BLM founder sentenced to 6 years for illegally voting.

It is.
Convicting a person because of the errors of public officials and sentencing that person to prison because of that error


GQP types PURPOSELY voting dead people ballots and corrupting an entire election with fake mail in ballots get probation?

Insanely racist it is.

Well, I don’t doubt your word, but found this JC:

New Hire Forms for Children

In general, new hire paperwork for children hired as employees in your business must be the same as for all other hires. Especially, newly hired minors must complete Form W-4 before they receive their first paycheck, to indicate federal income tax withholding, and you must withhold federal income tax from paychecks of minors unless the individual claims exemption from withholding.

Pay and Benefits for Children
  • After the minor has been employed for 90 days, you must pay the same minimum wage as other employees. If your state's minimum wage is higher than the federal minimum wage, you must pay employees the higher state minimum wage.
  • You must withhold federal (and state) income taxes and FICA taxes (Social Security/Medicare) from minors and pay your employer share of these taxes, the same as for other employees.
  • You must pay overtime after 40 hours of work in a week, with the same regulations as for other employees.

they can't earn enough to pay taxes. Withholding money is returned after they provide their tax documents. So, they pay no taxes. They pay local taxes yes, they spend money, but outside that, no federal money is paid into the IRS.
What the legislatures do is write these laws giving YOU the option to surrender those rights. Should you choose to commit a crime that's a felony, YOU gave up your rights, not any legislature.

I have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If I rob a bank and they put me in a cage like an animal, they did not take away my rights to liberty, I surrendered those rights when I decided to rob a bank.
Funny how all this escapes them.. Why ? Because their mind's are corrupted.
That is not legal.
That is no way states can legally prevent a tax payer from voting.
The legislators who think they can, are the real criminals.
Where would legislators get the authority to commit taxation without representation?
You obviously don't understand what probation is. Paying taxes doesn't negate the person's crimes nor punishment.
Biden is not popular and unless he can turn things around, which for our benefit does, we are going to vote for rhe GOP this fall. I see few other scenarios.
You're probably right, especially given the president's opposition party almost always wins the midterms. But you never know and there's a new twist in the upcoming election rarely seen before... one party lost faith in our elections and many from that party won't vote for that reason. Until the elections play out in November, it remains to be seen how, or if, that affects the elections. It bit Republicans in the ass in January, 2021, when they lost the Senate.
And are you trying to claim that most judges are not biased by race and political association?
Not only is the judge obviously wrong, but so is any attempt to prevent any tax payer from voting.
That is inherently criminal.
Wow, so now you make a claim against the system as pertaining to judges and such, but when it was Trump challenging the election you sat there quite or fought him, and agreed with the court's because it was Trump eh ???
That is just a lie.
There is NO WAY you can TELL a probation board that you are no longer on probation, and no one claims that is what she did.
When you are on probation, the Probation Board monitors you, and TELLS you if you are still on probation or not.
You do not get to tell them.
They checked the records and simply screwed up somehow.
again, provide the proof.
Wow, so now you make a claim against the system as pertaining to judges and such, but when it was Trump challenging the election you sat there quite or fought him, and agreed with the court's because it was Trump eh ???
exactly what I asked the fker. He's been silent.
I come to your house right now, hypothetically. And beat the holy Hell out of you. What are the repercussions if there isn’t any police force?


We see this a lot in the hood. One guy shoots and kills another guy from a different family or gang. Nobody tells police a thing because they want to handle their own. So then somebody from the gang or family that was killed goes out and kills the shooter. Then it goes back and forth and back and forth until police nab at least one of them before it stops.

If the people related to the first victim just told police everything they know, it would have saved several lives.
they can't earn enough to pay taxes. Withholding money is returned after they provide their tax documents. So, they pay no taxes. They pay local taxes yes, they spend money, but outside that, no federal money is paid into the IRS.
they can't earn enough to pay taxes. Withholding money is returned after they provide their tax documents. So, they pay no taxes. They pay local taxes yes, they spend money, but outside that, no federal money is paid into the IRS

“An employee who is a dependent ordinarily can’t claim exemption from withholding if both of the following are true.

Most minors earn enough (if they don’t qualify for low-income credit exemption) to “qualify” to pay in:
  • The employee's gross income will be more than $1,150, the minimum standard deduction for 2022.
  • The employee's unearned income will be more than $400.
Sorry for off-topic elaboration OP!
She's guilty of violating the rules of her probation. She knew when she was sentenced she could not vote for seven years. She went to the probation board to see if she could get away with registering which she did. She got busted and is now paying the price for it. She didn't ask her probation officer because she knew what his or her answer would be. She didn't contact a lawyer for advice. She did this all on her own.

It's no different than if she shoplifted a $9.99 bottle of cheap perfume. You cannot do illegal things of any kind while on probation if you want to avoid jail time.

Was the intent in stealing to break the law.
100% of the evidence presented shows she tried to comply but was led astray by authorities in charge.

Was their, the officials, intent to break the law?
Why are they not convicted on conspiracy charges?
Should they be convicted?

After all, they are as guilty, or innocent, as she.

We see this a lot in the hood. One guy shoots and kills another guy from a different family or gang. Nobody tells police a thing because they want to handle their own. So then somebody from the gang or family that was killed goes out and kills the shooter. Then it goes back and forth and back and forth until police nab at least one of them before it stops.

If the people related to the first victim just told police everything they know, it would have saved several lives.
Lives undoubtedly not cared enough about to step forward. Shame.
WTF are you talking about? She got a better break than they did. She was convicted on several charges including escape.
You can't reconvict someone on identical charges.

WTF are YOU talking about.
Try getting the timeline correct which would mean taking off your White colored glasses.

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