BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

Dr. Martin Luther King 26811292
was a true advocate of nonviolence

Thank you for replying and recognizing MLK’s dedication to nonviolence.

Referring to the BLM study that I linked to earlier....

Yet, despite data indicating that demonstrations associated with the BLM movement are overwhelmingly peaceful, one recent poll suggested that 42% of respondents believe “most protesters [associated with the BLM movement] are trying to incite violence or destroy property”​

Which is based on August 2020 data as you can see 42% of Americans believe that most protesters associated with the BLM movement are trying to incite riots and destroy property.

So my question to you and others like Correll is if you believe MLK and the civil rights movement that he inspired was made up of peaceful protesters, is it possible that many black Americans and their white supporters today could have the same dedication to non violence as the civil rights movement in the 60s had?

Why do 100% of right wing posters here hold their steadfast uncompromisable belief that today’s civil rights activists are mob thugs and violent?
The Black Lies Matter protests are a launching pad for the street violence that follows them everywhere

Plus they are driving racial division
It's an extortionist racket.
The Black Lies Matter protests are a launching pad for the street violence that follows them everywhere

On March 22 there was a protest that you call a Black Lies Matter protest at a Wegmans in Rochester New York. You say Black Lies Matter is a launching pad for the street violence that follows them everywhere. There are no reports of street violence at the March 22 Black Lives Matter protest at Wegmans in Rochester New York. So how can that be? You say street violence follows them everywhere and I understand you’re very much opposed to lying. So is this the first time there was no street violence at a Black Lies Matter protest?

Or is this the street violence?

rioting looting and murder oh my!
When an organization disrupts a private business and its patrons, it’s anything but peaceful and non-violent.

Please pay attention. Correll is not a racist because he accused Black Lives Matter protesters of touching the front door of Wegmans that was locked - thereby disrupting the business.
No. This is the lie that he tells that makes him a racist in post 26805619
Thinking that an angry mob, associated with a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years, might be violent or dangerous,

Here is what I said. Hope this makes it easier for you next time. 26807898
There’s your racism right there - BLM IS NOT a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years. You are a liar every time you spew that racist, untrue, filthy rotten lie about an organization that is dedicated to peaceful protest and opposed to violence committed in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Bullshit. An entire year of rioting, looting arson, assaults, and murders by those BLM animals and their supporters is in no fucking way a "peaceful assembly", nor have their actions even resembled anything allowable under the first amendment.

And once again, fuck BLM and their supporters.

Accirding to Trump’s spokesperson Kellyanne Conway - They did it for Trump:

Here's the exact quote, via video of Conway's appearance on "Fox and Friends" on Aug. 27: "The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who's best on public safety and law and order.​
Bullshit. An entire year of rioting, looting arson, assaults, and murders by those BLM animals and their supporters is in no fucking way a "peaceful assembly", nor have their actions even resembled anything allowable under the first amendment.

And once again, fuck BLM and their supporters.

Accirding to Trump’s spokesperson Kellyanne Conway - They did it for Trump:

Here's the exact quote, via video of Conway's appearance on "Fox and Friends" on Aug. 27: "The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who's best on public safety and law and order.​

What kind of an idiot would misinterpret what she meant by that? Her statement was all the way back in August, at the height of the leftist riots. What she was saying was, "The more the leftists idiots riot, burn, loot, and murder, the more people are going to realize that Donald Trump is the best candidate for public safety and law and order."

Nice try but once again, you win nothing.
No, racially motivated information is not a valid argument if the source of dipshit Floyd’s fentanyl is not known. His counterfeit money may indeed have come from around Appleton, Wisconsin, though, because that’s where counterfeit Japanese and German money was produced during WWII.
What Me Riot? 26815411
What kind of an idiot would misinterpret what she meant by that?

What? You actually think Conway and Trump FOX, NEWSMAX AND HATE TALK RADIO weren’t pleased as punch for every riot and burnt building and brick thrown at cops last summer so they could trash peaceful protesters and BLM as the boogeyman instigator of it all.

Look at this thread - GATEWAY HATEWAY PUNDIT slurping racial violence up like a dog with its own vomit. -

The Confederates on this thread all loved the riots so much last summer you turned this:

Into this:


There was no violence at Wegmans but those listed below had to make it into a violent mob trapping shoppers inside needing an armed escort by police back to their cars.

All made up, all lies - the need for violence by Republicans is still so great they make it up when there isn’t any.

