BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

Why wouldn’t the police be there and welcome be there by the protesters and the store? You are really hard up to make something out of nothing arent you?
Why would the police be there?
The police aren't there to be greeted and hugged by the community. They have other business to attend to.
I see you are even more stupid and incredulous than I thought.
Is there a point that goes with your rolling eyes?
Yeah, It's a bullshit detector. You set it off, like you are doing now.
....Yeah, Just Kidding. It Was Black Lives Matter who physically barricaded and held against their will approx 100 Americans in a Wegmans grocery store, in Rochester NY. This explains why this story is not splashed all over the media across the country. Had a white supramacist group done this it would be the top story.

even if they are charged, the charges will be dropped

Black Lives Matter Traps Shoppers in Rochester Grocery Store

"A mob of Black Lives Matter agitators in Rochester, N.Y., physically trapped shoppers in a Wegmans grocery store on Tuesday, the one-year anniversary of the death of Daniel Prud, a41-year-old black man. As shoppers struggled to escape, the agitators wrote Black Lives Matter slogans on the parking lot asphalt with chalk. The shoppers did find a way out and the store appears to be closed."

That's the definition of KIDNAPPING.

Give these thugs 20 years.
he police aren't there to be greeted and hugged by the community. They have other business to attend to.

So now you’re the chief of police to Rochester. Don’t be ridiculous. It was A protest march memorializing a man killed by police one year before. The police would’ve been remiss to just pretend like nothing was going on. How are you never know the fucking Boogaloo boys could’ve showed up and started some shit.

I reckon you’re so hard up for some BLM violence you were licking your chops when you saw that Gateway Pundit headline. Sucked all the racist Into one nice neat thread.
So now you’re the chief of police to Rochester. Don’t be ridiculous. It was A protest march memorializing a man killed by police one year before. The police would’ve been remiss to just pretend like nothing was going on. How are you never know the fucking Boogaloo boys could’ve showed up and started some shit.

I reckon you’re so hard up for some BLM violence you were licking your chops when you saw that Gateway Pundit headline. Sucked all the racist Into one nice neat thread.
A few posts ago you were claiming there was nothing wrong with a bunch of BLM fascists occupying a supermarket. Now you claim police had to show because BLM was there.

You're a stupid fucker. Learn to conjugate some verbs, idiot.
...if the mob was so peaceful why not post them.

Since the first fake photos have been debunked I’ve been told by a few of the Confederates hear that there was no street violence at the Wegmans. There was no barricaded doors. They still were claiming that there was anger and rage. So I don’t think I need to debunk the rioting mob trapped the white shoppers inside anymore.

She is one of four or five people that were up against the door for a minute.

Not eight minutes and 48 seconds while you cannot breathe.

So which violence would you rather have being done to you?

View attachment 473178View attachment 473179
She was out to harass and intimate "white people".......stop trying to pretend she wasn't. She's an activist--like MLK which for those that don't understand---the goal was to form a mob and then harass and intimidate for DONATIONS to black causes that the mob LEADERS controlled---all about money and EXTORTION. As this nonsense has been allowed to progress--the activist MOB now are more violent. You focus on this one old woman and don't show the others mobbed up with the sole intention of harassing and intimidating the whites and the BUSINESS...the next step will be to demand that the business that they just harass donate to their group to stop the harassment.

The whole group aka the mob need to be placed and prison and an end to their welfare benefits.
Like the dicks in the Seattle "autonomous zone" who were harassing shop keepers and home owners there
trying to extort money from them.

They are nothing but punk thieves looking for someone they can intimidate into filling their pockets.
And look at the "geniuses" who swallow the lie hook, line and sinker. Fucking morons!
Seriously? You are hiking along the river with your wife and your dog, and you are still messaging here?
You are demented.

We have an awesome twenty mile trail along the Bull Run River of Civil War fame near our home near DC. There’s a four mile scenic stretch that is rarely used by other humans. The dog runs loose. We’ve hiked it hundreds of times over the years so I’m getting some excersize while doing the hard work deprogramming racist Confederates on my I-phone. You got a problem with that?
She's an activist--like MLK which for those that don't understand---the goal was to form a mob and then harass and intimidate for DONATIONS to black causes that the mob LEADERS controlled---all about money and EXTORTION.

So why didn’t you put your KLAN hood on and tell her she needs to go back to Africa?

What about MLK? Do you agree with MAC? Or just sent to prison for agitating white people and extorting their wealth.

