Bloggers: Self-produced Iranian UAV - a sham


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The Iranians frequently boast about their self-produced technological achievements and security-related developments, but bloggers have revealed Tehran's true colors.

According to a number of bloggers writing about Iranian aviation developments, the unmanned aerial vehicle unveiled at the beginning of the month, was not manufactured in Iran but rather by a Japanese university.

At the beginning of the month, the Iranians boasted of a successful VTOL aircraft test flight. However, according to the USKOWI ON IRAN blog, which follows the Islamic Republic's developments, this was actually a QTW model UAV, developed in 2008 at the Chiba University in Japan.

The first to expose this was British blogger Gary Mortimer, who writes an aviation-related blog. "When I first saw it, I knew that I had seen it before, but couldn't grasp where", wrote Mortimer. The blogger later added that the Iranians may have possibly acquired the UAV, or parts of it, for experimental purposes.

Dr. Jabbar Fazeli, an Iranian blogger living out of the country, added that the Iranians outdid themselves by taking the picture of the aircraft from the Japanese university's website and publishing it in one of the country's most widely-dispersed newspapers, "Ettela'at."

Bloggers: Self-produced Iranian UAV - a sham - Israel News, Ynetnews

That does it! They all lose one virgin for lying.

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