BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

I'm glad this particular "protest" did not get violent.

WHY do you keep referring to them as the angry mob - since they were peacefully protesting. And Eating pizza. I’m sure they wouid have given me a slice if I talked to them and looked hungry.
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Blocking doors is not peaceful, liar.

They did not block any doors. A dozen or so protesters approached the main front doors at 11:00 AM. The doors were shut and locked in front of them.

They were at the doors for a minute or two.

For those two minutes the doors were not blocked at all.

This nice woman:


....Left right away from the doorway area and so did the others.

The doors were never blocked.

The customers could leave whenever they wanted. And over the next few hours they walked through the pizza party protest to get to their cars. No incidents between customers and protesters are reported. Not on fascist websites either.

You say “Blocking doors is not peaceful” and you call me a liar.

Then you are calling at least one of
your fellow Confederates a liar.

I'm glad this particular "protest" did not get violent.

A protest with no violence is a peaceful protest.

NO DOORS WERE BLOCKED - YOU ARE A LIAR when you say they were.
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Thinking that an angry mob, associated with a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years, might be violent or dangerous,

There’s your racism right there - BLM IS NOT a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years. You are a liar every time you spew that racist, untrue, filthy rotten lie about an organization that is dedicated to peaceful protest and opposed to violence committed in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement.

You are a disgusting hate infested lying loser when you come on here spewing that filthy lie and then come on whining and moaning about how awful and unfair it is to be tagged with the racist label.

Just wear it like the others on this thread do. You aren’t a victim. You are a perp.

You want this woman .......

.....arrested for touching a fucking Wegmans door in New York because she is a black activist protesting on an issue that some criminal element who is linked in no way to her cause decided to loot or throw a brick at police in California.

Every act of violence related to race relations in America is on that nice woman.

Lock her up
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Thinking that an angry mob, associated with a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years, might be violent or dangerous,

There’s your racism right there - BLM IS NOT a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years. You are a liar every time you spew that racist, untrue, filthy rotten lie about an organization that is dedicated to peaceful protest and opposed to violence committed in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement.

You are a disgusting hate infested lying loser when you come on here spewing that filthy lie and then come on whining and moaning about how awful and unfair it is to be tagged with the racist label.

Just wear it like the others on this thread do. You aren’t a victim. You are a perp.

They are the Klan with a tan, and you are a liar.

Fuck off.
Thinking that an angry mob, associated with a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years, might be violent or dangerous,

There’s your racism right there - BLM IS NOT a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years. You are a liar every time you spew that racist, untrue, filthy rotten lie about an organization that is dedicated to peaceful protest and opposed to violence committed in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement.

You are a disgusting hate infested lying loser when you come on here spewing that filthy lie and then come on whining and moaning about how awful and unfair it is to be tagged with the racist label.

Just wear it like the others on this thread do. You aren’t a victim. You are a perp.

You want this woman .......
View attachment 472291
.....arrested for touching a fucking Wegmans door in New York because she is a black activist protesting on an issue that some criminal element who is linked in no way to her cause decided to loot or throw a brick at police in California.

Every act of violence related to race relations in America is on that nice woman.

Lock her up
No. You are wrong. Period. There is no justification for creating the situation that occurred. They should have been arrested. People that disagree with you are not racist. What this boils down to is that you are a lying fucking whack job.
Correll why did you thumbs up the following post...
But it is black thugs terrorizing white people..
... when it states black thugs were terrorizing white people in Rochester New York on September 22 after you have stated and admitted that particular protest was not violent?

I'm glad this particular "protest" did not get violent.

How do peaceful protesters terrorize white people?

And why do you support someone who lies about the Rochester New York peaceful protesters when he calls them “terrorist thugs.@

Was the Rochester New York protest on September 22 at Wegmans a nonviolent protest or not?
It reads: "There was an event at our East Avenue store on Tuesday, serving as another reminder that there continues to be a great deal of pain in our community and across our nation. It takes time to truly understand the significance of these events and how we can learn from them. We have a caring, listening culture at Wegmans and always seek to understand prior to sharing our response. We continue to listen to our people, our customers, and our community.

"At Wegmans, we continue to have zero tolerance for racial discrimination of any kind and stand for diversity and inclusion for all. In fact, we believe in going beyond this, to help those in need rise to the top. Since 1982, we have spent over $150 million dollars educating, training and developing folks in need in the Rochester community.

"Rochester is our home; for more than 100 years we have been committed to always helping others, doing the right thing and making a difference in every community we serve. We wouldn’t be who we are today without the Rochester community."

The protest, which traveled to several spots throughout the city on Tuesday, commemorated the one-year anniversary of Daniel Prude's fatal encounter with Rochester police officers. A march, which started downtown, temporarily halted services at the RTS Transit Center, then traveled down East Avenue to Wegmans — chosen for reasons that extend beyond Daniel Prude.

"Wegmans exemplifies what's wrong in our community," said Justin Morris, president of the Rochester Chapter of the Arc of Justice, a grassroots organization for social change.

