Blind Incompetence / Ideology Behind Trying to Save the World


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
He thought giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of guns and grenades would turn out well.
- Over 500 and counting - innocent people, to include 2 Americans - have died.

He thought helping the Muslim Brotherhood take over the government of Egypt was a good idea
- Once in power, the stability provided by Mubarak's administration was gone, and thousands of Christians were targeted with violence, hundreds murdered

He thought arming the Jihadists in Libya, who had been hiring Jihadists from around the world to go kill US military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan, was a good idea.
- He helped get Americans killed.

He thought taking the country to war on his own, using our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country was a good idea
- He gave Al Qaeida their own country.

He thought it was a good idea to hire an Al Qaeida associated militia to protect a US Senator, thought it was a good idea to keep a US Ambassador in Benghazi when every other nation there had pulled out their people because the threat was too high, thought it was a good idea to deny the Ambassador's 600 requests for additional security, and thought it was a good idea to take 16 members of his security team away after 2 previous attacks on his compound.
- The 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be murdered and three other Americans were needlessly killed by terrorists in Benghazi.

He thought it was a good idea to issue a Red Line challenge to Syrian's President Assad
- He then backed down in front of the whole world, emboldening our enemies.

He supplied, armed, trained, and even protected critical ISIS targets from air strikes and thought it was a good idea
- ISIS flowed into Iraq UN-OPPOSED and took over much of Iraq that our military had liberated at great cost
- The oil facilities and oil tankers he protected were used to fund 50% of ISIS terror the invasion of Iraq and the attacks on Paris

He thought CONTAINING ISIS was a great idea...even bragged how he had done so - In Paris...

Obama declares ISIS 'contained' the day before Paris attack

*** He called the Paris attacks - over 150 DEAD and almost as many wounded - a 'SETBACK'

Obama Regarding Americans' Valid Terrorist Threat Concerns Days Prior To California Terrorist Attack: 'Apparently they're scared of widows and orphans'

Before California Terrorist Attack: 22 Times Obama Admin Declared Climate Change a Greater Threat than Terrorism

AFTER the Ca terrorist attacks, Obama calls for more gun control:

White House officials are seeking a way to use executive authority to close the so-called gun show loophole that allows thousands of people to buy firearms each year without a background check, but complicated legal issues have slowed the process.

REALLY? Stricter Background Checks?

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that President Obama thinks that gun control would help deter terrorists.


So Background Checks Would Have Prevented The Ca Terrorist Attacks?

San Bernardino Shooter Passed DHS Counterterrorism Vetting

LINK: Report: San Bernardino Shooter Passed DHS Counterterrorism Vetting, by Joel Gehrke, National Review

Ok, so MAYBE NOT! But Obama and Kerry said our background checks are the 'end-all', 'be-all' in security, that all the 'refugees' they want to bring into the US are 'safer than tourists who come to the US each year' because of these background checks:

Sect of State John Kerry: Syrian refugees in US are thoroughly vetted, John Kerry says

So the Obama administration is thoroughly vetting ALL of these refugees
...despite not having any records or documents on them, but it's OK because we are THOROUGHLY doing background checks on ALL of them before bringing them here...right?!

FBI Director Admits US Can’t Vet All Syrian Refugees For Terror Ties

Oh...ok....but we have a good answer for this...right?!

No Good Answers About the Allegedly ‘Exhaustive’ Syrian Refugee Vetting Process


66 arrested in America over ISIS and they include refugees
LINK: 66 arrested in America over ISIS and they include refugees

Sen. Sessions Reveals 12 Refugee-Jihadis Charged this Year
LINK: Sen. Sessions Reveals 12 Refugee Jihadis To Shrink Obama's 2016 Refugee Budget

But don't worry - Obama believes that (unlike him) criminals and terrorists obey the rule of law, and if we pass more gun laws we will prevent more attacks and keep Americans safer! Dis-arming everyone will save lives!

Detroit police chief: armed citizens could have prevented Paris attacks
LINK: Detroit police chief: armed citizens could have prevented Paris attacks - Detroit

Interpol: Sorry, Liberals – THIS Is The Best Way To Prevent Terrorism!
LINK: Interpol: Sorry, Liberals - THIS Is The Best Way To Prevent Terrorism!

"Following the terrorist attacks earlier this year at Charlie Hebdo, Westgate, and Mumbai, the Secretary General of International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) Ronald Noble recommended that having armed civilians is an effective way to prevent or halt terrorist attacks."

HOLY CRAP, is this @$$hole in the White House ever right about ANYTHING?

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The President, by the way, says we don't know if this attack, perpetrated by two radicalized Muslims who were in contact with other identified radicals, who had an arsenal at home, and whose garage the FBI calls 'an IED factory', was a 'terrorist' attack yet.

Brietbart: President Obama On California Attack 'We Don't Know Why ...

Washington Times: Obama says investigators unsure if San Bernardino shooting was terrorism, calls for gun control
- FBI Calls Attackers’ Home an ‘IED Factory’
- Ties to Extremists Confirmed - Investigators said Farook was in touch by phone and via social media with international terrorism subjects

The Blaze: Why is Obama Unable to Call Terrorist Attacks Islamic ...

.....good question! :confused:
A very long but well linked post.

Your premise is wrong.

The moonbat messiah didn't "think".

verb (used without object), thought, thinking.

1. to have a conscious mind, to some extent of reasoning, remembering experiences, making rational decisions.

The meat muppet faggot was not compelled to do or say any of the stupid shit he has done over the last 7 years because he "thought" anything, least of all that he was doing something that would benefit anyone other than himself or the people who enrich and empower his fellow criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths.

As far as global security/stability, prosperity of the masses, freedom of individuals there was no "thought"...

Ahh the daily phony allegation thread.

Nice Faux Bubble you live in.
Ahh the daily phony allegation thread. Nice Faux Bubble you live in.

Just for the record, what color is the sky in your Liberal universe? Do they have news there, or - like here - do you just ignore it all and make shite up? :p
Ahh the daily phony allegation thread. Nice Faux Bubble you live in.

Just for the record, what color is the sky in your Liberal universe? Do they have news there, or - like here - do you just ignore it all and make shite up? :p

They have "News", just like the sort of "news" they provide in North Korea. It's called MSLSD or something like that.

Boo admitted that he has to do bong hits while watching Fox so that none of the information can penetrate his skull and be captured by any residual brain cells that haven't killed themselves from being exposed to obozo's voice.


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