BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

Your imagined fears does not mean ANYONE committed a crime.
That is the stupidest assertion I've seen in days.
"I'm afraid of communists. Charge them with assault."
You are stupidly uninformed.
Police were called in and they helped usher people just buying their groceries out.

If suddenly 50 glowering communists suddenly showed up in a store accusing shoppers of bourgeois indifference to the working class shoppers might rightly be wary of the implications.

You weren't there. You have no right to dismiss the fears of others. Fuck off!
Anybody arrested for "assault?"
All those police and no one arrested?
I dismiss racist fears.
Sorry but you're going to have to deal with the fact that 90% of the world's population is not White.
Don't care about the world's population, only care about what's happening in this country
That 90% will apply here sooner rather than later.
You're going to have to deal with it.
Your imagined fears does not mean ANYONE committed a crime.
That is the stupidest assertion I've seen in days.
"I'm afraid of communists. Charge them with assault."
You are stupidly uninformed.
Police were called in and they helped usher people just buying their groceries out.

If suddenly 50 glowering communists suddenly showed up in a store accusing shoppers of bourgeois indifference to the working class shoppers might rightly be wary of the implications.

You weren't there. You have no right to dismiss the fears of others. Fuck off!
Anybody arrested for "assault?"
All those police and no one arrested?
I dismiss racist fears.
Sorry but you're going to have to deal with the fact that 90% of the world's population is not White.
Don't care about the world's population, only care about what's happening in this country
That 90% will apply here sooner rather than later.
You're going to have to deal with it.
I won't be for a long time, and I will worry about that when and if it happens
Anybody arrested for "assault?"
All those police and no one arrested?
Police helped get everyone out of the store without arresting anyone. Does that disappoint you?

I dismiss racist fears.
Sorry but you're going to have to deal with the fact that 90% of the world's population is not White.
And they aren't racist like you. And unlike you I don't define people by what they look like
but by how they treat others.
Your melanin obsession is sick.
Yeah, all those police and all those BLM people and not a single arrest?
Seems in reality you and the OP are disappointed by the lack of criminality.
Yes you demand those "people" be arrested EVEN IF THERE'S NO CRIME.

Your racism is obvious. Even if you claim "some of them are your best friends."
I cannot judge you by your actions but your words? Sure 'nuff.
....Yeah, Just Kidding. It Was Black Lives Matter who physically barricaded and held against their will approx 100 Americans in a Wegmans grocery store, in Rochester NY. This explains why this story is not splashed all over the media across the country. Had a white supramacist group done this it would be the top story.

Black Lives Matter Traps Shoppers in Rochester Grocery Store

"A mob of Black Lives Matter agitators in Rochester, N.Y., physically trapped shoppers in a Wegmans grocery store on Tuesday, the one-year anniversary of the death of Daniel Prud, a41-year-old black man. As shoppers struggled to escape, the agitators wrote Black Lives Matter slogans on the parking lot asphalt with chalk. The shoppers did find a way out and the store appears to be closed."

Do you bother to read beyond the race baiting headline that drew you in?

I mean OMG!!!!
They drew on the asphalt with CHALK. CHALK DAMN THEM!!!!!

Geez. The small brain theory strikes again.
They committed multiple crimes - you ignore that in an attempt to defend criminals and terrorists.

'Nuff said.
Really? Multiple crimes?
Let's see the arrest reports.
I'll be waiting.
You're a willing idiot.
Ccrimes happen all the time without arrests being made.
All those police...
All those Black people...
No arrests?
seems your actual claim is that the OP is a lie.
I tend to agree.
Floyd could breathe in spite of whst he claimed

yeah right - let’s make this standard practice

So Minneapolis can you pay maybe $40 million next time. They pay $27 million this time. 10 years ago they paid $3 million. The price for police asphyxiation of suspects in custody is escalating.

What medical examiner are you citing?

