BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

Correll why did you thumbs up the following post...
But it is black thugs terrorizing white people..
... when it states black thugs were terrorizing white people in Rochester New York on September 22 after you have stated and admitted that particular protest was not violent?

I'm glad this particular "protest" did not get violent.

How do peaceful protesters terrorize white people?

And why do you support someone who lies about the Rochester New York peaceful protesters when he calls them “terrorist thugs.@

Was the Rochester New York protest on September 22 at Wegmans a nonviolent protest or not?

The people trapped in the store were held there by the threat of violence. The cops did not let MORE people into the parking lot, because they were afraid of the threat of violence, but could not arrest them or clear teh parking lot, because of the political support the BLM thugs, have from liberals.

So the cops used force to keep other people from coming to the store and shopping like they wanted to.

Let me ask you something. When was teh last time you and your friends wanted to have a pizza party and decided to just go to some random businesses parking lot and take it over?

Why do you try it, and tell me what happens?

Remember when you talked shit about "White privilege"?

Being able to ignore laws, AND have the police back up your breaking of those laws, is what real Privilege was/is.

Having to put up with that, is what serfs had to do, and what whites have to do today.
We will have to let a nury decide that

A jury has previously decided and the City of Minneapolis had agreed ten years prior to properly train its officers in the use of deadly force of the type that Chauvin used on Floyd.

"When somebody says, 'I can’t breathe,' that is a medical emergency and you get EMS to treat them right way," Peters said. "Because at that point, the suspect becomes a patient."​
Floyd isn't the first person who has died after being pinned down by a Minneapolis police officer. In 2010, 28-year-old David Smith died after an officer pinned him down with a knee to the back for about four minutes. The city settled a lawsuit for $3 million, said Robert Bennett, a Minneapolis attorney who represented Smith's family.​

As part of the settlement, the city agreed to train officers on the proper use of force, Bennett said. He doesn't know whether that training ever took place.​

DOJ: 'As soon as the suspect is handcuffed, get him off his stomach'​

The technique is widely recognized as dangerous. Department of Justice guidance on use of force says "unexplained in-custody deaths are caused more often than is generally known by a little-known phenomenon called positional asphyxia," when someone cannot breathe in a certain position.​
"As soon as the suspect is handcuffed, get him off his stomach," the Justice Department advises.​
The report says a suspect may appear to be resisting if the airway is blocked: "The natural reaction to oxygen deficiency occurs — the person struggles more violently."​
You don’t need a jury to decide the question I asked. Why are you dodging it?

Should a cop who would hold his knee on a suspects neck for almost 9 minutes until the suspect is dead be on a police force authorized to use lethal force when necessary in order to maintain law and order?

The City of Minneapolis must decide if they are going to properly train the officers that wear the badges in that community before it gets to a murder trial for a jury to decide that.

Do you think proper training on the use of force along with holding certain aggressive behavioral traits in mind for its officers would benefit both the community and the officers by never getting to the point where a jury in a murder trial is needed with all the racial overtones?

Or is that a shitload of liberal bleeding heart PC hooey?
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rioting looting and murder oh my!
When an organization disrupts a private business and its patrons, it’s anything but peaceful and non-violent.

Please pay attention. Correll is not a racist because he accused Black Lives Matter protesters of touching the front door of Wegmans that was locked - thereby disrupting the business.
No. This is the lie that he tells that makes him a racist in post 26805619
Thinking that an angry mob, associated with a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years, might be violent or dangerous,

Here is what I said. Hope this makes it easier for you next time. 26807898
There’s your racism right there - BLM IS NOT a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years. You are a liar every time you spew that racist, untrue, filthy rotten lie about an organization that is dedicated to peaceful protest and opposed to violence committed in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement.

You are the racist for ignoring the anger and threat of violence and the law breaking in the incident, because of race.

Black privilege. Seriously and literally.
What Me Riot? 26815411
What kind of an idiot would misinterpret what she meant by that?

What? You actually think Conway and Trump FOX, NEWSMAX AND HATE TALK RADIO weren’t pleased as punch for every riot and burnt building and brick thrown at cops last summer so they could trash peaceful protesters and BLM as the boogeyman instigator of it all.

Look at this thread - GATEWAY HATEWAY PUNDIT slurping racial violence up like a dog with its own vomit. -

The Confederates on this thread all loved the riots so much last summer you turned this:
View attachment 472874
Into this:

View attachment 472871

There was no violence at Wegmans but those listed below had to make it into a violent mob trapping shoppers inside needing an armed escort by police back to their cars.

All made up, all lies - the need for violence by Republicans is still so great they make it up when there isn’t any.

Deprogramming Confederates - #010

Chinese fentanyl cause oxygen loitering in Floyd?

Fucking Negroes

No arrests for False Imprisonment?

Goddamn the smell of pachouli and BO must be overwhelming in those protests.

That was an angry mob out side the store.