"Wegmans started in the inner city, in some of our most vulnerable communities, then they got their check and left," Morris said. "There is no reason why Danny Wegman is having so much success, but in the city, we have food desert."

Ashley Gantt, a leader of the Free the People Roc advocacy group that organized Tuesday's protest, also pointed to Wegmans' use of uniformed Rochester police as security among the reasons that the group targeted the store. Protesters alleged that those officers discriminate against Black customers and represent a form of white supremacy.

"Wegmans is a system that upholds white supremacy," Gantt said.



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People that disagree with you are not racist

Why can’t they disagree with me and be a racist at the same time?

Anyone who says that a peaceful Black Lives Matter protester who is committed to nonviolent civil protest and is out exercising his first amendment right of peaceful assembly is responsible for every act of violence and looting by every criminal in the entire world if the crimes are committed anywhere‘s near a peaceful protest where a Black Lives Matter march, rally or demonstration his held. And that is every every looting and burning building and rock thrown at police in every city across the nation for the past 5 1/2 years. This particular racist says the protesters in Rochester are responsible for promoting violence and destroying America because he says after the third BLM protest was marred by violence any BLM protest following that is the perpetuation of violence.

In other words if the Boogaloo boys can disrupt a BLM peaceful protest three times, no American should protest on that subject ever again because they are promoting violence. It’s goofy I know but I think he made it up because he’s a racist.

I don’t think he could be inclined to make that shit up over a white protester or cause.
People that disagree with you are not racist

Why can’t they disagree with me and be a racist at the same time?

Anyone who says that a peaceful Black Lives Matter protester who is committed to nonviolent civil protest and is out exercising his first amendment right of peaceful assembly is responsible for every act of violence and looting by every criminal in the entire world if the crimes are committed anywhere‘s near a peaceful protest where a Black Lives Matter march, rally or demonstration his held. And that is every every looting and burning building and rock thrown at police in every city across the nation for the past 5 1/2 years. This particular racist says the protesters in Rochester are responsible for promoting violence and destroying America because he says after the third BLM protest was marred by violence any BLM protest following that is the perpetuation of violence.

In other words if the Boogaloo boys can disrupt a BLM peaceful protest three times, no American should protest on that subject ever again because they are promoting violence. It’s goofy I know but I think he made it up because he’s a racist.

I don’t think he could be inclined to make that shit up over a white protester or cause.
Your MO is to paint anyone that disagrees with you as a racist which makes you a blithering idiot.

Most Americans support the right of peaceful assembly. They don't support bullshit. What you are offering is bullshit.

At this point, you are simply seeking enemies.

Now you have them. You look like shit but you got everything you wanted with a bow. I've seen what you are all about and now you can fuck off. I'm done with you.
I'm done with you.

Hate facts and truth eh?

Most Americans support the right of peaceful assembly. They don't support bullshit. What you are offering is bullshit.

I have never said they don’t

They don't support bullshit. What you are offering is bullshit.

My purpose here is that the OP in this thread is based on a lie. It was based on the right wing propaganda news site and even fabricated a photo with their vicious racist lies. The Rochester New York protest on March 22 was not violent, not people acting like terrorist thugs, it was Not Wegmans customers barricaded and trapped inside the store.

That is truth that cannot be disagreed with. or called bullshit.

You call it bullshit because you are a racist

Call me when the topic title is "BLM Mob kills capital police on their way to hang the Vice President of the United States and instate fascist dictator in violent coup".
Second to
Thinking that an angry mob, associated with a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years, might be violent or dangerous,

There’s your racism right there - BLM IS NOT a political movement that has been rioting and looting and murdering for the last 5 years. You are a liar every time you spew that racist, untrue, filthy rotten lie about an organization that is dedicated to peaceful protest and opposed to violence committed in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement.

You are a disgusting hate infested lying loser when you come on here spewing that filthy lie and then come on whining and moaning about how awful and unfair it is to be tagged with the racist label.

Just wear it like the others on this thread do. You aren’t a victim. You are a perp.

You want this woman .......
View attachment 472291
.....arrested for touching a fucking Wegmans door in New York because she is a black activist protesting on an issue that some criminal element who is linked in no way to her cause decided to loot or throw a brick at police in California.

Every act of violence related to race relations in America is on that nice woman.

Lock her up

When an organization disrupts a private business and its patrons, it’s anything but peaceful and non-violent. I’m the name of of BLM, they stay silent when innocent people are beaten and businesses are burnt and looted. How in God’s name is that racist???
. I’m the name of of BLM, they stay silent when innocent people are beaten and businesses are burnt and looted.

define staying silent. BLM did not organize the Wegmans protest. There was no violence.

Wegmans was not burnt or looted. Wegmans decided to close. They were not shut down by the protesters. They shut down because there was a protest in the parking lot. The police were there. there was no violence.
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When an organization disrupts a private business and its patrons, it’s anything but peaceful and non-violent.

BLM was it at the Wegmans protest, They had nothing to do with organizing it. Why do you and the Confederates blame them for it?

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