BLM founder sentenced to 6 years for illegally voting.

But isn't that an argument for just lowering the voting age of those who are independent?
When we look at history, people use to go off to war at 16 at one time.
Many American Revolutionaries were much younger than you might think when they declared independence from Britain.
  • Andrew Jackson, 9.
  • (Major) Thomas Young, 12.
  • Deborah Sampson, 15.
  • James Armistead, 15.
  • Sybil Ludington, 15.
Dude you’re truly fked in the head. You don’t even know there are millions more people to pick from, we no longer have to take kids. Fk I can’t stand your kind of stupid
You're lying again. :eusa_liar:

Moses, 44, a Black woman and Black Lives Matter activist, had 16 prior felony convictions and attempted to register to vote when she was ineligible and on probation, according to the Shelby County District Attorney's Office.

Well, something’s not working out quite right when we have a repetitive felon, in and out of the system 16 times, seriously …and she was considered “a top leader?” How well did these BLM chapter groups “vet” their top leaders? Obviously, she must have picked up a few tips while being the pod boss while incarcerated, although I think there is another name for top ranking females in prison who keep the underlings in line. lol
I was more focused about your comment regarding no taxation without representation. If that statement doesn’t fall for one segment of the working population how can it fall for strictly another? To propose that no one should be taxed without being able to vote but you are excluding minors? Fairness for all tax-paying workers does not mean favoring majority age workers over minors working.
Minors don’t pay taxes
The dude ain’t got a brain

He's been pretty much anti-cop in many discussions. I'm a pro-cop American because without police, our laws are useless without anybody in authority to enforce them. When you have a lawless society, you have an uncivilized society as we are witnessing in commie cities across the country.
Not at all, if I had my choice, neither Trump nor Biden need to see impeachment but I know how childish Democrats and Republicans are. Dems have tried like hell to impeach since Clinton and now that they put two up, the GOP in its glory will now try to top it.
Fk impeachment
No, an ID is easy to fake and the polling station has no ability to check any thing but a voter registration card, so that is the only useful ID.
Besides, the polling stations have to prevent multiple voting, so have to cross reference the vote to the person, and you can't do that with an ID like a driver's license.
it would have to march the photo on record

tough to fake
Minors don’t pay taxes

Well, I don’t doubt your word, but found this JC:
New Hire Forms for Children

In general, new hire paperwork for children hired as employees in your business must be the same as for all other hires. Especially, newly hired minors must complete Form W-4 before they receive their first paycheck, to indicate federal income tax withholding, and you must withhold federal income tax from paychecks of minors unless the individual claims exemption from withholding.

Pay and Benefits for Children
  • After the minor has been employed for 90 days, you must pay the same minimum wage as other employees. If your state's minimum wage is higher than the federal minimum wage, you must pay employees the higher state minimum wage.
  • You must withhold federal (and state) income taxes and FICA taxes (Social Security/Medicare) from minors and pay your employer share of these taxes, the same as for other employees.
  • You must pay overtime after 40 hours of work in a week, with the same regulations as for other employees.

He's been pretty much anti-cop in many discussions. I'm a pro-cop American because without police, our laws are useless without anybody in authority to enforce them. When you have a lawless society, you have an uncivilized society as we are witnessing in commie cities across the country.
I’m pro self defense, anti crime, shoot the killers. They forfeited their rights. Try to take another’s life or property, fking die
It goes beyond that. I live in a predominately black suburb of about 25,000 people. Our police department has been looking for more recruits to join the force, but can't find anybody. The pay is around 60K a year plus benefits, and still no luck.

Before this leftist movement started, a police officer was the dream job a lot of people wanted, particularly with males. Today it's taboo because of all the media scrutiny. It's not just our suburb that has this problem, it's nationwide.

Speaking with the Chief of our city, when he applied to be an officer here back in 1990, he was up against 750 other applicants for one job. Today he said we are looking to hire five more officers, and can barely get 20 applicants to apply. Out of that 20, almost nobody will make it. They either won't get past the police academy or the ones who do won't be able to catch on to police work. When we finally find a good enough person to be a cop, another one quits for a better suburb.

It's almost hopeless when Satin is winning the war.

But we do not NEED police.
This country went for over 100 years without any significant police, and did much better.
Police never end up serving the people, but doing what the wealthy elite who sign their paycheck want.
Again, if police were honest, there would be no War on Drugs, mandatory sentences, no-knock-warrants, asset forfeiture, etc.
I was more focused about your comment regarding no taxation without representation. If that statement doesn’t fall for one segment of the working population how can it fall for strictly another? To propose that no one should be taxed without being able to vote but you are excluding minors? Fairness for all tax-paying workers does not mean favoring majority age workers over minors working.

Not a problem.
I think self supporting minors should also be voting.
But we do not NEED police.
This country went for over 100 years without any significant police, and did much better.
Police never end up serving the people, but doing what the wealthy elite who sign their paycheck want.
Again, if police were honest, there would be no War on Drugs, mandatory sentences, no-knock-warrants, asset forfeiture, etc.

