BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

Says the jackass whose every post shows how ignorant he is.

Can you be bothered to read sonething?

The demonstrations remain ongoing. Though reported events associated with the BLM movement have gradually declined since their peak in late May and early June, ACLED still continues to record dozens of demonstrations each week (see graph below).


The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020).

Says the jackass whose every post shows how ignorant he is.

Can you be bothered to read sonething?

The demonstrations remain ongoing. Though reported events associated with the BLM movement have gradually declined since their peak in late May and early June, ACLED still continues to record dozens of demonstrations each week (see graph below).

View attachment 472382

The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020).

Not really though.
. I’m the name of of BLM, they stay silent when innocent people are beaten and businesses are burnt and looted.

define staying silent. BLM did not organize the Wegmans protest. There was no violence.

Wegmans was not burnt or looted. Wegmans decided to close. They were not shut down by the protesters. They shut down because there was a protest in the parking lot. The police were there. there was no violence.

You’re correct.... I did here from BLM a few times in 2020 when businesses were burnt and looted. They said, “it’s ok... they have insurance.”
in spite of your excuses shoppers in the store were intimidated and prevented from attending to their business in peace

You are a liar. Wegmans locked the door to prevent the protesters from entering. They had the right to make that decision. I have seen no evidence that the protester came to Wegmans to harm anyone or destroy property.

You are a liar when you say that the protesters prevented the shoppers from finishing their shopping and exiting through the front doors. It was Wegman’s management that prevented the shoppers from finishing their shopping and exiting through the front doors. It was done with an abundance of caution but it was
Nit the result threats or violent behavior on the part of the protesters.

will I find the same sympathy in some of your posts for the employees and visitors inside the state Capitol Bldg in Michigan when these friendly white faces showed up in armed force to protest health safety measures to eradicate a killer virus because it might harm and shrink their testicles if they have to wear a mask?

View attachment 472030
it was wall to wall armed militia inside so they had to close the days business down.

Some of those militiamen were involved in the plot to kidnap the governor by blowing up a bridge and other friendly peaceful shit like that. Buddies of yours?
Really. It was governor whitmer. Not like anyone worthwhile.
You deny the existence of Black Lies Matter violence in the streets of America

I don’t know what or who Black LIES Matter is.

So I’m wondering if you deny the existence of White Lies violence on the streets of America.

i’m interested in this thread because of this study:
Yet, despite data indicating that demonstrations associated with the BLM movement are overwhelmingly peaceful, one recent poll suggested that 42% of respondents believe “most protesters [associated with the BLM movement] are trying to incite violence or destroy property” (FiveThirtyEight, 5 June 2020). Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 | ACLED

I have noticed that this thread is full of far right conservatives who are each and everyone convinced, including yourself that most protesters that are associated with the Black Lives Matter movement are thugs whose primary interest is to incite violence, loot, and destroy property.

This thread is a perfect example because the OP which has attracted those that I believe are racist because the news outlet cited is a perfect example of the disinformation campaign mentioned in the study.

And I am quite certain that you were one who fell for the disinformation including the picture, the fake picture, and it was included.

This thread is a pretty clear example of white lies, racist lies and racially motivated disinformation. I’m asking if you believe those kind of lies contribute to the racial division and the violence that exists on the streets of America let’s just say since the week of George Floyd‘s death?

Deprogramming Confederates - #010
Chinese fentanyl cause oxygen loitering in Floyd?
Fucking Negroes
No arrests for False Imprisonment?
Goddamn the smell of pachouli and BO must be overwhelming in those protests.
That was an angry mob out side the store.
Give these thugs 20 years.
and their supporters!
If they literally were trapped, then should be kidnapping charges filed.
physically barricaded and held against their will
No one else could hold 100 people against their will and get away with it.
a mag dump right into a crowd soon, if they don't knock it off.
But it is black thugs terrorizing white people.
F*ck BLM.
They said, “it’s ok... they have insurance.”
sure looks like a threatening mob of Black Lies Protesters to me
Good thing they didn't set fire to the store
Pure terrorism
Such disrespectful behavior on the part of certain folks.
Problem is the Democrats are kunts.
Do not listen to these Prog shills.
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So I’m wondering if you deny the existence of White Lies violence on the streets of America.
In my lifetime blacks are resonsible for the racial division we have today

so yes there are some white radicals and your side created them
Is MLK responsible for creating James Earl Ray who shot him? 26810999
In my lifetime blacks are resonsible for the racial division we have today

Since what year do you consider yourself an adult.

I’d say for myself around 1964 - Year after Kennedy was shot; four years before MLK was shot.