Give these thugs 20 years.

and their supporters!

If they literally were trapped, then should be kidnapping charges filed.

physically barricaded and held against their will

No one else could hold 100 people against their will and get away with it.

a mag dump right into a crowd soon, if they don't knock it off.

But it is black thugs terrorizing white people.

F*ck BLM.

They said, “it’s ok... they have insurance.”

sure looks like a threatening mob of Black Lies Protesters to me

Good thing they didn't set fire to the store

Pure terrorism

Such disrespectful behavior on the part of certain folks.

Problem is the Democrats are kunts.

Do not listen to these Prog shills.[/

The fact that you have had to escalate your rhetoric to now calling us, "confederates" for disagreeing with you, is your brain realizing how badly discussing the facts of the case are going for you.
In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity 26805249
I'm glad this particular "protest" did not get violent. Many do. That you pretend that is not true, that you minimize the real danger of that, is you being the racist.

How many is “many do”? Why do you lie that I pretend that “none do”? Its 7% and

This particular "protest" did not get violent.
Its like the 97% that do not have biokence

This is my statement on race related violence relative to the Black Lives Matter movement.

You have rejected this study. But your “many do” is as worthless as a fart in the wind and your emotional opinion.

The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020). Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 | ACLED

Considering how dishonest liberals are, I give no credibility to that number. My opinion on BLM is based on the thousands of riots they and their Antifa allies have engaged in over the last 5 years, and the insanely racist logic of their words, AND the far left and racist ideas that I hear from them, when I do hear them.
Thinking that an angry mob, associated with a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years, might be violent or dangerous,

Lying that a peaceful protest movement has been rioting and lootingat all us racist.

You are so racist ttat you have joined with the 20 racists on this thread accepting the bold faced vile racist lie GATEWAY PUNDUT LIE with a fake photo THAT peaceful protesters were an angry mob that barricades the doors and held shoopers insude against their will. This is a specific incident where the was no rioting looting and murder but your fellow racists made it out to be some kind of hostage situation that the liberal news media and the police ignore.

you are a liar because of that and you are a racist because if that
Thinking that an angry mob, associated with a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years, might be violent or dangerous,

Lying that a peaceful protest movement has been rioting and lootingat all us racist.

You are so racist ttat you have joined with the 20 racists on this thread accepting the bold faced vile racist lie GATEWAY PUNDUT LIE with a fake photo THAT peaceful protesters were an angry mob that barricades the doors and held shoopers insude against their will. This is a specific incident where the was no rioting looting and murder but your fellow racists made it out to be some kind of hostage situation that the liberal news media and the police ignore.

you are a liar because of that and you are a racist because if that

I already addressed all of that. The shoppers were trapped by the threat of violence. They were likely in fear, if they had any sense or awareness. The occupation of the parking lot was illegal. That it was allowed was "black privilege" and racist. The cops used force to keep out other customers, because of their fear of violence from the angry mob.

I ask again, when was teh last time you and your friends took over a private parking lot to throw a pizza party and it was enforced by the police against the wishes of the owners?
Lying that a peaceful protest movement has been rioting and lootingat all us racist.

You are so racist ttat you have joined with the 20 racists on this thread accepting the bold faced vile racist lie GATEWAY PUNDUT LIE with a fake photo THAT peaceful protesters were an angry mob that barricades the doors and held shoopers insude against their will. This is a specific incident where the was no rioting looting and murder but your fellow racists made it out to be some kind of hostage situation that the liberal news media and the police ignore.

you are a liar because of that and you are a racist because if that
HAHaha..... funny shit right there. You should start your own comedy show.
This is not a Qanon cult site. 26815933
They literally trapped shoppers in a store,

You are a liar. A racist liar. No one was trapped inside the Wegmans store in Rochester NY on March 22 between 11:00 Am and 4:00 Pm while a peaceful protest and pizza party took place in their parking lot. That is a fact. This is reality. Wegmans locked the front doors, About 12 to 15 protesters including this nice young lady

View attachment 472905
Were at the doors for a minute or two and they left to go eat pizza abd dance.

Meanwhile the shoppers finished, checked out and walked to their cars without incident.
So did BLM gat permission from Wegmans to have their pizza and dance party in Wegmans parking lot? I think not all they did was drive their regular customers away. they all should have been arrested for trespassing
one of a dozen or so that went to the doors

View attachment 472126

An angry mob was rushing the store.

View attachment 472126

because there was an angry mob outside,

View attachment 472126

The rioters rushed the front door in a state of rage.

View attachment 472126

That was an angry mob out side the store.
View attachment 472126
No exits were blocked by an angry mob. If any shopper wanted to leave through that door they would need Wegmans to unlock it.

I searched and searched for a video that showed people getting to their cars and leaving. Between 11:00 snd noon. A TV said police cruisers blocked entrance to the parking lots.

so how were all the cars gone by 3:00 pm.

