BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

Your imagined fears does not mean ANYONE committed a crime.
That is the stupidest assertion I've seen in days.
"I'm afraid of communists. Charge them with assault."
You are stupidly uninformed.
Police were called in and they helped usher people just buying their groceries out.

If suddenly 50 glowering communists suddenly showed up in a store accusing shoppers of bourgeois indifference to the working class shoppers might rightly be wary of the implications.

You weren't there. You have no right to dismiss the fears of others. Fuck off!
Anybody arrested for "assault?"
All those police and no one arrested?
I dismiss racist fears.
Sorry but you're going to have to deal with the fact that 90% of the world's population is not White.
Don't care about the world's population, only care about what's happening in this country
hey it is your life but if I was hiking a trail by the river with my wife, the last thing I would be doing is texting to a message board, I would just have different priorities.

So why are you concerned with my life? I support the BLM peaceful protest movement .therefore making me some kind of target.

Probably one of the few times a mass shooting in a grocery store would be justifiable.F*ck BLM.
and their supporters!
You have me confused with someone who gives a shit about you.
Anybody arrested for "assault?"
All those police and no one arrested?
Police helped get everyone out of the store without arresting anyone. Does that disappoint you?

I dismiss racist fears.
Sorry but you're going to have to deal with the fact that 90% of the world's population is not White.
And they aren't racist like you. And unlike you I don't define people by what they look like
but by how they treat others.
Your melanin obsession is sick.
A white democrat just sent a an white hood to candice owens via Twitter

A white Democrat sent a picture of a hood, saying she must have dropped it, to Candace Owens who argued in Congress that white nationalists violence is no big deal in America going through her usual right wing rants about PC when she was confronted by another witness who presented statistics on white nationalist violence by saying they they were hilarious.

She just well may have dropped her hood on the way to the hearing.

Perhaps when discussing the need for attention on the rise of white nationalist violence in a Congressional Hearing
Owens might refrain from using words like “hilarious” when commenting on statistics about white people killing black people and try tin exhibit she has concern about it.

Three Points to ponder: :

(1) “In our modern age, the continuation of racially based violent extremism, particularly violent white supremacy, is an abhorrent affront to the nation,” acting homeland security secretary Kevin McAleenan said.

Belew said Friday that numbers on white supremacist attacks are hard to come by because the federal government has not been aggregating them, saying that she, too, wants the statistics.

Owens called those responses “hilarious,” holding them up as evidence that white nationalist violence is not a major issuie for the United States or for American blacks.

(2) On Nov. 13, 2018, OWENS wrote: “If France wants to build an army to defend itself against anything, it ought to be the declining birth rate of its people. All signs indicate that it will be a Muslim majority country in just 40 years!”

This prompted an online reply from one reader of: “Candy / racism much?” to which Owens responded: “Muslim is not a race. Stupid much?”

Mosque shooter reportedly 'influenced' by Stamford's own Candace Owens

(3) Earlier this month, Owens drew sharp criticism for proclaiming, “America is not a racist country,” during a conservative convention after once winning a Connecticut lawsuit as a victim of racism.

Owens’ family received a $37,500 settlement from the Stamford Board of Education after she accused a group of teens of leaving her threatening and racist messages while she was a high school student in 2007.

(4) Owens maybe should not have laughed out loud so much and called Democrats racists in her first response upon learning that she inspired the Christchurch shooter who killed 49 as a white nationalist..: “LOL! FACT: I’ve never created any content espousing my views on the 2nd Amendment or Islam. The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre in ... New Zealand because I believe black America can do it without government handouts is the reachiest reach of all reaches!! LOL!” she wrote in a series of tweets. “HAHA OMG you racist Leftists are taking your racism and crazy to a whole new level hahah.”
The facts tell another story. BLM Protestors Trap Customers Inside Grocery Store On Anniversary Of Daniel Prude's Death
I feel for you and your race based ignorance

You are a liar ... you have not checked the facts:

Do they look trapped do you?


do you have a mind of your own or do you simply believe the headlines when they suit your racist fancy?
You are a liar ... you have not checked the facts:

Do they look trapped do you?
You've produced a photo that could have been taken at any time. It's proof of nothing at all.
How stupid are you? I couldn't possibly be as dumb and gullible as you are.
NO one is claiming these shoppers were trapped inside a grocery store for the rest of their lives.
That's why the police were called...idiot.
The facts tell another story. BLM Protestors Trap Customers Inside Grocery Store On Anniversary Of Daniel Prude's Death
I feel for you and your race based ignorance

You are a liar ... you have not checked the facts:

Do they look trapped do you?

