BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

Everyone can see you libs giving your rioters a pass and/or ordering the police to protect them from their victims.

I do not give rioters pass Never did never will. So your inclusion of me in your baseless everyone calculation is a lie.

You just pretended to be so retarded that you thought I was referring to you personally when I said, "you libs", which was obviously a reference to you libs as a group.

That was you being dishonest to dodge my point, because you know my point is completely right.

My point stands. Everyone can see you libs giving your rioters a pass for their violence, and thus know that the fix is in, and that they are in danger if they do not kowtow like good little serfs.
Look how much money BLM has been given..... that's just an extortionist racket.
My point stands. Everyone can see you libs giving your rioters a pass for their violence, and thus know that the fix is in, and that they are in danger if they do not kowtow like good little serfs.
Posting unverified graphs that claim rioters only were only violently raging a certain percentage of the time in certain areas of a city is certainly a way leftists try to rationalize and diminish the damage done.

Like I said before Truman only dropped the A-bombs on two Japanese cities to force them to surrender
in WWII.
You can't excuse what was done by rationalizing though in the case of the A-bombs there was much
evidence that to show the war instantly ended by the show of force.

Thugs in BLM are not the US government however.
Get over yourself! My comment about chalk was not directed towards you. Check my post, pal!

last I heard this an open discussion on a public forum. I’ve made fun of the chalk crime in the OP lie that shoppers were barricaded in the store and trapped against their will by the BLM boogeymen oppressing white America with the police in cahoots.

That does come at the exclusion of the protesters trespassing and expressing complaints against the store while committing loitering or trespassing.
Look at post #272 and then #274, One is absolutely in reply, erroneously, to the other.
Any further comment you care to make about the matter is pointless.
It WAS the extent of of the crime.
Drawing on private property
Also called "tagging"
Also called "graffiti."

Seaching for a fake crime to justify your racism is, once again, a clear sign of a tiny brain "conservative."
You only wish it was the extent of the crime. Check my post on "assault" and why police had to come out
and escort innocent people out of the store they were trapped in.

You really aren't the brightest Crayola in the box, are you.
I responded to your post on "assault."

What you left out is the important part.
The perpetrator must INTEND assault.
Doubt seriously you can prove intent and without intent my little legal ignoramus you have no crime.


And, seriously, when you're discussing a topic about which you know nothing its not to wise to ...
Of screw it. Ya dumbass. You go no idea what the law is you tiny minded ignoramus.
Everyone can see you libs giving your rioters a pass and/or ordering the police to protect them from their victims.

I do not give rioters pass Never did never will. So your inclusion of me in your baseless everyone calculation is a lie.

You just pretended to be so retarded that you thought I was referring to you personally when I said, "you libs", which was obviously a reference to you libs as a group.

That was you being dishonest to dodge my point, because you know my point is completely right.

My point stands. Everyone can see you libs giving your rioters a pass for their violence, and thus know that the fix is in, and that they are in danger if they do not kowtow like good little serfs.
Look how much money BLM has been given..... that's just an extortionist racket.

That is certainly a big part of it.
Pure terrorism yet I see homeowners in nice neighborhoods with BLM signs in their front dupes

msm must be held accountable for supporting terrorism. Write your congressman or call him.

You know when the democrat party brown shirts of blm invade the suburbs...which they are beginning to do with more frequency, those homes will be the first ones burned and looted..........
Look how much money BLM has been given..... that's just an extortionist racket.

who are the victims and the extortionists.

Do you mean this?

Shut your lying dickhole.

I responded to your post on "assault."

What you left out is the important part.
The perpetrator must INTEND assault.
Doubt seriously you can prove intent and without intent my little legal ignoramus you have no crime.

Actually that's not true, but how could you know that? If the victim perceives he is in danger
through a veiled threat...
(Hey..that's a nice watch you got. Let me see how it looks on my wrist says the grinning bully on a darkened street ) that is a form of assault.

And, seriously, when you're discussing a topic about which you know nothing its not to wise to ...
Of screw it. Ya dumbass. You go no idea what the law is you tiny minded ignoramus.
Like I already said. The stupidest people always are impugning the brains of others, ironically.
Have your mommy help you figure it out.
On the other hand, it's a somewhat nuanced legal point. I doubt anyone with your dismal DNA can figure it out.
You know when the democrat party brown shirts of blm invade the suburbs...which they are beginning to do with more frequency,


The demonstrations remain ongoing. Though reported events associated with the BLM movement have gradually declined since their peak in late May and early June, ACLED still continues to record dozens of demonstrations each week (see graph below).



The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020).
You know when the democrat party brown shirts of blm invade the suburbs...which they are beginning to do with more frequency,


The demonstrations remain ongoing. Though reported events associated with the BLM movement have gradually declined since their peak in late May and early June, ACLED still continues to record dozens of demonstrations each week (see graph below).

View attachment 473077


The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020).

No one is buying your bullshit.
when you don't give a damn

I can’t read minds like you di. So I looked up the FLOYD family settlement with the city of Minneapolis and offered offered it as a suggestion as to what he might be talking about. I still don’t have an answer.
What money was BLM given due to extortion?
What money was BLM given due to extortion?
All the wealth that has poured into their hands.

They aren't instant millionaires due to extortion per se.
But without their successful burn and rob urban campaigns corporations wouldn't be trying to pacify
and pay them off. And you admit, extortion works.
when you don't give a damn

I can’t read minds like you di. So I looked up the FLOYD family settlement with the city of Minneapolis and offered offered it as a suggestion as to what he might be talking about. I still don’t have an answer.

YOur pretense that you give a damn about this information, like it might have any impact on your position is absurd.

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