BLM gets Blacks to do their dirty work for nothing. There's a word for that.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The Gay Marxists sitting at the top of the BLM empire can hardly believe their good fortune. They now have legions of angry Blacks doing all of their heavy lifting for them. Isn't that nice? Especially since the Gay Marxists don't give a hoot about them. Their army is fighting in the streets, creating chaos and fear. They are creating guilt on a massive scale and receiving billions in donations.

It is the ultimate irony that what BLM has actually done is create a form of voluntary slavery. Their volunteer army works for nothing, fighting with police and citizens and destroying property. And the Marxists just sit back watching the news laughing. Those BLM founders are smart. They know if they can harness Black anger, they can get whatever they want for free. Looks like it is working like a charm, so far.

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