Blame Feinstein For Kavanaugh Confirmation / Mid-Term Losses

She may have mishandled the case but honestly Kav is the result of Reid.

Doing away with the filibuster for appointments has taken away 100 percent of the power in appointments for the minority party. This is exactly what I said was going to happen when the dems were all cheering trashing the rule to get around the republicans blocking Obama.

Now, because they pulled that trigger, the republicans have the court in the bag for at least a few decades. If they fail to take the senate, that may even expand.
Snowflakes, you can thank Diane Feinstein for Kavanaugh's Confirmation & for any mid-term losses resulting from the despicable strategy of trying to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh!

Except, again, the GOP is cutting loose Congressmen that are too far behind in the polls to save at this point.

Nobody really thought the Dems could retake the house, that seems to be a forgone conclusion now.
Kavanaugh was sailing thru until DiFi's staff leaked the Ford letter. The dem slime machine kicked into high gear and the "women must be believed" mantra was gaining on the "innocent until proven guilty" standard. Kavanaugh was one of the most qualified nominees ever to the USSC and should have been voted on 99-0 like RBG, Kagan and Sotomayor, but the dems vowed to defeat his nomination "by any means necessary". They lost, he will be confirmed today.

We'll see how small the "blue wave" will be in a few weeks. Now that the deck is cleared for the political ads to start, its up to the voters to decide on the direction of the country, I'm not sure DiFi will be the scapegoat for the mid-terms, but the results will certainly set the debate for the 2020 election.
Kavanaugh was sailing thru until DiFi's staff leaked the Ford letter. The dem slime machine kicked into high gear and the "women must be believed" mantra was gaining on the "innocent until proven guilty" standard. Kavanaugh was one of the most qualified nominees ever to the USSC and should have been voted on 99-0 like RBG, Kagan and Sotomayor, but the dems vowed to defeat his nomination "by any means necessary". They lost, he will be confirmed today.

We'll see how small the "blue wave" will be in a few weeks. Now that the deck is cleared for the political ads to start, its up to the voters to decide on the direction of the country, I'm not sure DiFi will be the scapegoat for the mid-terms, but the results will certainly set the debate for the 2020 election.

Your matabatory fantasies are interesting and stuff, but the reality is, you guy's have lost suburban women, and that's the demographic you needed to hold the house.

The Senate, of course, will be a wash, because there were never a lot of vulnerable GOP seats to start with.
Snowflakes, you can thank Diane Feinstein for Kavanaugh's Confirmation & for any mid-term losses resulting from the despicable strategy of trying to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh!

Except, again, the GOP is cutting loose Congressmen that are too far behind in the polls to save at this point.

Nobody really thought the Dems could retake the house, that seems to be a forgone conclusion now.
Hilarious that you stupidly say this as Republican voter enthusiasm goes through the roof.

All of the races are getting closer and the momentum is all on the Republican side
Snowflakes, you can thank Diane Feinstein for Kavanaugh's Confirmation & for any mid-term losses resulting from the despicable strategy of trying to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh!

Diane Feinstein single-handedly hijacked the 'Advise and Consent' process, derailing any serious analysis and discussion about Kavanaugh's beliefs, rulings, and writings.

Attempting to despicable destroy Kavanaugh - his life's work, future, family, marriage - was a 'DOG', a completely LOSING strategy, one that has back-fired, increased Trump's poll numbers, and has motivated Conservatives to defeat Democrats in the mid-terms.

There were LEGITIMATE issues about Kavanaugh concerning to even Conservatives that were making them hesitate supporting Him.

His stance on the Patriot Act and data collection is one of the main ones.

Had Democrats (hypocritically) attacked Kavanaugh on his support of 'illegal' spying on Americans and trampling Constitutional rights they would have had a better shot of shooting down his nomination.

Instead of challenging Kavanaugh over this legitimate issue and others, Feinstein chose to ignite facts and issues and go with lies and false allegation that caused support to galvanize and people to rally around Kavanaugh!

The Democrats can not blame the GOP for this 'F* Up', this repeat of using despicable acts, 'tricks', and smear campaigns rather than focusing on actual facts, issues, and documented rulings.

It's all in THEM. It is all on FEINSTEIN.

Kavanaugh was getting confirmed regardless, hard to blame that on anyone.
Kavanaugh was getting confirmed regardless, hard to blame that on anyone.
Kavanaugh's support of the Patriot Act and collecting info on Americans, especially after Obama illegally spied on citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / the USSC, was / is a concern for Conservatives and some Republicans. Several have hinted at it might be enough to keep them from voting for

We will never know now as the 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh replaced actual analysis and discussion of his beliefs, writings, and decisions.

This Feinstein witch can not get away with it.

That's it.

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