View attachment 473447

do you have a mind of your own or do you simply believe the headlines when they suit your racist fancy?
I've checked facts, as my link demonstrates. What a defective mind you must have.
The facts tell another story. BLM Protestors Trap Customers Inside Grocery Store On Anniversary Of Daniel Prude's Death
I feel for you and your race based ignorance.


You do realize in this photo the customers are walking toward the angry violent BLM mob so I guess it’s just too bad that little Nazi Rittenhouse who was on his way to save the day didn’t get there in time to “mag dump” a few rioters to make it safe fir these shoppers to get to their cars. Therefore ending their ordeal and the hostage crisis.
A white democrat just sent a an white hood to candice owens via Twitter

A white Democrat sent a picture of a hood, saying she must have dropped it, to Candace Owens who argued in Congress that white nationalists violence is no big deal in America going through her usual right wing rants about PC when she was confronted by another witness who presented statistics on white nationalist violence by saying they they were hilarious.

She just well may have dropped her hood on the way to the hearing.

Perhaps when discussing the need for attention on the rise of white nationalist violence in a Congressional Hearing
Owens might refrain from using words like “hilarious” when commenting on statistics about white people killing black people and try tin exhibit she has concern about it.

Three Points to ponder: :

(1) “In our modern age, the continuation of racially based violent extremism, particularly violent white supremacy, is an abhorrent affront to the nation,” acting homeland security secretary Kevin McAleenan said.

Belew said Friday that numbers on white supremacist attacks are hard to come by because the federal government has not been aggregating them, saying that she, too, wants the statistics.

Owens called those responses “hilarious,” holding them up as evidence that white nationalist violence is not a major issuie for the United States or for American blacks.

(2) On Nov. 13, 2018, OWENS wrote: “If France wants to build an army to defend itself against anything, it ought to be the declining birth rate of its people. All signs indicate that it will be a Muslim majority country in just 40 years!”

This prompted an online reply from one reader of: “Candy / racism much?” to which Owens responded: “Muslim is not a race. Stupid much?”

Mosque shooter reportedly 'influenced' by Stamford's own Candace Owens

(3) Earlier this month, Owens drew sharp criticism for proclaiming, “America is not a racist country,” during a conservative convention after once winning a Connecticut lawsuit as a victim of racism.

Owens’ family received a $37,500 settlement from the Stamford Board of Education after she accused a group of teens of leaving her threatening and racist messages while she was a high school student in 2007.

(4) Owens maybe should not have laughed out loud so much and called Democrats racists in her first response upon learning that she inspired the Christchurch shooter who killed 49 as a white nationalist..: “LOL! FACT: I’ve never created any content espousing my views on the 2nd Amendment or Islam. The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre in ... New Zealand because I believe black America can do it without government handouts is the reachiest reach of all reaches!! LOL!” she wrote in a series of tweets. “HAHA OMG you racist Leftists are taking your racism and crazy to a whole new level hahah.”
You present much better arguments than the white professor turned democrat politician did

all he could think of was a cut and paste of a KKK symbol

libs like you and the professor are desperate to keep black people in a false state of anger

so you really resent blacks like owens who think for herself
You've produced a photo that could have been taken at any time. It's proof of nothing at all.

it’s good to know there are some white folks that are not afraid of a peaceful demonstration or a crowd of more than 10 Black people. Probably
not a racist right there:

Didn’t need little NAZI Rittenhouse’s AR15 escort service after all.
You do realize in this photo the customers are walking toward the angry violent BLM mob so I guess it’s just too bad that little Nazi Rittenhouse who was on his way to save the day didn’t get there in time to “mag dump” a few rioters to make it safe fir these shoppers to get to their cars. Therefore ending their ordeal and the hostage crisis.
Bullshit! Some people say when you put someone, like you with your endless self contradictory garbage, on ignore they win. But I disagree.

I think the whole world wins when even one single pathetic lying voice is silenced and the mob of ignorant
lying fools is reduced by one screeching lying voice.

