BLM Is Based on Lies

I would not be surprised to see Moonglow and Mac joining in on the Burning, Looting and Murdering at this point. Unhinged...

If they are not Marxist or Communists themselves, then they are probably as ignorant as it gets.

Agenda21 is a well documented, readily available plan implemented in the UN and sneaky as hell.
George Bush signed it for America (Globalist traitor) and China signed on.

People like Mac and Moon are probably just indoctrinated pawns being used and they have no clue. Except "Bad man Orange"
Unfortunately, millions of weak and not so bright Americans have taken the bait hook line and sinker and joined the Cult
and will ridicule you or even get nasty or even violent if you dare threaten their Cult.

Ignore their ignorance and help others learn about the Agenda21 Cult and what's really behind all the
chaos in America today. It's ALL Agenda21.

Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
NOT interesting, that EVERY ONE of your posts now is some pathetic TDS dumbfuckery.

For the love of God, get yourself some BUTT HURT SALVE...

Dont you know hes the one standing above it all, cursing both sides?
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.

So, you joined the Cult.

Your hatred for American Liberty.....or your worn on your sleeve

Agenda21.......The greatest and most evil Cult in World History

I would not be surprised to see Moonglow and Mac joining in on the Burning, Looting and Murdering at this point. Unhinged...

Yeah, you're starting to cut a pretty comical figure here lately... I think I'll start calling you Mac 'n Cheese.
Here's what cracks me up about this place, every single day:

When I commented and opined during the Obama administration, the Regressive Lefties all lost their shit, making it nasty and personal, calling me a fraud and accusing me of REALLY being a hardcore RIGHT winger.

When I comment and opine during the Trump administration, the obedient Trumpsters all lose their shit, making it nasty and personal, calling me a fraud and accusing me of REALLY being a hardcore LEFT winger.

And if Biden wins, the Regressive Lefties will be humping my leg, just like you guys are now.

Meanwhile, I just sit here, smiling, shaking my head.

Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.

So, you joined the Cult.

Your hatred for American Liberty.....or your worn on your sleeve

Agenda21.......The greatest and most evil Cult in World History

I would not be surprised to see Moonglow and Mac joining in on the Burning, Looting and Murdering at this point. Unhinged...

Yeah, you're starting to cut a pretty comical figure here lately... I think I'll start calling you Mac 'n Cheese.
Here's what cracks me up about this place, every single day:

When I commented and opined during the Obama administration, the Regressive Lefties all lost their shit, making it nasty and personal, calling me a fraud and accusing me of REALLY being a hardcore RIGHT winger.

When I comment and opine during the Trump administration, the obedient Trumpsters all lose their shit, making it nasty and personal, calling me a fraud and accusing me of REALLY being a hardcore LEFT winger.

And if Biden wins, the Regressive Lefties will be humping my leg, just like you guys are now.

Meanwhile, I just sit here, smiling, shaking my head.


Reminder: You are not smarter, you are not more knowledgeable, and you are not the secret king.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.

So, you joined the Cult.

Your hatred for American Liberty.....or your worn on your sleeve

Agenda21.......The greatest and most evil Cult in World History

I would not be surprised to see Moonglow and Mac joining in on the Burning, Looting and Murdering at this point. Unhinged...

Yeah, you're starting to cut a pretty comical figure here lately... I think I'll start calling you Mac 'n Cheese.
Here's what cracks me up about this place, every single day:

When I commented and opined during the Obama administration, the Regressive Lefties all lost their shit, making it nasty and personal, calling me a fraud and accusing me of REALLY being a hardcore RIGHT winger.

When I comment and opine during the Trump administration, the obedient Trumpsters all lose their shit, making it nasty and personal, calling me a fraud and accusing me of REALLY being a hardcore LEFT winger.

And if Biden wins, the Regressive Lefties will be humping my leg, just like you guys are now.

Meanwhile, I just sit here, smiling, shaking my head.


