Blaming Trump for Federal LEOs in Portland Is Absurd


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
On the conservative TV show "Tipping Point" on the OAN Encore network, show host Liz Wheeler pounded it out with a Democrat lawyer over the presence of federal cops in Portland. She came out the clear winner, as the lawyer had no case to make, and was stretching, without evidence the entire time.

The lawyer made the claim, as many Democrats have been doing, that rioting was diminishing and therefore there was no need for the federal police to intervene. He blamed President Trump, for injecting the feds into the picture. Well, at least he didn't call them "stormtroopers" like Nancy Pelosi and some others have done, but he also didn't present any evidence that the riots were slowing down.

They had been going on continuously for months, and were happening only because the Democrat mayor (Ted Wheeler) and equally negligent governor Kate Brown, were doing nothing to stop them. Wheeler had ordered his cops to stand down, and they told storekeepers that their hands were tied, and they were thus unable to provide protection.

Obviously, the blame here lies with the criminally complicit Ted Wheeler, in refusing to have his police stop the rioting. If he had done his job early on, there would not have been any talk about diminishing, or any rioting for months on end. The rioting would have been stopped in one hour. Trump simply did what was needed and required, to protect the federal courthouse that rioters tried to burn down, the storekeepers, and citizens of Portland. To date, there have been 83 arrests made. Without Trump's action, there would have been none.
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Democrats never take responsibility for their mistakes -- or the consequences of the choices they make.

It's always someone else's fault. Always.
Their words come from one thing only - hunger for POWER (ie. getting elected) Everything they choose to say gets funneled into that.
On the conservative TV show "Tipping Point" on the OAN Encore network, show host Liz Wheeler pounded it out with a Democrat lawyer over the presence of federal cops in Portland. She came out the clear winner, as the lawyer had no case to make, and was stretching, without evidence the entire time.

The lawyer made the claim, as many Democrats have been doing, that rioting was diminishing and therefore there was no need for the federal police to intervene. He blamed President Trump, for injecting the feds into the picture. Well, at least he didn't call them "stormtroopers" like Nancy Pelosi and some others have done, but he also didn't present any evidence that the riots were slowing down.

They had been going on continuously for months, and were happening only because the Democrat mayor (Ted Wheeler) and equally negligent governor Kate Brown, were doing nothing to stop them. Wheeler had ordered his cops to stand down, and they told storekeepers that their hands were tied, and they were thus unable to provide protection.

Obviously, the blame here lies with the criminally complicit Ted Wheeler, in refusing to have his police stop the rioting. If he had done his job early on, there would not have been any talk about diminishing, or any rioting for months on end. The rioting would have been stopped in one hour. Trump simply did what was needed and required, to protect the federal courthouse that rioters tried to burn down, the storekeepers, and citizens of Portland. To date, there have been 74 arrests made. Without Trump's action, there would have been none.
Shoot everyone of the communist Anti-American sonofabitches.
Amazingly, Democrat loonies have been talking about impeaching AG Barr for his support on the federal LEOs in Portland.

Definition of Insanity - "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" (Albert Einstein)
Shoot everyone of the communist Anti-American sonofabitches.
Killing them would be too merciful. Shooting them in the balls, with rubber bullets might be better. Make them suffer. Make them crawl.
Democrats never take responsibility for their mistakes -- or the consequences of the choices they make.

It's always someone else's fault. Always.
Their words come from one thing only - hunger for POWER (ie. getting elected) Everything they choose to say gets funneled into that.
They'll say anything -- and their base accepts it without question.

Actions don't matter. Only what they say today matters. And it doesn't matter if what they say today contradicts what they said yesterday.

The proles wake up brand new every day. And their masters take advantage of this.
Democrats never take responsibility for their mistakes -- or the consequences of the choices they make.

It's always someone else's fault. Always.
Their words come from one thing only - hunger for POWER (ie. getting elected) Everything they choose to say gets funneled into that.
They'll say anything -- and their base accepts it without question.

Actions don't matter. Only what they say today matters. And it doesn't matter if what they say today contradicts what they said yesterday.

The proles wake up brand new every day. And their masters take advantage of this.

Democrat is synonymous with contradiction.
Democrats never take responsibility for their mistakes -- or the consequences of the choices they make.

