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Blame God For The Climate Change Scam


Sep 23, 2010
I do not know what campaign tactics Taqiyya the Liar used to get elected in Illinois, but from the day he decided to take a run at the presidency he employed every hustle used by preachers of every stripe. His entire presidential campaign in 2008 was built around selling himself up as a spiritual leader. It mattered not that he is a piece of garbage right out of a Chicago sewer so long as the media went along with the scam which they did.

Possibly media decision-makers thought there was humor in a street-hustling preacher running a game on American voters. I always thought that media moguls and their on-camera mouths were fascinated with Taqiyya the same way many Americans romanticize fictional con men à la the characters in that movie The Sting. Even now the media refuses to admit that their creation is a brutal traitor who will end up with more blood on his hands than most of the 20th century’s bloodiest dictators. By the time Taqiyya the Liar is done he will be responsible for a body count that will certainly exceed Hitler’s, and possibly Stalin’s and Mao’s, too.

President Obama’s left-leaning political ideology combined with sympathies for Islam acquired from being raised by a Muslim stepfather paralyze him as he faces the threat posed by the Islamic jihadist group ISIS, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay told WND in an interview.

“In defending America against radical Islamic terrorism, Barack Obama cannot be trusted,” DeLay said.

“Barack Obama was raised a Muslim, and he claims he is a Christian, and I can’t say for sure whether he’s a Christian or not, but he has shown over the last few years that he has great sympathies with Islam,” DeLay explained.

Tom DeLay: Obama paralyzed by Muslim sympathies
ISIS failure attributed to religious background, ideology, incompetence
Published: 23 hours ago

Tom DeLay Obama paralyzed by Muslim sympathies
I do not agree that Taqiyya is paralyzed. I believe that his actions are deliberate.

Now comes yet another traitor, John Kerry, setting himself up as a spiritual leader. I assume that Taqiyya the Liar gave Kerry permission to don clerical robes:

John Kerry: Scripture Commands USA to Protect Muslim Countries Against Global Warming
By Dave Huntwork September 5, 2014

John Kerry Scripture Commands USA to Protect Muslim Countries Against Global Warming
Never let a good crisis go to waste

Never let a good crisis go to waste is obsolete thinking. The new rule was written for climate change hustlers: Manufacture crises as needed.

NOTE: The Socialist priesthood was never able to claim God as an ally. So Monsignor John Kerry deserved his promotion to spiritual leader for making the climate change fraud an act of God. Unfortunately for the country he supposedly represents there is nothing as effective as a Catholic liar and a Muslim liar creating the same crisis.

Finally, look for Hillary Clinton to appear in a nun’s habit whenever she preaches the climate change gospel to the suckers:

Hillary Clinton: Global Climate Change ‘The Most Consequential, Urgent, Sweeping Collection Of Challenges’ Faced By World
September 5, 2014 7:35 AM

Hillary Clinton Global Climate Change 8216 The Most Consequential Urgent Sweeping Collection Of Challenges 8217 Faced By World CBS DC
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Good lord! What started out as a United Nations scheme to claim ownership of the atmosphere is turning into a worldwide religious movement:
RIO DE JANEIRO — A former grass-roots environmentalist who once dreamed of becoming a nun has stormed to the forefront in Brazil’s presidential campaign, just three weeks after joining the race.

She wanted to be a nun. Now she could be Brazil’s next president.
By Dom Phillips September 6 at 11:43 AM

She wanted to be a nun. Now she could be Brazil s next president. - The Washington Post
I was on to more than I knew when I said:
. . . look for Hillary Clinton to appear in a nun’s habit whenever she preaches the climate change gospel to the suckers:
What exactly is the connection between the Environment (the board topic), the UN, a Brazilian presidential candidate who once dreamed of becoming a nun and a world wide religious movement?

Your post is almost completely senseless.
John Kerry: Scripture Commands USA to Protect Muslim Countries Against Global Warming
By Dave Huntwork September 5, 2014

John Kerry Scripture Commands USA to Protect Muslim Countries Against Global Warming

I do not think God had this in mind:


A Mexican ecologist has blown the whistle on the corruption, lies and incompetence of the wind industry - and on the massive environmental damage it causes in the name of saving the planet.


