BLM Is Going To Burn Down Ohio Over Idiot Trying to Run Over Cops

Here we go again.

Salty makes the great point that the pregnant driver had more than just a "clump of cells" in her body, and the Left will see it that way on this particular occasion because it serves their narrative.

That said, the pregnancy is just the cherry on this fecal sundae.

I'm confident he'd be predicting "social justice" mayhem regardless.

On paper his wager seems pretty sound.

This story is like nitroglycerine for sparking Leftist chaos.

Let's hope he's wrong.

The cop standing in front of her car was an idiot and his police dept. has made that clear.

The lady who stole booze, ignored a cops commands, resisted arrest and endangered a cop's life was an idiot too. Her death made that clear.

She would not have been in the presence of police if not for her own actions.
That the cop not stand in front of her car.

That was part of their training. It's called 'contact and cover'. One officer attempts to contact the suspect, while the other places themself into a position of cover, to observe what the suspect is doing.
That the cop not stand in front of her car.

So, utilizing your superior 4D Chess logic, if someone you cared about got run over - it would be their own fault for standing in front of the vehicle.

You're a real beacon in the darkness, aintcha?
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at minimum a running motor car In gear and let her foot off the brake. Failure to maintain control of your vehicle is another crime. They wont need that now.

You mean the cop shouldn't have just trusted a thief to not accelerate further?

If he's not willing to put his life on the line for her, he's clearly a racist monster.
The lady who stole booze, ignored a cops commands, resisted arrest and endangered a cop's life was an idiot too. Her death made that clear.

She would not have been in the presence of police if not for her own actions.
So she was con-victed for shoplifting? And THEN they executed her?

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