Deprogramming Confederates - #010

Chinese fentanyl cause oxygen loitering in Floyd?

Fucking Negroes

No arrests for False Imprisonment?

Goddamn the smell of pachouli and BO must be overwhelming in those protests.

That was an angry mob out side the store.

Give these thugs 20 years.

and their supporters!

If they literally were trapped, then should be kidnapping charges filed.

physically barricaded and held against their will

No one else could hold 100 people against their will and get away with it.

a mag dump right into a crowd soon, if they don't knock it off.

But it is black thugs terrorizing white people.

F*ck BLM.

They said, “it’s ok... they have insurance.”

sure looks like a threatening mob of Black Lies Protesters to me

Good thing they didn't set fire to the store

Pure terrorism

Such disrespectful behavior on the part of certain folks.

Problem is the Democrats are kunts.

Do not listen to these Prog shills.[/
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What Me Riot? 26815411
What kind of an idiot would misinterpret what she meant by that?

What? You actually think Conway and Trump FOX, NEWSMAX AND HATE TALK RADIO weren’t pleased as punch for every riot and burnt building and brick thrown at cops last summer so they could trash peaceful protesters and BLM as the boogeyman instigator of it all.

Look at this thread - GATEWAY HATEWAY PUNDIT slurping racial violence up like a dog with its own vomit. -

The Confederates on this thread all loved the riots so much last summer you turned this:
View attachment 472874
Into this:

View attachment 472871

There was no violence at Wegmans but those listed below had to make it into a violent mob trapping shoppers inside needing an armed escort by police back to their cars.

All made up, all lies - the need for violence by Republicans is still so great they make it up when there isn’t any.

Deprogramming Confederates - #010

Chinese fentanyl cause oxygen loitering in Floyd?

Fucking Negroes

No arrests for False Imprisonment?

Goddamn the smell of pachouli and BO must be overwhelming in those protests.

That was an angry mob out side the store.

Give these thugs 20 years.

and their supporters!

If they literally were trapped, then should be kidnapping charges filed.

physically barricaded and held against their will

No one else could hold 100 people against their will and get away with it.

a mag dump right into a crowd soon, if they don't knock it off.

But it is black thugs terrorizing white people.

F*ck BLM.

They said, “it’s ok... they have insurance.”

sure looks like a threatening mob of Black Lies Protesters to me

Good thing they didn't set fire to the store

Pure terrorism

Such disrespectful behavior on the part of certain folks.

Problem is the Democrats are kunts.

Do not listen to these Prog shills.[/
They literally trapped shoppers in a store, & you're trying to flip the script and make them 'victims'...

You did the same thing with the TERRORIST riots that caused literally BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities all over the US ... but the meal old media is the bad guy for accurately reporting what they were doing, and THEY are the victims?


Save the propaganda and BS....
In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity 26805249
I'm glad this particular "protest" did not get violent. Many do. That you pretend that is not true, that you minimize the real danger of that, is you being the racist.

How many is “many do”? Why do you lie that I pretend that “none do”? Its 7% and

This particular "protest" did not get violent.
Its like the 97% that do not have biokence

This is my statement on race related violence relative to the Black Lives Matter movement.

You have rejected this study. But your “many do” is as worthless as a fart in the wind and your emotional opinion.


The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020). Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 | ACLED
This is not a Qanon cult site. 26815933
They literally trapped shoppers in a store,

You are a liar. A racist liar. No one was trapped inside the Wegmans store in Rochester NY on March 22 between 11:00 Am and 4:00 Pm while a peaceful protest and pizza party took place in their parking lot. That is a fact. This is reality. Wegmans locked the front doors, About 12 to 15 protesters including this nice young lady


Were at the doors for a minute or two and they left to go eat pizza abd dance.

Meanwhile the shoppers finished, checked out and walked to their cars without incident.
Also known as true journalists as opposed to trumpers and fox etc
Todays media are pretty low quality

walter cronkite and his ilk were highly educated lefties who were far less partisan than the barely literate riffraft spilling out of the liberal journalusm puppy mills today
Should a cop who would hold his knee on a suspects neck for almost 9 minutes until the suspect is dead be on a police force authorized to use lethal force when necessary in order to maintain law and order?
We will have to let a nury decide that

But either way the cop acted as an individual and not as a puppet of some mythical racist white police force
There are no reports of street violence at the March 22
Good for them

the customers and store employees made sure that the riot never got started within that store

but its common enough across America that rational libs in that situation were not taking any chances
It Was Black Lives Matter who physically barricaded and held against their will approx 100 Americans in a Wegmans grocery store, in Rochester NY.