You must not understand our political system. Police don't make laws. That's what various people in our government do. Police only enforce the laws on the books. And again, without people to enforce our laws, then the laws are meaningless. When you have a society of no laws, you have an uncivilized society.
You're lying again. :eusa_liar:

Moses, 44, a Black woman and Black Lives Matter activist, had 16 prior felony convictions and attempted to register to vote when she was ineligible and on probation, according to the Shelby County District Attorney's Office.

I only find one felony conviction, and it is a bureaucratic infraction at that.

a conviction for tampering with evidence that caused her to permanently lose her voting rights in the state. To restore rights that she says she didn’t know she had lost when she pleaded guilty, the corrections department and county election commission both signed off on Moses’s voter registration application in 2019 certifying that her probation had ended, granting her full voting privileges once again.

But there was a problem: The officials who signed off on Moses being eligible to vote acknowledged they made an error in saying her probation was over, meaning her voting rights had not been restored. So when the 44-year-old Black woman submitted the certificate as part of her voter registration, she was charged with trying to illegally register to vote.

After she was convicted of the voting error last November, Moses was sentenced this week to six years and one day in prison.
“I relied on the election commission because those are the people who are supposed to know what you’re supposed to do,” she told WREG before her sentencing. “And I found out that they didn’t know.”
Her sentencing Monday has been decried by critics as a much harsher penalty than those in other recent voting fraud cases involving conservative White men. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund tweeted that the case captured how “there are two criminal justice systems in America.”
“This case is one about the disparity in sentencing and punishment — and one that shouldn’t have happened,” Bede Anyanwu, her attorney, told The Washington Post on Friday. Anyanwu, who said Moses plans to appeal, added, “It’s all very, very disturbing.”


Here is what your "Newsweek" article says:
Moses, 44, a Black woman and Black Lives Matter activist, had 16 prior felony convictions and attempted to register to vote when she was ineligible and on probation, according to the Shelby County District Attorney's Office.

She pleaded guilty on April 29, 2015 to tampering with evidence and forgery, both felony convictions, and perjury, stalking, theft under $500 and escape, all misdemeanor convictions. She was placed on probation for seven years.
And that makes no sense.
When it says "both felony convictions", that mean only two.
And then it says, ", all misdemeanor conviction", so there are only 2 felonies, not 16.

So if she did have 16 felony convictions, then why did the Probation Department sign off on here voter registration application?
Its still ALL their fault.
But we do not NEED police.
This country went for over 100 years without any significant police, and did much better.
Police never end up serving the people, but doing what the wealthy elite who sign their paycheck want.
Again, if police were honest, there would be no War on Drugs, mandatory sentences, no-knock-warrants, asset forfeiture, etc.
What does the drastic difference note to you Rigby? There are multiple layers here, but I can see where you might “go one way with it” in perception and I might go another.

Not terrible enough. People voted to keep them in the majority. Of course that had a lot to do with mail-in voting. The more mail-in votes you have, the more dumber people that are voting.
No, the more fraudulent ballots you can count
You must not understand our political system. Police don't make laws. That's what various people in our government do. Police only enforce the laws on the books. And again, without people to enforce our laws, then the laws are meaningless. When you have a society of no laws, you have an uncivilized society.

Laws are supposed to be based on the protection of obvious inherent rights.
When police are not doing that, like busting into home in the middle of the night, with no-knock-warrants, they serve no one but the corrupt, or any valid law.
They are then out for money and are causing violence.
Police have total discretion.
No one is forcing them to illegally point guns at people, bust down doors in the middle of the night, etc.
A person is supposed to be secure in their homes.
Middle of the night, no-knock raids, are totally illegal, and everyone should see that obviously.
Dude you’re truly fked in the head. You don’t even know there are millions more people to pick from, we no longer have to take kids. Fk I can’t stand your kind of stupid

You missed the point.
We likely are deliberately retarding growth and preventing kids from maturing earlier.
The point is previous generations were responsible sooner.
So likely our delaying is harmful.
Laws are supposed to be based on the protection of obvious inherent rights.
When police are not doing that, like busting into home in the middle of the night, with no-knock-warrants, they serve no one but the corrupt, or any valid law.
They are then out for money and are causing violence.
Police have total discretion.
No one is forcing them to illegally point guns at people, bust down doors in the middle of the night, etc.
A person is supposed to be secure in their homes.
Middle of the night, no-knock raids, are totally illegal, and everyone should see that obviously.

Police do not have discretion on whether to enforce the law or not. They took an oath TO enforce our laws. When your supervisor tells you that they are conducting a no-knock raid, that's what you do. It's not only your job, but the oath you took to be a police officer.

Police use their guns for self-defense. it's the only reason they point a gun at another person. There is nothing illegal about it. You seem to make up your own laws in your own mind.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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