The medical examiner's report released Monday listed "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression" as the cause of death. It came hours after Floyd family attorney Benjamin Crump held a press conference to announce the findings of a family-commissioned autopsy.​

The family autopsy stated "asphyxiation from sustained pressure was the cause" of Floyd's death.​

Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Allecia Wilson performed the autopsy and said there was "neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain," Crump said Monday.​

They added that "weight on the back, handcuffs and positioning were contributory factors because they impaired the ability of Mr. Floyd’s diaphragm to function."​

I reckon you think dying of toenail fungus was just a coincidence during this:

Yeah, all those police and all those BLM people and not a single arrest?
Seems in reality you and the OP are disappointed by the lack of criminality.
Yes you demand those "people" be arrested EVEN IF THERE'S NO CRIME.
The BLM trash was removed from a fine business. The purpose of bringing in the
police was served and I'm well satisfied.
Sorry to disappoint you. Vent your hateful idiocy elsewhere.

Your racism is obvious. Even if you claim "some of them are your best friends."
I cannot judge you by your actions but your words? Sure 'nuff.
You need to feel like you are fighting racists even when you are not.
Sad. The real racist seems to be you.
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Minneapolis can you pay maybe $40 million next time. They pay $27 million this time. 10 years ago they paid $3 million. The price for police asphyxiation of suspects in custody is escalating.
The reason minn is on the defence is because it was an approved proceedure at the time and because its not the city council’s money

they just stick the taxpayers for the dough
The BLM trash was removed from a fine business.

You are a liar BLM was not there.

You are a racist liar. Black protesters and their supporters are not trash for exercising their First Amendment right to peaceful assembly.

You are a racist liar because you have not investigated the background and living conditions of each protester which is necessary to labeling them

So is Mr Lee London “Trash@ That would be white trash’


The gentleman comes out of the store and walked right up to that violent mob to join them. Then they stabbed him, beat him to death with his walker and threw his body in the dumpster because that is what black thugs do. While the police sat nearby in fear not wanting to make an arrest so not to be labeled racist by the liberal news media.
NO one is claiming these shoppers were trapped inside a grocery store for the rest of their lives.
That's why the police were called...idiot.

do you have any evidence that the police were called because the shoppers were trapped? I’m quite certain that Police arrived with the protesters at Wegmans at the same time because they were escorting the Marchers for the entire day.

Do you see the police cruiser blocking the intersection for the marchers on the way to Wegman’s

For the record - This is why EAB had to go run and hide
Police were called in and they helped usher people just buying their groceries out.

When EAB LIES and I catch him what is his reaction? Run and hide.

In Rochester New York on March 22 at a Wegmans store, a peaceful protest was taking place in the parking lot, there was no need to call the police to usher the trapped shoppers out. That is a fact. EAB is a liar.

EAB is a liar because the police were providing security and traffic control for the peaceful protest in March it took place the entire day. They were not called because the shoppers were trapped. that is a lie. That is a lie that EAB continues to repeat and make up more lies to be added to it.

I have shown EAB incontrovertible proof That Rochester police cruisers were accompanying the March prior to the protesters reaching the Wegman store at 11 AM.


Then as the demonstration made it through the Wegmans parking lot, the police cruisers took position at the entrances, primarily to keep cars from coming into the parking lot.

EAB is a liar because the police are not seen getting out of their cars to usher trapped shoppers to their cars in the parking lot. EAB set it but he offers no proof you are a source where he got it.


I understand that it’s quite embarrassing to be caught with incontrovertible proof that one is a liar. So I do understand why EAB has decided to run and hide.


The above photo shows a shopper walking through The parking lot I missed the protest well it was ongoing
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For the record - This is why EAB had to go run and hide
Police were called in and they helped usher people just buying their groceries out.

When EAB LIES and I catch him what is his reaction? Run and hide.

In Rochester New York on March 22 at a Wegmans store, a peaceful protest was taking place in the parking lot, there was no need to call the police to usher the trapped shoppers out. That is a fact. EAB is a liar.

