BLM Is Based on Lies

The BLM movement is Marxist and largely led and financed by human-hating wealthy white people.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
I'm old enough to remember them trying to drag MLK Jr. the same way they are trying to drag BLM today. When it comes to the powers that don't want to share with minorities and women, some methods never change.
MLK Jr. was American. BLM is NOT.
They need to stop before 7 man gallows are set up for all those participating in that open sedition garbage. No other country on this earth would tolerate that bullshit as long as we have, and it's not going much further.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
I oppose the philosophy that uses intimidation in order to foster the notion that any resistance to black criminality is an act of racism.

Why don't you?
You must not have "seen" the thousands of squabbles I've had with the Regressive Left that included that topic.

Over and over and over.

Funny how Trumpism has robbed so many of you of your memory.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
I'm old enough to remember them trying to drag MLK Jr. the same way they are trying to drag BLM today. When it comes to the powers that don't want to share with minorities and women, some methods never change.
MLK Jr. was American. BLM is NOT.
They need to stop before 7 man gallows are set up for all those participating in that open sedition garbage. No other country on this earth would tolerate that bullshit as long as we have, and it's not going much further.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
I oppose the philosophy that uses intimidation in order to foster the notion that any resistance to black criminality is an act of racism.

Why don't you?
You must not have "seen" the thousands of squabbles I've had with the Regressive Left that included that topic.

Over and over and over.

Funny how Trumpism has robbed so many of you of your memory.
I'm curious about your experience in contracting the TDS virus. Did you wake up all of a sudden one morning babbling incoherently with spittle flying while crying out "Orange Man bad!!" or was it a gradual process where the virus attacked the logic circuits of the brain, resulting in the incremental loss in the ability to reason until you were completely incapable?
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.

What philosophy......? That the two parent family is bad? That marxism is good? Black lives matter is a racist, marxist organization that is attacking the founding principals of freedom in this country...
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
I'm old enough to remember them trying to drag MLK Jr. the same way they are trying to drag BLM today. When it comes to the powers that don't want to share with minorities and women, some methods never change.
MLK Jr. was American. BLM is NOT.
They need to stop before 7 man gallows are set up for all those participating in that open sedition garbage. No other country on this earth would tolerate that bullshit as long as we have, and it's not going much further.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
I oppose the philosophy that uses intimidation in order to foster the notion that any resistance to black criminality is an act of racism.

Why don't you?
You must not have "seen" the thousands of squabbles I've had with the Regressive Left that included that topic.

Over and over and over.

Funny how Trumpism has robbed so many of you of your memory.
I'm curious about your experience in contracting the TDS virus. Did you wake up all of a sudden one morning babbling incoherently with spittle flying while crying out "Orange Man bad!!" or was it a gradual process where the virus attacked the logic circuits of the brain, resulting in the incremental loss in the ability to reason until you were completely incapable?
TDS = ODS = Avoidance Behavior.

It's a Marxist organization. They use black people like Bush wanted to in that South Park episode. "Operation Black Shield" was it?
Blacks go out first and catch the bullets.
That was a complaint from blacks when I was in the army in the 1980's.
Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.
I'm old enough to remember them trying to drag MLK Jr. the same way they are trying to drag BLM today. When it comes to the powers that don't want to share with minorities and women, some methods never change.
I guess you're dumb enough to think there is ANY similarities between BLM and what MLK at least CLAIMED TO STAND FOR
Black Lives Matter are being used as a tool for the democrats to help change the right track/wrong track numbers in the polls. The more Americans are harmed, the more they want change.

The Democrats are trying to make Americans as miserable as they possibly can so as to affect the outcome of the election.
Yet BLM was created during Oblama and marched for the same when he was in office.
This is not your Obama's BLM anymore son.

It is a movement that has been hijacked for the purpose of getting Socialists elected to office.

I haven't seen them carrying anyone's sign.
Black Lives Matter are being used as a tool for the democrats to help change the right track/wrong track numbers in the polls. The more Americans are harmed, the more they want change.

The Democrats are trying to make Americans as miserable as they possibly can so as to affect the outcome of the election.
Yet BLM was created during Oblama and marched for the same when he was in office.
This is not your Obama's BLM anymore son.

It is a movement that has been hijacked for the purpose of getting Socialists elected to office.

I haven't seen them carrying anyone's sign.
Who cares. YOU don't see.
Black Lives Matter are being used as a tool for the democrats to help change the right track/wrong track numbers in the polls. The more Americans are harmed, the more they want change.

The Democrats are trying to make Americans as miserable as they possibly can so as to affect the outcome of the election.
Yet BLM was created during Oblama and marched for the same when he was in office.
This is not your Obama's BLM anymore son.

