Blinken: Iran capable of producing fissile material in 'one or two weeks'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016


Iran capable of producing fissile material in 'one or two weeks'

19 Jul 2024 ~~ By Agence France-Presse

Iran is capable of producing fissile material for use in a nuclear weapon within "one or two weeks," U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday.
News of Iran's capabilities follows the recent election of President Masoud Pezeshkian, who has said his goal is to "get Iran out of its isolation," and who favors reviving the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and global powers.
Blinken said that "what we've seen in the last weeks and months is an Iran that's actually moving forward" with its nuclear program.
The United States unilaterally withdrew in 2018 from the Iran nuclear deal, which was designed to regulate Iran's atomic activities in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions.
Speaking at a security forum in Colorado, Blinken blamed the collapse of the nuclear deal for the acceleration in Iran's capabilities.
"Instead of being at least a year away from having the breakout capacity of producing fissile material for a nuclear weapon, (Iran) is now probably one or two weeks away from doing that," Blinken said.
He added that Iran had not yet developed a nuclear weapon.
Iran's acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri told CNN earlier this week that his country remained committed to the deal, known as the JCPOA.
"We are still a member of JCPOA. America has not yet been able to return to the JCPOA, so the goal we are pursuing is the revival of the 2015 agreement," he said. "We are not looking for a new agreement."

Once more we hear about the continued saga of Blinken announcing that Iran is weeks away from producing a nuclear weapon.
This is the same mantra we heard as far back as the Obama administration and we continue to bow to the Ayatollah of Iran.
Either the have the weapon or not, is of no importance. They know if they use it Iran will become a desert of fused glass.
I am sure that Israel does not have just a nuclear weapon of 1945 size, but weapons of Hydrogen bomb size and if that doesn't fry them the U.S. would in defensive retaliation.
I still believe in the concept of M.A.D.


Iran capable of producing fissile material in 'one or two weeks'

19 Jul 2024 ~~ By Agence France-Presse

Iran is capable of producing fissile material for use in a nuclear weapon within "one or two weeks," U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday.
News of Iran's capabilities follows the recent election of President Masoud Pezeshkian, who has said his goal is to "get Iran out of its isolation," and who favors reviving the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and global powers.
Blinken said that "what we've seen in the last weeks and months is an Iran that's actually moving forward" with its nuclear program.
The United States unilaterally withdrew in 2018 from the Iran nuclear deal, which was designed to regulate Iran's atomic activities in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions.
Speaking at a security forum in Colorado, Blinken blamed the collapse of the nuclear deal for the acceleration in Iran's capabilities.
"Instead of being at least a year away from having the breakout capacity of producing fissile material for a nuclear weapon, (Iran) is now probably one or two weeks away from doing that," Blinken said.
He added that Iran had not yet developed a nuclear weapon.
Iran's acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri told CNN earlier this week that his country remained committed to the deal, known as the JCPOA.
"We are still a member of JCPOA. America has not yet been able to return to the JCPOA, so the goal we are pursuing is the revival of the 2015 agreement," he said. "We are not looking for a new agreement."

