BLM targets CVS for calling police on shoplifters

I've caught a good number of coloreds trying to steal from our store; maybe a dozen or so over the last couple of months.

Company policy is that, If possible, we detain them until the police arrive. Thus far, we've always been able to detain them because they're nothing but skinny little runts. We actually have a cage in our warehouse (designed for storing higher dollar merchandise) where we put them until police get there.

We prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. We testify if they're stupid enough to go to trial, and we have more than enough security cameras to show the thefts. We also own the property on which our business sits, so it wouldn't be possible for someone to block our doorway without trespassing...
A mob of 20 young people....

Katy, bar the doors, and warm up the tanks! We have anarchy in the streets, again.
A mob of twenty young people blocking off a busy business access street, that is.

No skin off your back, nameless troll jackass.

LOL. Yeah right the street was packed with cars, the traffic jam was enormous. Those SJWer whom were called BLM, looked really scary and dangerous too.
I've never supported the modern, statist view of labeling anyone you don't like as a domestic terrorist. But BLM is one such entity that really should be. Particularly the people who are funding it. They should be hanged.
George Sorros should have been hanged for his service to the Nazis in Romania long ago.

For lack of a bullet the US has been targeted by this "global vampire" for way too long.

I kind of like him, and all he is doing is bring justice to the minorities.
LOL. Yeah right the street was packed with cars, the traffic jam was enormous. Those SJWer whom were called BLM, looked really scary and dangerous too.
Are you truly stupid enough to contend you can tell the traffic patterns on a major traffic artery in a major US city based on one single photo? You must be a rip snortin' moron! You must be extra special stupid.

As far as the people who decided to blockade a major city street to display their petulant juvenile anger,
what exactly does a boot licking BLM flunkey look like, exactly?
Go ahead and tell us all. Show everyone how smart you are exactly.

Oooh, I'm pissed off bro. BLM can't shoplift at CVS.
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I've never supported the modern, statist view of labeling anyone you don't like as a domestic terrorist. But BLM is one such entity that really should be. Particularly the people who are funding it. They should be hanged.
George Sorros should have been hanged for his service to the Nazis in Romania long ago.

For lack of a bullet the US has been targeted by this "global vampire" for way too long.

I kind of like him, and all he is doing is bring justice to the minorities.
By backing Biden....

Who sure introduced blacks to justice when he wrote the Clinton Crime Bill, and locked them up in record numbers....
Yup. Now you are not allowed to call the police if someone a black person is shoplifting.

Started from this Karen confronting a CVS employee about it:

And now the Soy Boy Brigade is out to protest CVS:


Of course this going to backfire, as all leftwing movements do:

I’ve had it with these protesters,” said Vincent Natale, a software sales rep who lives near Trader Joe’s on Wisconsin Avenue. “We get the message. But the police should be able to move protesters to where they won’t block traffic or business. I’m going to complain to my ANC commissioners and the city Council.”

Maybe CVS didn't give them any warning? I like shopping at a Ghetto based Family Dollar store. They play a loop recording advising FD shoppers that shoplifting is against state law.
I kind of like him, and all he is doing is bring justice to the minorities.
No one is surprised you admire the billionaire war criminal.

Trying to survive with killers, I would do the same, and you would too.
Actually, there are videos of an interview with Soros online where he calls his collaboration with the Nazis "the best time of my life"....

Do you have any other bullshit you want to try to sell us????
Although I do not support BLM, I can understand the sincerity of those who demand equality for that certain ethnicity.

But when some members of that ethnicity demand special rights for themselves, I hope that some BLM supporters will reconsider their stance.

In some states, the police do NOT arrest shoplifters anyway if they steal merchandise under a certain amount.

I am thinking that there are some people who belong to that ethnicity who are embarrassed by the actions & attitudes of some fellow members.
Trying to survive with killers, I would do the same, and you would too.
I can believe YOU would turn on others around you to please the Nazi masters.
That's what rats do. They turn on one another.
Not everyone had the rodent-like instincts of George Sorros, Nazi collaborator.

You people like Nazis , Tramp is a Nazi.

I was reading how young people today don't know anything about the holocaust and how the national Socialists in Germany transformed 6 million Jews into bars of soap and made lampshades from their skin. Libs have been saying for decades how Trump (as well as Romney, Bush, McCain,etc., ) are all literally Hitler and nazis. Its actually raising Hitler's historical profile as students are getting the idea that Adolf et al were just like Trump, who they know and like.
Yup. Now you are not allowed to call the police if someone a black person is shoplifting.

Started from this Karen confronting a CVS employee about it:

And now the Soy Boy Brigade is out to protest CVS:


Of course this going to backfire, as all leftwing movements do:

I’ve had it with these protesters,” said Vincent Natale, a software sales rep who lives near Trader Joe’s on Wisconsin Avenue. “We get the message. But the police should be able to move protesters to where they won’t block traffic or business. I’m going to complain to my ANC commissioners and the city Council.”

Is this what the BLM movement wants? “No justice, no peace!” Does this mean Blacks get to come in and take goods from merchants without any repercussions? Does this mean if Blacks are pulled over for speeding or detained because they fit the profile of a murderer on the loose that they are to be immediately set free? Is that what BLM wants? No accountability for Blacks and freedom to take from merchants at will?

Wow! That is going to work wonders for race relations. Sure, mom and pop stores and national retail won’t NOT locate in urban areas. Sure, profiling will go down.
I've never supported the modern, statist view of labeling anyone you don't like as a domestic terrorist. But BLM is one such entity that really should be. Particularly the people who are funding it. They should be hanged.
George Sorros should have been hanged for his service to the Nazis in Romania long ago.

For lack of a bullet the US has been targeted by this "global vampire" for way too long.

I kind of like him, and all he is doing is bring justice to the minorities.

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