blm supporter gets nasty note in yard and blm sign stolen.

dang this neighbor hood is against blm. cant say i blame them.
This guy is still laboring under the delusion that people in America HAVE to obey laws that half the nation simply ignore. It really IS that basic and those on the Left/Marxist scene are soon enough going to twig to the idea that if THEY can ignore laws then they really shouldn't bet their lives on the idea the rest of us can't do the same.
BLM supporters should be allowed to have cross-burnings on their own lawns. That’s basically what a BLM sign is. When they put one on public property or someone else’s private property they should be arrested.
Start with Muriel Bowser.
A gutless wonder sends an anonymous letter to people for exercising their First Amendment rights. Then this anonymous thug or his cronies steal these people's private property. The letter itself implies that there is a cracker gang infesting the area.

No doubt the same anonymous nazi thug will be screaming "free speech!," "Liberty!' "down with cancel culture" by tomorrow.

This whole "I'm educating you" appears to be the latest fad in the white-trash movement.
A gutless wonder sends an anonymous letter to people for exercising their First Amendment rights. Then this anonymous thug or his cronies steal these people's private property. The letter itself implies that there is a cracker gang infesting the area.

No doubt the same anonymous nazi thug will be screaming "free speech!," "Liberty!' "down with cancel culture" by tomorrow.

This whole "I'm educating you" appears to be the latest fad in the white-trash movement.


What do you call what you are doing ?

Beside making a whole lot of assumptions.

What do you call what you are doing ?

Beside making a whole lot of assumptions.
Sending nasty letters anonymously and stealing other people's property requires "assumptions"? The prostitute who wrote this letter directly implied that there is a cracker gang operating in the area and writes as if he represents this gang.

He also demonstrated his contempt for the rights of Americans as well as an amazing ignorance of what marxism and communism are.
A gutless wonder sends an anonymous letter to people for exercising their First Amendment rights. Then this anonymous thug or his cronies steal these people's private property. The letter itself implies that there is a cracker gang infesting the area.

No doubt the same anonymous nazi thug will be screaming "free speech!," "Liberty!' "down with cancel culture" by tomorrow.

This whole "I'm educating you" appears to be the latest fad in the white-trash movement.

You seem confused over the fact everyone is entitled to First Amendment rights..,.gee they can even be anonymous

Pssst, anyone agreeing or
thanking is as well
One thing I’ve learned over the years is that public displays of political or religious opinion are generally a bad idea. Whether it’s in your yard, on your car, or on your clothing… all you are doing is inviting conflict and animosity.
Try putting up a sign that is insulting to the president and see how far you get.

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