It's always someone else's fault. Always.
Their words come from one thing only - hunger for POWER (ie. getting elected) Everything they choose to say gets funneled into that.
They'll say anything -- and their base accepts it without question.

Actions don't matter. Only what they say today matters. And it doesn't matter if what they say today contradicts what they said yesterday.

The proles wake up brand new every day. And their masters take advantage of this.

Democrat is synonymous with contradiction.
The Democratic Party can't survive without members who daily practice Doublethink.
On the conservative TV show "Tipping Point" on the OAN Encore network, show host Liz Wheeler pounded it out with a Democrat lawyer over the presence of federal cops in Portland. She came out the clear winner, as the lawyer had no case to make, and was stretching, without evidence the entire time.

The lawyer made the claim, as many Democrats have been doing, that rioting was diminishing and therefore there was no need for the federal police to intervene. He blamed President Trump, for injecting the feds into the picture. Well, at least he didn't call them "stormtroopers" like Nancy Pelosi and some others have done, but he also didn't present any evidence that the riots were slowing down.

They had been going on continuously for months, and were happening only because the Democrat mayor (Ted Wheeler) and equally negligent governor Kate Brown, were doing nothing to stop them. Wheeler had ordered his cops to stand down, and they told storekeepers that their hands were tied, and they were thus unable to provide protection.

Obviously, the blame here lies with the criminally complicit Ted Wheeler, in refusing to have his police stop the rioting. If he had done his job early on, there would not have been any talk about diminishing, or any rioting for months on end. The rioting would have been stopped in one hour. Trump simply did what was needed and required, to protect the federal courthouse that rioters tried to burn down, the storekeepers, and citizens of Portland. To date, there have been 83 arrests made. Without Trump's action, there would have been none.
What if Cliven Bundy's ranch had been in Oortland? The Right Wing went apoplectic over the Feds on his ranch! Massive overreach of federal government pressing federal agents into a local law enforcement situation.

Yet 6 years later, your attitude changed along with your principles. Perhaps those principles were "fake news".
On the conservative TV show "Tipping Point" on the OAN Encore network, show host Liz Wheeler pounded it out with a Democrat lawyer over the presence of federal cops in Portland. She came out the clear winner, as the lawyer had no case to make, and was stretching, without evidence the entire time.

The lawyer made the claim, as many Democrats have been doing, that rioting was diminishing and therefore there was no need for the federal police to intervene. He blamed President Trump, for injecting the feds into the picture. Well, at least he didn't call them "stormtroopers" like Nancy Pelosi and some others have done, but he also didn't present any evidence that the riots were slowing down.

They had been going on continuously for months, and were happening only because the Democrat mayor (Ted Wheeler) and equally negligent governor Kate Brown, were doing nothing to stop them. Wheeler had ordered his cops to stand down, and they told storekeepers that their hands were tied, and they were thus unable to provide protection.

Obviously, the blame here lies with the criminally complicit Ted Wheeler, in refusing to have his police stop the rioting. If he had done his job early on, there would not have been any talk about diminishing, or any rioting for months on end. The rioting would have been stopped in one hour. Trump simply did what was needed and required, to protect the federal courthouse that rioters tried to burn down, the storekeepers, and citizens of Portland. To date, there have been 83 arrests made. Without Trump's action, there would have been none.
Apparently the local government was sending in cops to make arrests....then the local magistrate immediately releasing them go out and commit more crimes. This has been going on in Chicago for the last few years. New York has a new no-bail policy that makes keeping them locked up next to impossible. So Trump sent in federal troops to protect courthouses and the Democrats cried foul....claiming they were stormtroopers kidnapping innocent protesters.
On the conservative TV show "Tipping Point" on the OAN Encore network, show host Liz Wheeler pounded it out with a Democrat lawyer over the presence of federal cops in Portland. She came out the clear winner, as the lawyer had no case to make, and was stretching, without evidence the entire time.

The lawyer made the claim, as many Democrats have been doing, that rioting was diminishing and therefore there was no need for the federal police to intervene. He blamed President Trump, for injecting the feds into the picture. Well, at least he didn't call them "stormtroopers" like Nancy Pelosi and some others have done, but he also didn't present any evidence that the riots were slowing down.

