BLM Activist Says Knife-fighting Is Normal....No Need To Call The Police


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

If you spend enough time in a black neighborhood you're going to see drug use and violence.

I've visited my nieces and nephews and seen this. It reminds me of my time in Mogadishu. Every other night someone fires a gun once it gets dark. It's just normal in these kinds of housing areas. When the booze starts flowing they start busting caps. The more blacks...the more likely someone's going to get shot. This week a bunch of people got shot at a birthday party for a 12 yr old. Unwanted guests showed up and started a fight with somebody....guns were pulled...shots were fired. How did a bunch of teenagers get these guns?

Blacks are used to this. I'm not saying they like it....but most of them have been involved in or witnessed to a shooting. If they aren't shooting at each other, they're pulling a knife or getting into a fight. The only thing they seem to agree on is that this is all whitey's fault. Many of them are just they don't understand why they had to grow up in this environment. To them...losing friends to shootings is a part of life.
Now is this because of racism?
No....I think it is a byproduct of a culture that began when they were brought over the ocean and thrown into slavery, and it really took off in the 60s. A stigma that hovers over their heads in our ghettos. Welfare....poverty...lack of proper upbringing....children having children and never knowing how to raise their kids properly. That is the primary cause of all of this violence. Where is the father???? Where is the adult supervision????

'The old rituals of childhood are passing away in this newfangled age.
Riding your bicycle on the streets under the lights in summer? Parents are too afraid to even let their progeny touch bicycles. Book-reading has given way to kids on cellphones and iPads. And those old-fashioned knife fights we used to settle beefs are now being broken up by censorious law enforcement officers who think the combatants might pose a threat to each other’s lives.​
If that “Sesame Street” standard “One of These Things (Is Not Like the Others)” is playing in your head right now, you’re not alone. But don’t tell that to activist, filmmaker and Black Lives Matter activist Bree Newsome, who has become bad-famous on Twitter after police shot and killed black teenager Ma’Khia Bryant in a local park in Columbus, Ohio.​
According to The Cleveland Plain Dealer, the girl, who was either 15 or 16 depending on various reports, was shot and killed by an officer Tuesday. Footage from the bodycam, released later that evening by the Columbus Division of Police, shows the officer arriving on the scene as the girl was swinging a knife at another female. The officer yelled for the girl with the knife to get down, but she refused, charging another woman who was pinned against a car — and prompting the officer to shoot her.'​
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Let me put it this way........


There WILL BE a civil war.


Whites are destined to be systematically eliminated by a tiny minority of hateful ultra radical fascist racists. (I do believe BLM leader is a self proclaimed Marxist?)
Let me put it this way........


There WILL BE a civil war.


Whites are destined to be systematically eliminated by a tiny minority of hateful ultra radical fascist racists. (I do believe BLM leader is a self proclaimed Marxist?)
There is already a war in the hood.
The problem seems to be the Deep State doesn't want to end it.
They made sure that Mexican Drug Cartels brought in the Fentanyl George Floyd had in his system that caused him to freak out. They're making sure that black kids won't respect the law or proper authority figures.
April 22, 2021
My First Knife Fight? Leftists call knifings kid stuff after Columbus cop saved a teen from a stabbing

By Monica Showalter

The far left has been mouthing so many phony, untrue things about crime and punishment in the U.S. that some of its unhinged denizens can no longer recognize reality.

That would likely explain why one Black Lives Matter activist, Bree Newsome, found herself the subject of ridicule on Twitter and beyond for jumping the shark on the subject of stabbings, which is the topic of the day regarding a police intervention in Columbus, Ohio, where an officer shot a 16 year-old in the act of stabbing another girl. Newsome's twisted herself into a pretzel over the incident to whip up the narrative that cops are evil and knife stabbings are everyday occurrences, effectively declaring the vicious near-disemboweling of a teenager in pink jammed up against the hood of a car at the hands of another teen, Ma'Khia Bryant, a sort of rite of passage for Black people. And after a torrent of ridicule, she won't stop digging.
Here's her first tweet, which, as of this writing, is still up:


Anyone who thinks a police officer shooting a knife-wielding lunatic in the act of plunging that knife into another teenager jammed up against the hood of a car, you see, needs 'help.'

Which prompted a lot of ridicule and 'wow' remarks from those reading her purported 'everybody does it' logic.

That's certainly not what Rep. Maxine Waters thought, given that she called the cops to provide her with bodyguard services as she whipped up riot sentiment in Minneapolis the other day. Some leftists are more cognizant of preserving themselves than others.