Once more we hear about the continued saga of Blinken announcing that Iran is weeks away from producing a nuclear weapon.
This is the same mantra we heard as far back as the Obama administration and we continue to bow to the Ayatollah of Iran.
Either the have the weapon or not, is of no importance. They know if they use it Iran will become a desert of fused glass.
I am sure that Israel does not have just a nuclear weapon of 1945 size, but weapons of Hydrogen bomb size and if that doesn't fry them the U.S. would in defensive retaliation.
I still believe in the concept of M.A.D.
Then my question is, why arent we nuking Iran today? I dont care if 10 million Iranians die, Iran should never get a nuke.
Netanyahu's dream; the excuse to get America to do his work for him. Are the Iranians as stupid as he? Will we all play into his hands?
Just now, when the domestic scene is running as it is, there is a sudden attention to this.
I haven't notice a "sudden attention" ---I have noticed over the
past several years an idiotic widespread belief that SOMEHOW
Iran cannot manage the BIG TIME SECRET to "how to make
an atom bomb" ----NEWS FLASH!!!!!! it ain't no secret
Then my question is, why arent we nuking Iran today? I dont care if 10 million Iranians die, Iran should never get a nuke.
No one wants to use nukes.
As you may well know both India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons and have not used them against each other.
So will Iran.
Personally I believe that Iran already has created a buclear weapon(s) are are fear ful that if the attack Israel or America with nuclear weapons they will be destroyed.
What they are doing at this point is just sabre rattling like North Korea.
Obama tricked biden dumb self into giving Iran billions of American taxpayer dollars. Trump informed us about it and no dems have denied it. Now Iran can buy call kinds weapons to harm others with including America.
Obama tricked biden dumb self into giving Iran billions of American taxpayer dollars. Trump informed us about it and no dems have denied it. Now Iran can buy call kinds weapons to harm others with including America.
They are buying influence. I believe those weird rumors that they
have paid agents in the Universities
No one wants to use nukes.
As you may well know both India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons and have not used them against each other.
So will Iran.
Personally I believe that Iran already has created a buclear weapon(s) are are fear ful that if the attack Israel or America with nuclear weapons they will be destroyed.
What they are doing at this point is just sabre rattling like North Korea.
Iran is going to get nukes, then fund the fuck out of terrorism and we wont be able to stop it anymore. Iran has to tread carefully right now because, if they go too far, the US will go to war with them, but if they have a nuke, the threat of war with the US drops to ZERO, at which point they go off the rails and start doing whatever the fuck they want.
Obama tricked biden dumb self into giving Iran billions of American taxpayer dollars. Trump informed us about it and no dems have denied it. Now Iran can buy call kinds weapons to harm others with including America.
Well, Iran certainly supplied Hamas with rocket motors, and muntions to start the Oct 7th massacre of Israelies.
American supplied Hamas with concrete and steel pipe to produce the tunnels and rockets as we've seen daily in Gaza and Isdrael.
Iran is going to get nukes, then fund the fuck out of terrorism and we wont be able to stop it anymore. Iran has to tread carefully right now because, if they go too far, the US will go to war with them, but if they have a nuke, the threat of war with the US drops to ZERO, at which point they go off the rails and start doing whatever the fuck they want.
Iran has the nukes.. They've been stalling about the work. UN inspectors have not be allowed to inspect for at least 4 years.
Iran has the nukes.. They've been stalling about the work. UN inspectors have not be allowed to inspect for at least 4 years.
Im doubtful of that. I believe Israel will go to war with Iran before they allow them to have a nuke. It seems unlikely that they would have a nuke and Israel not know about it.


Iran capable of producing fissile material in 'one or two weeks'

US starting to colour their pants as they begin to see their future .

Arrogance and violence never was a good calling card , America .


Iran capable of producing fissile material in 'one or two weeks'

19 Jul 2024 ~~ By Agence France-Presse

Iran is capable of producing fissile material for use in a nuclear weapon within "one or two weeks," U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday.
News of Iran's capabilities follows the recent election of President Masoud Pezeshkian, who has said his goal is to "get Iran out of its isolation," and who favors reviving the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and global powers.
Blinken said that "what we've seen in the last weeks and months is an Iran that's actually moving forward" with its nuclear program.
The United States unilaterally withdrew in 2018 from the Iran nuclear deal, which was designed to regulate Iran's atomic activities in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions.
Speaking at a security forum in Colorado, Blinken blamed the collapse of the nuclear deal for the acceleration in Iran's capabilities.
"Instead of being at least a year away from having the breakout capacity of producing fissile material for a nuclear weapon, (Iran) is now probably one or two weeks away from doing that," Blinken said.
He added that Iran had not yet developed a nuclear weapon.
Iran's acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri told CNN earlier this week that his country remained committed to the deal, known as the JCPOA.
"We are still a member of JCPOA. America has not yet been able to return to the JCPOA, so the goal we are pursuing is the revival of the 2015 agreement," he said. "We are not looking for a new agreement."

Once more we hear about the continued saga of Blinken announcing that Iran is weeks away from producing a nuclear weapon.
This is the same mantra we heard as far back as the Obama administration and we continue to bow to the Ayatollah of Iran.
Either the have the weapon or not, is of no importance. They know if they use it Iran will become a desert of fused glass.
I am sure that Israel does not have just a nuclear weapon of 1945 size, but weapons of Hydrogen bomb size and if that doesn't fry them the U.S. would in defensive retaliation.
I still believe in the concept of M.A.D.
This announcement is by design. Iran would surely want Biden win the election and would do and say anything to hurt Trumps chances. The Axis of evil do not want Trump to win, that would cost the Iranian government billions. Israel may pay the greatest price. As it were, they don't need nukes, today an Iranian drone was flown undetected by the Houthis and killed a citizen in Israel
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