BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

I posted a picture of the nice woman with a big smile at the front door of Wegmans as one of the first ones there because she does not look like she’s in an angry mob rage to me.


Why do you think that showing the face of one of the mob, undermines that it was a mob?

There was no “mob” at the doors. Most of the protesters were setting up tables eating pizza drinking coffee hanging around listening to music, dancing in the parking lot until about 3:30pm

I do not think any shoppers were disrupted because the cars slowly disappeared over the three hours while the peaceful pizza party in the parking lot was ongoing.

It seems like plates cruisers were at the exit and entrance of the parking lot keep an ion things and all the shoppers left without incident.

From all the videos I viewed and I reviewed a bunch of seems to be in about five or six people tops at the two or three front doors. I can’t tell him what I thought they were even at the doors for more than a couple minutes.

So there is no mob at the doors terrorizing customers you racist lying jack ass. Quit lying To satisfy this pack of racust haters on this thread having a racist circle jerk. Nice of you to join them.
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She obviously was not welcome, but was trying to use force to get in anyways.

“Use Force” ??? .... you miserable unintelligent goofball. use force to do what?

Pull a switchblade out and slit that man’s throat, wave a bloody hand and yell to the pizza eating mob out in the parking lot - we’re here we’re in, fuck the police, fuck Wegmans let’s burn it down, loot the hell out of it - Drive our trucks right through the door - we got some stealing to do cuz that’s what black people do.

Or maybe she wanted to use the restroom because she’s been marching for a few hours.

You are sick man sick
I posted a picture of the nice woman with a big smile at the front door of Wegmans as one of the first ones there because she does not look like she’s in an angry mob rage to me.

View attachment 472148

Why do you think that showing the face of one of the mob, undermines that it was a mob?

There was no “mob” at the doors. Most of the protesters were setting up tables eating pizza drinking coffee hanging around listening to music, dancing in the parking lot until about 3:30pm

I do not think any shoppers were disrupted because the cars slowly disappeared over the three hours while the peaceful pizza party in the parking lot was ongoing.

It seems like plates cruisers were at the exit and entrance of the parking lot keep an ion things and all the shoppers left without incident.

From all the videos I viewed and I reviewed a bunch of seems to be in about five or six people tops at the two or three front doors. I can’t tell him what I thought they were even at the doors for more than a couple minutes.

So there is no mob at the doors terrorizing customers you racist lying jack ass. Quit lying To satisfy this pack of racust haters on this thread having a racist circle jerk. Nice of you to join them.

That woman might be smiling. She is also attempting to force her way into the store. That is a crime.

Peaceful protestors don't use force to break into places.

I'm glad this particular "protest" did not get violent. Many do. THat you pretend that is not true, that you minimize the real danger of that, is you being the racist.
She obviously was not welcome, but was trying to use force to get in anyways.

“Use Force” ??? .... you miserable unintelligent goofball. use force to do what?

Pull a switchblade out and slit that man’s throat, wave a bloody hand and yell to the pizza eating mob out in the parking lot - we’re here we’re in, fuck the police, fuck Wegmans let’s burn it down, loot the hell out of it - Drive our trucks right through the door - we got some stealing to do cuz that’s what black people do.

Or maybe she wanted to use the restroom because she’s been marching for a few hours.

You are sick man sick

In my sentence I described what she was using for to do.

Are you high right now?

Your wace baiting is dismissed, you cuck.
trying to use force to get in anyways.

In my sentence I described what she was using for to do.

Yeah you said she was using force to try to get in even though she was not welcome.

What was she going to do when she got inside in your calloused racist brain?

What do angry black mob’s do when they come into physical contact with the white people they hate but owe their food stamps to?

The joke is you saying that she was using force to try to get in. That’s a joke. I
Thought you could get it but, I guess you can’t so. You saying she was using force is so stupid I can’t even believe that you are thst stupid to have said it.
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trying to use force to get in anyways.