They had been going on continuously for months, and were happening only because the Democrat mayor (Ted Wheeler) and equally negligent governor Kate Brown, were doing nothing to stop them. Wheeler had ordered his cops to stand down, and they told storekeepers that their hands were tied, and they were thus unable to provide protection.

Obviously, the blame here lies with the criminally complicit Ted Wheeler, in refusing to have his police stop the rioting. If he had done his job early on, there would not have been any talk about diminishing, or any rioting for months on end. The rioting would have been stopped in one hour. Trump simply did what was needed and required, to protect the federal courthouse that rioters tried to burn down, the storekeepers, and citizens of Portland. To date, there have been 83 arrests made. Without Trump's action, there would have been none.
What if Cliven Bundy's ranch had been in Oortland? The Right Wing went apoplectic over the Feds on his ranch! Massive overreach of federal government pressing federal agents into a local law enforcement situation.

Yet 6 years later, your attitude changed along with your principles. Perhaps those principles were "fake news".
Yeah.....the feds were guilty of abuses in that case. Now the feds are simply trying to keep ANTIFA from burning down federal property. Note the different treatment we get when we have a different president. Democrats supporting the slaughter of Clive Bundy's cattle and now supporting the burning of federal courthouses.
I see alot of consistency here.
On the conservative TV show "Tipping Point" on the OAN Encore network, show host Liz Wheeler pounded it out with a Democrat lawyer over the presence of federal cops in Portland. She came out the clear winner, as the lawyer had no case to make, and was stretching, without evidence the entire time.

The lawyer made the claim, as many Democrats have been doing, that rioting was diminishing and therefore there was no need for the federal police to intervene. He blamed President Trump, for injecting the feds into the picture. Well, at least he didn't call them "stormtroopers" like Nancy Pelosi and some others have done, but he also didn't present any evidence that the riots were slowing down.

They had been going on continuously for months, and were happening only because the Democrat mayor (Ted Wheeler) and equally negligent governor Kate Brown, were doing nothing to stop them. Wheeler had ordered his cops to stand down, and they told storekeepers that their hands were tied, and they were thus unable to provide protection.

Obviously, the blame here lies with the criminally complicit Ted Wheeler, in refusing to have his police stop the rioting. If he had done his job early on, there would not have been any talk about diminishing, or any rioting for months on end. The rioting would have been stopped in one hour. Trump simply did what was needed and required, to protect the federal courthouse that rioters tried to burn down, the storekeepers, and citizens of Portland. To date, there have been 83 arrests made. Without Trump's action, there would have been none.
What if Cliven Bundy's ranch had been in Oortland? The Right Wing went apoplectic over the Feds on his ranch! Massive overreach of federal government pressing federal agents into a local law enforcement situation.

Yet 6 years later, your attitude changed along with your principles. Perhaps those principles were "fake news".
The Bundy's hadn't spent the previous 3 years claiming the people who supported them were Nazis who the Bundy's were going to round up and kill. Nor were the Bundy's breaking the law.

See the difference? I'm guessing "no".
Just for the record, the Democrat lawyer/strategist on the TV show "Tipping Point" on the OAN Encore network, mentioned in the OP was Jan Ronis.
What if Cliven Bundy's ranch had been in Oortland? The Right Wing went apoplectic over the Feds on his ranch! Massive overreach of federal government pressing federal agents into a local law enforcement situation.

Yet 6 years later, your attitude changed along with your principles. Perhaps those principles were "fake news".
Nothing changed. I didn't HAVE any attitudes regrading Cliven Bundy's ranch. Never posted a single post on it. Please stay on topic - Portland OR, 2020.
Shoot everyone of the communist Anti-American sonofabitches.
Killing them would be too merciful. Shooting them in the balls, with rubber bullets might be better. Make them suffer. Make them crawl.
Since when do libturds have balls? I'd say the best solution aside from opening up more prisons and re-establishing mental asylums would be to send them places they would be happier and more at home in. Venezuela isn't quite far enough, and we don't want them to be able to come back. Perhaps we could trade 1000 bed wetters to North Korea, each with a 50 lbs sack of rice and a hog for one of their political dissidents. That way we get a few hundred anti-communists and they get a lot fertilizer and enough food to feed Pyongyang for decades.

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