Where are they? They all carried groceries to their cars and went home. Where is the evidence of barricades being placed on any door let alone every door.

As shoppers struggled to escape, by
You are a racist liar.
The employees didn't lock the door because they were afraid the angry mob was going to hug them.

I rely on making arguments or points that do not depend on knowing what someone is thinking. I go by what they say and do.

I do know that there was no angry mob that surrounded the building to block off all escape. You are a liar about that. I do know that .

I’ll take Wegmans statement as to why they locked the doors. if you don’t give a fuck about their statement by now when will you bother to read it.

You are a racist for referring to the March 22 Rochester Protest as an angry mob

They locked the doors because of protest activities in their parking lot for the safety of their customers and staff. The protest was peaceful when they made the decision and it remained so. You are a liar to suggest that it was an angry mob that forced their decision.

You can see and hear the anger in the people mobbing the front door, if you watch the video. They are chanting BLACK LIVES MATTER.

That is a statement with a premise that indicates deep anger, if not rage and hate and racism.

That mob of black people, by their words, shows that they believe that the white people in the building, believe that the lives of black people do not matter.

My judgement is not based on mind reading, but on observing the actions of the people in the video.

You are an asshole for calling me a wacist based on my fear of violence from an angry racist mob.
I'm glad this particular "protest" did not get violent.

WHY do you keep referring to them as the angry mob - since they were peacefully protesting. And Eating pizza. I’m sure they wouid have given me a slice if I talked to them and looked hungry.

Because they were obviously angry. You can tell by their expressions, the tone of their voices, what they were saying, and their actions.

If I thought that this nation as a whole, though my life and the lives of my people did not matter, and that they were regularly just killing my people for no reason,

only a moron would that that I would not be angry.
Blocking doors is not peaceful, liar.

They did not block any doors. A dozen or so protesters approached the main front doors at 11:00 AM. The doors were shut and locked in front of them.

They were at the doors for a minute or two.

For those two minutes the doors were not blocked at all.

This nice woman:

View attachment 472220

....Left right away from the doorway area and so did the others.

The doors were never blocked.

The customers could leave whenever they wanted. And over the next few hours they walked through the pizza party protest to get to their cars. No incidents between customers and protesters are reported. Not on fascist websites either.

You say “Blocking doors is not peaceful” and you call me a liar.

Then you are calling at least one of
your fellow Confederates a liar.

I'm glad this particular "protest" did not get violent.

A protest with no violence is a peaceful protest.

NO DOORS WERE BLOCKED - YOU ARE A LIAR when you say they were.

A peaceful protest is about getting a message out, that is not being otherwise heard.

BLM has gotten it's message out. What they are doing now, is hassling people, AT BEST, or threatening them, or actually violently attacking them, up to and including killing them.

"Direct action" is what they are doing now.

Why did they try to get inside? To prevent the normal functioning of the store, to put pressure on the corporation as an entity to support their agenda AND the community as a whole.

AND, with the constant threat of violence if anyone tries to stop them or even speak out against their illegal behavior.

That is not a "peaceful protest".

You make a big deal about the fact that the people inside were allowed to leave. You gloss over the fact that the police blocked the entrance so that other people could not enter.
Thinking that an angry mob, associated with a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years, might be violent or dangerous,

There’s your racism right there - BLM IS NOT a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years. You are a liar every time you spew that racist, untrue, filthy rotten lie about an organization that is dedicated to peaceful protest and opposed to violence committed in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement.

You are a disgusting hate infested lying loser when you come on here spewing that filthy lie and then come on whining and moaning about how awful and unfair it is to be tagged with the racist label.

Just wear it like the others on this thread do. You aren’t a victim. You are a perp.

You want this woman .......
View attachment 472291
.....arrested for touching a fucking Wegmans door in New York because she is a black activist protesting on an issue that some criminal element who is linked in no way to her cause decided to loot or throw a brick at police in California.

Every act of violence related to race relations in America is on that nice woman.

Lock her up

I made a point. YOu said "wacism". Saying wacism is not an argument. My point stands, until you can bring yourself to address it.

Here it is again.

Thinking that an angry mob, associated with a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years, might be violent or dangerous,

is not racist.

I repeat the question. If you did tried not wace baiting for a day, do you think that you would die?

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