BLM: Oink Oink, Bang Bang

BLM had nothing to do with Dallas and in all likelihood nothing to do with Baton Rouge.

Actually they do. They and the NBPP together have been calling for the wholesale murder of police. Thus, even if they aren't on hand when the foul deed is done, they ARE in no small part responsible.
BLM has done no such thing.

Really, is several of their marches they chanted "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them NOW!" and never forget the little ditty, "pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon". If you fuckers didn't have lies you wouldn't have any reason to be here.

Here ya go you ignorant bitch.

Black Lives Matter Chant Called 'Disgusting' By Police Leader
It's certainly time to classify them as a terrorist organization.

That makes about as much sense as declaring the Sierra Club a terrorist group because of the Unabomber.
Don't remember Sierra Club members openly cheering the Unibomber like BLM members cheer cop murderers.
BLM members and Democrats.
Bluegin...I like Sapphire martini's. Yes I put the plural on " martini's"
BLM had nothing to do with Dallas and in all likelihood nothing to do with Baton Rouge.

Actually they do. They and the NBPP together have been calling for the wholesale murder of police. Thus, even if they aren't on hand when the foul deed is done, they ARE in no small part responsible.
BLM has done no such thing.

Really, is several of their marches they chanted "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them NOW!" and never forget the little ditty, "pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon". If you fuckers didn't have lies you wouldn't have any reason to be here.

Here ya go you ignorant bitch.

Black Lives Matter Chant Called 'Disgusting' By Police Leader

People need to arm themselves quickly and prep for the worst.

These Marxist agitators will not be content with Peace Officers being killed. Once the police are cowed and refusing to answer calls promptly, then these bastards will come for the rest of us. Be ready to defend yourself with deadly force if necessary, and it will likely be necessary.
It's certainly time to classify them as a terrorist organization.

That makes about as much sense as declaring the Sierra Club a terrorist group because of the Unabomber.

The Sierra Club (full disclosure, I'm a member) has never called for the murder of anyone. They have never voiced support for those who do commit murder. May I suggest you try another comparison.
BLM had nothing to do with Dallas and in all likelihood nothing to do with Baton Rouge.

Actually they do. They and the NBPP together have been calling for the wholesale murder of police. Thus, even if they aren't on hand when the foul deed is done, they ARE in no small part responsible.
BLM has done no such thing.

Really, is several of their marches they chanted "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them NOW!" and never forget the little ditty, "pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon". If you fuckers didn't have lies you wouldn't have any reason to be here.

Here ya go you ignorant bitch.

Black Lives Matter Chant Called 'Disgusting' By Police Leader

Those chanting dead cops were not BLM.
Actually they do. They and the NBPP together have been calling for the wholesale murder of police. Thus, even if they aren't on hand when the foul deed is done, they ARE in no small part responsible.
BLM has done no such thing.

Really, is several of their marches they chanted "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them NOW!" and never forget the little ditty, "pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon". If you fuckers didn't have lies you wouldn't have any reason to be here.

Here ya go you ignorant bitch.

Black Lives Matter Chant Called 'Disgusting' By Police Leader

Those chanting dead cops were not BLM.

Some were.
Actually they do. They and the NBPP together have been calling for the wholesale murder of police. Thus, even if they aren't on hand when the foul deed is done, they ARE in no small part responsible.
BLM has done no such thing.

Really, is several of their marches they chanted "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them NOW!" and never forget the little ditty, "pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon". If you fuckers didn't have lies you wouldn't have any reason to be here.

Here ya go you ignorant bitch.

Black Lives Matter Chant Called 'Disgusting' By Police Leader

Those chanting dead cops were not BLM.

BLM has done no such thing.

Really, is several of their marches they chanted "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them NOW!" and never forget the little ditty, "pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon". If you fuckers didn't have lies you wouldn't have any reason to be here.

Here ya go you ignorant bitch.

Black Lives Matter Chant Called 'Disgusting' By Police Leader

Those chanting dead cops were not BLM.

Some were.

No, they were a different group that used Trayvon Martin's name in their group name even though Martin's family disavowed them. Google is your friend.
BLM has done no such thing.

Really, is several of their marches they chanted "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them NOW!" and never forget the little ditty, "pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon". If you fuckers didn't have lies you wouldn't have any reason to be here.

Here ya go you ignorant bitch.

Black Lives Matter Chant Called 'Disgusting' By Police Leader

Those chanting dead cops were not BLM.


Don't be lazy ignorant bitch.
Really, is several of their marches they chanted "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them NOW!" and never forget the little ditty, "pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon". If you fuckers didn't have lies you wouldn't have any reason to be here.

Here ya go you ignorant bitch.

Black Lives Matter Chant Called 'Disgusting' By Police Leader

Those chanting dead cops were not BLM.


Don't be lazy ignorant bitch.

So you can ask me for links and not provide them yourself. Typical regressive.
It's certainly time to classify them as a terrorist organization.

That makes about as much sense as declaring the Sierra Club a terrorist group because of the Unabomber.

The Sierra Club (full disclosure, I'm a member) has never called for the murder of anyone. They have never voiced support for those who do commit murder. May I suggest you try another comparison.
Why? It wouldnt make any more sense than his last pathetic fail of a comparison did.

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