In my sentence I described what she was using for to do.

Yeah you said she was using force to try to get in even though she was not welcome.

What was she going to do when she got insude, in your calloused racist brain?

What do angry black mob’s do when they come into physical contact with the whites people they hate but owe their food stamps to?

Not, if you tried to not wace bait for a day, do you think that you would die?

This is a serious question. Not rhetorical. I want an answer.
Not, if you tried to not wace bait for a day, do you think that you would die?

I don’t have to worry about whether I would die or not because I see no indication that you intend to stop saying stupid racist things every single day.
If the still picture that I reposted is inaccurate the videos of the mob scene are not

THE STILL photos picked up originated on the rightwing racist websites with the lie that customers were trapped by physical barricades. Insinuating s violent mob.

THE FAKE PHOTO IN THE OP shows no violence. all the videos Ive seen show no violence.

I’m objecting to the racist bullshit lie for this news outlet for posting a photo of a protest where there’s smoke or teargas in the background at night.

This shit has got to stop ...

View attachment 472085

The Daily Wire

@realDailyWire· Mar 23

BREAKING: BLM Protesters Mob Store, Trapping 100 Customers Inside: ‘We’re Shutting S*** Down!’ BLM Protesters Mob Store, Trapping 100 Customers Inside: ‘We’re Shutting S*** Down!’

View attachment 472086
We have the video of Black Lies Matter rushing the doors and pounding on the glass

thats not the kind of people any merchant would trust inside their store
the doors were shut and they did not try to break the glass or force their way in..
The glass is BLM-proof enough to withstand kinesha and latoya pounding on it with their fists

but the customers inside would not have been so sucky
No exits were blocked by an angry mob. If any shopper wanted to leave through that door they would need Wegmans to unlock it.
Yeah, and possibly ger beaten up by angry biden voters from the hood

no thanks

the shoppers decided to wait till the cops were thete to escort them
Not, if you tried to not wace bait for a day, do you think that you would die?

I don’t have to worry about whether I would die or not because I see no indication that you intend to stop saying stupid racist things every single day.

Thinking that an angry mob, associated with a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years, might be violent or dangerous,

is not racist.

I repeat the question. If you did tried not wace baiting for a day, do you think that you would die?
Not, if you tried to not wace bait for a day, do you think that you would die?

You joined this thread bringing a message that the Black Lives Matter mob In this one particular case in Rochester New York last Tuesday must be presumed violent without evidence or any indication that this mob was violent or intended to be violent.

You held the peaceful protesters potential for violence as the reason for the Wegmans decision to lock the front doors therefore charging the angry mob of committing the violence of forcibly trapping Wegmans customers inside To make them pay some kind of revenge for the killing of George Floyd.

That’s how you blew in @Correl - you pushed a label of violence on a simple verifiable day of peaceful protest, not because you found any actual violence but I contend it’s because they are black with white supporters peacefully protesting agsinst police brutality primarily against black men.

You can explain why you must find every peaceful protest involving Black people has to be violent. And why that thing about you does not deserve you’re well earned labeled as a racist?

And I am not ready to except your just revealed joy that this protest did not get violent .....
I'm glad this particular "protest" did not get violent.
..... means you are retracting your charges at the Rochester March 23 protest was an act of violence against the shoppers Who were ruthlessly and brutally trapped inside the Wegmans store because a raging mob block the exit making there shopping experience that day and night mareFor no reason that any American should ever suffer.

That’s the way you came in with both barrels blazing Correll. I just do not believe you’re ready to renounce it. I must therefore conclude you are still a racist and show no remorse.
Pure terrorism yet I see homeowners in nice neighborhoods with BLM signs in their front dupes

msm must be held accountable for supporting terrorism. Write your congressman or call him.

The Police choked a man to death a year previously...The man was mentally unstable.

"The Rochester Police Department has shown time and again that they are not trained to deal with mental health crises,"

This sad but :
  • Have the Rochester Police Department received training for handling mentally unstable
  • Has there been investment in mental services
So maybe the protests are justified...