She joins others, such as basketball star LeBron James, President Obama's consigliere Valerie Jarrett, and comedians such as Kathy Griffin, all of whom one way or another share her view that the stabbing should have happened, and the police move to halt that murder was a jailing offense for the officer who saved the girl in pink. (Or, 'other woman' as the New York Times insists.)

Jarrett, for one, re-narrative-ized the incident from 'stabbing' or 'attempted murder' to 'knife fight' even though only one participant had a knife.

As long as this shit stays in the blue shitholes, where it's been for decades, I'm good with it.
Chris Cuomo thinks this will stop when white kids start getting if whites never get shot by the outright fabrication.....and possibly a gas-lighting to kill more white kids.
Someone was going to die that day. Wildlife rangers know that animals in their natural habitat kill each other as a matter of survival. Black areas are no different and they are telling you that. Black teens have been killing each other for eons. The police should behave like any responsible wildlife rangers and watch two animals fighting for supremacy to the death. No interference.
Someone was going to die that day. Wildlife rangers know that animals in their natural habitat kill each other as a matter of survival. Black areas are no different and they are telling you that. Black teens have been killing each other for eons. The police should behave like any responsible wildlife rangers and watch two animals fighting for supremacy to the death. No interference.
Cops don't just parachute down out of the clouds everytime these thugs go at it, someone is calling 911 to get them there. So if the same person placing the call is then the same person videoing it for the trash media, then don't place the call in the first place. If its all normal why call 911?
It wasnt going to be a knife fight it was going to be a knife slaughter. For all these idiots like Valery Jarret who blame the cop for breaking up a "knife fight" , i just gotta say this.

Jarret, your like one of those cowardly lawmakers in the capitol building , hiding under a bench while trespassers are roaming the Capitol Building hallways.... yes thats right. unarmed trespassers, because there was not a shot fired, no one was arrested with a gun... you cowards fear for your OWN lives.....

....Yet when the girl in Pink was about to be disemboweled by a fucking lunatic who just tried to stab another girl.. you want to say thats ok to happen just as long as a white Honkey cop isnt getting in the way. IMO this is the thought pattern of most of these Leftist Dems

The cop saved a girls life. Thats the facts. Black Lives Matter and guess what? Facts matter too!
That girls parents should be thanking that cop for saving her.

Its a sad thing that the other girl had to die, but then again, she played a large part of her own demise... she ignored the cop telling her to stop. Most likely she was also a victim of American Leftist ideology that teaches black youth to disobey cops and tell them to go F' themselves.
these are the results.

- peace -
If its all normal why call 911?
It's not normal for everyone, just the Democrat voters. Even some blacks dont want this to go on in their neighborhoods. SOME aspire to be better
My wife used to say that people in those neighborhoods were like crabs......when anyone tries to get out, the rest of them try to pull them back in with them.
Hoodrats kick back on the porch packing a 9 mil....waiting for someone to come by they can insult and get in a fight with.
Two days before this a 13 year old girl cut the throat of another 13 year old girl and killed her. Remember the girl who was bragging about stabbing another girl in the heart.

There is no such thing as kids carving up one another and tomorrow they are friends. This is the gladiatorial arena. To the death.
Two days before this a 13 year old girl cut the throat of another 13 year old girl and killed her. Remember the girl who was bragging about stabbing another girl in the heart.

There is no such thing as kids carving up one another and tomorrow they are friends. This is the gladiatorial arena. To the death.
No....this is what happens when you raise kids like animals.....and then use the media to give them a feeling that this country is a horrible place to live. The Democrat party is constantly reminding us how terrible America is. This causes depression and a feeling of hopelessness.

People react to depression differently:

  • Some go into a shell and try to escape by vegging out in front of the TV
  • Some get high
  • Some react negatively to others around them
  • Some commit suicide
  • Some act out their feelings in public

Our leaders are the cause of all of this. Without them....and their corrupt propagandists in the media.....most of these incidents wouldn't be happening. If you sensationalize mass-shootings in schools, you get copy-cats. If you sensationalize knife fights in the get more knife fights everywhere.

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It is very hard to actually kill someone with a knife.
It is even very difficult to get a knife though clothing.

And the swing M'Khia was making started out with a wind up to the right, which means it was a round house to the left.
When then could not have reached up to the throat and could not have reached any organ that required a deep lunge.
It was most likely theatrics, and in the 15 minutes of fighting before the cops came, there was no a single drop of blood spilled.

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