BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

The extorted money was to go into his personal online account. He was not going to be BLM. Not why not sure why that user is organization referred to him as a BML activist. He’s criminal
Not sure why every BLM member is seen as some sort of sainted example of human perfection.
Look up Hawk Newsome, New York BLM president, for instance.

Newsome was the one who promised to "burn America down" if they, BLM, didn't get what they
wanted. Life is too short to argue with idiots like you.
I responded to your post on "assault."

What you left out is the important part.
The perpetrator must INTEND assault.
Doubt seriously you can prove intent and without intent my little legal ignoramus you have no crime.

Actually that's not true, but how could you know that? If the victim perceives he is in danger
through a veiled threat...
(Hey..that's a nice watch you got. Let me see how it looks on my wrist says the grinning bully on a darkened street ) that is a form of assault.

And, seriously, when you're discussing a topic about which you know nothing its not to wise to ...
Of screw it. Ya dumbass. You go no idea what the law is you tiny minded ignoramus.
Like I already said. The stupidest people always are impugning the brains of others, ironically.
Have your mommy help you figure it out.
On the other hand, it's a somewhat nuanced legal point. I doubt anyone with your dismal DNA can figure it out.
Your imagined fears does not mean ANYONE committed a crime.
That is the stupidest assertion I've seen in days.
"I'm afraid of communists. Charge them with assault."

Assault requires:
A specific threat to a specific individual BY a specific individual
The known capacity to carry out the threat, and
The opportunity to carry out the threat.

You've demonstrated nothing other than White people are afraid of Black people.
That bigotry demonstrates nothing more than their ignorance, and yours.
Perhaps a visit to your State Statutes would serve you.
But then why research when you can just make it up.
I responded to your post on "assault."

What you left out is the important part.
The perpetrator must INTEND assault.
Doubt seriously you can prove intent and without intent my little legal ignoramus you have no crime.

Actually that's not true, but how could you know that? If the victim perceives he is in danger
through a veiled threat...
(Hey..that's a nice watch you got. Let me see how it looks on my wrist says the grinning bully on a darkened street ) that is a form of assault.

And, seriously, when you're discussing a topic about which you know nothing its not to wise to ...
Of screw it. Ya dumbass. You go no idea what the law is you tiny minded ignoramus.
Like I already said. The stupidest people always are impugning the brains of others, ironically.
Have your mommy help you figure it out.
On the other hand, it's a somewhat nuanced legal point. I doubt anyone with your dismal DNA can figure it out.
Your imagined fears does not mean ANYONE committed a crime.
That is the stupidest assertion I've seen in days.
"I'm afraid of communists. Charge them with assault."

Assault requires:
A specific threat to a specific individual BY a specific individual
The known capacity to carry out the threat, and
The opportunity to carry out the threat.

You've demonstrated nothing other than White people are afraid of Black people.
That bigotry demonstrates nothing more than their ignorance, and yours.
Perhaps a visit to your State Statutes would serve you.
But then why research when you can just make it up.
If white people did this to black shoplifters you know youd have a different opinion. Intimidation was their goal and it is a crime. Even for Africans
Then by that logic, I am an "overwhelmingly peaceful" killer...... because despite the fact that my personal body count is somewhere in double digits, I only killed them in about 3 or 4 of my over 50 years on planet Earth.

So I guess they don't count then.

Where in the following summary that the violent protests are peaceful?

Where does it say that the 10% violent areas are peaceful because the remaining 90% of the areas are absolutely peaceful.

Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon
If white people did this to black shoplifters you know youd have a different opinion. Intimidation was their goal and it is a crime. Even for Africans

You don’t know that unless you hear from one of the shoppers. If I were there and I saw a peaceful crowd eating pizza in the parking lot mostly Black people I would’ve walked out and talked to them. To each his own. But I see you’ve moved on from the violent mob barricading the entries and exits to hold people inside against their will as the revised crime against humanity on which this thread started it’s being replaced and now being slapped together by the racists.

You are a somewhat slightly deprogrammed confederate.
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I posted a picture of the nice woman with a big smile at the front door of Wegmans as one of the first ones there because she does not look like she’s in an angry mob rage to me.

View attachment 472148

Why do you think that showing the face of one of the mob, undermines that it was a mob?

There was no “mob” at the doors. Most of the protesters were setting up tables eating pizza drinking coffee hanging around listening to music, dancing in the parking lot until about 3:30pm

I do not think any shoppers were disrupted because the cars slowly disappeared over the three hours while the peaceful pizza party in the parking lot was ongoing.

It seems like plates cruisers were at the exit and entrance of the parking lot keep an ion things and all the shoppers left without incident.

From all the videos I viewed and I reviewed a bunch of seems to be in about five or six people tops at the two or three front doors. I can’t tell him what I thought they were even at the doors for more than a couple minutes.

So there is no mob at the doors terrorizing customers you racist lying jack ass. Quit lying To satisfy this pack of racust haters on this thread having a racist circle jerk. Nice of you to join them.
You posted the picture of just the woman instead of the mob because are manipulative...if the mob was so peaceful why not post them.
I responded to your post on "assault."

What you left out is the important part.
The perpetrator must INTEND assault.
Doubt seriously you can prove intent and without intent my little legal ignoramus you have no crime.

Actually that's not true, but how could you know that? If the victim perceives he is in danger
through a veiled threat...
(Hey..that's a nice watch you got. Let me see how it looks on my wrist says the grinning bully on a darkened street ) that is a form of assault.

And, seriously, when you're discussing a topic about which you know nothing its not to wise to ...
Of screw it. Ya dumbass. You go no idea what the law is you tiny minded ignoramus.
Like I already said. The stupidest people always are impugning the brains of others, ironically.
Have your mommy help you figure it out.
On the other hand, it's a somewhat nuanced legal point. I doubt anyone with your dismal DNA can figure it out.
Your imagined fears does not mean ANYONE committed a crime.
That is the stupidest assertion I've seen in days.
"I'm afraid of communists. Charge them with assault."

