BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

Nonsense., it’s not like something of yor opinion: Its this:
Again...that's bullshit!

First of all, who in the world is the ACLED and why should they be believed or followed?
That's the first good point.

Secondly, if you want to keep walking down this road you make a perfectly wonderful argument for
Trump and his followers at the US Capitol building.

One relatively small group of demonstrators get out of hand. Why are you and your fellow travelers
now trying to make the case against ALL conservatives (purge the military, purge Congress, purge the
schools, no cooperation with any follower of Trump whatsoever, etc.) based on this anomalous
event when there is no history of violence of any substance connected with the MAGA movement
at all?

I'll see your Capitol disturbance and raise you Minneapolis and all the other violent, ugly, destructive, flaming
disturbances, riots etc. associated with BLM and the George Floyd-Brianna Taylor movement.
So you decide how long you want to flog your dead horse. He ain't goin' nowhere.
....Yeah, Just Kidding. It Was Black Lives Matter who physically barricaded and held against their will approx 100 Americans in a Wegmans grocery store, in Rochester NY. This explains why this story is not splashed all over the media across the country. Had a white supramacist group done this it would be the top story.

Black Lives Matter Traps Shoppers in Rochester Grocery Store

"A mob of Black Lives Matter agitators in Rochester, N.Y., physically trapped shoppers in a Wegmans grocery store on Tuesday, the one-year anniversary of the death of Daniel Prud, a41-year-old black man. As shoppers struggled to escape, the agitators wrote Black Lives Matter slogans on the parking lot asphalt with chalk. The shoppers did find a way out and the store appears to be closed."

Do you bother to read beyond the race baiting headline that drew you in?

I mean OMG!!!!
They drew on the asphalt with CHALK. CHALK DAMN THEM!!!!!

Geez. The small brain theory strikes again.
was going to go over there and at least tell them what pieces of shit they were.

Was that before or after you handcuffed and put them on the ground on their stomach and put your knee on their neck for nine minutes?

I don't own handcuffs. I could certainly see putting them on the ground, for extended periods. THeir actions were vile and a good beating would have been Justice.
Your claim is like saying

Nonsense., it’s not like something of yor opinion: Its this:

The demonstrations remain ongoing. Though reported events associated with the BLM movement have gradually declined since their peak in late May and early June, ACLED still continues to record dozens of demonstrations each week (see graph below).​


The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020).​

If you do not agree with the results of the study point to its flaws and errors and explain why.
One relatively small group of demonstrators get out of hand. Why are you and your fellow travelers now trying to make the case against ALL conservatives

I’m not holding Trump responsible for the 1000 out of 35,000 protesters at the capital hill protest when a riot broke out.

I make the distinction between peaceful protesters at a peaceful protest and those who come to commit violence riot and loot nearby. No one on this thread and the conservative side makes that distinction.

Trump publicly called for a peaceful protest which was peaceful until the outbreak of violence by a thousand out of the 35,000 there that day.

He even said “peacefully” once during a one hour rally before the protest march to the Capitol had begun.

So I presume you will offer the same consideration to the leaders of BLM protests because like Trump they are not calling for the violence either.

You can quit making shit up about me as you go when you’re merry racist ways.
Do you bother to read beyond the race baiting headline that drew you in?

I mean OMG!!!!
They drew on the asphalt with CHALK. CHALK DAMN THEM!!!!!

Geez. The small brain theory strikes again.
Speaking of small brains, you act as if drawing in a grocery story parking lot with chalk was the extent
of this matter.

That's extra special stupid! The definition of assault varies by jurisdiction, but is generally defined as intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. Physical injury is not required.

Assault | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Assault can be a felony depending on the circumstances so just to make sure you know, it's a crime,
unlike drawing chalk pictures on asphalt.
The stupidest people are always the quickest to insult the brains of others.
Everyone can see you libs giving your rioters a pass and/or ordering the police to protect them from their victims.

I do not give rioters pass Never did never will. So your inclusion of me in your baseless everyone calculation is a lie.
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I’m not holding Trump responsible for the 1000 out of 35,000 protesters at the capital hill protest when a riot broke out.

I make the distinction between peaceful protesters at a peaceful protest and those who come to commit violence riot and loot nearby. No one on this thread and the conservative side makes that distinction.
So you are against purging the military, purging Congress, purging the schools etc. of Trump voters?
Because that's what your fellow travelers want to do. So it would be great if you would disavow
this sort of fascistic blacklisting that the left is engaged in right now.

And don't pat yourself on the back too hard. Lots of people make these distinctions on the right
in spite of your claims to the contrary.
I wish your fellow traveler friends, who are all fans of collective guilt, could make such distinctions.

You would seem much more virtuous if you would acknowledge the new blacklisting craze
that has overtaken the left side of the aisle.
Collective guilt is the twin brother of racism, you know. Both apply one single negative standard
indiscriminately to large blocks of people without cause. It's not a good look.
Like when you claim NO ONE on the right is making a distinction between a peaceful and a
crime filled action right now.

You can quit making shit up about me as you go when you’re merry racist ways.
I don't know what you mean.
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Do you bother to read beyond the race baiting headline that drew you in?

I mean OMG!!!!
They drew on the asphalt with CHALK. CHALK DAMN THEM!!!!!

Geez. The small brain theory strikes again.
Speaking of small brains, you act as if drawing in a grocery story parking lot with chalk was the extent
of this matter.

That's extra special stupid! The definition of assault varies by jurisdiction, but is generally defined as intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. Physical injury is not required.

Assault | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Assault can be a felony depending on the circumstances so just to make sure you know, it's a crime,
unlike drawing chalk pictures on asphalt.
The stupidest people are always the quickest to insult the brains of others.
It WAS the extent of of the crime.
Drawing on private property
Also called "tagging"
Also called "graffiti."

Seaching for a fake crime to justify your racism is, once again, a clear sign of a tiny brain "conservative."
I imagine that to someone like you, anyone who can actually see reality must seem amazing.

I don’t believe reading minds, knowing what everyone is thinking and speaking for them is reality. At the peak of the George Floyd protests in May and June people who supported the Black Lives Matter movement Lead those who opposed it x 20 points.

there may be a margin of error in the ten percent range with polling, however @Correll‘s psychic method has a margin of error of 100%.
It WAS the extent of of the crime.
Drawing on private property
Also called "tagging"
Also called "graffiti."

Seaching for a fake crime to justify your racism is, once again, a clear sign of a tiny brain "conservative."
You only wish it was the extent of the crime. Check my post on "assault" and why police had to come out
and escort innocent people out of the store they were trapped in.

You really aren't the brightest Crayola in the box, are you.
Everyone can see you libs giving your rioters a pass and/or ordering the police to protect them from their victims.

I do not give rioters pass Never did never will. So your inclusion of me in your baseless everyone calculation is a lie.

You just pretended to be so retarded that you thought I was referring to you personally when I said, "you libs", which was obviously a reference to you libs as a group.

That was you being dishonest to dodge my point, because you know my point is completely right.

My point stands. Everyone can see you libs giving your rioters a pass for their violence, and thus know that the fix is in, and that they are in danger if they do not kowtow like good little serfs.

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