MLK had personal faults like anyone else

But he was a true advocate of nonviolence in the mold of ghandi and he did not deserve to be murdered
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And look at the "geniuses" who swallow the lie hook, line and sinker. Fucking morons!

Who swallowed what? You swallowed the OP that there was about a hundred Wegmans shoppers trapped in a store in Rochester NY by a mob of BLM Terrorists who barricaded them in. You actually believed that racist shit.
Seriously? You are hiking along the river with your wife and your dog, and you are still messaging here?
You are demented.

We have an awesome twenty mile trail along the Bull Run River of Civil War fame near our home near DC. There’s a four mile scenic stretch that is rarely used by other humans. The dog runs loose. We’ve hiked it hundreds of times over the years so I’m getting some excersize while doing the hard work deprogramming racist Confederates on my I-phone. You got a problem with that?
hey it is your life but if I was hiking a trail by the river with my wife, the last thing I would be doing is texting to a message board, I would just have different priorities.
Your imagined fears does not mean ANYONE committed a crime.
That is the stupidest assertion I've seen in days.
"I'm afraid of communists. Charge them with assault."
You are stupidly uninformed.
Police were called in and they helped usher people just buying their groceries out.

If suddenly 50 glowering communists suddenly showed up in a store accusing shoppers of bourgeois indifference to the working class shoppers might rightly be wary of the implications.

You weren't there. You have no right to dismiss the fears of others. Fuck off!
Anybody arrested for "assault?"
All those police and no one arrested?
I dismiss racist fears.
Sorry but you're going to have to deal with the fact that 90% of the world's population is not White.
....Yeah, Just Kidding. It Was Black Lives Matter who physically barricaded and held against their will approx 100 Americans in a Wegmans grocery store, in Rochester NY. This explains why this story is not splashed all over the media across the country. Had a white supramacist group done this it would be the top story.

Black Lives Matter Traps Shoppers in Rochester Grocery Store

"A mob of Black Lives Matter agitators in Rochester, N.Y., physically trapped shoppers in a Wegmans grocery store on Tuesday, the one-year anniversary of the death of Daniel Prud, a41-year-old black man. As shoppers struggled to escape, the agitators wrote Black Lives Matter slogans on the parking lot asphalt with chalk. The shoppers did find a way out and the store appears to be closed."

Do you bother to read beyond the race baiting headline that drew you in?

I mean OMG!!!!
They drew on the asphalt with CHALK. CHALK DAMN THEM!!!!!

Geez. The small brain theory strikes again.
They committed multiple crimes - you ignore that in an attempt to defend criminals and terrorists.

'Nuff said.
Really? Multiple crimes?
Let's see the arrest reports.
I'll be waiting.
hey it is your life but if I was hiking a trail by the river with my wife, the last thing I would be doing is texting to a message board, I would just have different priorities.

So why are you concerned with my life? I support the BLM peaceful protest movement .therefore making me some kind of target.

Probably one of the few times a mass shooting in a grocery store would be justifiable.F*ck BLM.
and their supporters!
A few posts ago you were claiming there was nothing wrong with a bunch of BLM fascists occupying a supermarket.

You are a liar. I have never said there is nothing wrong with a bunch of anybody occupying a supermarket.

there was no occupation of the Wegmans on March 22 in Rochester NY. Nobody was ever trapped inside, not even for one second. You are a liar.
So why didn’t you put your KLAN hood on and tell her she needs to go back to Africa?
Thats an interesting idea

but its not your idea

A white democrat just sent a an white hood to candice owens via Twitter

he should have had his account suspended but the liberals at Twitter did not agree

She's an activist--like MLK which for those that don't understand---the goal was to form a mob and then harass and intimidate for DONATIONS to black causes that the mob LEADERS controlled---all about money and EXTORTION.

So why didn’t you put your KLAN hood on and tell her she needs to go back to Africa?

What about MLK? Do you agree with MAC? Or just sent to prison for agitating white people and extorting their wealth.

MLK had personal faults like anyone else

But he was a true advocate of nonviolence in the mold of ghandi and he did not deserve to be murdered
Oh look there it is...when you don't like the truth, try playing the RACE card.

FU NOTFOOLED...the woman is a thief, extortionist, and thug------------she and her group are no different than gangbangers and in fact likely most have criminal records.

So yes I support her being tossed out of the country along with her family (which btw is likely many of the other members in the mob) and kicked off welfare permanently.

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