By the way, no one has said the protestors were violent... They were just exercising their civi rights...
The mentally ill are often violent------------whether one is mentally ill or not does not change the fact when that individual attacks. The violent man needed to be stopped, the cops stopped him. Those protesting are morons and should being stupid and trying to extort innocent people and cops over the death a violent hoodlum.
Not, if you tried to not wace bait for a day, do you think that you would die?

You joined this thread bringing a message that the Black Lives Matter mob In this one particular case in Rochester New York last Tuesday must be presumed violent without evidence or any indication that this mob was violent or intended to be violent.

You held the peaceful protesters potential for violence as the reason for the Wegmans decision to lock the front doors therefore charging the angry mob of committing the violence of forcibly trapping Wegmans customers inside To make them pay some kind of revenge for the killing of George Floyd.

That’s how you blew in @Correl - you pushed a label of violence on a simple verifiable day of peaceful protest, not because you found any actual violence but I contend it’s because they are black with white supporters peacefully protesting agsinst police brutality primarily against black men.

You can explain why you must find every peaceful protest involving Black people has to be violent. And why that thing about you does not deserve you’re well earned labeled as a racist?

And I am not ready to except your just revealed joy that this protest did not get violent .....
I'm glad this particular "protest" did not get violent.
..... means you are retracting your charges at the Rochester March 23 protest was an act of violence against the shoppers Who were ruthlessly and brutally trapped inside the Wegmans store because a raging mob block the exit making there shopping experience that day and night mareFor no reason that any American should ever suffer.

That’s the way you came in with both barrels blazing Correll. I just do not believe you’re ready to renounce it. I must therefore conclude you are still a racist and show no remorse.

The employees didn't lock the door because they were afraid the angry mob was going to hug them.

My question stands, Not, if you tried to not wace bait for a day, do you think that you would die?
Yeah, and possibly ger beaten up by angry biden voters from the hood

The protest lasted from 11 AM to 4 PM we know the front doors were locked but the customers cars were in the parking lot where 100 to 200 protesters were eating pizza, playing music, talking to reporters, and I believe there were police cruisers according to a TV reporter I listened to, were sitting at the entrances keeping cars from coming into the parking lot. They had to be letting cars leave the parking lot until 3:30 PM.

So at some point all those shoppers inside the store at 11 o’clock completed their shopping and paid at the register. They left through a side door or a back door it does not matter because they walked through the crowd of protesters to get dozens of cars that were parked there.

I have seen not one single video or report or from the fascist racist right wing news websites that there were any incidents happening. Then they went home.

So who from the whole group of customers had to fear at any time that they were going to be beaten up by the protesters.?

You may say that the cops were there and that’s what kept the protesters from acts of violence against the shoppers. Well then the cops were there when the protesters arrived at 11 AM. So the only inconvenience to shoppers due to the protestors were the shoppers who is headed to the store and couldn’t get in because the police were blocking the parking lot.

So now I guess you’ll have to change the story to the violent aggression against the “would-be” shoppers whose children probably died because mommy and daddy didn’t stock up enough food to last for 24 hours. Oh The inhumanity of it all. the Rochester New York March 23 protesters should Be hanged.
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The employees didn't lock the door because they were afraid the angry mob was going to hug them.

I rely on making arguments or points that do not depend on knowing what someone is thinking. I go by what they say and do.

I do know that there was no angry mob that surrounded the building to block off all escape. You are a liar about that. I do know that .

I’ll take Wegmans statement as to why they locked the doors. if you don’t give a fuck about their statement by now when will you bother to read it.

You are a racist for referring to the March 22 Rochester Protest as an angry mob

They locked the doors because of protest activities in their parking lot for the safety of their customers and staff. The protest was peaceful when they made the decision and it remained so. You are a liar to suggest that it was an angry mob that forced their decision.

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