EAB is a liar because the police were providing security and traffic control for the peaceful protest and march that took place the entire day. They were not called because the shoppers were trapped. that is a lie. That is a lie that EAB continues to repeat and make up more lies to be added to it.

I have shown EAB incontrovertible proof That Rochester police cruisers were accompanying the match prior to the protesters reaching the Wegman store at 11 AM.

View attachment 473579

Then as the demonstration made it to the Wegmans parking lot, the police cruisers took position at the entrances, primarily to keep cars from coming into the parking lot.

EAB is a liar because the police are not seen getting out of their cruisers to usher trapped shoppers to their cars in the parking lot. EAB said it but he offers no proof or a source where he got it.

View attachment 473582View attachment 473583

I understand that it’s quite embarrassing to be caught with incontrovertible proof that one is a liar. So I do understand why EAB has decided to run and hide.

View attachment 473584
The above photo shows a shopper walking through The parking lot amidst the protest while it was ongoing
I responded to your post on "assault."

What you left out is the important part.
The perpetrator must INTEND assault.
Doubt seriously you can prove intent and without intent my little legal ignoramus you have no crime.

Actually that's not true, but how could you know that? If the victim perceives he is in danger
through a veiled threat...
(Hey..that's a nice watch you got. Let me see how it looks on my wrist says the grinning bully on a darkened street ) that is a form of assault.

And, seriously, when you're discussing a topic about which you know nothing its not to wise to ...
Of screw it. Ya dumbass. You go no idea what the law is you tiny minded ignoramus.
Like I already said. The stupidest people always are impugning the brains of others, ironically.
Have your mommy help you figure it out.
On the other hand, it's a somewhat nuanced legal point. I doubt anyone with your dismal DNA can figure it out.
Your imagined fears does not mean ANYONE committed a crime.
That is the stupidest assertion I've seen in days.
"I'm afraid of communists. Charge them with assault."

Assault requires:
A specific threat to a specific individual BY a specific individual
The known capacity to carry out the threat, and
The opportunity to carry out the threat.

You've demonstrated nothing other than White people are afraid of Black people.
That bigotry demonstrates nothing more than their ignorance, and yours.
Perhaps a visit to your State Statutes would serve you.
But then why research when you can just make it up.
If white people did this to black shoplifters you know youd have a different opinion. Intimidation was their goal and it is a crime. Even for Africans
Intimidating White people is as simple as putting a ballcap on backwards and lowering your pants to show your undies.
The facts of this are what they are.
The only crime here was graffiti.
Your imagining other crimes based on your White fear is just that.
View attachment 473161
Apparently, intimidating blacks is as simple as not having any fear at all of them, and not being able to hide one's disapproval of the trashy behavior, and sloppy appearance and grooming many of them display, and not hesitating a second to tell them to fuck off when they try and start shit.
Now, we look at white, hispanic, and asian people who show the same shitty behavior, the exact same way we do blacks, but they either never see that (because they are self-absorbed and projecting their own racism to the point of being delusional) or they pretend not to in order to keep screaming about how all whites are racist.

It's all a scam by a bunch of bullshit artists..... fuck 'em.
Yeah, all those police and all those BLM people and not a single arrest?
Seems in reality you and the OP are disappointed by the lack of criminality.
Yes you demand those "people" be arrested EVEN IF THERE'S NO CRIME.
The BLM trash was removed from a fine business. The purpose of bringing in the
police was served and I'm well satisfied.
Sorry to disappoint you. Vent your hateful idiocy elsewhere.