Assault requires:
A specific threat to a specific individual BY a specific individual
The known capacity to carry out the threat, and
The opportunity to carry out the threat.

You've demonstrated nothing other than White people are afraid of Black people.
That bigotry demonstrates nothing more than their ignorance, and yours.
Perhaps a visit to your State Statutes would serve you.
But then why research when you can just make it up.
If white people did this to black shoplifters you know youd have a different opinion. Intimidation was their goal and it is a crime. Even for Africans
Intimidating White people is as simple as putting a ballcap on backwards and lowering your pants to show your undies.
The facts of this are what they are.
The only crime here was graffiti.
Your imagining other crimes based on your White fear is just that.
You posted the picture of just the woman instead of the mob because are manipulative...if the mob was so peaceful why not post them.

The pictures with the OP were a lie. That woman was not in them. But as to posting other than a close-up of a nice young lady with a bright smile the videos and other photos have been posted all over the place on this thread no reason to duplicate. But if you need me to I will. They were only a dozen or so peaceful protesters at the Wegmans front doors when they first arrived around 11 AM they were there for a minute or two and then they left. It was so brief, the barricade, there aren’t any pictures of it.
...if the mob was so peaceful why not post them.

Since the first fake photos have been debunked I’ve been told by a few of the Confederates hear that there was no street violence at the Wegmans. There was no barricaded doors. They still were claiming that there was anger and rage. So I don’t think I need to debunk the rioting mob trapped the white shoppers inside anymore.

She is one of four or five people that were up against the door for a minute.

Not eight minutes and 48 seconds while you cannot breathe.

So which violence would you rather have being done to you?

The words of Floyd's brother will be ignored by the hard core who have much to gain by
racial division.

Unfortunately that includes you. As Kellyanne Conway said racial division and violence was supposed to help Trump. That’s why Terrence Floyd‘s words are falling on deaf ears in Trump’s white America.

on January 6 on the Mall in Washington DC in a one hour and 15 minutes speech I heard Trump use the word peaceful one time, so I am able to give him the benefit of the doubt and his supporters that their intent was to be peacefulI. I am fully capable of separating the violent agitators hooligans criminals worthless pieces of shit from anyone who chooses to exercise their first amendment right to peaceably assemble and bring a grievance against their government.

But you and the confederacy on this thread can’t do that.
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Something tells me it's only a matter of time however before the next senseless racial incident
touches off the raging fire

Or what if enhanced police training and the use of lethal force and how to deal with the mentally ill along with Increased scrutiny looking for a racist tendencies among all police officers makes it possible that it doesn’t happen again.
I blame them, because they are at fault, directly or indirectly.

when you blame them indirectly because they’re using their first amendment right to peaceably assemble your granting power to the criminals who are to blame directly for violence looting rioting and murder. So what you’re doing by your ridiculous mumble jumble is empowering the criminals to restrict the right of free assembly by people of a different color because you don’t agree with their complaint.

There is no freedom of assembly for a peaceful black lives protester in the mind boggling white power world that you have created in your head. You blame them for violence they do not commit and they have absolutely no control over stopping it by those who do.
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Your imagined fears does not mean ANYONE committed a crime.
That is the stupidest assertion I've seen in days.
"I'm afraid of communists. Charge them with assault."
You are stupidly uninformed.
Police were called in and they helped usher people just buying their groceries out.

If suddenly 50 glowering communists suddenly showed up in a store accusing shoppers of bourgeois indifference to the working class shoppers might rightly be wary of the implications.

You weren't there. You have no right to dismiss the fears of others. Fuck off!
Or what if enhanced police training and the use of lethal force and how to deal with the mentally ill along with Increased scrutiny looking for a racist tendencies among all police officers makes it possible that it doesn’t happen again.
Anything is possible but if you believe BLM rhetoric whitey is hopelessly racist.
....Yeah, Just Kidding. It Was Black Lives Matter who physically barricaded and held against their will approx 100 Americans in a Wegmans grocery store, in Rochester NY. This explains why this story is not splashed all over the media across the country. Had a white supramacist group done this it would be the top story.

Black Lives Matter Traps Shoppers in Rochester Grocery Store

"A mob of Black Lives Matter agitators in Rochester, N.Y., physically trapped shoppers in a Wegmans grocery store on Tuesday, the one-year anniversary of the death of Daniel Prud, a41-year-old black man. As shoppers struggled to escape, the agitators wrote Black Lives Matter slogans on the parking lot asphalt with chalk. The shoppers did find a way out and the store appears to be closed."

Do you bother to read beyond the race baiting headline that drew you in?

I mean OMG!!!!
They drew on the asphalt with CHALK. CHALK DAMN THEM!!!!!

Geez. The small brain theory strikes again.
They committed multiple crimes - you ignore that in an attempt to defend criminals and terrorists.

'Nuff said.
The pictures with the OP were a lie. That woman was not in them. But as to posting other than a close-up of a nice young lady with a bright smile the videos and other photos have been posted all over the place on this thread no reason to duplicate. But if you need me to I will. They were only a dozen or so peaceful protesters at the Wegmans front doors when they first arrived around 11 AM they were there for a minute or two and then they left. It was so brief, the barricade, there aren’t any pictures of it.
The police apparently just showed up for the hell of it. Eye Rolls!
The police apparently just showed up for the hell of it. Eye Rolls!

Why wouldn’t the police be there and welcome be there by the protesters and the store? You are really hard up to make something out of nothing arent you?

Is there a point that goes with your rolling eyes?

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