to tangle with an informed Nazi nut case:

interracial marriage

The rate of interracial marriage, however, is still relatively uncommon: in 2002, only 2.9 percent of all marriages were interracial, according to the U.S. Bureau of the Census.

I believe the rate of black/white marriages, within that fraction, is even smaller... based on eyeballing it from Kansas City to Brooklyn, I bet most are Asian woman/white man. And I'll wager my fake "Got Mitt Uns" belt buckle from the flea market the Roxie Roker/Sy Kravitz pairing is probably one of fewer than 1,000 black/Jewish couples in the world.
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