Blame Feinstein For Kavanaugh Confirmation / Mid-Term Losses


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Snowflakes, you can thank Diane Feinstein for Kavanaugh's Confirmation & for any mid-term losses resulting from the despicable strategy of trying to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh!

Diane Feinstein single-handedly hijacked the 'Advise and Consent' process, derailing any serious analysis and discussion about Kavanaugh's beliefs, rulings, and writings.

Attempting to despicable destroy Kavanaugh - his life's work, future, family, marriage - was a 'DOG', a completely LOSING strategy, one that has back-fired, increased Trump's poll numbers, and has motivated Conservatives to defeat Democrats in the mid-terms.

There were LEGITIMATE issues about Kavanaugh concerning to even Conservatives that were making them hesitate supporting Him.

His stance on the Patriot Act and data collection is one of the main ones.

Had Democrats (hypocritically) attacked Kavanaugh on his support of 'illegal' spying on Americans and trampling Constitutional rights they would have had a better shot of shooting down his nomination.

Instead of challenging Kavanaugh over this legitimate issue and others, Feinstein chose to ignite facts and issues and go with lies and false allegation that caused support to galvanize and people to rally around Kavanaugh!

The Democrats can not blame the GOP for this 'F* Up', this repeat of using despicable acts, 'tricks', and smear campaigns rather than focusing on actual facts, issues, and documented rulings.

It's all in THEM. It is all on FEINSTEIN.
#WalkAway gains even more momentum.

This is still America, and not The Soviet Union that Democrats want to Fundamentally Change America in to.
Snowflakes, you can thank Diane Feinstein for Kavanaugh's Confirmation & for any mid-term losses resulting from the despicable strategy of trying to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh!

Diane Feinstein single-handedly hijacked the 'Advise and Consent' process, derailing any serious analysis and discussion about Kavanaugh's beliefs, rulings, and writings.

Attempting to despicable destroy Kavanaugh - his life's work, future, family, marriage - was a 'DOG', a completely LOSING strategy, one that has back-fired, increased Trump's poll numbers, and has motivated Conservatives to defeat Democrats in the mid-terms.

There were LEGITIMATE issues about Kavanaugh concerning to even Conservatives that were making them hesitate supporting Him.

His stance on the Patriot Act and data collection is one of the main ones.

Had Democrats (hypocritically) attacked Kavanaugh on his support of 'illegal' spying on Americans and trampling Constitutional rights they would have had a better shot of shooting down his nomination.

Instead of challenging Kavanaugh over this legitimate issue and others, Feinstein chose to ignite facts and issues and go with lies and false allegation that caused support to galvanize and people to rally around Kavanaugh!

The Democrats can not blame the GOP for this 'F* Up', this repeat of using despicable acts, 'tricks', and smear campaigns rather than focusing on actual facts, issues, and documented rulings.

It's all in THEM. It is all on FEINSTEIN.
Relax Twinkle Toes, or you'll have another one of your anxiety attacks, followed by one of your fainting spells, you fluffy little snowflake.
#WalkAway gains even more momentum.

This is still America, and not The Soviet Union that Democrats want to Fundamentally Change America in to.
Are you so stupid that you actually believe the shit that you are spoon fed by nutter media?
Clearly Democrats have stooped to all-time terrible lows in trying to keep Trump's pick out. What they've done to the man and his family, is unacceptable and unforgivable. And hopefully most Americans see that. Hopefully they'll make Democrats pay at the Ballot Box in the future.
The Far Left in this country do not believe that persons of opposing opinions should be allowed to speak or influence public policy. If one of them ever becomes President, he/she/it will try to impose federally controlled elections across the entire country with predetermined results. That is why I am fearful of a Biden/Warren ticket (or the equivalent). If Old Joe was to be elected and then kicked the bucket, we would have a Tasmanian Devil on our hands.
#WalkAway gains even more momentum.

This is still America, and not The Soviet Union that Democrats want to Fundamentally Change America in to.
Are you so stupid that you actually believe the shit that you are spoon fed by nutter media?
And what shit is that? Shit like "Innocent until proven guilty"?
Are you so stupid that you actually believe the shit that you are spoon fed by nutter media?


It's funny. Earlier, I posted a thread earlier saying pretty much this exact same thing, and people lost their damn minds.
No one aware enough to see how lame and biased the Democratic Party is can fail to see how lame and biased the Republican Party is.
It's funny. Earlier, I posted a thread earlier saying pretty much this exact same thing, and people lost their damn minds.

Well, there's people in this thread that have lost their damn minds, so I suppose it's a wash. I don't see the value in either thread, IMHO, until the confirmation is complete. This is yet another simple partisan shaming/gloating thread over something that hasn't happened yet. Kind of silly to me.
Again, there were legitimate issues regarding Kavanaugh that deserved intellectual analysis / discussion; however, Feinstein hijacked the confirmation process / hearing in an attempt to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh.

This resulted in a backlash against Democrats, support for Kavanaugh, and motivating the Conservatives against Feinstein and her deplorable colleagues in the upcoming mid-terms.

It was an EPIC fail.
she is a despicable traitor......

she should gho hide under a rock for the years she has left .....SHAME SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHAME ON HER!

trying to hurt an innocent man and his family ......while she got rich with Chinese money!

SHE deserves to be hanged!


How about thank !!!!!!

Feinkenstein is the gift that keeps giving.

Pelosi for minority speaker.
Honor's End
Confirming Kavanaugh is a profound choice for American society.
Honor's End | Scragged

"Back in the old Cold War days, both the Russians and the Americans had enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world, but neither used them because they knew that, if they did, the other side would too, and then everybody would be dead.

For fifty years, the Democrats have thrown whatever dirty trick they could dream up at Republicans, secure in the knowledge that the Republicans were too pusillanimous to respond in kind. That's how we came to use the term "evil party" for Democrats and "stupid party" for Republicans.

For those who have not noticed - Donald Trump is not that kind of Republican. Haven't the Dems learned yet that his finger is already hovering over the (metaphorical) nuclear button where they are concerned? Is this really the road they want to go down?

If it is - well, the current batch of Trump Republicans will likely respond in kind, just as any American president would have immediately launched our missiles once he knew the Russians' were en route.

The question is, will there be anything left of our politics when the dust settles?"

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