BLM Is Based on Lies

BLM has been hijacked by communists.

If you are a communist, good for you. Nice slight of hand.

If you are NOT a communist and you think BLM is only about George Floyd and police are really really really really fucking stupid and you are useful idiots for the communists.

Can any BLM supporters explain to us how burning down federal courthouses will stop police brutality against blacks?
They are avowed Marxist not communist...
Black Lives Matter are being used as a tool for the democrats to help change the right track/wrong track numbers in the polls. The more Americans are harmed, the more they want change.

The Democrats are trying to make Americans as miserable as they possibly can so as to affect the outcome of the election.
Yet BLM was created during Oblama and marched for the same when he was in office.
BLM has been hijacked by communists.

If you are a communist, good for you. Nice slight of hand.

If you are NOT a communist and you think BLM is only about George Floyd and police are really really really really fucking stupid and you are useful idiots for the communists.

Can any BLM supporters explain to us how burning down federal courthouses will stop police brutality against blacks?
They are avowed Marxist not communist...

Explain the specific difference between Marxism and Communism.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
I'm old enough to remember them trying to drag MLK Jr. the same way they are trying to drag BLM today. When it comes to the powers that don't want to share with minorities and women, some methods never change.
Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with Black lives. It’s about communism.

Such fucking idiot sheep. Good Lord.

Lets tear down statues of Columbus because George Floyd was murdered and the murderer was arrested and charged with murder!

Such frauds and anyone supporting BLM or Antifa is communist trash.
BLM is a FRONT organization for ACT BLUE, which is nothing more than a campaign fund for democrats.

So democrats WANT blacks pissed off and thinking the world is racist. They get more donations that way.
It also creates division which as Lincoln pointed out the house would crumble. Fomenting division is the only way democrats can keep power.
If Trump is deploying Gestapo Stormtroopers, why aren’t they killing anyone and why are rioters getting court dates and being released By Trump’s Gestapo?

That is some SHITTY GESTAPO.

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Every case they run with turns out like this. And why is that? Because there is no real "tacism" except among blacks and white liberals

The statist left preys on the emotionally gullible, uninformed, Groupthink Groupies & illiterate peoples. Misinformation, half truths & bald faced fabricated stories with absolutely no validity what so ever are their primary weapons of recruitment. It has always been this way for the lost ones from the very beginning whether they craft various political identities like Communalists, Nazis, Progressives, Fascists, Environmentalists, Social Liberals, KKK, Supremacists, SA Brown Shirts, Antifa, Heavens Gate, etc. they're all one in the same as they all belong to the statist left. ALWAYS do your research IN DEPTH before deciding to join in with a particular group of people so one KNOWS what they are likely getting into beforehand. If a non known group of people, 1) Make you feel super comfortable like they have known you forever, 2) Adorn you with flattery, 3) Exhibit a STRONG ADORATION regarding government, then my advice is to distance that group rapidly & do not look back! Political cults, death cults & religious cults like the before mentioned are All of the same ilk & are all after the same goal... RECRUITMENT.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.
What philosophy are you referring to?

this is just a simple story of yet another black person with the black brain disease that cause them to resit arrest
Every case they run with turns out like this. And why is that? Because there is no real "racism" except among blacks and white liberals

Well recently several states have passed legislation to reform how police interact with us citizens. So BLM is good for all of us the police have become to militarized.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.
What philosophy are you referring to?

this is just a simple story of yet another black person with the black brain disease that cause them to resit arrest
Police shouldn’t murder young men who resist arrest.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
I'm old enough to remember them trying to drag MLK Jr. the same way they are trying to drag BLM today. When it comes to the powers that don't want to share with minorities and women, some methods never change.
Do you think they know the difference between the group and the philosophy? It's just so weird to see them so willingly play into their own worst stereotypes like this.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
I'm old enough to remember them trying to drag MLK Jr. the same way they are trying to drag BLM today. When it comes to the powers that don't want to share with minorities and women, some methods never change.
MLK Jr. was American. BLM is NOT.
They need to stop before 7 man gallows are set up for all those participating in that open sedition garbage. No other country on this earth would tolerate that bullshit as long as we have, and it's not going much further.
Black Lives Matter are being used as a tool for the democrats to help change the right track/wrong track numbers in the polls. The more Americans are harmed, the more they want change.

The Democrats are trying to make Americans as miserable as they possibly can so as to affect the outcome of the election.
Yet BLM was created during Oblama and marched for the same when he was in office.
This is not your Obama's BLM anymore son.

It is a movement that has been hijacked for the purpose of getting Socialists elected to office.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.
What philosophy are you referring to?

this is just a simple story of yet another black person with the black brain disease that cause them to resit arrest
Police shouldn’t murder young men who resist arrest.
It is good that they don't.
Police shouldn’t murder young men who resist arrest.
Its not murder if they are resisting arrest

and you sure picked the wrong hill to die on

this black person was using a shotgun to resist arrest with
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
I oppose the philosophy that uses intimidation in order to foster the notion that any resistance to black criminality is an act of racism.

Why don't you?
Explain the specific difference between Marxism and Communism.
The terms are pretty much the same.

Marx wrote, The Communist Manifesto. Certainly Marx would not write, The Marxism Manifesto. I thinks history and different pundits and commentators over the years has blurred the history to the point people think Marx and Communism are two different things.

Either way, there is and was a Communist Party that was the USSR, that was Marxism/Communism. Some believe all Communism refers to the Soviets. Certainly they started Communist parties across the world.

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