Not one Video of the customers leaving being confronted by the protesters. Not one. Couldn’t be it was a peaceful protest and the protesters had no issues with the shoppers.

My Closest Wegman store has a parking garage. Probably not there but they do have plenty of exits.

does anybody know if there was a police or escort for this 2 mile march and were police there watching when The scene at the entrance doors took place.? I see absolutely no signs of any people wanting to commit an act of violence at any time during this whole eight hour 10 hour rally.

You racists are pathetic humans beings an s don’t deserve to be an American.
No shirt
No shoes
No stupid negroes
My opinion

You are an idiot. Your opinion means nothing because it had no relationship to being a facts based reality. IF it were you would be able to dispute this study;

The demonstrations remain ongoing. Though reported events associated with the BLM movement have gradually declined since their peak in late May and early June, ACLED still continues to record dozens of demonstrations each week (see graph below).​


The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020).Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 | ACLED

Considering how dishonest liberals are, I give no credibility to that number.

you are an idiot.

Show us your graph if you have proof that this is not true:

Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests​
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This is not a Qanon cult site. 26815933
They literally trapped shoppers in a store,

You are a liar. A racist liar. No one was trapped inside the Wegmans store in Rochester NY on March 22 between 11:00 Am and 4:00 Pm while a peaceful protest and pizza party took place in their parking lot. That is a fact. This is reality. Wegmans locked the front doors, About 12 to 15 protesters including this nice young lady

View attachment 472905
Were at the doors for a minute or two and they left to go eat pizza abd dance.

Meanwhile the shoppers finished, checked out and walked to their cars without incident.
So did BLM gat permission from Wegmans to have their pizza and dance party in Wegmans parking lot? I think not all they did was drive their regular customers away. they all should have been arrested for trespassing

instead teh police blocked the entrances so that the cars of customers would not be a problem for the lawbreakers.

Dem politicians have set policy so that the police, instead of controlling BLM thugs, are extra muscle backing them up.
My opinion

You are an idiot. Your opinion means nothing because it had no relationship to being a facts based reality. IF it were you would be able to dispute this study;

The demonstrations remain ongoing. Though reported events associated with the BLM movement have gradually declined since their peak in late May and early June, ACLED still continues to record dozens of demonstrations each week (see graph below).​


The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020).Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 | ACLED

Considering how dishonest liberals are, I give no credibility to that number.

you are an idiot.

OVer a billion in damages. Whether that is because there are sooooo many "protests" that even the small percentage that go violent are that big of a problem OR because people like you count thousands of violent riots as peaceful protests,

I don't really give a fuck.

They are not protesting to get their message out. .THey are using even "peaceful protests" as direct action to force compliance with their agenda.

A sane society, a serious society would clear the fucking streets and shut them down. Hard.
A jury has previously decided and the City of Minneapolis had agreed ten years prior to properly train its officers in the use of deadly force of the type that Chauvin used on Floyd.
The medical report did not say chauvin caused floyd’s death - although a jury might

we have to wait and see what they say
OVer a billion in damages.

You have assigned that to BLM peaceful protests how and why?

Let’s see your documentation as to assigned responsibility to the initiation if violence.

Just as you did with the JAN 6 Stop the Steal riot on January 6. In that case you don’t hold the peaceful protesters responsible ir Trump for the damage in the riot and the murder and death.Do you hold the actual rioters responsible.
I was not there so I do not know and I would be willing to bet you were not there either

If you weren’t there why are you endorsing a claim of which there is no videos or evidence or police reports or anything. Nothing indicates there were barricades set up. It’s a lie
OVer a billion in damages.

You have assigned that to BLM peaceful protests how and why?

Let’s see your documentation as to assigned responsibility to the initiation if violence.

Just as you did with the JAN 6 Stop the Steal riot on January 6. In that case you don’t hold the peaceful protesters responsible ir Trump for the damage in the riot and the murder and death.Do you hold the actual rioters responsible.

As I have repeatedly explained, the 1/6 protestors, considering the track record of peaceful conservatives protests, had every reasonable expectation of a peaceful protest to put political pressure on the politicians inside.

BLM, and Antifa, with the massive and widespread violence and destruction committed by them, and/or in their name, the "peaceful protestors" have no such reasonable expectation, and thus do deserve a goodly portion of the blame.

They are part of the problem.

How many times will you pretend to not remember my answer and ask me the same question again?

Also, how many times have you and your friends decided to take over a private parking lot for a pizza party and did the police support your doing that against the wishes of the owners and other people that wanted to use the parking lot?
I was not there so I do not know and I would be willing to bet you were not there either

If you weren’t there why are you endorsing a claim of which there is no videos or evidence or police reports or anything. Nothing indicates there were barricades set up. It’s a lie
I could ask the same question of you, If you were not there you can't say there were no barricades set up. 20 or so Blacks with BLM logos standing by the doorway is not considered a barricade?

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