BLM nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

You people were laughing when Ashil Babbit was murdered.
Asshole Babbitt was a domestic terrorist attacking Congress and leading a murderous mob.

You fuckheads attack the cop who shot her...
Denigrating a veteran again LUSH. Go figure. If your cop is such a hero, tell the coward to show his face and accept your gratitudes. Oh yeah, her husband world rightly kill the murderer.

There have been 30 deaths in BLM protests in the last 6 months. There were 2 deaths at the capitol, not counting Trump supporters themselves.
And not one single Murder By A BLM protester. 9000 + protest. Compared to 1 day of redneck dumbfuckery
The Nobel Peace Prize should be shared with these 4 individuals, BLM followed their advice to a T.

They deserve a lot of credit too.

Dozens of people were killed
Hundreds of police officers were killed
Tens of thousands of private citizens were injured.
The downtowns of numerous cities were burned to the ground.
And yet oddly you care not about wit about the death and injuries that your MAGArat buddies inflicted on the police in the Capitol Insurrrection
Congress simply got a taste of the anger that is out there beyond their Washington D.C. bubble. Social contract theory.
what matters is actually winning it.

Trump was nominated, but pretended he won it

what matters is actually winning it.

Trump was nominated, but pretended he won it

So you admit substance doesn't matter. Thanks for validating my post. BLM is a domestic terrorist group.
If they should win and then go out and start rioting looting and burning buildings i wonder if CNN will call them mostly peaceful winners.
Last year was "The Summer of Love" according to DNC and their lackeys in the mainstream media and college professoriate.

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