It is a movement that has been hijacked for the purpose of getting Socialists elected to office.

I haven't seen them carrying anyone's sign.
Who cares. YOU don't see.

I'll take that as you haven't either.
Yeah, it's always that the thug resisted arrest and/or tried to take the cop's weapon and use it against the cop and it's spun into "systemic racism" what a bunch of bullshit. If you ask me it represents "systemic thuggery" promoted by leftist-Marxists philosophy which the MSM and the Democrat party have in common and are now promoting.
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Black Lives Matter are being used as a tool for the democrats to help change the right track/wrong track numbers in the polls. The more Americans are harmed, the more they want change.

The Democrats are trying to make Americans as miserable as they possibly can so as to affect the outcome of the election.
Yet BLM was created during Oblama and marched for the same when he was in office.
This is not your Obama's BLM anymore son.

It is a movement that has been hijacked for the purpose of getting Socialists elected to office.

I haven't seen them carrying anyone's sign.
Who cares. YOU don't see.

I'll take that as you haven't either.
Take it any way you want. Reality isn't your friend.
This is who these "victims" are


Interesting how Trumpsters are absolutely committed to conflating the group and the philosophy. They just keep pounding away at the whole thing, while most Americans are concentrating on the philosophy. It makes them look like they disagree with the philosophy.


Okay, well, good.

So, you joined the Cult.

Your hatred for American Liberty.....or your worn on your sleeve

Agenda21.......The greatest and most evil Cult in World History

I would not be surprised to see Moonglow and Mac joining in on the Burning, Looting and Murdering at this point. Unhinged...

Yeah, you're starting to cut a pretty comical figure here lately... I think I'll start calling you Mac 'n Cheese.
Here's what cracks me up about this place, every single day:

When I commented and opined during the Obama administration, the Regressive Lefties all lost their shit, making it nasty and personal, calling me a fraud and accusing me of REALLY being a hardcore RIGHT winger.

When I comment and opine during the Trump administration, the obedient Trumpsters all lose their shit, making it nasty and personal, calling me a fraud and accusing me of REALLY being a hardcore LEFT winger.

And if Biden wins, the Regressive Lefties will be humping my leg, just like you guys are now.

Meanwhile, I just sit here, smiling, shaking my head.


So you're a spineless fence sitter who stands for nothing. Got it. :thup: Cowardice doesn't make any one superior, just pathetic.
So you're a spineless fence sitter who stands for nothing. Got it. :thup: Cowardice doesn't make any one superior, just pathetic.
Wow, look at that. Another drama queen.

Line 2 of my sig. Linked is a thread I started -- and disemboweled a Regressive Lefty -- in which I clearly list my positions on the issues.

2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

So, comically, demonstrably, you couldn't be more wrong. Poor little DramaQueen. :itsok:
So you're a spineless fence sitter who stands for nothing. Got it. :thup: Cowardice doesn't make any one superior, just pathetic.
Wow, look at that. Another drama queen.

Line 2 of my sig. Linked is a thread I started -- and disemboweled a Regressive Lefty -- in which I clearly list my positions on the issues.

2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

So, comically, demonstrably, you couldn't be more wrong. Poor little DramaQueen. :itsok:

Stand for nothing fall for anything. Mac & Cheese. Mostly Cheese. :lol:
So you're a spineless fence sitter who stands for nothing. Got it. :thup: Cowardice doesn't make any one superior, just pathetic.
Wow, look at that. Another drama queen.

Line 2 of my sig. Linked is a thread I started -- and disemboweled a Regressive Lefty -- in which I clearly list my positions on the issues.

2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

So, comically, demonstrably, you couldn't be more wrong. Poor little DramaQueen. :itsok:

Stand for nothing fall for anything. Mac & Cheese. Mostly Cheese. :lol:
Yikes. That's the best you can do after having your shit shoved down your throat. Good. Enjoy it down there in the mud.
So you're a spineless fence sitter who stands for nothing. Got it. :thup: Cowardice doesn't make any one superior, just pathetic.
Wow, look at that. Another drama queen.

Line 2 of my sig. Linked is a thread I started -- and disemboweled a Regressive Lefty -- in which I clearly list my positions on the issues.

2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

So, comically, demonstrably, you couldn't be more wrong. Poor little DramaQueen. :itsok:

Stand for nothing fall for anything. Mac & Cheese. Mostly Cheese. :lol:
Yikes. That's the best you can do after having your shit shoved down your throat. Good. Enjoy it down there in the mud.

Yep your awesome at shovelling shit. :thup:

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