Your racism is obvious. Even if you claim "some of them are your best friends."
I cannot judge you by your actions but your words? Sure 'nuff.
You need to feel like you are fighting racists even when you are not.
Sad. The real racist seems to be you.
"The BLM trash ..."
'nuff said, racist.
Yeah, all those police and all those BLM people and not a single arrest?
Seems in reality you and the OP are disappointed by the lack of criminality.
Yes you demand those "people" be arrested EVEN IF THERE'S NO CRIME.
The BLM trash was removed from a fine business. The purpose of bringing in the
police was served and I'm well satisfied.
Sorry to disappoint you. Vent your hateful idiocy elsewhere.

Your racism is obvious. Even if you claim "some of them are your best friends."
I cannot judge you by your actions but your words? Sure 'nuff.
You need to feel like you are fighting racists even when you are not.
Sad. The real racist seems to be you.
"The BLM trash ..."
'nuff said, racist.
They are trash.

The Klan with a tan.
They are trash.

You say those black people and white people who are supportive, peacefully protesting are all trash. You don’t know anything about them except they ain’t white like you. So you are a racist.

You could oppose the reasons for the protest and make your case that you don’t think Black Lives Matter if they are being arrested and cops should handcuff suspects, get them on the ground face down and do this.....

.... for nine minutes until the suspect is dead.

but you can’t make that case among most white Americans who aren’t filled with the kind of racism that inspires you. The population of the Confederacy is dwindling away to nothing but irrelevant worthless Trump supporters.

How is the head of your Confederacy doing in exile these days. Doing stand up comedy at wedding receptions I hear. Fuck the bride and fuck the groom, this wedding is about me is his new Schtick.
They are trash.

You say those black people and white people who are supportive, peacefully protesting are all trash. You don’t know anything about them except they ain’t white like you. So you are a racist.

You could oppose the reasons for the protest and make your case that you don’t think Black Lives Matter if they are being arrested and cops should handcuff suspects, get them on the ground face down and do this.....
View attachment 473645
.... for nine minutes until the suspect is dead.

but you can’t make that case among most white Americans who aren’t filled with the kind of racism that inspires you. The population of the Confederacy is dwindling away to nothing but irrelevant worthless Trump supporters.

How is the head of your Confederacy doing in exile these days. Doing stand up comedy at wedding receptions I hear. Fuck the bride and fuck the groom, this wedding is about me is his new Schtick.
Need a tampon bitch?

BVM Bkack Voters Matter. 26827372
Need a tampon bitch?

Its silly time for the Confederacy. About to lose a second Civil War.

What the hell are the Confederates trying to do in Georgia?

How will they trash the new phrase?

The groups bringing the lawsuit are The New Georgia Project, Black Voters Matter Fund and Rise, Inc., which focuses on student enfranchisement. The organizations are being represented by Marc Elias, a powerhouse voting rights attorney who also often represents Democrats.​

I’ve tried it? Doesn’t work. The Confederacy can’t Trash Black Voters like they trash black Lives.

This will be fun to watch - soft Klanism go down pissin’ in the wind all over themselves, as Black Voters finish turning Georgia blue. DEEP DARK BLUE. forever.

Katy bar the door. Black Voters Matter.

It’s now a crime to bring a black person water they are in a deliberate LONG line to vote in Georgia.
Need a tampon bitch?

Likewise, Biden's Covid relief package that he signed into law earlier this month has polled well in poll after poll. In the ABC poll, Biden's approval rating on the economic recovery is at 62%. This is quite similar to the 61% who favored the relief package in CNN's March poll.​

In Gallup's March survey, 19% listed the economy as the nation's top problem. This is the highest the economy has ranked in the past seven months and tied within the margin of error with the government/poor leadership for the second most important problem in the country.​

In other words, Biden's getting strong ratings where it politically helps him the most.​

Guess you need two. For your nose bleed!
Yeah you're right..... someone is going to do a mag dump right into a crowd soon, if they don't knock it off.

The AR15 is a gateway gun. Its starts with experimenting down at the river picking
off tin cans and ends up driving 40 Miles to Kenosha to save the whites from marauding mob’s of black/brown rioters and looters.

Lookin like this:


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