So I’d like to find out if you mean Dr. Martin Luther King was an agitator and he is therefore responsible for the white man that shot him?
Since what year do you consider yourself an adult.
I am speaking of the entire country not one individual

we do have some extremely old people who may recsll white water fountains and other vestages of jim crow

but many of them may have had nothing to do with those laws

the black race baiters have to dig up old history and feed it to black people most of whom are too young to have been alive then
I’d like to find out if you mean Dr. Martin Luther King was an agitator and he is therefore responsible for the white man that shot him?
MLK had personal faults like anyone else

But he was a true advocate of nonviolence in the mold of ghandi and he did not deserve to be murdered

is that good enough for you?
Dr. Martin Luther King 26811292
was a true advocate of nonviolence

Thank you for replying and recognizing MLK’s dedication to nonviolence.

Referring to the BLM study that I linked to earlier....

Yet, despite data indicating that demonstrations associated with the BLM movement are overwhelmingly peaceful, one recent poll suggested that 42% of respondents believe “most protesters [associated with the BLM movement] are trying to incite violence or destroy property”​

Which is based on August 2020 data as you can see 42% of Americans believe that most protesters associated with the BLM movement are trying to incite riots and destroy property.

So my question to you and others like Correll is if you believe MLK and the civil rights movement that he inspired was made up of peaceful protesters, is it possible that many black Americans and their white supporters today could have the same dedication to non violence as the civil rights movement in the 60s had?

Why do 100% of right wing posters here hold their steadfast uncompromisable belief that today’s civil rights activists are mob thugs and violent?
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Dr. Martin Luther King 26811292
was a true advocate of nonviolence

Thank you for replying and recognizing MLK’s dedication to nonviolence.

Referring to the BLM study that I linked to earlier....

Yet, despite data indicating that demonstrations associated with the BLM movement are overwhelmingly peaceful, one recent poll suggested that 42% of respondents believe “most protesters [associated with the BLM movement] are trying to incite violence or destroy property”​

Which is based on August 2020 data as you can see 42% of Americans believe that most protesters associated with the BLM movement are trying to incite riots and destroy property.

So my question to you and others like Correll is if you believe MLK and the civil rights movement that he inspired was made up of peaceful protesters, is it possible that many black Americans and their white supporters today could have the same dedication to non violence as the civil rights movement in the 60s had?

Why do 100% of right wing posters here hold their steadfast uncompromisable belief that today’s civil rights activists are mob thugs and violent?
The Black Lies Matter protests are a launching pad for the street violence that follows them everywhere

Plus they are driving racial division
Pure terrorism yet I see homeowners in nice neighborhoods with BLM signs in their front dupes

msm must be held accountable for supporting terrorism. Write your congressman or call him.

I watch Rochester TV news and this was no story at all. What a load of garbage the gateway pundit is.... When the hell do you ignoramuses figure this out for crying out loud?
Dr. Martin Luther King 26811292
was a true advocate of nonviolence

Thank you for replying and recognizing MLK’s dedication to nonviolence.

Referring to the BLM study that I linked to earlier....

Yet, despite data indicating that demonstrations associated with the BLM movement are overwhelmingly peaceful, one recent poll suggested that 42% of respondents believe “most protesters [associated with the BLM movement] are trying to incite violence or destroy property”​

Which is based on August 2020 data as you can see 42% of Americans believe that most protesters associated with the BLM movement are trying to incite riots and destroy property.

So my question to you and others like Correll is if you believe MLK and the civil rights movement that he inspired was made up of peaceful protesters, is it possible that many black Americans and their white supporters today could have the same dedication to non violence as the civil rights movement in the 60s had?

Why do 100% of right wing posters here hold their steadfast uncompromisable belief that today’s civil rights activists are mob thugs and violent?
Because today we have Rupert lying scumbag Murdock and the internet craziness and the GOP base is brainwashed functional moron territory. Hopefully Fox News etc will be sued out of existence by Dominion voting company. They are a total disgrace
The Black Lies Matter protests are a launching pad for the street violence that follows them everywhere

I just want to be clear on what you’re saying. Thank you for the explanation. Are you saying there are two groups in the civil rights movement of today? Are you saying there is a peaceful group in the spirit of Martin Luther King to nonviolent civil protest and civil disobedience? And there is a violent group that follows them wherever they go as they seek to destroy property and incite violence?

Just so you know I have agreed with Correll on the January 6 STOP the STEAL riot and insurrection on Capitol Hill. I agree that of the 35,000 Trump supporters there it looks like 34,000 were peaceful and knew better than to storm the capital.

