BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

Now, we look at white, hispanic, and asian people who show the same shitty behavior, the exact same way we do blacks,

Do you look at the white guy with a knee on the neck of a handcuffed black guy for nine minutes as shitty behavior? At least as far as this photo is concerned

It must really frustrate you how no one is falling for any of your bullshit.

No, actually, most of the Confederates here have been deprogrammed sufficient to now know that “.... Black Lives Matter physically barricaded and held against their will approx 100 Americans in a Wegmans grocery store, in Rochester NY.” is a lie.

Was Black Lives Matter who physically barricaded and held against their will approx 100 Americans in a Wegmans grocery store, in Rochester NY.

You see deprogramming racists is a slow process that starts with debunking their small, case specific lies and then accumulating the small victories until their big general racist lying is debunked and the Confederacy has been defeated once again.

in the meantime it is hardly frustrating to be able to watch racist Trump supporters destroy the Republican Party’s electability from within.

Deprogramming Confederates - #010

Chinese fentanyl cause oxygen loitering in Floyd?
Fucking Negroes
No arrests for False Imprisonment?
Goddamn the smell of pachouli and BO must be overwhelming in those protests.
That was an angry mob out side the store.
Give these thugs 20 years.
and their supporters!
You are a racist.
If they literally were trapped, then should be kidnapping charges filed.
physically barricaded and held against their will
No one else could hold 100 people against their will and get away with it.
a mag dump right into a crowd soon, if they don't knock it off.
But it is black thugs terrorizing white people.
F*ck BLM.
They said, “it’s ok... they have insurance.”
sure looks like a threatening mob of Black Lies Protesters to me
Good thing they didn't set fire to the store
Pure terrorism
Such disrespectful behavior on the part of certain folks.
Problem is the Democrats are kunts.
Do not listen to these Prog shills.
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do you have any evidence that the police were called because the shoppers were trapped? I’m quite certain that Police arrived with the protesters at Wegmans at the same time because they were escorting the Marchers for the entire day.
We have more evidence than you do

the video exists of the BLM crazies rushing up to the door that store employees quickly locked
We have more evidence than you do

the video exists of the BLM crazies rushing up to the door that store employees quickly locked

that has been addressed and explained by Wegman’s statement. The shoppers finished shopping and walked unesorted to their cars unharmed in the same parking lot where the protests took place,

The rush to an open door was evidence of that - entering a store by no more than five people at the same time..They left within seconds of finding the door was locked.,

No barricade was set up. That is a have no evidence of that.

Do you see the propped open door?


Do you think Wegmans had only one door?
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Based on what? Wegmans said they closed the store so the protest would REMAIN peaceful. And it did?

Do you know what REMAIN means?

Peace Continued to exist. No mention of violence ever existing that day by anyone at the scene. Why do you lie?
It must really frustrate you how no one is falling for any of your bullshit.

No, actually, most of the Confederates here have been deprogrammed sufficient to now know that “.... Black Lives Matter physically barricaded and held against their will approx 100 Americans in a Wegmans grocery store, in Rochester NY.” is a lie.

Was Black Lives Matter who physically barricaded and held against their will approx 100 Americans in a Wegmans grocery store, in Rochester NY.

You see deprogramming racists is a slow process that starts with debunking their small, case specific lies and then accumulating the small victories until their big general racist lying is debunked and the Confederacy has been defeated once again.

in the meantime it is hardly frustrating to be able to watch racist Trump supporters destroy the Republican Party’s electability from within.

Deprogramming Confederates - #010

Chinese fentanyl cause oxygen loitering in Floyd?
Fucking Negroes
No arrests for False Imprisonment?
Goddamn the smell of pachouli and BO must be overwhelming in those protests.
That was an angry mob out side the store.
Give these thugs 20 years.
and their supporters!
You are a racist.
If they literally were trapped, then should be kidnapping charges filed.
physically barricaded and held against their will
No one else could hold 100 people against their will and get away with it.
a mag dump right into a crowd soon, if they don't knock it off.
But it is black thugs terrorizing white people.
F*ck BLM.
They said, “it’s ok... they have insurance.”
sure looks like a threatening mob of Black Lies Protesters to me
Good thing they didn't set fire to the store
Pure terrorism
Such disrespectful behavior on the part of certain folks.
Problem is the Democrats are kunts.
Do not listen to these Prog shills.
Silly fucker..... lol
If not - Why not? 26828421

You had no statement, word, mention or video of violence from any source who was at the scene, yet you want all of them arrested and given 20 Years - for what? rushing toward a door and turning back after finding it was locked.