Reminder: You are not smarter, you are not more knowledgeable, and you are not the secret king.
Correct. I'm just not like you. Thank goodness.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.

So, you joined the Cult.

Your hatred for American Liberty.....or your worn on your sleeve

Agenda21.......The greatest and most evil Cult in World History

I would not be surprised to see Moonglow and Mac joining in on the Burning, Looting and Murdering at this point. Unhinged...

Yeah, you're starting to cut a pretty comical figure here lately... I think I'll start calling you Mac 'n Cheese.
Here's what cracks me up about this place, every single day:

When I commented and opined during the Obama administration, the Regressive Lefties all lost their shit, making it nasty and personal, calling me a fraud and accusing me of REALLY being a hardcore RIGHT winger.

When I comment and opine during the Trump administration, the obedient Trumpsters all lose their shit, making it nasty and personal, calling me a fraud and accusing me of REALLY being a hardcore LEFT winger.

And if Biden wins, the Regressive Lefties will be humping my leg, just like you guys are now.

Meanwhile, I just sit here, smiling, shaking my head.


Reminder: You are not smarter, you are not more knowledgeable, and you are not the secret king.
Correct. I'm just not like you. Thank goodness.

... And you are not more virtuous.
Back on thread topic, even George Kirby wasnt the innocent victim everyone thought he was when the video went viral. It ALWAYS turns out this way. "They" look for an I innocent victim, run with it, and FAR more often than not, the cop wasnt st fault to any REASONABLE person. More often than not, the cop gets railroaded by the mob and judges pressured by the mob
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BLM has been hijacked by communists.

If you are a communist, good for you. Nice slight of hand.

If you are NOT a communist and you think BLM is only about George Floyd and police are really really really really fucking stupid and you are useful idiots for the communists.

Can any BLM supporters explain to us how burning down federal courthouses will stop police brutality against blacks?

You have been answered many times.
007 Master Sergeant yet and Trump supporter????

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

'Former U.S Navy SEAL Dr. Dan Barkhuff wants to know if Donald Trump is a coward who can't stand up to Putin or if he's complicit.'

Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
Not interesting at all how you vile scum keep pushing for a civil war you can't win, more like comical.
BLM has been hijacked by communists.

If you are a communist, good for you. Nice slight of hand.

If you are NOT a communist and you think BLM is only about George Floyd and police are really really really really fucking stupid and you are useful idiots for the communists.

Can any BLM supporters explain to us how burning down federal courthouses will stop police brutality against blacks?

You have been answered many times.
Repeating the same lie is not an answer.
BLM has been hijacked by communists.

If you are a communist, good for you. Nice slight of hand.

If you are NOT a communist and you think BLM is only about George Floyd and police are really really really really fucking stupid and you are useful idiots for the communists.

Can any BLM supporters explain to us how burning down federal courthouses will stop police brutality against blacks?

You have been answered many times.
Repeating the same lie is not an answer.

Nothing I've said has been a lie.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.

The advocates of Burnin, Looting and Murder... Burning, Looting and Murdering.

Yes, Americans disagree with the philosophy and with the people advocating for it.
And there it is.

Yes, Americans being American is right here.

When will you start acting like one?
Ironic question is ironic.

Conversely, I want you to keep being just what you are.
Not ironic, bitch. Are you an American or a wishy-washy fuckface?
My vote goes to the latter as of right now.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
Not interesting at all how you vile scum keep pushing for a civil war you can't win, more like comical.
But I don't want a civil war. I'd rather have people like you grow up.

So I guess you're wrong there. And I guess we'll see.
Black Lives Matter are being used as a tool for the democrats to help change the right track/wrong track numbers in the polls. The more Americans are harmed, the more they want change.

The Democrats are trying to make Americans as miserable as they possibly can so as to affect the outcome of the election.
Black Lives Matter are being used as a tool for the democrats to help change the right track/wrong track numbers in the polls. The more Americans are harmed, the more they want change.

The Democrats are trying to make Americans as miserable as they possibly can so as to affect the outcome of the election.

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