So getting back to that March 22 Wegmans protest there was no violence and there were no street thugs that followed the peaceful protesters that showed up that day.

So why did you reply to the Gateway racist rendition of the Wegmans protest with this?

sure looks like a threatening mob of Black Lies Protesters to me

Did the civil rights movement under Dr. Martin Luther King in the 60s and 70s disrupt and antagonize and disturb white citizens who were either indifferent or opposed to the civil rights movement of that time?

Of course the civil rights movement when it was growing up was blended in with protest against the Vietnam war but all in all there was much more violence surrounding all of the protests but at that time the organizers like MLK and most of the black civil rights leaders were not blamed for the peripheral violence that followed a peaceful protest back then. Do you agree with that?
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The Black Lies Matter protests are a launching pad for the street violence that follows them everywhere

I just want to be clear on what you’re saying. Thank you for the explanation. Are you saying there are two groups in the civil rights movement of today? Are you saying there is a peaceful group in the spirit of Martin Luther King to nonviolent civil protest and civil disobedience? And there is a violent group that follows them wherever they go as they seek to destroy property and incite violence?

Just so you know I have agreed with Correll on the January 6 STOP the STEAL riot and insurrection on Capitol Hill. I agree that of the 35,000 Trump supporters there it looks like 34,000 were peaceful and knew better than to storm the capital.

So getting back to that March 22 Wegmans protest there was no violence and there were no street thugs that followed the peaceful protesters that showed up that day.

So why did you reply to the Gateway racist rendition of the Wegmans protest with this?

sure looks like a threatening mob of Black Lies Protesters to me

Did the civil rights movement under Dr. Martin Luther King in the 60s and 70s disrupt and antagonize and disturb white citizens who were either indifferent or opposed to the civil rights movement of that time?

Of course the civil rights movement when it was growing up was blended in with protest against the Vietnam war but all in all there was much more violence surrounding all of the protests but at that time the organizers like MLK and most of the black civil rights leaders were not blamed for the peripheral violence that followed a peaceful protest back then. Do you agree with that?
I do not agree or approve of BLM on any level because the movement is based on lies

there is no significent systemic white racism

the police interact with black people millions of times a year

and in practically every case whether the black person was innocent or guilty they chose to resist or fight with the cops on the street and thats what led to their death

so when I see celibitries disrespecting the nation for the sake of a lie it really pisses me off
I watch Rochester TV news and this was no story at all.
Who do you think works at Rochester TV stations?

flaming trump hatong libs
Also known as true journalists as opposed to trumpers and fox etc will say anything they're paid to and lie nonstop..... None of your ridiculous phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world. You are the world's laughing stock and horror. Change the goddamn channel.
The Black Lies Matter protests are a launching pad for the street violence that follows them everywhere

I just want to be clear on what you’re saying. Thank you for the explanation. Are you saying there are two groups in the civil rights movement of today? Are you saying there is a peaceful group in the spirit of Martin Luther King to nonviolent civil protest and civil disobedience? And there is a violent group that follows them wherever they go as they seek to destroy property and incite violence?

Just so you know I have agreed with Correll on the January 6 STOP the STEAL riot and insurrection on Capitol Hill. I agree that of the 35,000 Trump supporters there it looks like 34,000 were peaceful and knew better than to storm the capital.

So getting back to that March 22 Wegmans protest there was no violence and there were no street thugs that followed the peaceful protesters that showed up that day.

So why did you reply to the Gateway racist rendition of the Wegmans protest with this?

sure looks like a threatening mob of Black Lies Protesters to me

Did the civil rights movement under Dr. Martin Luther King in the 60s and 70s disrupt and antagonize and disturb white citizens who were either indifferent or opposed to the civil rights movement of that time?

Of course the civil rights movement when it was growing up was blended in with protest against the Vietnam war but all in all there was much more violence surrounding all of the protests but at that time the organizers like MLK and most of the black civil rights leaders were not blamed for the peripheral violence that followed a peaceful protest back then. Do you agree with that?
this is all about white people who are scared of BLM because of your crap propaganda and fear mongering. So they went out the back door. There was absolutely no violence. And your crap propaganda making up stuff like all of your articles and links. Your propaganda and you are a disgrace. Change the channel.
there is no significent systemic white racism

But you are not ready to say there is no systematic white racism whatsoever.Is that correct?

Should a cop who would hold his knee on a suspects neck for almost 9 minutes until the suspect is dead be on a police force authorized to use lethal force when necessary in order to maintain law and order?

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