Give these thugs 20 years.


You want all 200 of the protesters including the ones in the parking lot sent to prison for 20 years because a handful walked up to that door turned back a minute later?

Give these thugs 20 years.

Will I find a similar request from you regarding the 35,000 Stop the Steal protest on Capitol Hill on Jan 6 if I do a search?

Some of those 35,000 Trump Supporters actually did rush toward many doors, smashed them down, broke windows and forced entry kinda violently.

Including this one:



To be consistent should all 35,000 that showed up to protest on Jan 6 get 20 years. And all who actually committed trespassing and violence against police officer be taken out behind the courthouse and do a “mag dump” on them?

If not - why not?
Not quite

first the BLMers beat on the windows and shouted nonsense at the people inside

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!? Really? “Nonsense”’

Was this


Anything close to this?

Let me know which is mob violence and which is not.
Floyd could breathe in spite of whst he claimed

yeah right - let’s make this standard practice

So Minneapolis can you pay maybe $40 million next time. They pay $27 million this time. 10 years ago they paid $3 million. The price for police asphyxiation of suspects in custody is escalating.

What medical examiner are you citing?

The medical examiner's report released Monday listed "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression" as the cause of death. It came hours after Floyd family attorney Benjamin Crump held a press conference to announce the findings of a family-commissioned autopsy.​

The family autopsy stated "asphyxiation from sustained pressure was the cause" of Floyd's death.​

Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Allecia Wilson performed the autopsy and said there was "neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain," Crump said Monday.​

They added that "weight on the back, handcuffs and positioning were contributory factors because they impaired the ability of Mr. Floyd’s diaphragm to function."​

I reckon you think dying of toenail fungus was just a coincidence during this:

View attachment 473533
Baden is a HO for Hire--he'll say anything as long as he is paid.
Baden is a HO for Hire--he'll say anything as long as he is paid.

The County Medical Examiner ruled Floyd’s death s homicide. And the entire world saw the video

Its 9 min 29 seconds of this
One witness called the police on the police.
The 9/11 dispatcher watching on police cam called the police on the police.


So what is your point racist?
Baden is a HO for Hire--he'll say anything as long as he is paid.

Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office said Floyd died of "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression."

Hennepin County Medical Examiner's said George Floyd died of death when his heart stopped beating following restraint and neck compression by police officers.

George Floyd, the Minnesota man who died after an officer arresting him pressed his knee onto his neck, died by homicide, according to the results of two autopsies released on Monday — one by the county medical examiner and the other by independent pathologists commissioned by Floyd's family. But the two autopsy reports differed on exactly how the man died.

But the report released later Monday by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office said Floyd died of "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression." The manner of death was ruled homicide, but the office noted that "is not a legal determination of culpability or intent." A preliminary autopsy report cited earlier by prosecutors said the county medical examiner's review "revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."
It's amusing when the same galoots who rush to defend a deadly attack by goons on our seat of democracy get their frillies in a bunch over a peaceful social protest at a grocery store, the owners of which express sympathy for the protestors' cause:

"There was an event at our East Avenue store on Tuesday, serving as another reminder that there continues to be a great deal of pain in our community and across our nation. It takes time to truly understand the significance of these events and how we can learn from them. We have a caring, listening culture at Wegmans and always seek to understand prior to sharing our response. We continue to listen to our people, our customers, and our community.
"At Wegmans, we continue to have zero tolerance for racial discrimination of any kind and stand for diversity and inclusion for all. In fact, we believe in going beyond this, to help those in need rise to the top..."
Danny and Colleen Wegman

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