But I think I win especially, when you cannot pollute my inbox with your repetitious racist garbage anymore. I think giving a fool attention is just what he wants and relentless idiocy is his only weapon.
So will you get the message? We will see.
libs like you and the professor are desperate to keep black people in a false state of anger

I don’t know about the professor. I speak for myself. I generally do not believe that all black anger is false. however even if some of it is false I am wholeheartedly devoted and dedicated do a message black anger should be focused on making changeBy peaceful protest and by voting. Actually two constitutional rights.

My message to angry and all Black people is identical to the message from George Floyd’s brother, Terrence:

TOPLINE George Floyd’s younger brother Terrence Floyd urged protesters in Minneapolis on Monday to protest peacefully and to vote in the wake of violent demonstrations that have gripped the city since his brother’s death.​

“If I’m not over here blowing up stuff, messing up my community, what are y’all doing? Y’all doing nothing. Because that’s not going to bring my brother back at all,” Floyd said at the site where his brother died after a police officer knelt on his neck last Monday.​

Floyd told the crowd that his family is peaceful and argued that violence doesn’t accomplish the change demonstrators are seeking.​

“Let’s do this another way,” Floyd proposed. “Let’s stop thinking our voice don’t matter. Vote. Educate yourself and know who you’re voting for. That’s how we’re gonna hit them.”​

Floyd concluded by saying, “I know my brother would not want violence,” imploring the crowd “let’s do this peacefully, please.”​

And now right wingers are trying to make it harder to vote instead of easier. Is that the right message from your side?

And I believe Candace Owens ought tin take Terrence Floyd’s words to heart.
Last edited:
Black anger should be focused against a structural flaw in black culture that causes violent and stupid behavior such as resisting arrest

Just ignore enhanced police training on the use of lethal force during an arrest.

George Floyd was not resisting arrest when he was suffocated to death.

Did you read this part about the justice department guidelines on the use of lethal force on handcuffed suspects on their stomach.

"As soon as the suspect is handcuffed, get him off his stomach," the Justice Department advises.​
The report says a suspect may appear to be resisting if the airway is blocked: "The natural reaction to oxygen deficiency occurs — the person struggles more violently."​
"When somebody says, 'I can’t breathe,' that is a medical emergency and you get EMS to treat them right way," Peters said. "Because at that point, the suspect becomes a patient."​
....Yeah, Just Kidding. It Was Black Lives Matter who physically barricaded and held against their will approx 100 Americans in a Wegmans grocery store, in Rochester NY. This explains why this story is not splashed all over the media across the country. Had a white supramacist group done this it would be the top story.

Black Lives Matter Traps Shoppers in Rochester Grocery Store

"A mob of Black Lives Matter agitators in Rochester, N.Y., physically trapped shoppers in a Wegmans grocery store on Tuesday, the one-year anniversary of the death of Daniel Prud, a41-year-old black man. As shoppers struggled to escape, the agitators wrote Black Lives Matter slogans on the parking lot asphalt with chalk. The shoppers did find a way out and the store appears to be closed."

Do you bother to read beyond the race baiting headline that drew you in?

I mean OMG!!!!
They drew on the asphalt with CHALK. CHALK DAMN THEM!!!!!

Geez. The small brain theory strikes again.
They committed multiple crimes - you ignore that in an attempt to defend criminals and terrorists.

'Nuff said.
Really? Multiple crimes?
Let's see the arrest reports.
I'll be waiting.
You're a willing idiot.
Ccrimes happen all the time without arrests being made.
Black anger should be focused against a structural flaw in black culture that causes violent and stupid behavior such as resisting arrest

Just ignore enhanced police training on the use of lethal force during an arrest.

George Floyd was not resisting arrest when he was suffocated to death.

Did you read this part about the justice department guidelines on the use of lethal force on handcuffed suspects on their stomach.

"As soon as the suspect is handcuffed, get him off his stomach," the Justice Department advises.​
The report says a suspect may appear to be resisting if the airway is blocked: "The natural reaction to oxygen deficiency occurs — the person struggles more violently."​
"When somebody says, 'I can’t breathe,' that is a medical emergency and you get EMS to treat them right way," Peters said. "Because at that point, the suspect becomes a patient."​
Floyd could breathe in spite of whst he claimed

the ME said that

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