. . . the destruction of plants and sessilities - organisms that do not have stems or supporting mechanisms - and the slow displacement over time of reptiles, mammals, birds, amphibians, insects, arachnids, fungi, etc. Generally we perceive the macro scale only, that is to say, the large animals, without considering the small and even microscopic organisms...


Then there is the damage caused by wind turbine noise:

There is abundant information about the harm caused by the sound waves produced by wind turbines. These sound waves are not perceptible to the human ear, which makes them all the more dangerous. They are also low frequency sound waves and act upon the pineal and nervous systems, causing anxiety, depression (there is a study from the United States that found an elevated suicide rate in regions with wind farms), migraines, dizziness and vomiting, among other symptoms.

Environmental Researcher: Wind Industry Riddled with 'Absolute Corruption'
by James Delingpole 20 Sep 2014, 5:04 AM PDT

Environmental Researcher Wind Industry Riddled with Absolute Corruption
Could you explain, since your quote doesn't, what harm wind farms do to plants and sessilities? I was also wondering if those studies on the harm from low frequency sounds from wind turbines made any comparisons to the harm from the exhaust gases and higher frequency sounds (and the 60 cycle both produce) that come from any fossil fuel powered alternative?
Could you explain, since your quote doesn't, what harm wind farms do to plants and sessilities?
To Crick: Had you read the article I linked you would have a found your answer:

When a project is installed, the first step is to "dismantle" the area, a process through which all surrounding vegetation is eliminated. This means the destruction of plants and sessilities - organisms that do not have stems or supporting mechanisms - and the slow displacement over time of reptiles, mammals, birds, amphibians, insects, arachnids, fungi, etc. Generally we perceive the macro scale only, that is to say, the large animals, without considering the small and even microscopic organisms...

....After the construction is finalized, the indirect impact continues in the sense that ecosystems are altered and fragmented. As a result, there is a larger probability of their disappearance, due to changes in the climate and the use of soil.​

And did you miss this?

Here are some links to a few of Breitbart's hits on the subject. As I can personally testify from a decade spent covering this scandal, there are few forms of life on the planet lower than those parasites who make their fortune out of bird-chomping, bat-slicing eco-crucifixes.​

The link provides a mixture of topics about the damage done by wind farms:

I was also wondering if those studies on the harm from low frequency sounds from wind turbines made any comparisons to the harm from the exhaust gases and higher frequency sounds (and the 60 cycle both produce) that come from any fossil fuel powered alternative?
To Crick: Do some research. Then, if you have something to say —— say it.

Your comment: "When a project is installed, the first step is to "dismantle" the area, a process through which all surrounding vegetation is eliminated" is complete nonsense.
Let me make this clear. Complaining that wind turbines are a bad idea because the base of each tower occupies land is ridiculous. Do you think you could build a coal or gas fired plant in the middle of a farmer's field or a nature preserve (as you CAN with wind turbines) and have LESS damage to the biota?

And if corruption exists in some wind power project,it has NOTHING to do with the viability of the technology.
One stopped:

A planned $400 million project to build a wind turbine energy farm in northwest Missouri appears to be dead because it is too close to a bird sanctuary.


Element project manager Scott Zeimetz had announced that the company would comply with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Initially, Element Power was communicating with the bird lovers but recently ended its efforts.

Ultimately, after five years of studying the site, the company decided that the costs to comply with the endangered species requirements were too much to overcome. By Monday, the company announced that it was canceling its plans for the Squaw Creek site and said it was going to start looking elsewhere in Missouri.

Birds Shut Down Missouri Wind Farm
by Warner Todd Huston 23 Sep 2014

Birds Shut Down Missouri Wind Farm

See the list of existing wind farms —— plus the ones scheduled to be built. That’s a whole lot of dead birds being replaced by a whole lot of live parasites:


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