BLM founder sentenced to 6 years for illegally voting.

Counting your chickens a little earlier, aren't ya?
Not at all, if I had my choice, neither Trump nor Biden need to see impeachment but I know how childish Democrats and Republicans are. Dems have tried like hell to impeach since Clinton and now that they put two up, the GOP in its glory will now try to top it.
Interesting. This voter was sentenced to 7 years for illegally registering to vote - probation. But she didn't actually vote illegally.

Yet that Republican who voted for his dead mother got a slap on the wrist. Tell me again how Republicans are treated so shabbily when they vote illegally.

The fact that one of these people is white, and one is black is of no consequence, I'm sure.
Oh good, we are hearing from one of the people that supports their racist leader and racist country. Clean up your own crap before bitching about us. Input from a racist like yourself is hollow because we know it is only hate that you spew.
Regarding the colonial call for “no taxation without representation” was needed at the time due to British expectations. Let states decide to cement state voting laws over federal bulldozer effect.

“As of Aug. 5, 2021, Maine, Vermont, and DC allowed people convicted of felonies to vote from prison. In every other state, the person must complete some or all of their sentence before reenfranchisement.”

“As of Aug. 5, 2021, 21 states allowed people with felony convictions who were on parole or probation to vote.

“For the most part, voting rights are left to the states as a separation of federal and state power. Congress has the ability to enact some laws, such as the Voting Rights Act, that govern the ways in which states administer elections.”

Btw- What about minors who work and have to pay taxes, but they’re not old enough to vote yet? Seems like they are getting the shaft paying in without voting rights, unless states have something else to say about it- haven’t checked this yet but throwing it out there.

Minors do not have to work, and are allowed the privilege in order to learn more civic responsibility.
Adults do have to work and that is essential to their survival and right to life, so then unfair taxation would be a threat to their livelihood, and something they have a right to have a say in.
There is zero rational for not letting those who have served their sentence, to vote.
It's not about skin color. The others pleaded guilty. She took her case to trial. People who plead guilty typically get lesser sentences. Plus, she has an extensive history of felonies.

No she does not have an extensive history of crime.
She was only charged with 1 felony, tampering, whatever that is.
That clearly is bureaucratic and not a real crime that infringes on the rights of someone else.
Oh, and how can police ever make anyone safer?
Have they ever saved you from a crime in progress?
Intervening during criminals attempt to bully people. They then count on DAs to back up their arrests.
And obviously the Judge got EVERYTHING totally WRONG.
The judge has NO first hand information, and the reporters verified that she NEVER voted.

Aren't you at all suspicious that so many years could go by before this probation office mistake was even detected?
Clearly there is a great deal of bureaucratic incompetency, or the charges are deliberate entrapment.
The judge was way out of line.
And trump was cheated out of his win
Intervening during criminals attempt to bully people. They then count on DAs to back up their arrests.

I have never seen this.
Bullying is abusive, but is not an actual crime usually, like theft, arson, murder.
How often have you been or seen bullying?
Doesn't it just mean misconduct and hence a trial to remove may occur?

XponentialChaos I am still here and the Mods saw my posts. Guess I didn't break the rules like you said, nor was I banned.

How do you explain that, leftist? Care to cut my posts again and change their meanings?
Up to them whether they enforce their rules or not. I’m just telling you wha the rule says.
Minors do not have to work, and are allowed the privilege in order to learn more civic responsibility.
Adults do have to work and that is essential to their survival and right to life, so then unfair taxation would be a threat to their livelihood, and something they have a right to have a say in.
There is zero rational for not letting those who have served their sentence, to vote.
I understand your point Rigby, that most minors in the US choose to work. I’ll have to check a few sources to see the numbers but we’re talking over many thousands of teens who have no choice but to work in order to eat.

Netflix has a few series that are rough around the edges for most moderates and conservatives to want to view. One depicts life in the “slums” and what that entails for a white family lacking any parental help with 5 kids. The “mom”with mental issues refuses to accept she’s bi-polar and leaves the family, oldest daughter at 16 raises (barely) the younger siblings and almost all characters fail to get out of the ghetto. The father is an alcoholic who eventually drinks himself to death and remains useless.

Yes, it’s just a show, but it depicts impoverished families with many of the younger kids (not even teens) needing to make their own money to help pay for the electric or water bill. My point: many teenagers are forced to work, without a choice.
Lol you are an idiot. There is a registry to vote. They check your signature and check your name off when the vote is reviewed. Two votes come in under the same name some one goes to jail. Not the same thing at all dumb fuck.
seems like a lot of extras work when all you really need is to show an ID

and isn’t that prejudice against people with no hands or that can’t write?

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